
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, fellow USMB members.

Every week I am witnessing more and more apparent caring fellow citizens addressing the concept of "White Privilege."

I am curious to learn your thoughts about Zach Hing's opinions?

"White Privilege, from an Asian perspective"


pro black HATE.jpg
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#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, fellow USMB members.

Every week I am witnessing more and more apparent caring fellow citizens addressing race relations in America.

In this 9:34 presentation, young American Adventist Hermes Justin Wilson shares his thoughts and concerns...

"#walkaway from blaming White People for everything"


Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed.jpg
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, fellow USMB members.

Every week I am witnessing more and more apparent caring fellow citizens addressing the concept of "White Privilege."

I am curious to learn your thoughts about Zack Hing's opinions?

"White Privilege, from an Asian perspective"


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Yep, just turn it into the white folks fault and run for cover. This is getting old even to the black folks out here.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, fellow USMB members.

Every week I am witnessing more and more apparent caring fellow citizens addressing the concept of "White Privilege."

I am curious to learn your thoughts about Zack Hing's opinions?

"White Privilege, from an Asian perspective"


View attachment 213352

Yep, just turn it into the white folks fault and run for cover. This is getting old even to the black folks out here.

You don't speak for blacks. And the 2 black republicans you know do not either.
According to you guys these AsIans don't exist,

"Over 50% of Asian American Students Bullied?" - ANGRY ASIAN AMERICA Ep. 2

How Asian Americans Break The Bamboo Ceiling | Forbes

Asians are the most successful minority in America because they value education and hard work. They face discrimination (Harvard is the most recent example) but they don't let obstacles become excuses for not being able to succeed.

Asians are the most successful minority in America and the reasons for this are clear - education and hard work.

For the most part I think there might be something to the fact that the free market has incentive to choose the best candidates, yet I do think there is still a certain amount of in-group pressure and out-group pressure that keep integration from happening. This causes profiling and institution racism in law enforcement and other sectors of society. It is just how society works.


#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, fellow USMB members.

Every week I am witnessing more and more apparent caring fellow citizens addressing the concept of "White Privilege."

I am curious to learn your thoughts about Zack Hing's opinions?

"White Privilege, from an Asian perspective"


View attachment 213352

Yep, just turn it into the white folks fault and run for cover. This is getting old even to the black folks out here.

You don't speak for blacks. And the 2 black republicans you know do not either.

Your not black
Asians are the most successful minority in America because they value education and hard work. They face discrimination (Harvard is the most recent example) but they don't let obstacles become excuses for not being able to succeed.

Asians are the most successful minority in America and the reasons for this are clear - education and hard work.

And a measurably higher IQ than other minorities. In fact that is likely the primary cause...
According to you guys these AsIans don't exist,

"Over 50% of Asian American Students Bullied?" - ANGRY ASIAN AMERICA Ep. 2

How much percentage of Polish students are bullied as dumb Polak's?

I'd say the majority.

If the but fits...

The Polish American IQ was higher than the Asian IQ, yet it is thought of Asians as smart, and Poles as dumb.

Polish Americans in the 1970's had an IQ of 109, beating out Chinese Americans with a 108 IQ, German Americans with a 105 IQ, Irish Americans with a 105 IQ, and Italian Americans with a 100 IQ.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello, fellow USMB members.

Every week I am witnessing more and more apparent caring fellow citizens addressing the concept of "White Privilege."

I am curious to learn your thoughts about Zach Hing's opinions?
"White Privilege, from an Asian perspective"


View attachment 213352
If white privilege does not exists then he must also argue that racism does not exist.

You can't have one with out the other.

