‘White Privilege’: Libs Erupt as Tebow Gets Second NFL Chance While Kaepernick Remains Sidelined

Twitter erupted Monday with accusations of white privilege and racism as leftists went on the attack after Tim Tebow was reportedly set for another shot at playing in the NFL even as national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick still sits on the sidelines.

News broke on Monday that the Jacksonville Jaguars are expected to sign former Heisman Trophy winner and NFL and MBA layer Tim Tebow to a one-year contract:

The #Jaguars are planning to sign QB-turned-TE Tim Tebow to a 1-year deal, per me and @TomPelissero, a deal that could be official in the next week or so. Nothing done yet. But he’ll have a chance to make the team to reunite with his mentor and college head coach Urban Meyer.— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) May 10, 2021

But with news of the Jags deal, leftists unloaded on Twitter:

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com .

Hahahahahahahaha...I have no gripe against Tebow other than that he isn’t a good NFL quarterback, I admire his faith, and he is a good team player.

This has to leave a mark on that POS Kaepernick, to be sent the accurate message that Tim Tebow, even as compromised as he is talent-wise, is a good enough choice to get another chance, while Kaepernick is not.

Eat it, Kaepernick, and eat it hard.
How do these people expect to be taken seriously. I have always known that while Tebow may not be a great QB he IS afootball player. KAP tanked his own workout for God's sake. He's a fastball pitcher with no change up the leauge adapted to
Good observation. Kap was doing God`s work just as Muhammed Ali did.
The only major parallel I see between Ali and Kaepernick is that they both supported organizations with black supremist views: the Nation of Islam and BLM.
Twitter erupted Monday with accusations of white privilege and racism as leftists went on the attack after Tim Tebow was reportedly set for another shot at playing in the NFL even as national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick still sits on the sidelines.

News broke on Monday that the Jacksonville Jaguars are expected to sign former Heisman Trophy winner and NFL and MBA layer Tim Tebow to a one-year contract:

The #Jaguars are planning to sign QB-turned-TE Tim Tebow to a 1-year deal, per me and @TomPelissero, a deal that could be official in the next week or so. Nothing done yet. But he’ll have a chance to make the team to reunite with his mentor and college head coach Urban Meyer.— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) May 10, 2021

But with news of the Jags deal, leftists unloaded on Twitter:

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com .

Hahahahahahahaha...I have no gripe against Tebow other than that he isn’t a good NFL quarterback, I admire his faith, and he is a good team player.

This has to leave a mark on that POS Kaepernick, to be sent the accurate message that Tim Tebow, even as compromised as he is talent-wise, is a good enough choice to get another chance, while Kaepernick is not.

Eat it, Kaepernick, and eat it hard.

It's sad that there are such hateful bitter people in this world such as yourself.
Most of the hate comes from Antifa and BLM.

They have valid reasons.
And I have a valid reason to hate them.
Both Kaepernick and Tebow had flashes of success as NFL QBs but were deemed not viable for the long-term by the very critical QB scouts throughout the NFL. Tebow went out and reinvented himself as a tight end. Kaepernick still feels entitled to be named a starting QB above the NFL minimum salary. The Baltimore Ravens were the one team in the NFL prepared to give Kaepernick another shot as a QB until Kaepernick’s girlfriend popped off about the Ravens owner being a slave master.

Tebow doesn't get a shot without Myers becoming the head coach of Jacksonville.

Tebow also had to reinvent himself and didn’t go to Meyer with a sense of entitlement to be a QB making more than the league minimum. I also have yet to hear Tebow’s wife popping off at the Jaguars owner being a slave master.

Tebow said many times he wasn't interested in being anything other than a QB.

Yes. He said that and the market told him otherwise. The market for Tebow as an NFL QB disappeared. Again, unlike Kaepernick, Tebow didn’t go down the path of entitlement and victimhood because of the harsh reality that while his skills sets as an NFL QB had showed some promise and hope at one time, ultimately, those skills sets fell short as being viable over the long term.

Kaepernick has had a huge influence on society. He is doing just fine.
He's doing just fine because he figured out that he could make more money as a professional victim and through corporate endorsements.

