White Privilege

This bullshit about dividing groups pretends that there are no women or men. Old or Young. Blue Collar and white collar. Italian, Irish, Dutch etc.

Wait thats not what they are saying they are saying there are differences only that no one should say whites oppressed anyone in history because that wouldnt be fair to the white people who did the oppressing. Or no one should say that there are blacks and whites. Why cant everyone just be white...er...I mean HUMAN!

Next they are going to try to call slave owners Human Resource Managers or something.

Jesse Jackson: 'Duck Dynasty' star 'white privilege'

By HADAS GOLD | 12/25/13

The Rev. Jesse Jackson has stepped into the “Duck Dynasty” uproar, using the case of civil rights hero Rosa Parks to make his case against show star Phil Robertson.

“At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law,” Jackson said in a statement, according to the Chicago Tribune. “Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’”


Read more: Jesse Jackson: 'Duck Dynasty' star 'white privilege' - Hadas Gold - POLITICO.com
This bullshit about dividing groups pretends that there are no women or men. Old or Young. Blue Collar and white collar. Italian, Irish, Dutch etc.

Wait thats not what they are saying they are saying there are differences only that no one should say whites oppressed anyone in history because that wouldnt be fair to the white people who did the oppressing. Or no one should say that there are blacks and whites. Why cant everyone just be white...er...I mean HUMAN!

Next they are going to try to call slave owners Human Resource Managers or something.

But history should always be taught with the perspective of the times and culture. Slavery today is atrocious in the US, but is still a part of some cultures on the globe. Slavery in 1860 was atrocious in most of the world, and was quickly falling out of favor in the U.S. Slavery in 1600 was widespread. Furthermore, slavery has never been strictly a european (ie: white) construct.

Throughout history humans have done horrible things to other humans, and this should be taught. But it needs to be taught with the COMPLETE perspective of both sides. For most of human history the victorious group got the spoils and was allowed to write the history books. In our rush to transcend this we have overshot and now the US academia is full of libs/progressives who teach history with a horrible negative bias toward european culture.

As an example: I was watching history channel this morning for a few minutes. The show was about the crusades. It was so blatantly anti-Catholic and anti-european it was disgusting. It of course detailed the crusader's massacre of muslims in Jerusalem, but never mentioned anything about the various massacres that the muslims did against crusaders who surrendered. Worse yet, they provided absolutely no perspective about how war was waged at the time....a time of "total war" where everyone (women and children) was a target.

Yes, we have our differences (black, white, men, women, etc). We should be able to celebrate our differences, and those things that divide us, without being divisive about it.
Alright this is the most ignorant shit I have ever heard.

"White Privilege"? What are you, f**king Hitler?

Sounds like more Fascist talk if I ever heard it.

Dividing any people along any lines and saying one side is oppressors and one side isn't is just complete bullshit. Hitler did it and we all know what kind of man Hitler was. He was a very smart one, and he also advanced the German people decades beyond any other country by the end of world war 2 in terms of economic prosperity, and scientific development. It was only because Einstein had decided to come work in the U.S. because of World War 1 along with many other German and Soviet Scientists that america developed the A-Bomb first.

But at what cost?

Hitler scapegoated the jews and rose to power carrying Germany along with him only by throwing the Jews as a population completely under the bus.

Then, Germany got buttf**ked, for a SECOND time.

Haven't we seen what the division of a group can do when you label one side good and one side bad?

Dam man. This is like Nazi Germany all over again but now people are trying to make it about National Racism as opposed to National Socialism.

Reverse Racism is still Racism.

Check your Black Privilege, why don't you?

Facist shit true, but this is the Garbage that is being rammed down kids throats in Public Schools - it's rampant !

