White Privilege Cost an Officer His Life.


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
So you'd like to see an example of white privilege? Here's one that cost a police officer his life.

"LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) - A 19-year-old university student in West Texas was charged early Tuesday with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a police officer at the campus police station, where he was being questioned in a drug-related case, authorities said.

According to a Texas Tech University statement, campus police made a student welfare check Monday evening and, upon entering the room, found evidence of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Officers then took the suspect to the police station for a standard debriefing and to prepare to take him to the Lubbock County jail, Texas Tech police Chief Kyle Bonath said.

"During this time, the suspect pulled a gun and mortally shot an officer," Bonath said. "The suspect fled on foot and later apprehended by ... (campus police) near the Lubbock Municipal Coliseum."

The suspect, identified by the university as Hollis Daniels, was tackled by officers in a parking lot adjacent to the coliseum."


This animal called Hollis Daniels, was arrested for drugs in a dorm by an officer who literally handled him with kid gloves.. That was a fatal mistake.
the officer didn't take the usual precautions with this White thug that he would have with a Black suspect. He transported Daniels to the police station without a pat down or handcuffing him. Well, gee... A fine upstanding White student like Daniels wasn't a threat...was he? He just made a mistake... He was a White kid who was nothing like those N****r criminals who can't be trusted.
Well...the officer extended White privilege to Daniels and paid the price... Daniels pulled a gun in the booking room and headshot the officer...killing him instantly... Of course, Daniels fled after that...and the manhunt was on for an armed White male suspected of MURDER...

They found him. But guess how it ended?
You guessed it...MORE White privilege was granted to Daniels and the cops risked their own lives to give it to him....one brave soul spotted the killer running away, gave chase on foot and tackled him.
One question...Does anyone here believe a Black student, male or female, would have been given all the breaks Daniels got before and after he killed a cop?

BTW...Here is a picture of the latest Darwin Award. recipient for stupidity...Daniel's victim:

NOTE: The officer wasn't White enough to arrest a Trumpbot Like Daniels.. my best guess...


  • 171010201150-floyd-east-jr-texas-tech-super-169_1507736424815.png
    106 KB · Views: 52
So you'd like to see an example of white privilege? Here's one that cost a police officer his life.

"LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) - A 19-year-old university student in West Texas was charged early Tuesday with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a police officer at the campus police station, where he was being questioned in a drug-related case, authorities said.

According to a Texas Tech University statement, campus police made a student welfare check Monday evening and, upon entering the room, found evidence of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Officers then took the suspect to the police station for a standard debriefing and to prepare to take him to the Lubbock County jail, Texas Tech police Chief Kyle Bonath said.

"During this time, the suspect pulled a gun and mortally shot an officer," Bonath said. "The suspect fled on foot and later apprehended by ... (campus police) near the Lubbock Municipal Coliseum."

The suspect, identified by the university as Hollis Daniels, was tackled by officers in a parking lot adjacent to the coliseum."

View attachment 153747

This animal called Hollis Daniels, was arrested for drugs in a dorm by an officer who literally handled him with kid gloves.. That was a fatal mistake.
the officer didn't take the usual precautions with this White thug that he would have with a Black suspect. He transported Daniels to the police station without a pat down or handcuffing him. Well, gee... A fine upstanding White student like Daniels wasn't a threat...was he? He just made a mistake... He was a White kid who was nothing like those N****r criminals who can't be trusted.
Well...the officer extended White privilege to Daniels and paid the price... Daniels pulled a gun in the booking room and headshot the officer...killing him instantly... Of course, Daniels fled after that...and the manhunt was on for an armed White male suspected of MURDER...

They found him. But guess how it ended?
You guessed it...MORE White privilege was granted to Daniels and the cops risked their own lives to give it to him....one brave soul spotted the killer running away, gave chase on foot and tackled him.
One question...Does anyone here believe a Black student, male or female, would have been given all the breaks Daniels got before and after he killed a cop?

BTW...Here is a picture of the latest Darwin Award. recipient for stupidity...Daniel's victim:
View attachment 153758

NOTE: The officer wasn't White enough to arrest a Trumpbot Like Daniels.. my best guess...
This is the OP's opinion as a race-pimp professional and so much respected in the black community.
So you'd like to see an example of white privilege? Here's one that cost a police officer his life.

"LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) - A 19-year-old university student in West Texas was charged early Tuesday with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a police officer at the campus police station, where he was being questioned in a drug-related case, authorities said.

According to a Texas Tech University statement, campus police made a student welfare check Monday evening and, upon entering the room, found evidence of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Officers then took the suspect to the police station for a standard debriefing and to prepare to take him to the Lubbock County jail, Texas Tech police Chief Kyle Bonath said.