Kaepernick is done playing football. Accept it.

It matters none to me.
Twitter erupted Monday with accusations of white privilege and racism as leftists went on the attack after Tim Tebow was reportedly set for another shot at playing in the NFL even as national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick still sits on the sidelines.

News broke on Monday that the Jacksonville Jaguars are expected to sign former Heisman Trophy winner and NFL and MBA layer Tim Tebow to a one-year contract:

The #Jaguars are planning to sign QB-turned-TE Tim Tebow to a 1-year deal, per me and @TomPelissero, a deal that could be official in the next week or so. Nothing done yet. But he’ll have a chance to make the team to reunite with his mentor and college head coach Urban Meyer.— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) May 10, 2021

But with news of the Jags deal, leftists unloaded on Twitter:

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com .

Hahahahahahahaha...I have no gripe against Tebow other than that he isn’t a good NFL quarterback, I admire his faith, and he is a good team player.

This has to leave a mark on that POS Kaepernick, to be sent the accurate message that Tim Tebow, even as compromised as he is talent-wise, is a good enough choice to get another chance, while Kaepernick is not.

Eat it, Kaepernick, and eat it hard.

It's sad that there are such hateful bitter people in this world such as yourself.
Most of the hate comes from Antifa and BLM.

They have valid reasons.
And I have a valid reason to hate them.

If you say so.
Evangelicals don't care if other people are crass materialists. Capitalists have no problem with other people being religious.

You are projecting your liberal desire to tell other people how to live.

Trump did not hate the Evangelicals the way you liberals do. He was not ideologically committed to opposing them and their interests the way you liberals are. That alone made him the obvious choice compared to Hillary or Biden for them.

That any of this is strange to you, is you being an ideological zealot and a religious bigot
Boy did you fuck up. I’m a Christian Democrat like about half of all mainline Christian denominations. Evangelicals are 70/30 pubs to Dems but they are religious outliers overly fixated on abortion as the only issue. Morons.

Trump hates religion. His favorite Bible verse is “all of them”. Holds a Bible upside down for show. He doesn’t even own a Bible. He rarely ever goes to church all for show.
Christian Democrat? What an oxymoron!
The majority of Democrat leans are Christians or are you an oxymoron?

WTF is a Democrat leans? You are a Democrat or you are not. There is no "lean" to it, fucktard!
Posted the study in the next post dipshit. Noticed you backed away from the claim Christians aren’t Dems and moved to insults.
Dems are not true Christians because they cannot reconcile their actions with the beliefs. Haven't you heard that Catholic Dems who support abortion are going to be denied Communion?
I’m not Catholic. Jesus>religion

You also are a dumbass of the highest caliber. Congratulations!

I think it’s well established i am anything but dumb. But I appreciate the back and forth where I show you stats that most democrats are Christians and you call me names. It was intellectually challenging.

DINOs. Their Democrat beliefs are antithetical to Christianity. Suck on that a while, dumbass!
Do the Moon Bats hate Tebow so much because he is White or because he is a Christian? Maybe because he doesn't kiss Black and Commie ass?

They hate everything. They are the scum of this country.
If Tebow converted to Islam, the response would be quite different.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

Yea Kap has just been sitting around playing pocket pool since he left.
In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.

Whoop dee doo.
I wouldn't want Kaeperdick on my team. I want players that aren't selfish and put the team first, just like most coaches, obviously. Farina.
Here is what folks who played with the man think.

"I am surprised," running back Carlos Hyde said. "I've seen some quarterbacks [that] got signed that Kap is way better than, in my opinion. But I'm not a GM. I'm not a head coach. So that's out of my league."

“I think he’s proven that he can play at this level,” Bowman told CSN Bay Area. “He’s made a choice that’s kind of had a little backlash from it. But I think he’ll be fine. Someone will give him a job,” Bowman said. “He’s not like a bad guy or anything. So I think that’s what matters in the NFL, if you can play level and your character is great. So I wish him the best.”
It's not about his ability. You still don't get it. He's a distraction and distractions are poisonous to a team.
His teammates don't think so, the only folks who think it's a distraction are the racist who hate him for speaking out against injustice.
He could've picked a different way to protest.
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View attachment 489913
How any lies are you going to post? I would just like to know so I can document them.
WinterBorn said:
I am not a Christian. But I can differentiate between Christians who demand that everyone follow their faith and those who do not.