In Texas a student was punished for not reciting the Mexican national anthem and pledge of allegiance to Mexico
California state health-care exchange is funneling one million dollars into a Los Angeles school district program to indoctrinate students to promote ObamaCare, a spokesperson for the school district stated that the program was designed as a pilot and would serve as a model for similar future projects where both educators and students would serve as leftist propagandists
A Massachusetts public school principal, Anne Foley, has banned celebrations of Columbus Day and Thanksgiving, labeling them American atrocities parading as historical holidays. She also forbid children to dress up for Halloween. Massachusetts Principal Takes Aim at Fall Holidays, Says They're Insensitive | Fox News

2013 At schools in Illinois, fourth graders are being forced to read a Common Core compliant book....the biography of Barack Obama. Sounds innocent enough, right? This assignment is far from innocent. In fact, it attacks the innocence of our children, perverts the history of our country, and smears an entire population of people who disagree with Obama's policies.

Here is what fourth graders will learn in this book about the life of President Barack Obama....though he is referred to in this book as simply 'Barack'.

1. 'Barack' learned how to be 'black', which meant cursing, fighting, and smoking, drinking, and doing drugs from watching television.
2. Whites are racist and therefore didn't want to vote for 'Barack'.
3. 'Barack's' pastor said that God would 'damn America' for mistreating black people. The pastor called our country 'a failure'.
4. Blacks and whites are angry at each other and only 'Barack' could make the country 'more perfect'. LEFTISTS IN THE SCHOOLS* TEXTBOOK INDOCTRINATION
This bullshit about dividing groups pretends that there are no women or men. Old or Young. Blue Collar and white collar. Italian, Irish, Dutch etc.

Wait thats not what they are saying they are saying there are differences only that no one should say whites oppressed anyone in history because that wouldnt be fair to the white people who did the oppressing. Or no one should say that there are blacks and whites. Why cant everyone just be white...er...I mean HUMAN!

Next they are going to try to call slave owners Human Resource Managers or something.

But history should always be taught with the perspective of the times and culture. Slavery today is atrocious in the US, but is still a part of some cultures on the globe. Slavery in 1860 was atrocious in most of the world, and was quickly falling out of favor in the U.S. Slavery in 1600 was widespread. Furthermore, slavery has never been strictly a european (ie: white) construct.

Throughout history humans have done horrible things to other humans, and this should be taught. But it needs to be taught with the COMPLETE perspective of both sides. For most of human history the victorious group got the spoils and was allowed to write the history books. In our rush to transcend this we have overshot and now the US academia is full of libs/progressives who teach history with a horrible negative bias toward european culture.

As an example: I was watching history channel this morning for a few minutes. The show was about the crusades. It was so blatantly anti-Catholic and anti-european it was disgusting. It of course detailed the crusader's massacre of muslims in Jerusalem, but never mentioned anything about the various massacres that the muslims did against crusaders who surrendered. Worse yet, they provided absolutely no perspective about how war was waged at the time....a time of "total war" where everyone (women and children) was a target.

Yes, we have our differences (black, white, men, women, etc). We should be able to celebrate our differences, and those things that divide us, without being divisive about it.

last line is impossible.

And every slave culture wasnt the same as the USA's just because its called slavery
MSNBC’ers Lecture White People About the ‘White Privilege’ They Don’t Know They Benefit From

by Noah Rothman
December 27th, 2013


An MSNBC panel on Friday dug into the issue of “white privilege,” and why so many white Americans reject or cannot recognize this concept.


“There are so many people who are white who are in pain that it’s hard for, I think, the American public to hear ‘white privilege,’” Wiley insisted. However, she noted that Robertson’s comments about the black people he grew up working alongside being happier were an example of that privilege and are “unacceptable.”

“Or even, on a more serious note, the fact that they say or we’re questioning the value of a black life, you know, with bullets,” Rye added.

Touré submitted that too many white people cannot recognize “white privilege” because they don’t perceive themselves to be able to take advantage of any privilege. “That you as an individual white person are not able to utilize your white power or white privilege, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist,” he contended, “just like that I don’t have a car doesn’t mean cars don’t exist.”

Wiley insisted that white people’s problems need to be communicated to them in order for them to understand their privilege and for all to understand why minorities need an extension of long-term unemployment benefits.

“So, black people more likely need public transportation to get a job and white people want to pay less at the gas station,” she insisted.

