White privilege:

Go back through my posts on the subject and you'll see that I care a lot. I always advise people to spend less and save more. You don't need every shiny new thing that comes on the market.
Republicans give rich people tax breaks so they will spend more. At least that's their argument for doing it.

Your advice is sweet. It's like telling fat people to exercise more and eat less. Thanks a lot.
I do that as well. I wish everyone to be in good health.
Guess what? If the masses spent less, it would hurt the economy. Cause a recession.

I don't know this for a fact but I bet it would cause problems if every worker in America suddenly started saving 10% of their pay.

We know because of the pandemic that people didn't save one dime of Trump's tax breaks to them. That sort of ruins the argument "let me save my own money rather than put it into social security". We saw after 2 weeks of lockdown 90% of America had no money and started shitting themselves begging biden for help.
When your half American Indian and Half White like I am you understand. My Cheroke mix makes me shorter stature and a little more red in the skin. Many taller pure European white bloods have discriminated against me based on heightism. Many jobs I was found simply unqualified for because I did not meet their European pure white height requirements or assumed a half Cherokee Indian who is shorter stature is not tall enough to do this job.

Despite having a Masters degree I have worked low wage jobs. McDonalds, cleaning jobs, warehouse, trash collector jobs, walmart... and even on those jobs I always seem to get fired anyway. Master's degree and fired 6 times in my life for poor performance. I blame a lot of it on being shorter stature and half Cherokee. I see co-workers with less qualifications get hired into a higher paying position then myself or a kid just out of college get promoted to a higher ranking job than me. I end up being the one having to train the bimbo who just is going to be paid more and have a higher job title than me. Of course he happens to be a foot taller and a pure white blood.

I have seen white privilege. Masters degree means nothing if your not in a privileged class.
maybe its because you are short and have a tiny penis
Republicans give rich people tax breaks so they will spend more. At least that's their argument for doing it.

Your advice is sweet. It's like telling fat people to exercise more and eat less. Thanks a lot.
who is more likely to give you a job....some rich guy....or some good druggie laying on a sidewalk in san fran with a needle hanging out of his arm....think about it
who is more likely to give you a job....some rich guy....or some good druggie laying on a sidewalk in san fran with a needle hanging out of his arm....think about it
Hey, I don't hate the rich. I know lots of rich people. I just don't agree with the way you, Republicans and they have our tax system all rigged. And how nepotism and white privilege have guys like Hunter sitting on BOD's. And CEO pay going up 1322% in the last 50 years and our pay only 18%.

And I notice the war Republicans waged on the middle class in the 2000's are the same arguments they are using now in this argument.

Whenever we say roll back their tax cuts you always say cut spending. We can do both. Starting with the rolling back of the tax breaks on the rich.

And honestly, a lot of the waste goes to these rich people too. Republicans say cut spending but they never want to cut pork that goes to red states. Gun manufacturers in TN or TX.
who is more likely to give you a job....some rich guy....or some good druggie laying on a sidewalk in san fran with a needle hanging out of his arm....think about it
My bro is a VP of a fortune 500. He was going to have dinner with his old CEO who as been retired for a couple years. In Florida somewhere near Miami or Boca. My uncle invited himself. I guess it was in a gated community within a gated community. Overlooking the ocean. The richest of the rich.

I like to compare what my brother has to what that guy has. Or these yachts I see in Florida with doplar radar on them. My brother couldn't afford those things.

And I drive my ebike up and down the intercoastal seeing all the wealth in America. My god what a great country. Then I think about how much I have but I could never afford to have what my brother has. Then I remember how 82% of Americans don't have it as good as I do.

Only 18% of individual Americans make over $100k

More than likely, you make under $100K and you have a family to support.

If it weren't for god, gays, guns and racism, only 18% of us would vote Republican.

And hell, I don't even vote Republican. I ain't rich enough to benefit from their policies. I've always been hurt the most by Republicans war on manufacturing. AKA Unions. AKA High paying blue collar jobs.

The funny thing is a lot of them vote for Trump. They are angry and confused.

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