White people to the back!

Good. It will give whites something to think about the next time blacks want something.
I'm curious due to our convo earlier, asclepias...when you said that mostly whites post here. So I am going to start a poll and see what the stats are at usmb. Maybe this is part of the issues that arise here from time to time. Unbalance.

Meanwhile...why DO you post here, if I may ask? Black connects to black in deeper ways, so why do you choose to post here instead of a majority member of black members? To teach? To learn? Or just because (whatever reason).
I'm curious due to our convo earlier, asclepias...when you said that mostly whites post here. So I am going to start a poll and see what the stats are at usmb. Maybe this is part of the issues that arise here from time to time. Unbalance.

Meanwhile...why DO you post here, if I may ask? Black connects to black in deeper ways, so why do you choose to post here instead of a majority member of black members? To teach? To learn? Or just because (whatever reason).
Mostly to learn but also enlighten other people that may not know the things I know. I also post at another predominantly Black forum as well.
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Maybe lib whites will learn there is no reasoning with insanity
You think its insanity to stand up for yourself without having a white savior?
No, actually I think it is incredibly racist to think that the color of your skin somehow means you should get special privilege.

But, hey, if you're looking for an excuse for the crime, drugs, and deaths, blaming whitey certainly is a convenient foil. That way, you don't have to look at the truth.
I agree. Your white ancestors were incredibly racist for intentionally keeping Blacks from out competing them by making laws and establishing racism to keep Blacks from being successful.

We've had this discussion before ----

It's simply intellectually lazy to use actions 175 years ago as an attempt to justify anti-social and anti-democratic behavior today. While I readily recognize that putting all blame on one cause is convenient - and lazy - it is far from reality.

Let's discuss black-on-black crime. Let's talk about the horrendous rates of black abortions. Let's look at the numbers in which black males refuse to live up to their responsibilities. Let's consider the cause of the failure of blacks to start small businesses in depressed areas. Let's talk about the lack of academic performance in black households. Let's talk about the trillions of dollars poured into the black communities that is wasted, destroyed, and misdirected. Let's talk about the contributions given to the black community that are just wasted. Let's talk about the failure of the black male to present a model to his sons on the way a man should act, the way a man should care for his family, and the way a man should strive to better himself. Tell me something ---- the last time you worked at the local soup kitchen, how many workers were black? How many were white?
i wasnt just talking about 175 years ago. Why would we talk about what you want to talk about when...

A. It has nothing to do with the topic and...

B. You have no clue about that which you want to talk about?

Because you insist on thinking that the " .... well, we were once slaves, so anything we do now can be excused or blamed on whitey .." card.

I do notice, however, how adroitly you ignored all the issues I raised.
It's simply intellectually lazy to use actions 175 years ago as an attempt to justify anti-social and anti-democratic behavior today.
As intellectually lazy as to pretend Jim Crow didn't exist in our life time, not to mention ignoring the legacy of being deprived of inherited capital from wageless work.


If you are looking for an excuse for the black community's failure to accept responsibility for its own issues, slavery is as good as any ... if you're looking for answers, however, you have to look squarely at the black community.
It's simply intellectually lazy to use actions 175 years ago as an attempt to justify anti-social and anti-democratic behavior today.
As intellectually lazy as to pretend Jim Crow didn't exist in our life time, not to mention ignoring the legacy of being deprived of inherited capital from wageless work.

If it was just that Black people would have long ago been over it. Its the constant day to day grind of enduring a billion pin pricks of racism.
... and those " ... billion pin pricks ... " are supposed to give you a free pass for your failure to step up to your responsibilities? Somehow, these perceived pin pricks allow you to ignore your responsibility to your children? Wait - let me guess .... whitey is holding you back, right?
Dont think they were trying on the saviour mode...sounds like they simply wanted to support them.......
Support is usually done from the back or behind the scene.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

White people have struggled along side of black people from the begining. Despite there being racism. And there have always been those to stand up for whats right. The fact that a few black people like this decide to erase that fact and basicaly tell white supporters to fuck off is a sad commentary. I guess the symbolism is made loud and clear. You should do it more often then after a while they wont care what you went through, theyll just leave you alone altogether.
Thats their choice. No one asked them to come march. I agree there have always been a very small minority of whites that supported Black people but that doesnt address the issue I am speaking of. People like John Brown gave his life to end slavery. Little good it did besides get him a spot in the history books.

You're not addressing the issues at all ... you're searching for excuses. Just pick one - any one - they're all good.
You think its insanity to stand up for yourself without having a white savior?
No, actually I think it is incredibly racist to think that the color of your skin somehow means you should get special privilege.

But, hey, if you're looking for an excuse for the crime, drugs, and deaths, blaming whitey certainly is a convenient foil. That way, you don't have to look at the truth.
I agree. Your white ancestors were incredibly racist for intentionally keeping Blacks from out competing them by making laws and establishing racism to keep Blacks from being successful.