Watch the clip below via MSNBC:


MSNBC?ers Lecture White People About the ?White Privilege? They Don?t Know They Benefit From | Mediaite

I feel for these black folks, Free Bar-B-Q Coupon...:FIREdevil:
What about Black Privilege? - Which means you can make up 6% of the population and make up over half of all rapes and murders but call people racist for noticing! But it only has to go the other way once for it to be world news. You can be responsible for some of the worst hate crimes against Asians and Jews in US history but blame them and get away with it! You can be responsible for over 50% of hate crimes on women, gays, and transgendered yet claim to be the perpetual victim! You can call our president the N word and call NYC Hymie town and still make millions off of being an "anti racist civil rights leader". You can boycott Korean and Jewish businesses and lead lynch mobs into Crown Heights and still be called an "anti racist" leader. You can murder people left and right and walk away without punishment but when a white-Hispanic in Florida kills one of your people in unknown confrontation it gets more coverage than the thousands of mob attacks combined your people committ day in and out in America! You can be a democratic incumbent in DC and call Asians "dirty" and say they can be ethnically cleansed, refuse to apologize and our media will never cover it even though the video can be seen on youtube! You can praise genocide against Jews at a OWS LA rally while only months before crying about slavery at a AME church on MLK Jr day, both videos can be seen on youtube- and the media will never cover it! But it only takes a rumor than a white person calls a black person "******"and the whole country is inflamed by charges of racism!
Public school teaches 'white privilege' class

Published: 12 hours ago
By Todd Starnes

Students exposed to radical leftist thinkers

(RADIO.FOXNEWS) — A school district in Wisconsin said they will review a high school diversity class that exposed students to radical leftist thinkers and promoted a critical race theory that alleges white people are oppressors.

The “American Diversity” class was taught to students at Delavan-Darien High School in Wisconsin, Fox News has learned.

“They’re teaching white guilt,” one parent told Fox News. “They’re dividing the students. They’re saying to non-whites, ‘You have been oppressed and you’re still being oppressed.’”

Read the full story › Public School Teaches ?White Privilege? Class | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Read more at Public school teaches ?white privilege? class


That's actually an old story , but the same scenario is repeated in a multitude of schoolds nationwide. LEFTISTS IN THE SCHOOLS* TEXTBOOK INDOCTRINATION
The Agenda of Racially Sensitive ‘White Guys’

February 10, 2014 by Mary Grabar


Over at a place called Diversity, Inc., founder and CEO Luke Visconti runs a regular column titled “Ask the White Guy.” Recent advice columns have concerned “Why is Trayvon a White-on-Black Crime?” “Can a White Man Speak with Authority on Diversity?” and “Do Blacks Need to Relax Their Natural Hair to Get Promoted?”

No kidding. There is also another white guy who profits from his presumed sensitivity to racism as he makes the rounds on college campuses, coming next to Princeton. His name is Tim Wise and he has written a book titled, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son.

Diversity, Inc., as to be expected, weighed in on Seattle Seahawks football player Richard Sherman’s claims that accusations that he displayed thug-like behavior in an interview immediately after he made a game-saving deflection is evidence of racism. But Sherman’s statement to a FOX reporter, “I’m the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like [San Francisco 49er Michael] Crabtree, that’s the result you gonna get! Don’t you ever talk about me! … Don’t you open your mouth about the best or I’m gonna shut it for you real quick!” is hardly sportsmanlike behavior.

But as usual, Diversity, Inc., seeks out racism. In this article they allow Sherman’s quotes about online comments to end the article: “mind-boggling the way the world reacted,” Sherman said. “I can’t say the world, I don’t want to generalize people like that because there are a lot of great people who didn’t react that way. But for the people who did react that way and throw the racial slurs and things like that out there, it was really sad. Especially that close to Martin Luther King Day.”

(Democrats are now studying ways to monitor “hate speech,” including online comments to which Sherman referred; this bone-headed idea came from a project for a geography class at Humboldt State University.)

Even after his team won, USA Today referred to this incident in the headline, “Seahawks’ Richard Sherman is full of smiles, not quotes, after Super Bowl win.”


