Zone1 White Racists Have Been Trying to Dismantle Civil Rights Policies since 1964


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Mar 11, 2015
And here is the excuse:

"If you want to stop discrimination by race, don't discriminate by race."


AUGUST 6, 2008

Publius writes:
I’m a child of the rural South. But you know what? Actual racism is a lot less common there — we have a ways to go, but there has been real progress on that front. The more serious problem is white resentment. A lot of white people honestly think they have been significantly deprived of various things because of minorities. And it’s hard to overstate how deeply these feelings run.It’s not so much animosity toward people who are different — it’s the animosity of the aggrieved. They feel like they are the victims.
Andrew Sullivan replies, "This is the poisoned fruit of that poisonous, if well-intentioned, policy of affirmative action."

That's a very odd response. When trying to understand the roots of white resentment, you have to decide when you start the clock. One place is in the mid-60s, with the civil rights movement, desegregation, affirmative action, and the Great Society. Under this timeframe, whites grew resentful as the government, under the control of earnest liberal do-gooders, showered African-Americans with federal largess. Or you can start the clock at slavery. Under this timeframe, whites enslaved blacks, built an economy atop their unpaid labor, fought viciously to keep them as slaves, then to keep them as second class citizens, then to disrupt even minor attempts to redress the centuries of economic and moral injury they'd endured. African-Americans had been materially harmed by centuries of enslavement and discrimination, while whites had materially benefited from being the slave-owners and the ones with the power to discriminate, and something had to be done to help African-Americans make up the ground that they'd formerly not even been allowed to walk on. This did entail redistribution, and this did enrage whites. But let's be clear: White resentment didn't begin in 1965, when affirmative action was introduced. The end of privilege -- though of course, white privilege didn't end, it was only somewhat reduced -- hurts. Ending slavery meant destroying a lot of privilege, and it created a war. Reconstruction disrupted a lot of privilege and it produced countless lynchings and murders. Ending segregation destroyed a hefty amount of privilege, and it spurred societal tumult and vicious violence. By contrast, affirmative action was a relatively modest policy with fairly minimal effects on privilege, and it merely resulted in a potent political issue for conservatives. But to call white resentment the "poisoned fruit" of affirmative action is extremely strange. White resentment has been around a lot longer, and stems from people's desire to protect the fruits of a gross and grave injustice.

White racists have been trying to dismantle civil rights policies virtually from the start. And due to the race baiting that has gone on since that time, we now live in a country where a particular portion of the white community has come to believe a big lie whereby a zero sum mentality has them claiming they are being victimized by equal opportunity policies or agencies.

“Self-defined victimhood is a psychological state whereby, regardless of the etiology of the feeling or the truth of the matter, one who perceives herself to be a victim is a victim. The perception of being wronged is victimhood. We are not concerned with the truth of one’s victimhood. As such, concepts like intent to harm or genuine unfairness do not bear on self-defined victimhood. One must merely think of oneself in such terms, or behave in such a way, to be a victim.”
- Miles T. Armaly and Adam M. Enders ‘Why Me?’ The Role of Perceived Victimhood in American Politics
White racists have been trying to dismantle civil rights policies virtually from the start. And due to the race baiting that has gone on since that time, we now live in a country where a particular portion of the white community has come to believe a big lie whereby a zero sum mentality has them claiming they are being victimized by equal opportunity policies or agencies.

How White Backlash Controls American Progress​

Backlash dynamics are one of the defining patterns of the country’s history.
By Lawrence Glickman

Since reconstruction, many backlash campaigns have imposed a politics of white fragility and frustration onto racial-equality struggles. Reporting on the “hate vote” in The Saturday Evening Post, in October 1964, one month before the presidential election, Ben H. Bagdikian highlighted the “churning, emotional conflict within each voter,” by which he meant white people. He noted that the backlashers “are not against a better life for the Negro, but they are strongly against this being achieved at the cost of white tranquility.” The elevation of “tranquility” over equal justice for all was a hallmark of backlash discourse, which ranked white feelings over black rights.