All you have done here is get some random youtuber to confirm what you believe

When you talk like "ain't no racism" "aint no white privilege"

The white supremacist think "I've got em"

That's coward talk. That's just "Please Mr White supremacist. Don't hurt me. I'm going along with your fuckery. Just don't put a hurt on me too bad. Give me a little job, little house, throw in the odd bit of white pussy and I'm good and I'll also attack those negroes for you too"

You could just as easy got Asians people who ain't cowards and will tell you the real deal about racism

Having said I'm not riding for Asians too tough because many of them Asian white supremacist. Dressing up as Nazi's is all the rage in Asia.


No one remembers a coward dude. There is reason why the Martin Luther King, the Malcolm X's and the Mandela's and The Steve Biko are so remembered because they were not cowards because you better believe even in the 1960's you still cowardly black people with that "ain't no racism here" "Black people just need to do better"

For example this is an interview with Malcolm X in 1962. At a time when even you will agree that racism for black people was everywhere. Yet watch this cowardly black person at 1.43 with his cowardly talk.

You've also your Stephen from Django's

There were black slave owners in the South what of it ? That there are black people who are just as anti-black in their thinking as many whites, pathetic though it may be, means nothing and truthfully, should surprise no one.

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Asians are the most successful minority in America because they value education and hard work. They face discrimination (Harvard is the most recent example) but they don't let obstacles become excuses for not being able to succeed.

Asians are the most successful minority in America and the reasons for this are clear - education and hard work.

Isn't it interesting that this "Asians are so successful" is a theme always said by people who are not Asian ?
Asians are the most successful minority in America because they value education and hard work. They face discrimination (Harvard is the most recent example) but they don't let obstacles become excuses for not being able to succeed.

Asians are the most successful minority in America and the reasons for this are clear - education and hard work.

Isn't it interesting that this "Asians are so successful" is a theme always said by people who are not Asian ?

I'm Asian and I've pointed it out repeatedly. We are highly successful precisely due to the reasons that kid said in the video and blacks in this country are largely unsuccessful precisely due to the reason that kid said in the video, but you know, it's easier for you people to piss and whine and point your fingers at the evil white people instead of owning up to your own personal failures and rotting subculture that have contributed to most of your problems.
Asians are the most successful minority in America because they value education and hard work. They face discrimination (Harvard is the most recent example) but they don't let obstacles become excuses for not being able to succeed.

Asians are the most successful minority in America and the reasons for this are clear - education and hard work.

Isn't it interesting that this "Asians are so successful" is a theme always said by people who are not Asian ?

I'm Asian and I've pointed it out repeatedly. We are highly successful precisely due to the reasons that kid said in the video and blacks in this country are largely unsuccessful precisely due to the reason that kid said in the video, but you know, it's easier for you people to piss and whine and point your fingers at the evil white people instead of owning up to your own personal failures and rotting subculture that have contributed to most of your problems.
You got some nerve.

Asians got over in the USA because of all the ass-whoopings that black ppl got in the 60’s which kicked the door open for them to come (In large numbers) via the 1965 immigration act.

Asian people (as a group) have never been on the front line in their stand against white supremacy. It’s always been black people who have led that charge.

Let me see Asians face tanks, dogs, water hoses and give their lives to the struggle as many black people worldwide have done.

Hell, I can’t even think of one prominent Asian person that’s given their life to their struggle of fighting racism

The black community have also rode for the Asian community. The rise of the Chinese films in the 70’s, black supported them. All those Asian firms in black areas.

Asian success ? Well I think about the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops both abroad and in the USA to make clothes for white people and I think how are they so successful ? I think about the Asian families whose members have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water and I think how are they so successful ? And the Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi taxi drivers who get beaten up and customers who get pissy about there accents and I think how they so successful ?

I think about how white supremacy has chopped of Asian men's balls and made east Asian men the least fkable and un-masculine men on the planet.

Look. You can raise your self esteem all day by thinking bad about black people. Knock yourself out. But to claim superior Asian culture as the reasons for achievement in the U.S. requires you to ignore the rampant poverty of persons from the same backgrounds in their countries of origin.

There is no shortage of desperately poor Asians in the slums of Manila, Calcutta and Hong Kong.
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