Like Frederick Douglass, Jackson expressed hope that the American founders’ ideals would be fulfilled:

“America was born in a struggle and as a struggle for freedom, and for the opportunity to develop the highest resources of mankind. The Declaration of Independence and the Federal Constitution were the results of our fathers’ attempts to put on paper the ideals that inspired the birth of the nation, and those principles by which and on which the nation was erected and sustained. There have been errors, mistakes, and gross sins committed against this American venture, but this high venture has not been repudiated or negated.”

You will not see mention of Jackson in Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, widely used in high school and college classrooms. You will not likely hear mention of him at the Diversity, Inc., workshops and conferences. Students on college campuses are not likely to hear a respectful reference to him from speakers like Tim Wise. Conservative black leaders like Allen West are not treated respectfully by liberal white journalists. It seems that such “white guys” still have an agenda.

The Agenda of Racially Sensitive ?White Guys? | FrontPage Magazine
“I’m the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like [San Francisco 49er Michael] Crabtree, that’s the result you gonna get! Don’t you ever talk about me! … Don’t you open your mouth about the best or I’m gonna shut it for you real quick!” is hardly sportsmanlike behavior.

Oh Dear, I guess unsportsmanlike behavior is now "thuggish" Like Incognito....wait, he's white and just bullied someone physically and mentally. Its not like he was "unsportsmanlike" like that awful thug Sherman.

*Fog horn*
“I’m the best corner in the game! When you try me with a sorry receiver like [San Francisco 49er Michael] Crabtree, that’s the result you gonna get! Don’t you ever talk about me! … Don’t you open your mouth about the best or I’m gonna shut it for you real quick!” is hardly sportsmanlike behavior.

Oh Dear, I guess unsportsmanlike behavior is now "thuggish" Like Incognito....wait, he's white and just bullied someone physically and mentally. Its not like he was "unsportsmanlike" like that awful thug Sherman.

*Fog horn*

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rtO3KNqKno]Cluck Old Hen, Foghorn Stringband - YouTube[/ame]

The title suits ya...:lmao:
White Teachers Thought They Were the Solution

March 25, 2014 by Colin Flaherty


Nobody works harder or spends more money to elect liberals than teachers and their labor unions.

But these same elected officials are now asking the one question that teachers never thought they would hear: “Why are you so racist?”

The question was posed last week following a Department of Education study about the educational and disciplinary differences between white and black students. “This critical report shows that racial disparities in school discipline policies are not only well-documented among older students, but actually begin during preschool,” said Attorney General Eric Holder. “This Administration is moving aggressively to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline in order to ensure that all of our young people have equal educational opportunities.”

The Department of Education has held since 2009 that any disparity in discipline or education achievement between white and black students is the result of racial discrimination. The President often refers to this racial disparity.

But here’s the catch: Most teachers are white, female, liberal and supporters of President Obama. They thought they were the solution. Turns out they were the problem.

Glenn Singleton is one of the people in charge of solving the problem of racial disparity. In hundreds of school districts around the country, his company has been hired to show this cohort of young, white, liberal and female teachers how they are racist; how their racism is responsible for the achievement gap; and how they have to admit their own racism in a series of “Courageous Conversations” if they ever want to be successful educating black students.

Or if they want to keep their jobs.


Regular and frequent black mob violence in schools is documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It, as well as at the popular video site WorldStarHipHop.com. Many examples are gathered at WhiteGirlBleedalot.com.

That does not mean much to the president of the Chicago teacher’s union. She says any problems with student learning are due to racism. “When,” she asks, “will we address the fact that rich white people think they know what’s best for children of African American or Latinos, no matter what the parents’ income or education level?”

The secret of disproportionate levels of black violence in schools is no secret. It is the subject of frequent stories at black web sites including the TheGrio.com, Huffpo Black Voices, The Root.com, Ebony, Jet and others.


White Teachers Thought They Were the Solution | FrontPage Magazine
What about Black Privilege? - Which means you can make up 6% of the population and make up over half of all rapes and murders but call people racist for noticing!

Yeah, blacks sure are lucky :doubt:

But it only has to go the other way once for it to be world news. You can be responsible for some of the worst hate crimes against Asians and Jews in US history but blame them and get away with it!