Backlashers understood civil rights as zero-sum, and therefore treated campaigns for African American equality as an inexcusable undermining of what they saw as deserved white privileges and prerogatives. A New York Times poll revealed, in condensed form, the emotional landscape of the white backlash: “Northern white urbanites have no sympathy for the Negro’s plight, and believe the Civil Rights movement has gone too far, while a considerable percentage believes Negroes ‘don’t appreciate what we’re doing for them.’” The extension of sympathy, such as being in favor of a “better life for the Negro,” was, then, conditional on personal convenience and easily withdrawn. “In general, the persons interviewed were mildly in favor of a better break for Negroes—as long as it wouldn’t affect them personally,” the reporter Dave Allbaugh observed in 1963.

“I think we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come,” LBJ told Bill Moyers, his press aide, shortly after he signed the Civil Rights Act.

Backlash dynamics have played out over and over again through the latter half of the 20th century and into the 21st. They appeared in the reaction against the women’s movement—which, as Mary Wiegers wrote in 1970, faced a “built-in backlash” before it even got started—that culminated in the successful campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment as it came close to becoming law. Such dynamics remained central to campaigns against social provisions, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) in the 1980s and ’90s, and have been reflected in the genre of “angry white male” movies, including Falling Down and Gran Torino. More recently, and more consequentially, these forces helped elect Donald Trump...


With a little research, the actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.

... including Traitor Joe's hero, idol, and Dem Senate Leader

Ku Klux Klan Enchanted Cyclops

Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd

An UNCLE TOM hero as long as the UNCLE TOM got a GOVERNMENT CHECK.
When the black community allows rich old white guys in the democrat party to define blackness no one takes this race hustling serious anymore.

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Whrn whites make disingenuous comments, they should get dissed for being dumb asses. Because when old white men say what blacks have said among themselves, the idiot making the disingenuous comment proves that he is a dumb ass who knows nothing about blacks.
I would love for civil rights to be dismantled. Its govt sanctioned discrimination. And unconstitutional.
And im not racist :dunno:
No civil rights are not government sanctiioned discrimination. Jim Crow that was stopped by civil rights was government sanctioned discrimination. Whites have not been adversely affected by Civil Rights. Whites families have 15 times the wealth of blacks, 13 times the wealth of hispanics, 15 times the wealth of Native Americans, take away Indian immigrants, at least 10 times that of Asians.

Statistics regarding white wealth from the initial time of policy implementation show that Affirmative Action has benefitted white families more than anyone else by creating more high earning double-wage families.

The increased number of white women graduating college then entering higher-paying fields formerly dominated by men raised the earnings of white women. Since white men were already disproportionately represented in high-paying positions, as white women married those men, their earnings combined with his further increased white household wealth. White women have been the number one beneficiary of Affirmative Action.

So the claim you made is based on the continued repitition of a race baited lie. Civil Rights are not unconstitutional and you practice a modern form of racism called Laissez Faire racism. Modern racists will not express openly racist views. They believe racism is over and that racism is a thing of the past.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”
No civil rights are not government sanctiioned discrimination. Jim Crow that was stopped by civil rights was government sanctioned discrimination. Whites have not been adversely affected by Civil Rights. Whites families have 15 times the wealth of blacks, 13 times the wealth of hispanics, 15 times the wealth of Native Americans, take away Indian immigrants, at least 10 times that of Asians.

Statistics regarding white wealth from the initial time of policy implementation show that Affirmative Action has benefitted white families more than anyone else by creating more high earning double-wage families.

The increased number of white women graduating college then entering higher-paying fields formerly dominated by men raised the earnings of white women. Since white men were already disproportionately represented in high-paying positions, as white women married those men, their earnings combined with his further increased white household wealth. White women have been the number one beneficiary of Affirmative Action.

So the claim you made is based on the continued repitition of a race baited lie. Civil Rights are not unconstitutional and you practice a modern form of racism called Laissez Faire racism. Modern racists will not express openly racist views. They believe racism is over and that racism is a thing of the past.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”
Jim Crow was govt sanctioned discrimination as well. No argument from me.
None of that you posted matters. The Civil Rights forced by the govt is discrimination, and its unconstitutional. Period.
Whrn whites make disingenuous comments, they should get dissed for being dumb asses. Because when old white men say what blacks have said among themselves, the idiot making the disingenuous comment proves that he is a dumb ass who knows nothing about blacks.

Just can't break them chains can ya....
Whites families have 15 times the wealth of blacks, 13 times the wealth of hispanics, 15 times the wealth of Native Americans, take away Indian immigrants, at least 10 times that of Asians.
No Barney doesn't, and he states:

why do people reply to this fraud? I mean he doesnt even tell the truth about his race.

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