White Supremacism IS a HUGE problem?

Pandering to fleeting causes, Democrats ARE deeply invested into...that thing, sincerely, because they say so, and they are so ardently sincere and committed to facts.
I will school you fools. Biden used to be a friend of White supremacists. Biden fought against desegregation. Biden sided with Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond. Biden doesn't care about you, race or your gender preference. Never did and never will... Its called pandering, kiddos.
Yeah. Rational Americans know all this. Politicians are useless. If you pin your loyalty to one, you're an 'activist'. I can't think of anything more useless to society. You haven't said anything profound here.

Get over yourself.
Pandering to fleeting causes, Democrats ARE deeply invested into...that thing, sincerely, because they say so, and they are so ardently sincere and committed to facts.
"Pandering to fleeting causes" - so well put. The result of absolutely no first principles. Such useful idiots.
I actually can't post this on MSN comment board: "98% of black murdered by other blacks but. 01% of white supremist hate crime are HOW MUCH of the crime statistics? Truth and facts, reality are not the friends of the mainstream media.

Tell us about needed election reform again.
Not quite pandering. Biden is so unelectable that the Democrat only chance is massive violence. Agitating for an eruption is the best chance for a Democrat in office in 2024.
STFU you ignorant moron.

The only people talking about violence are you folks
"Burning down cities"

Standard MAGA talk radio hyperbole, destroys credibility.

Any benefit that is currently conferred on the basis of intellectual merit will go less often to the descendants of American slaves. This means jobs, promotions, acceptances to selective schools, etc. It is a statistical certainty. The only way to change it now is to deny reality and "cook the books."

But Black intellectual inferiority is not genetic, it is cultural, and could be overcome within a generation if American Blacks would just get with the program. Maximize your free public education; don't get in trouble, or associate with those who do; shun controlled substances; get a job and stay employed; don't have babies unless and until you are married. It ain't complicated.

The fact that I articulate these facts makes me a "white supremacist." Sorry.

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