We've had this discussion before ----

It's simply intellectually lazy to use actions 175 years ago as an attempt to justify anti-social and anti-democratic behavior today. While I readily recognize that putting all blame on one cause is convenient - and lazy - it is far from reality.

Let's discuss black-on-black crime. Let's talk about the horrendous rates of black abortions. Let's look at the numbers in which black males refuse to live up to their responsibilities. Let's consider the cause of the failure of blacks to start small businesses in depressed areas. Let's talk about the lack of academic performance in black households. Let's talk about the trillions of dollars poured into the black communities that is wasted, destroyed, and misdirected. Let's talk about the contributions given to the black community that are just wasted. Let's talk about the failure of the black male to present a model to his sons on the way a man should act, the way a man should care for his family, and the way a man should strive to better himself. Tell me something ---- the last time you worked at the local soup kitchen, how many workers were black? How many were white?
i wasnt just talking about 175 years ago. Why would we talk about what you want to talk about when...

A. It has nothing to do with the topic and...

B. You have no clue about that which you want to talk about?

Because you insist on thinking that the " .... well, we were once slaves, so anything we do now can be excused or blamed on whitey .." card.

I do notice, however, how adroitly you ignored all the issues I raised.
I dont believe in cards and I always ignore your foolish deflections.
Dont think they were trying on the saviour mode...sounds like they simply wanted to support them.......
Support is usually done from the back or behind the scene.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Yeah dumb fuck, let them lead then. Leading is more than where you stand in line physically. The lady is only showing her insecurity, NOT leading, again this shows your small minded view just like hers. If you have to tell a white person to stand in the back of the crowd in order for you to assert your leadership you've already failed.

A good leader unites people, creates commraderie. A dumb fuck sows bad blood and mistrust among the people.
Of course you just dont want white people there. Just tell them all to leave and be done with it.
Obviously my reply went over your head. Who said leading was just standing physically in line? I know that didnt come from me. A good leader understands the importance of symbolism and how its more important than making someone feel good that will never have to deal with what we go through.

White people have struggled along side of black people from the begining. Despite there being racism. And there have always been those to stand up for whats right. The fact that a few black people like this decide to erase that fact and basicaly tell white supporters to fuck off is a sad commentary. I guess the symbolism is made loud and clear. You should do it more often then after a while they wont care what you went through, theyll just leave you alone altogether.
Thats their choice. No one asked them to come march. I agree there have always been a very small minority of whites that supported Black people but that doesnt address the issue I am speaking of. People like John Brown gave his life to end slavery. Little good it did besides get him a spot in the history books.

You're not addressing the issues at all ... you're searching for excuses. Just pick one - any one - they're all good.
Obviously you are not intelligent enough to address the topic. You've been excused from the discussion.

Published on Jul 26, 2016
(HeatStreet) July 26, 2016 - On Tuesday afternoon, organizers of the Black Lives Matter march screamed at white reporters to adhere to a scheme of racial segregation. "White people go to the back of the crowd," she woman barks into the mic. The response is mixed and confused and the segregation process drags on for a while. A few SJWs eventually decide to pitch in and chant "Get back, get back" at any and all white people.

Random quotes: "you will appropriately take your place in the back of this bitch"

"all y'all go to the back"

"take your rightful positions and get behind us [black people]" "that's right, black people love their own leadership"

"so if you see any white folks, direct them to the back"

"get back or you're out of this march. We are not afraid to put you out."

“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” shouted the organizer with a bullhorn.

The organizer, annoyed that people weren’t immediately adhering to her instructions, began hectoring white journalists who hadn’t complied.

“Excuse me, sir!” she yelled. “Somebody needs to tell this person to get to the back…. Somebody needs to tell these folks to get to the back!”

“We are not afraid to put people out!” the organizer yelled. “White people to the back! Black people to the front!”

As the Democratic National Convention’s agenda shifts to gun violence—including the deaths of black men at the hands of police—the tone among many demonstrators in Philadelphia on Tuesday was emphatically hostile to cops.

“This is an anti-police rally,” one local Black Lives Matter activist told a crowd, speaking from a microphone in the back of the pickup truck. At the march, which was called “Black DNC Resistance March Against Police Terrorism & State Repression” and began near Temple University, protestors chanted: “No Justice, No Peace, Take it to the Streets and Fuck the Police.”

One woman, wearing a bandana across her face, held a sign declaring, “Blue Lives AIN’T REAL.” Another demonstrator carried a poster that read, “A violent system will meet a violent demise.”

Meanwhile, cops in the city are on edge. Tonight, the DNC has given a prime slot to Black Lives Matter, featuring the families of seven men slain by police, including the mothers of Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

Notably absent are the families of murdered cops. That imbalance has irked local law enforcement. In a news release last week, the local police union slammed Hillary Clinton for “pander[ing] to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are out protecting the political institutions of this country.”