Wait, white people or blacks? Or did blacks drop a bomb on the Asians and I didnt notice? Was Hitler black?

You can be responsible for over 50% of hate crimes on women, gays, and transgendered yet claim to be the perpetual victim!

You can be the aggressor and the victim idiot. Just ask anyone who's been molested. They sometimes go on to become the molester. Dummy

You can call our president the N word and call NYC Hymie town and still make millions off of being an "anti racist civil rights leader".

Again, you can do both. You dont have to be one or the other because you're crying about false equivilents

You can boycott Korean and Jewish businesses and lead lynch mobs into Crown Heights and still be called an "anti racist" leader.

Lynch Mobs? Calm down there Hunger Games

You can murder people left and right and walk away without punishment

What is this faggot talking about anymore?

but when a white-Hispanic in Florida kills one of your people in unknown confrontation it gets more coverage than the thousands of mob attacks combined your people committ day in and out in America!

He murdered a teen...thats big news. You're right how lucky are blacks that they get gunned down and it becomes news. Black Privilege is kinda lame. So far we can have crime (Yeah) and say the N word (Awesome) and when some kid gets murdered (Great...wait, sorry) the news talks about it (Now..Great, like I said before)

You can be a democratic incumbent in DC and call Asians "dirty" and say they can be ethnically cleansed, refuse to apologize and our media will never cover it even though the video can be seen on youtube! You can praise genocide against Jews at a OWS LA rally while only months before crying about slavery at a AME church on MLK Jr day, both videos can be seen on youtube- and the media will never cover it! But it only takes a rumor than a white person calls a black person "******"and the whole country is inflamed by charges of racism!

Oh dear look at all the privilege! Blacks get to commit and be victims of rape and murder, use the N word, be "black leaders", get their kids shot and the media covers it, boycott businesses, insult asians and the media ignores us.

I mean shit dude...Do you know how privileged this white bitch is? This white bitch is so privileged that he thinks those are privileges. Who needs a fair justice system, housing, education, employment, social justice and all that bullshit when I can look a black person in the eye and confidently say "Whats up my nigga" and get accepted.
White privilege should be completely removed from all black communities. Total segregation.

I thought we moved beyond that.
What advantages are those, exactly?

Dear AS: Credibility. The image of white people, and also Asians, are associated with upper class, educated people with better financial credit or business sense. A white man taking charge often commands respect automatically, which is also shows gender bias.

This is NOT just a "European" issue: it happens in the Asian community also that the "lighter skin" is commonly associated with the upper management class that work indoors, and the "darker skin" is associated with manual laborers and workers in the field. So devaluation discrimination against the poor is more easily associated with "darker skin color or tone" within a group, regardless of race.

It is more a "class" issue than just racial, but the White European male as a figure or image has long been associated with the ownership class and "corporate wealth". (And in relation, the culture of citing Constitutional laws to defend rights, liberties or properties has been associated with white property owners as a class, disenfranchising poor blacks; so beyond just the physical image, political associations with Constitutionalism are also embedded.)

Even though I work directly with fellow Democrats, for my views of Constitutional principles
I've been accused of being racist for volunteering in poor neighborhoods, historically African American, to support residents' plans for setting up a model campus for breaking the poverty cycle.

I am still seen as "imposing" some system that enables oppression or divides people by class, although my intent is to organize people to move upward by education and training to become self-governing. As long as I cite "white man's laws" it invokes that image, unfortunately, as a mental and perceptual barrier to overcome with people who take exception to it because of the past. That's just the reality I face.

The conflicts portrayed as black vs. white are so embedded, it has become part of the problem of why political sides stayed so divided and unable to overcome past abuses.

I also met people who believe only white people can be racist, as the group in power.
Whether justified or not, if that is how people see things, that is the reality we deal with.

* Have you ever seen the video of two men going to a car dealership to shop for cars?
Where the white man is welcomed, while the black man is turned away.

* There is a more recent video of three people hacking away at an abandoned bicycle chained near pedestrians.
Where the black guy is immediately recognized, confronted and/or questioned but the white guy and white girl are treated differently.