"During this time, the suspect pulled a gun and mortally shot an officer," Bonath said. "The suspect fled on foot and later apprehended by ... (campus police) near the Lubbock Municipal Coliseum."

The suspect, identified by the university as Hollis Daniels, was tackled by officers in a parking lot adjacent to the coliseum."

View attachment 153747

This animal called Hollis Daniels, was arrested for drugs in a dorm by an officer who literally handled him with kid gloves.. That was a fatal mistake.
the officer didn't take the usual precautions with this White thug that he would have with a Black suspect. He transported Daniels to the police station without a pat down or handcuffing him. Well, gee... A fine upstanding White student like Daniels wasn't a threat...was he? He just made a mistake... He was a White kid who was nothing like those N****r criminals who can't be trusted.
Well...the officer extended White privilege to Daniels and paid the price... Daniels pulled a gun in the booking room and headshot the officer...killing him instantly... Of course, Daniels fled after that...and the manhunt was on for an armed White male suspected of MURDER...

They found him. But guess how it ended?
You guessed it...MORE White privilege was granted to Daniels and the cops risked their own lives to give it to him....one brave soul spotted the killer running away, gave chase on foot and tackled him.
One question...Does anyone here believe a Black student, male or female, would have been given all the breaks Daniels got before and after he killed a cop?

BTW...Here is a picture of the latest Darwin Award. recipient for stupidity...Daniel's victim:
View attachment 153758

NOTE: The officer wasn't White enough to arrest a Trumpbot Like Daniels.. my best guess...
This is the OP's opinion as a race-pimp professional and so much respected in the black community.
Gosh...you called me a professional? Thanks...but I don't get paid for me excellent posts...perhaps I should look into that...I'm worth a bundle...heh heh heh...
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
And here I was thinking that we don't have enough race pimps on this site, professional and amateur.
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
And here I was thinking that we don't have enough race pimps on this site, professional and amateur.
Aww STFU. NO ONE IS A BIGGER RACE pimp than you.
Race pimping began on July 4th, 1776 officially in America.
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...
So you'd like to see an example of white privilege? Here's one that cost a police officer his life.

"LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) - A 19-year-old university student in West Texas was charged early Tuesday with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a police officer at the campus police station, where he was being questioned in a drug-related case, authorities said.

According to a Texas Tech University statement, campus police made a student welfare check Monday evening and, upon entering the room, found evidence of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Officers then took the suspect to the police station for a standard debriefing and to prepare to take him to the Lubbock County jail, Texas Tech police Chief Kyle Bonath said.

"During this time, the suspect pulled a gun and mortally shot an officer," Bonath said. "The suspect fled on foot and later apprehended by ... (campus police) near the Lubbock Municipal Coliseum."

The suspect, identified by the university as Hollis Daniels, was tackled by officers in a parking lot adjacent to the coliseum."

View attachment 153747

This animal called Hollis Daniels, was arrested for drugs in a dorm by an officer who literally handled him with kid gloves.. That was a fatal mistake.
the officer didn't take the usual precautions with this White thug that he would have with a Black suspect. He transported Daniels to the police station without a pat down or handcuffing him. Well, gee... A fine upstanding White student like Daniels wasn't a threat...was he? He just made a mistake... He was a White kid who was nothing like those N****r criminals who can't be trusted.
Well...the officer extended White privilege to Daniels and paid the price... Daniels pulled a gun in the booking room and headshot the officer...killing him instantly... Of course, Daniels fled after that...and the manhunt was on for an armed White male suspected of MURDER...

They found him. But guess how it ended?
You guessed it...MORE White privilege was granted to Daniels and the cops risked their own lives to give it to him....one brave soul spotted the killer running away, gave chase on foot and tackled him.
One question...Does anyone here believe a Black student, male or female, would have been given all the breaks Daniels got before and after he killed a cop?

BTW...Here is a picture of the latest Darwin Award. recipient for stupidity...Daniel's victim:
View attachment 153758

NOTE: The officer wasn't White enough to arrest a Trumpbot Like Daniels.. my best guess...
please prove race had anything to do with this
once again--you look super stupid--because race has NOTHING to do with this
you also foment the problem of racism by being racist, and trying to include race into the problem when it is not
obviously YOU are the problem..YOU are the racist
How do you know the now deceased cop didn’t treat all students black and white in this same casual way? It is not like small Southern college campuses are hot beds of violent crime. If it had been a violent environment, the cop would have been on guard it. The problem with cops is that they are human and all human can be lulled into a sense complacency by a apparently safe environment.
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...

Actually that's not true and in case you didn't know, this isn't 2008.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...