Though no officers approached by Heat Street were willing to go on the record, the general sentiment is that the DNC’s embrace of Black Lives Matter has made it tougher for them to do their jobs this week.

Repeated calls to the police union’s president, John McNesby, went unanswered; he’s not ignoring media, insisted several staffers—the police are just unusually busy this week.

As of April, Philadelphia’s Police Commissioner told the City Council he was about 400 officers short and struggling to graduate enough cops to replace those retiring. Law enforcement from all 50 states have come to help maintain order amid as many as 50,000 anticipated protestors.

Martina White, a state representative from a Philadelphia district that represents roughly 2,500 police officers, says it’s fair for law enforcement to feel slighted by the DNC.

“I think they’re upset that they’re being painted with broad strokes,” White said of local police’s response to the DNC’s embrace of Black Lives Matter. She added that on Sunday and Monday, protestors screamed inches from officers’ faces, and they’ve shown restraint.

“To be treated the way they’ve been treated and for them not to have a voice at the convention, I’m sure that’s a disappointment,” White said.

The anger among demonstrators Tuesday wasn’t limited to the police. At the very front of the march, right beside a Black Lives Matter banner, protestors held a sign that said, “Hillary has Blood on Her Hands” and another that said, “Hillary, Delete Yourself.”

One of the march’s organizers told the crowd, “We are here on the eve of the election for two parties who have not stopped police from killing us. … This so-called democracy is nothing but hypocrisy.” Another speaker claimed Democrats had “pimped our vote, pimped our movement.”

Despite demonstrators’ scorching frustration, as of Monday police said they had not arrested anyone, though they issued 55 citations. Most of those went to Bernie Sanders supporters who jumped fences to try to break into the convention center’s secure perimeter.


But I guess it's ok for whites to march in the streets with them...WHEN they are needed. Otherwise...get the fuck to the back of the proverbial bus? And when will non blacks realize they are hated and are only being used? About the same time Sanders followers realize he rolled over for Hillary?

Look, we let yaw fuck our men....what else do you want?

Stfu sick ghetto whore. You would screw a pig if it paid enough.
Meanwhile, those of us who are neither white nor black sit back and think you're both insane
What the hell gives you the idea that they wont also be the ones designating who is black, white, etC?

They have already redefined Hispanics as not white when they are as white as anyone else.

You will be whitey when the time comes, trust me. As Colonialism receded in the Third World this political dynamic played out everywhere, time and time again and doofuses like you who thought you were neutral only realized you were not when they came after your stupid asses.
I think what happens is that white people expect all Blacks to be passive, tolerant, and inclusive. The reality of the anger Blacks feel is something most whites dont understand. Just like you have outliers in any group you will see the same with Black groups. if all BLM members felt that way then there would be no whites there.
Makes sense to me.

I have a friend married to a black man. It's a really long story, his trials he has experienced, so I will refrain. I'll just say that although he loves his wife, cares very much for MrG and I and his wife's son from a previous marriage (white) and his wife (white), his boss (white) and all their friends (white) he turned to drugs soon after they moved out and went to LA. He told me he told his therapist that he loves us all...but he needs his own people. He feels....outside. Looking in. Even though he knows he is loved in return.
So although I do not understand much of it, I "get it" sometimes with an epiphany. Like when I started this thread, I was pissed. Then you said what you said and I thought "gee. I didn't think of it that way".
Yeah, when a child is brought up taught that another race has been exploiting them, degrading them, victimizing them and that he biggest threat he has in his entire life is to avoid that other race getting him in some fashion, sure, he's going to hate that other group.

How is that new to you?

If this shit keeps going in the direction it is going in, lots of people of every race are going to die in this country, but whites will win, believe me will win. The political establishment has no idea what is hidden among us in the boonies.....and many of them are secretly on our side.
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Not too much, ...but I can understand how you would.be..Indians were treated bad when the whites came , lied, murdered and stole..so sorry that happened..horrible people who did / do that.
Bullshit, Amerindians robbed, murdered and raped as much as they got, dude.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
They tend to forget who it was that actually passed laws that made it possible for them to be so racist in the first place.
I suspect that Respus holding his hand gun sideways is going to be no match for the white guy that actually knows how to shoot.
Bring the war on. We do however need a way to keep the negros that know their rightful place in the world safe.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
They tend to forget who it was that actually passed laws that made it possible for them to be so racist in the first place.
I suspect that Respus holding his hand gun sideways is going to be no match for the white guy that actually knows how to shoot.
Bring the war on. We do however need a way to keep the negros that know their rightful place in the world safe.
We know Respus will more than a match for your typical cowardly white guy such as yourself with or without a gun. We arent making war but we will put a foot in the ass of any white boy that feels froggy. Remember we are in a defensive position. if you have some heart you are welcome to give it your best shot. :cool-45:

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