It's a nuance that a lot of the left lacks. Yet, oddly, they make all sorts of excuses for any religious pushes by Muslims.
citygator said:
Trump and the Evangelical coalition is a nutty alignment. They both hate what each other stand for but fake it for the influence. Heck, if I had a nickel for every abortion Trump paid for I wouldn’t need this job posting on the internet. :)
This is a jest, no?
WinterBorn said:
I am not a Christian. But I can differentiate between Christians who demand that everyone follow their faith and those who do not.

It's a nuance that a lot of the left lacks. Yet, oddly, they make all sorts of excuses for any religious pushes by Muslims.
Muslims vote Democrat. The mob protection.
It's just funny overall. A lot of Muslims hold much more conservative views about women and homosexuals than most Christians.

It's pretty clear the support is not about principles. There's actually more reason for Republicans to ally with Muslims than Democrats. Some conservative parties in Europe have figured this out, and it's worked well for them.
Africans are too stupid to feed themselves now? Maybe God did mess up. Maybe He's allowing Darwinism to rectify that mistake

Kind of hard to feed yourself when westerners have looted your country of all the resources.

they looted the soil? the fact is before the blacks murdered the white farmers most of those nations exported food.
Progressives don't like to talk about that fact, particularly when it comes to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.

They also don't like to talk about how tribal warfare is what initially fueled slavery (and what still does in Libya today).
Africans are too stupid to feed themselves now? Maybe God did mess up. Maybe He's allowing Darwinism to rectify that mistake

Kind of hard to feed yourself when westerners have looted your country of all the resources.
And destroyed their culture as well as taking control of virtually everything worth anything in those countries.
It's a weak excuse at this point. And frankly, whites ran a lot of the countries better anyway -- see South Africa and Rhodesia.

Ultimately, what keeps a lot of Africa down is corruption on the part of their own officials and the primitive nature of many of their cultures. The same is true for a lot of other cultures -- like the corruption and poverty we see on Native American reservations.

A lot of indigenous people haven't advanced to the same degree that a lot of other cultures have. Europeans and East Asians have tended to advance the most in terms of civilization. That yields much better results in terms of economy and resources.

Primitive cultures tend to get exploited, but it's partially because they're often at war with their neighbors. More advanced cultures show up and exploit these conflicts.

Some cultures evolve after this and become advanced themselves. Others stagnate and continue to be exploited.
Why does Kap or Tebow have to piss any of you off? Dudes are doing there own thing. If you want to listen to them about what is important to them then do. Or don’t. You don’t have to hate people who have an opinion or belief or want to motivate people to be engaged in a cause.
I didn't particularly care when Kaepernick did his kneeling thing. I'm not that patriotic, nor do I care much about the anthem.

My criticism is more from the perspective that Kaepernick is just a race-baiting opportunist. He's doing it because it's profitable. He makes more money from his Nike endorsement than he would make as a quarterback. He wouldn't be as effective at this if he was hired by the NFL, so he has deliberately sabotaged previous attempts to hire him.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
And Kaepernick was raised in a family as white as Tebow's. Spare me the victimhood.

So what?

Being raised by White People doesn't mean he still couldn't be pulled over by a racist cop and shot for looking at him the wrong way.

Just like you being a cranky old white man doesn't mean you can't lie about police pulling black people over and shooting them for looking at them the wrong way, right?
Wait... that doesn’t happen? Tell Philandro Castillo.. oh no... you can’t
There are legitimate cases of a black person being shot by a cop for a bad reason, just like the same has happened to white people.

And when adjusting for all factors other than race, there is no evidence that black people are more likely for cops to use lethal force on due to their race.

It is true that blacks do have a higher proportion of interactions with cops for their percentage of the population than whites, but this is related to the fact that blacks commit disproportionately high amounts of crime for their percentage of the population.