Actually that's not true and in case you didn't know, this isn't 2008.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
even with your stats, blacks are committing crime/arrested/etc at over twice the rate of whites
How do you know the now deceased cop didn’t treat all students black and white in this same casual way? It is not like small Southern college campuses are hot beds of violent crime. If it had been a violent environment, the cop would have been on guard it. The problem with cops is that they are human and all human can be lulled into a sense complacency by a apparently safe environment.
because whites are racists--no matter what
they can find racism when it's not even there
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
And here I was thinking that we don't have enough race pimps on this site, professional and amateur.
By all means....let's NOW complain.
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...

Actually that's not true and in case you didn't know, this isn't 2008.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
even with your stats, blacks are committing crime/arrested/etc at over twice the rate of whites

Not they are not.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...

Actually that's not true and in case you didn't know, this isn't 2008.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
even with your stats, blacks are committing crime/arrested/etc at over twice the rate of whites

Not they are not.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
hahahahha--you just proved how stupid, etc you are......REALLY--you just posted that??

whites make up roughly 70% of the population..blacks about 12.7%
YES they are --at over twice the RATE--per capita--do you know what per capita means????????
How do you know the now deceased cop didn’t treat all students black and white in this same casual way? It is not like small Southern college campuses are hot beds of violent crime. If it had been a violent environment, the cop would have been on guard it. The problem with cops is that they are human and all human can be lulled into a sense complacency by a apparently safe environment.
because whites are racists--no matter what
they can find racism when it's not even there
How do you know the now deceased cop didn’t treat all students black and white in this same casual way? It is not like small Southern college campuses are hot beds of violent crime. If it had been a violent environment, the cop would have been on guard it. The problem with cops is that they are human and all human can be lulled into a sense complacency by a apparently safe environment.
because whites are racists--no matter what
they can find racism when it's not even there

So this is funny to you:

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

Now go to this web address and laugh on.

ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...

Actually that's not true and in case you didn't know, this isn't 2008.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
even with your stats, blacks are committing crime/arrested/etc at over twice the rate of whites

Not they are not.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
can you do basic math?? please look at those stats again
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...

Actually that's not true and in case you didn't know, this isn't 2008.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
even with your stats, blacks are committing crime/arrested/etc at over twice the rate of whites

Not they are not.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.
hahahahha--you just proved how stupid, etc you are......REALLY--you just posted that??

whites make up roughly 65% of the population..blacks about 12.7%
YES they are --at over twice the RATE--per capita--do you know what per capita means????????

I know what per capita means but the real numbers say whites are arrested at more than double the rate of blacks. You do know what real numbers are don't you?
Why is this bum still alive ? Killed a cop and still breathing?

So drugs found in your dorm, taken to the police station, pulling a gun and killing an officer - and taken alive and unharmed.

I swear cops continue to stereotype and let their guard down with these white men.

They need to update their stereotyping.

The white vegas shooter killed cops. Another white man killed a cop yet not hearing Trump's outrage about the threat to law enforcement by this group.

And to think that 9 days before #Charlottesville, the FBI actually told the public that Black folks were more of a threat to law enforcement


#BlueLivesMatter where you at? Or is that only if a black guy kills a cop?


They so worried about the black man protesting. And meanwhile the one they trust, is going to destroy them all.
blacks commit murder at SEVEN times the rate of whites
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness.[49]'''

as clearly seen in the stats above, blacks are significantly more violent per capita--

also--race had NOTHING to do with this...

Actually that's not true and in case you didn't know, this isn't 2008.

In 2015, 69.7 percent of all individuals arrested were White, 26.6 percent were Black or African American, and 3.6 percent were of other races.

  • Of arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.4 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all juveniles (persons under the age of 18) arrested in 2015, 62.9 percent were White, 33.9 percent were Black or African American, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Of juvenile arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 22.8 percent were Hispanic.
  • Of all adults arrested in 2015, 70.4 percent were White, 26.0 percent were Black or African American, and 3.7 percent were of other races.
  • Of adult arrestees for whom ethnicity was reported, 18.0 were Hispanic.
  • White individuals were arrested more often for violent crimes than individuals of any other race and accounted for 60.1 percent of those arrests.
  • Of adults arrested for murder, 50.4 percent were Black or African American, 46.5 percent were White, and 3.1 percent were of other races.
  • Black or African American juveniles comprised 50.8 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 59.1 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes.
  • Of juveniles arrested for drug abuse violations, 75.0 percent were White.
  • White juveniles comprised 55.7 percent of juveniles arrested for aggravated assault and 60.5 percent of juveniles arrested for larceny-theft.
ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2015/crime-in-the- u.s.-2015/tables/table-43
juvies arrested almost 34% blacks vs 63% white
black population 12.7% white population around 70%
please do the math if you can--that's well over TWICE the rate of whites

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