White people to the back!

You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

Of course you dont care
You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
You spend all your time calling it out, but here you are defending black people FOR SEGREGATING THEMSELVES FROM WHITE PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOR!

You can't make this shit up people!
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

yeah like making black motorists more uncooperative and cops more nervous when they pull them over.
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?

Blacks wanting to be front and center in their own leadership is just great, but my take on the OP and the video is that the woman and others didn't want to see white supporters in the crowd period, I find it very funny that , what it takes for someone to be a leader requires someone else to walk away. To me this is very indicative of the whole movement's mindset. She couldn't just come out and say that she didn't want to see any whites in the crowd but it was obviously what she meant. She even told white media to move their cameras to the back. Is this really rational? of course our opinion of a black rally means nothing because We may be white , .... but just an observation

Your take shows you are incapable of thinking logically. if they didnt want any whites at all in the crowd they would have made them leave.

actions speak louder than words, she obviously didnt want to see them. Thats fine though. I would have just left the march rather than be treated like a bitch. and clearly you can hear people saying " you can get the F**** out.
Its easy enough to read between the lines, nothing wrong with my logic
Was MLK an uncle tom?

Anyone want to answer that?

by todays standards I think he could easily be called that. He called for people to join together.
You dont decide if he was an uncle tom. You dont even know what it is.

You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Damn right I celebrate crooked cops getting killed. That doesnt pit me against MLK like you thought you could do though. I know much more about him than the general public.

No , you celebrated cops getting shot , i remember well reading past posts of yours and you had no way to know if they were crooked or not. but go ahead and try to spin it
I pretty much pointed that out to you already. The big question you haven't answered is why are you whining about the separation then?
What is it with you and always thinking folks are whining? We are merely pointing out the racist behavior of black people. Racism is the very thing you were fighting against and now you like it. Fine. Racism is what you will get.

I really think he represents a minority among black Americans thankfully. the silent majority that you don't see on the news. Those are the people that count.
Boy are you out of touch.Its not just most Black people its Mexicans, Asians, etc etc

really? do the asians stand in the back? or would that be center left?
From what I have seen over the years, asians don't get involved. Period. They look out for their own. I mean..when was the last time you saw asians marching or asians forming a hate group like the KKK or Westboro Church?
Yep, ole whitey's days are numbered. Move to the back...
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
It's always interesting to see racists prove why we still have racism.
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

Of course you dont care
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

yes and one day
You say that like its a bad thing or something. :laugh:

Of course they should be segregating themselves. Whites in the back or not there at all and Blacks up front leading the fight for a Black cause.

I dont believe in this particular black cause because of the aura of stupid that surrounds it, the lies and the violence.
Right, you all "got this one yourself" its interesting to see people make things worse when they could have taken the same energy and made a difference.

Its amazing to me that you actually think Black people care what you believe in. We arent asking your permission or your approval. Yes its made a drastic difference already. Being white you have absolutely no clue what a difference its making.

yeah like making black motorists more uncooperative and cops more nervous when they pull them over.
Asclepias, would you agree that not enough black people speak up against the "volatile" blacks that are ill equipped to take on leading a march for blacks...like the gal that was on the bullhorn? I mean, if it were someone else with more tact, would it not have gone over better?

And, would you agree that this is the case against muslims that are not speaking up enough against violent islamists and fits into the same scenario, just as a 3 toothed illiterate is speaking in behalf of the KKK?

Blacks wanting blacks to be front and center over what they are fighting for makes sense, yet if they are the wrong person (sample: M.Browns step dad hollering to burn the place down...their OWN neighborhood...with black businesses being looted and destroyed) it leads to chaos more than understanding. What are your thoughts on this?

Blacks wanting to be front and center in their own leadership is just great, but my take on the OP and the video is that the woman and others didn't want to see white supporters in the crowd period, I find it very funny that , what it takes for someone to be a leader requires someone else to walk away. To me this is very indicative of the whole movement's mindset. She couldn't just come out and say that she didn't want to see any whites in the crowd but it was obviously what she meant. She even told white media to move their cameras to the back. Is this really rational? of course our opinion of a black rally means nothing because We may be white , .... but just an observation

Your take shows you are incapable of thinking logically. if they didnt want any whites at all in the crowd they would have made them leave.

actions speak louder than words, she obviously didnt want to see them. Thats fine though. I would have just left the march rather than be treated like a bitch. and clearly you can hear people saying " you can get the F**** out.
Its easy enough to read between the lines, nothing wrong with my logic

Everything is wrong with your logic. Its silly. As i said before if she didnt want them there she would have told them to leave instead of telling them to go to the back. I would have told anyone that had an issue with what she said to get the F*** out as well.
Was MLK an uncle tom?

Anyone want to answer that?

by todays standards I think he could easily be called that. He called for people to join together.
You dont decide if he was an uncle tom. You dont even know what it is.

You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Damn right I celebrate crooked cops getting killed. That doesnt pit me against MLK like you thought you could do though. I know much more about him than the general public.