The end result is that blacks are more likely to fit the description of a suspect, and cops might start to get a bad impression of blacks.

Legislation and reform aren't going to change that. The black community reducing the crime in its community will.
Gee, a guy with character versus a feral animal that encourages murdering cops; what an insult to Democrats. Gestapo Garland just has to do something about this, and soon.
Encourages murdering cops? Got a link to that or are you talking about the crazies who beat up 130 cops at the Trump riot?
Trump riot? You’re an idiot, cnn is proud of you. Biden's America is off to a bad start. Trump 2024, make America great again!
Liberals don’t dislike Tebow. That’s some right wing super snowflake shit. People pointed out Tebows knee was treated different from Kapernick’s knee. Tebow is a solid guy and as a liberal I’m a fan. He can be wrong about abortion like many others but he does solid charity work and is genuinely a very nice guy. Wear your religion on your sleeve all you want. Doesn’t bother liberals as long as you don’t use the government to push your views. He ain’t in government.
well it was different...Tebow wasn't taking a knee during the national anthem.
Tim Tebow has never been a target of racism, police brutality, etc. either.

Tebow has been brutally attacked for his Christian faith, persecuted by the NFL for wearing bible verses on his face as well as kneeling (which they ok'ed when Kaepernick did it) That's racism.
Give me a break, Tebow has never been a victim of racism.
no it’s religious bigotry...certainly can be just as bad as racism

remember the dems used their klan to attack jews and catholics too
Religious bigotry, give me a break. He was criticized because he stunk as a quarterback and he has never played TE. Tell you what let's see what happens when he gets on the line with those big boys up front.
Nope...it was his faith....https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/2016/july/tim-tebow-blasted-for-praying-for-dying-man-on-plane

Tim Tebow Blasted for Praying for Dying Man on Plane​

In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football​

Tim Tebow Rule: The NCAA Bans Eye Black "Messages"​

He was praised as a player...because he was good:
Tim Tebow is legitimately a leader of men and at this point of the season, with only four regular-season games remaining, Tebow is the NFL MVP.

The criticism surrounding Tebow is deafening—his mechanics stink, he runs a high school offense, he must learn how to pass the ball better to succeed in the NFL—but Tebow doesn't hear all that noise; he just keeps confidently controlling NFL contests in crunch time."
Is that why he hasn't been in the league since 2012, because he is such a tremendous player. Helluva player.

Tebow has been involved in other projects since leaving the NFL.

In any event, Coach Meyer saw his tryout and was impressed with the Christian gridironer's abilities as well as attitude.

The city of Jacksonville has a large number of Christians, and signing Tebow will be a good move to get interest among this group.
So it was a PR move. Oh

Public Relations is a huge part of professional sports, you know.

Its not nearly enough to be a tremendous athlete, the fans have to give a shit about you too.
Put a whole team together of Born Agains like Tebow and a decent college team would kick their ass.

It’s about talent dummy
Kaepernick's talent level is basically a decent backup QB. He's not good enough to be a starter, but that's what he has insisted on being.
Interesting. Can you quote him saying he would only take a job as a starter?
And when adjusting for all factors other than race, there is no evidence that black people are more likely for cops to use lethal force on due to their race.
And you got that "fact" from where? I'd hate to think you pulled it outta yer azz
The end result is that blacks are more likely to fit the description of a suspect, and cops might start to get a bad impression of blacks.
That's your excuse for cops killing unarmed black folks? They "have a bad impression" of black folks?

That sounds like you're saying they're racists
Last edited:
And when adjusting for all factors other than race, there is no evidence that black people are more likely for cops to use lethal force on due to their race.
And you got that "fact" from where? I'd hate to think you pulled it outta yer azz
The end result is that blacks are more likely to fit the description of a suspect, and cops might start to get a bad impression of blacks.
That's your excuse for cops killing unarmed black folks? They "have a bad impression" of black folks?

That sounds like you're saying they're racists
LOL 9 to 18 unarmed blacks are killed a year with maybe 3 of those unjustified. Yet you make it sound like cops are out just indiscriminately killing unarmed blacks.

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