White students allegedly pin down black girl, forcefully cut her 'nappy' dreadlocks

This story isn't adding up. The first thing that the police should of had done. Were to questioned the boys separately. To see if their stories matches up. It would of have been a done deal to know if they would of questioned the boys separately. And the girl didn't reported it to no one? And there was no witnesses, and it had happened right in broad daylight? And the boys used a sharp object, which the police have to check the story out quickly and thoroughly. Those scissors are considered as a weapon.
All I do know is, that the governor of that state is trying to start a race war.

Now, her family is calling for the boys to be expelled. They said they had a meeting with school officials Thursday morning, but they didn't feel like the school took them seriously.
White students allegedly pin down black girl, forcefully cut her 'nappy' dreadlocks

She's admitted that she made up the story.
This story isn't adding up. The first thing that the police should of had done. Were to questioned the boys separately. To see if their stories matches up. It would of have been a done deal to know if they would of questioned the boys separately. And the girl didn't reported it to no one? And there was no witnesses, and it had happened right in broad daylight? And the boys used a sharp object, which the police have to check the story out quickly and thoroughly. Those scissors are considered as a weapon.
All I do know is, that the governor of that state is trying to start a race war.

Now, her family is calling for the boys to be expelled. They said they had a meeting with school officials Thursday morning, but they didn't feel like the school took them seriously.
White students allegedly pin down black girl, forcefully cut her 'nappy' dreadlocks

She's admitted that she made up the story.

I knew she has made the story up. Because the investigation was a easy one. All the detective had to do is? Question the three 6th graders boys separately. And if their stories doesn't add up. Then they are lying. But if their stories matches up. They are telling the truth. If it were only one person that was involved. That it will be a lot harder to investigate. But multiples are easy. And so that is why the cops didn't take it seriously. They knew she was lying but didn't wanted to embarrass her family.
And another thing is, that the girl was so afraid of snitching on the boys. But she spoke very boldly with her head held up so high to the reporters, without given any care if the boys will watch her on t.v. snitching on them. It is hard to make a witnesses or victims to come out so boldly, and speak about their case. But she most likely is the one that goes around bullying the kids at school.
She must of hated the hairstyle on her head. Because it didn't draw any little boys attention. And or her family must of gotten paid to increase racial tension.
The Globalist only uses child crisis actors, because kids from off the streets, doesn't stay on script. They has to have some training to lie or act, for the Globalist to hire them.
I think that David Hogg and the rest had a drama class teacher.
Maybe she was pushed that far because of this kind of racial prejudice from people like you telling her that her classmates are “white Christian shitheads”.

A question: If white racism is as rampant as people like you claim, why the hoaxes? Why are people like this black girl manufacturing racism if it is as prevalent as people claim?

YOu mean out of thousands of racial incidents every year, you maybe have one or two fake ones involving a celebrity...

I didn’t ask for a comparison of the numbers of real vs. fake incidents, I asked a question: Why are people like this black girl manufacturing racism if it is as prevalent as people claim?

its good that the kid got caught in her HOAX . Good looking kid , seems to be well taken care of and looks to be moderately wealthy plus a private school . Yep , lucky kid from the pictures i see but just another Race Hoaxster and its good to see JoeB.

Are they showing pictures of this kid? That would be against the law, as she is a minor.

They can’t show pictures or reveal names of juveniles who have been arrested or accused of a crime. However, they showed pictures of her when she chose to make a false claim so her image being out there is nobody’s fault but hers.
We're now at a point at which we really can't believe anything without 100% solid evidence, and REAL hate & crimes have become diluted.

Completely predictable, and a self inflicted wound. We've done this to ourselves.
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This story isn't adding up. The first thing that the police should of had done. Were to questioned the boys separately. To see if their stories matches up. It would of have been a done deal to know if they would of questioned the boys separately. And the girl didn't reported it to no one? And there was no witnesses, and it had happened right in broad daylight? And the boys used a sharp object, which the police have to check the story out quickly and thoroughly. Those scissors are considered as a weapon.
All I do know is, that the governor of that state is trying to start a race war.

Now, her family is calling for the boys to be expelled. They said they had a meeting with school officials Thursday morning, but they didn't feel like the school took them seriously.
White students allegedly pin down black girl, forcefully cut her 'nappy' dreadlocks

They were trying to do her a favour.
Maybe she was pushed that far because of this kind of racial prejudice from people like you telling her that her classmates are “white Christian shitheads”.

A question: If white racism is as rampant as people like you claim, why the hoaxes? Why are people like this black girl manufacturing racism if it is as prevalent as people claim?

YOu mean out of thousands of racial incidents every year, you maybe have one or two fake ones involving a celebrity...

I didn’t ask for a comparison of the numbers of real vs. fake incidents, I asked a question: Why are people like this black girl manufacturing racism if it is as prevalent as people claim?

its good that the kid got caught in her HOAX . Good looking kid , seems to be well taken care of and looks to be moderately wealthy plus a private school . Yep , lucky kid from the pictures i see but just another Race Hoaxster and its good to see JoeB.