A lot of it is body language. As Allen West stated in response to Obama's comments about being African American and treated with suspicion,
he NEVER had a problem with ANYONE mistaking him or treating him with suspicion, because he carried himself and treated others with respect.
And makes it clear to people he is a man of respect.
(Well, except online, where people read all kinds of negative things into his words and image if they don't know him in person. I take that back!)
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No thanks, I would not trade having to face the culture of police and prisons
as a "black person" for anything. If you really consider the tragedy of loss and damages,
self-destructive or self-induced or what, wouldn't you have nothing but COMPASSION for the plight of poor minorities and blacks of the socioeconomic classes caught in this cycle?

Regardless whose fault it is, I live to see the day ALL people are liberated from this oppression.
Color should not be the issue, but how do we address the crime, poverty and abuse?
That would be the driving factor, and it would override any issue of class, culture or race.

Note: where culture or race is a factor in solutions, people naturally respond better to solutions coming from their own communities and peers. So there is an advantage where Black churches help their own members, and Black political leaders empower their own communities. they do respond to role models of people who have walked in their shoes.

LULAC is a prime example of using cultural bonds to unite politically, even beyond class division; while the Black communities are still too divided by class, and to this day slurs from the days of slavery like "house negro" or "Uncle Tom" are still used to disparage conservative successful Blacks which merely keeps people divided and oppressed politically.

These are very serious, deeply painful issues to resolve. I don't think I could handle what has been handed down to the Black communities to deal with that has built up for generations.
When the anger and outrage from crime and violence go that far off the scale, that is where only compassion provides an outlet so the focus can be on correcting the causes and healing the wounds.

What about Black Privilege? - Which means you can make up 6% of the population and make up over half of all rapes and murders but call people racist for noticing!

Yeah, blacks sure are lucky :doubt:

But it only has to go the other way once for it to be world news. You can be responsible for some of the worst hate crimes against Asians and Jews in US history but blame them and get away with it!

Wait, white people or blacks? Or did blacks drop a bomb on the Asians and I didnt notice? Was Hitler black?

You can be the aggressor and the victim idiot. Just ask anyone who's been molested. They sometimes go on to become the molester. Dummy

Again, you can do both. You dont have to be one or the other because you're crying about false equivilents

Lynch Mobs? Calm down there Hunger Games

What is this faggot talking about anymore?

but when a white-Hispanic in Florida kills one of your people in unknown confrontation it gets more coverage than the thousands of mob attacks combined your people committ day in and out in America!

He murdered a teen...thats big news. You're right how lucky are blacks that they get gunned down and it becomes news. Black Privilege is kinda lame. So far we can have crime (Yeah) and say the N word (Awesome) and when some kid gets murdered (Great...wait, sorry) the news talks about it (Now..Great, like I said before)

You can be a democratic incumbent in DC and call Asians "dirty" and say they can be ethnically cleansed, refuse to apologize and our media will never cover it even though the video can be seen on youtube! You can praise genocide against Jews at a OWS LA rally while only months before crying about slavery at a AME church on MLK Jr day, both videos can be seen on youtube- and the media will never cover it! But it only takes a rumor than a white person calls a black person "******"and the whole country is inflamed by charges of racism!

Oh dear look at all the privilege! Blacks get to commit and be victims of rape and murder, use the N word, be "black leaders", get their kids shot and the media covers it, boycott businesses, insult asians and the media ignores us.

I mean shit dude...Do you know how privileged this white bitch is? This white bitch is so privileged that he thinks those are privileges. Who needs a fair justice system, housing, education, employment, social justice and all that bullshit when I can look a black person in the eye and confidently say "Whats up my nigga" and get accepted.

If you were immersed in the community, and had friends that close, yes, perhaps you could get away with joking around like that. In your case, it might be understood as a joke, but it wouldn't be seen as you "trying to be racist" but trying to be funny and make fun of racism.

If you really want to address this issue SERIOUSLY, I have a black minister friend who WANTS people to be free to say the word ****** to him or anyone, and release any emotions or fears attached to it.
So if you want to join his movement, he would welcome you to come work with him on making it a NONISSUE to call black people *******. He would LOVE people to be that liberated from any stigma!
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