No , you celebrated cops getting shot , i remember well reading past posts of yours and you had no way to know if they were crooked or not. but go ahead and try to spin it
I already said I celebrated. They were in all likelihood crooked cops. No need for me to spin it.
Yep, ole whitey's days are numbered. Move to the back...
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
It's always interesting to see racists prove why we still have racism.
its always interesting to see that some fools think white racism comes without consequences. Stop whining like a bitch.
by todays standards I think he could easily be called that. He called for people to join together.
You dont decide if he was an uncle tom. You dont even know what it is.

You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Damn right I celebrate crooked cops getting killed. That doesnt pit me against MLK like you thought you could do though. I know much more about him than the general public.

No , you celebrated cops getting shot , i remember well reading past posts of yours and you had no way to know if they were crooked or not. but go ahead and try to spin it
I already said I celebrated. They were in all likelihood crooked cops. No need for me to spin it.

You keep proving why blacks are some of the most racist people on the planet....that and in all of history never has a faction of people done so little to better themselves as blacks in the USA since the Civil War. Just one huge massive failure even after given a leg up. Harsh I know...but true
You dont decide if he was an uncle tom. You dont even know what it is.

You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Damn right I celebrate crooked cops getting killed. That doesnt pit me against MLK like you thought you could do though. I know much more about him than the general public.

No , you celebrated cops getting shot , i remember well reading past posts of yours and you had no way to know if they were crooked or not. but go ahead and try to spin it
I already said I celebrated. They were in all likelihood crooked cops. No need for me to spin it.

You keep proving why blacks are some of the most racist people on the planet....that and in all of history never has a faction of people done so little to better themselves as blacks in the USA since the Civil War. Just one huge massive failure even after given a leg up. Harsh I know...but true
You keep proving white people definitely are not superior. Your opinion is actually amusing though you wish it was harsh. :laugh:
its always interesting to see that some fools think white racism comes without consequences.
Why would white racists want to support and march with BLM? Are you saying those whites marching with BLM are being punished and discriminated against because of what some white racists did in the past?

Stop whining like a bitch.
It is unsurprising that a racist would also be a misogynist. Do you like to slap women around to prove your manhood?
You decide everything I get that. I didnt say he wasan uncle TOM , I meant , many people today would call him that. He wouldnt celebrate the shooting of cops . You do
Damn right I celebrate crooked cops getting killed. That doesnt pit me against MLK like you thought you could do though. I know much more about him than the general public.

No , you celebrated cops getting shot , i remember well reading past posts of yours and you had no way to know if they were crooked or not. but go ahead and try to spin it
I already said I celebrated. They were in all likelihood crooked cops. No need for me to spin it.

You keep proving why blacks are some of the most racist people on the planet....that and in all of history never has a faction of people done so little to better themselves as blacks in the USA since the Civil War. Just one huge massive failure even after given a leg up. Harsh I know...but true
You keep proving white people definitely are not superior. Your opinion is actually amusing though you wish it was harsh. :laugh:

You're too stupid to relaize I'm correct....that I and I sincerely doubt you're black at all. Sort of like the Fake Jake of the forum, you try too hard
its always interesting to see that some fools think white racism comes without consequences.
Why would white racists want to support and march with BLM? Are you saying those whites marching with BLM are being punished and discriminated against because of what some white racists did in the past?

Stop whining like a bitch.
It is unsurprising that a racist would also be a misogynist. Do you like to slap women around to prove your manhood?
The better question is why would white's want to march with and support black racists?
its always interesting to see that some fools think white racism comes without consequences.
Why would white racists want to support and march with BLM? Are you saying those whites marching with BLM are being punished and discriminated against because of what some white racists did in the past?

Stop whining like a bitch.
It is unsurprising that a racist would also be a misogynist. Do you like to slap women around to prove your manhood?
The better question is why would white's want to march with and support black racists?

Loons who think "white privilege" actually exists
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

Black leadership? Now, that's funny.

You don't need help making yourself look weak. You do a fine job all by yourself.
its always interesting to see that some fools think white racism comes without consequences.
Why would white racists want to support and march with BLM? Are you saying those whites marching with BLM are being punished and discriminated against because of what some white racists did in the past?

Stop whining like a bitch.
It is unsurprising that a racist would also be a misogynist. Do you like to slap women around to prove your manhood?
The better question is why would white's want to march with and support black racists?

Guilt ridden, bleeding hearts.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
Maybe lib whites will learn there is no reasoning with insanity
You think its insanity to stand up for yourself without having a white savior?

I wish blacks would stand up for themselves.
Whites seem to hate not being front and center of everything. What is it with their need to be the center of attention? Inferiority complex?

As long as affirmative action is in place, inferiority isn't something blacks should say about anyone else.
Loons who think "white privilege" actually exists
The concept of "white privilege" is racist since, once again, racists are dividing people by the color of their skin and not the truth: economic disparity and majority vote in a democracy. For example, not one talks about "black privilege" or "Asian privilege" in countries where they are the majority.
Loons who think "white privilege" actually exists
The concept of "white privilege" is racist since, once again, racists are dividing people by the color of their skin and not the truth: economic disparity and majority vote in a democracy. For example, not one talks about "black privilege" or "Asian privilege" in countries where they are the majority.

It's just stupid and designed to push the narrative. I don't have time for that nonsense, let the race baiters whine

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