Are they showing pictures of this kid? That would be against the law, as she is a minor.

They can’t show pictures or reveal names of juveniles who have been arrested or accused of a crime. However, they showed pictures of her when she chose to make a false claim so her image being out there is nobody’s fault but hers.
They are fueling the flames of racism. It is meant for the Blacks to be ones to get upset. They create movies to put on t.v. and theaters, to remind the Blacks how it was during the time of slavery. And to put in their heads that Whites hates other races. Some of these stories about how it was in the colonial days. That Whites just went around raping and beating up the Black slaves are all lies. I believe that all that they has taught in school about slavery, isn't the truth. Maybe that there were some fools like the Elites. That went around drinking the blood of slaves that they hung on the trees. And rape and ate little slave's children. But they put the blame on all Whites. But doesn't blames those that has practices witchcraft, like the Elites. They has made the witches the victims. They were witches in the old south. And most of them were the Elites. Klu Klux is a Greek Latin word for the circle or secret society, which only the Elites knows Greek. Southerners in those days hardly knew how to read or write.

The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine | History | Smithsonian
So was this kid...

You mean that smirking, disrespectful punk?

No, I mean like, you can't have it both ways, taking up for the liberal girl making up a false claim against her classmates, yet demonizing a conservative young man for standing up to adult bullying by liberal activists...

The very fact that you break it down to that even concerning children is troubling...
I didn’t ask for a comparison of the numbers of real vs. fake incidents, I asked a question: Why are people like this black girl manufacturing racism if it is as prevalent as people claim?

I gave you an answer... its so common they think they can get away with it... that's the society we live in.

They are fueling the flames of racism. It is meant for the Blacks to be ones to get upset.

Yes, they would all be happy singing and eating watermelon if it weren't for those uppity liberals getting them upset.

Oh, wait, isn't that the shit the racist said back in the 1960s? It wasn't true then, it isn't true now.

No, I mean like, you can't have it both ways, taking up for the liberal girl making up a false claim against her classmates, yet demonizing a conservative young man for standing up to adult bullying by liberal activists...

Smirky wasn't standing up to "bullying", he was disrespecting a veteran. If I had did that when I was a teen, my dad, (A veteran) would have slapped me into a new zip code. But that's when Catholic Schools used to teach kids how to be decent human beings... and not take them to racist/misogynist rallies.
Smirky wasn't standing up to "bullying", he was disrespecting a veteran. If I had did that when I was a teen, my dad, (A veteran) would have slapped me into a new zip code. But that's when Catholic Schools used to teach kids how to be decent human beings... and not take them to racist/misogynist rallies.


The fact that you start out your factually challenged reply with a slur nickname for the young man shows everyone your tolerance of differing political opinions, and the childish lengths you will go to taunt, and troll this board.

The fact of that incident couldn't be further from the characterization you want to portray here, (but, that is for another thread)....Any reasonable person sees it differently than the partisan attack filled, and factless portrayal you offer up....

The Media Wildly Mischaracterized That Video of Covington Catholic Students Confronting a Native American Veteran

Mr. Phillips claimed to be a Vietnam Veteran. That was false.

"Native American activist Nathan Phillips faces questions about reports that he’s a veteran of the Vietnam war.

According to multiple news accounts, the activist is 64 years old, which means he would have been 18 years old in 1973, the last year any U.S. combat units were stationed in Vietnam.

Mr. Phillips also claims to be a Marine veteran, although the last Marine combat units left Vietnam in 1971."

Did Nathan Phillips Falsely Claim He Was a Vietnam Veteran?

While Phillips may have been a Vet, he was not, nor was he EVER a Vietnam Combat Vet.

Bottom line, that I have to re debate what is now known or settled fact about that incident, in no way addresses what this girl did, which was lie about something that never happened, so my point stands, and this proves it is true, that had this young lady been other than a liberal, you and your fellow travelers in here would not be giving her the pass that you are....So spare us all!
I didn’t ask for a comparison of the numbers of real vs. fake incidents, I asked a question: Why are people like this black girl manufacturing racism if it is as prevalent as people claim?

I gave you an answer... its so common they think they can get away with it... that's the society we live in.

They are fueling the flames of racism. It is meant for the Blacks to be ones to get upset.

Yes, they would all be happy singing and eating watermelon if it weren't for those uppity liberals getting them upset.

Oh, wait, isn't that the shit the racist said back in the 1960s? It wasn't true then, it isn't true now.

No, I mean like, you can't have it both ways, taking up for the liberal girl making up a false claim against her classmates, yet demonizing a conservative young man for standing up to adult bullying by liberal activists...

Smirky wasn't standing up to "bullying", he was disrespecting a veteran. If I had did that when I was a teen, my dad, (A veteran) would have slapped me into a new zip code. But that's when Catholic Schools used to teach kids how to be decent human beings... and not take them to racist/misogynist rallies.

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