White Supremacism IS a HUGE problem?

Black crime and Illegal immigration are the big problems in this country now.
How? I see BLM and Antifa burning downs cities for months. In real time not some UCLA professor imaginary claim, NOPE But Biden claims Whites and violence and esoteric maybe kinda hypothetically perhaps theoretically stocastacaly in an alternate universe whilst ignoring their own hate and stochastic, er, actual funding and instigating hate and riots. Democrats ARE the hate group, we need to fight, we have met the enemy. He is the democrats.

Andrew Klavan interviewed Andrew McCarthy on his Friday podcast, 5/19/23......he stated that the FBI leadership ordered local offices to open investigations into "domestic terrorism" that would never have been classified as such.....all in the effort to create a lie about domestic terrorism....

The point where they discuss the FBI cooking the books on domestic terrorism is at the 19:42 mark on the following video...

Here is his column on the topic ....

Even before the Capitol riot of January 6, 2021, congressional Democrats had formulated a plan to project the illusion that the most perilous threat to American national security — not just in our time but in our history — was domestic terrorism fueled by white supremacists. This was, and remains, a political narrative through and through.
The real purpose of this legislation is twofold: (1) stigmatize as terrorism policies that progressives oppose; (2) establish in law requirements that induce the FBI and other federal agencies to inflate the number of domestic-terrorism investigations, the better to insist that — though you’d never know it given the absence of, you know, actual terrorist attacks — the country is under a white-supremacist siege.
From that premise, the FBI’s books are being cooked to make its one “terrorism” case, based on an uprising in one place at one time (over a few hours), look as if it were over a thousand terrorism cases, posing persistent peril all over the country. To understand how, you need to know how the bureau usually works.

Routinely, the FBI field office in the place where the crime mainly happened (which is in the federal district where the case will be prosecuted) heads up the investigation. If the crime involves interstate activity, or if relevant participants or witnesses need to be pursued in other parts of the country, the field office whose agents are running the case sends out investigative “leads” to other field offices. Those field offices elsewhere in the country pursue these leads, which could just be interviewing a witness or could be something more serious like executing a search or arrest warrant. The fruits of those leads are then transmitted to the field office running the case.

That is not what has happened with the Capitol riot. The FBI’s Washington Field Office is running the investigation, but instead of sending out leads, it often sends out directions to other field offices to open new cases in the places where subjects of the Capitol riot reside (and note that the Justice Department has prosecuted over 1,000 people from nearly all 50 states in connection with January 6).
As Agent Friend told Jordan:

The manipulative casefile practice creates false and misleading crime statistics. Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from a single, black swan incident at the Capitol, FBI and DOJ officials point to significant increases in domestic violent extremism and terrorism around the United States.
He adds:

By opening a separate case for each individual as opposed to one case with however many subjects are involved, they’ve turned one case into a thousand cases. And by spreading them to the field they’ve given the impression that those domestic terror cases are around the country when, in fact, the subjects, if they committed any sort of violation or infraction, they committed a crime at the Capitol on one day as opposed to being a cell that’s operating in El Paso or Cleveland.

Who are these White Supremacists? Do you have any names?

Can name me as one in a way I suppose.

I never used to be racist (for 40 years or more) or anything but the past 3 or 4 years with politicians and corporations and blacks have turned me into one. Groups like antifa and BLM have made me dislike them even more. And individual blacks here and there like that black bitch screaming at people on a plane about how she is a black queen and they should bow to her hardens my stance even more. News outlets always pushing race stories makes it worse.

Now I wish for a white America. Were too diverse. We have too many people from different countries, cultures, religions, backgrounds,ethics and so on and no one wants to back down. Everyone wants America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

I think America was a stronger, innovative, independent, smarter, etc when white people were running the show.
Ok. Explain it.
Can name me as one in a way I suppose.

I never used to be racist (for 40 years or more) or anything but the past 3 or 4 years with politicians and corporations and blacks have turned me into one. Groups like antifa and BLM have made me dislike them even more. And individual blacks here and there like that black bitch screaming at people on a plane about how she is a black queen and they should bow to her hardens my stance even more. News outlets always pushing race stories makes it worse.

Now I wish for a white America. Were too diverse. We have too many people from different countries, cultures, religions, backgrounds,ethics and so on and no one wants to back down. Everyone wants America to conform to them, they don't want to conform to America.

I think America was a stronger, innovative, independent, smarter, etc when white people were running the show.
In the past when immigrants came here they considered themselves Americans and were willing to work hard because of opportunities. Not any more.
How? I see BLM and Antifa burning downs cities for months. In real time not some UCLA professor imaginary claim, NOPE But Biden claims Whites and violence and esoteric maybe kinda hypothetically perhaps theoretically stocastacaly in an alternate universe whilst ignoring their own hate and stochastic, er, actual funding and instigating hate and riots. Democrats ARE the hate group, we need to fight, we have met the enemy. He is the democrats.
Yes it is.
In the past when immigrants came here they considered themselves Americans and were willing to work hard because of opportunities. Not any more.
Actually if you really looked at history, the immigrants themselves had a very hard time assimulating language and acceptance wise....the 1st generation born in America assimulated better but not completely....if they came from a non-English speaking country, they would pick up street English but wouldn't be fluent. They'd be able to speak their parents' language but weren't fluent in that either. It's the 2nd born-in America generation that was completely assimulated as Americans.

In the past when immigrants came here they considered themselves Americans and were willing to work hard because of opportunities. Not any more.

Nice rewriting of History.

How do you think the Ethnic neighborhoods got started in the cities? The Italians didn’t want any Irish in their neighborhoods. Italian was spoken. Many didn’t speak any English. The same was true of the Irish neighborhoods. They didn’t want Italian or English in them.

The kids went to school. And they learned English. They spoke Italian at home and English in the streets and schools.

The next generation spoke some Italian. For Grandma and such. But they spoke mostly English.

Norwegian immigrants settled in the Northern States. The winters were familiar and mild by comparison. My own Father talked of his Grandfather who was upset that my Dad didn’t speak Norwegian.

It takes a generation to start to acclimate. It takes a couple to become fully American as you see it.

The first Generation wants to do things as they did in the Old Country. We still see this today. Honor killings because the second generation is becoming too American for the older gen of Muslim immigrants.

I have no idea where you got your history. But you should see about getting a refund.
"Burning down cities"

Standard MAGA talk radio hyperbole, destroys credibility.

Those businesses and chain stores leaving those same cities is not a mirage. The real pain is the chain stores leaving in or close to African American communities that they were pushing to locate there for decades after losing stores from the 1960's riots.
Nice rewriting of History.

How do you think the Ethnic neighborhoods got started in the cities? The Italians didn’t want any Irish in their neighborhoods. Italian was spoken. Many didn’t speak any English. The same was true of the Irish neighborhoods. They didn’t want Italian or English in them.

The kids went to school. And they learned English. They spoke Italian at home and English in the streets and schools.

The next generation spoke some Italian. For Grandma and such. But they spoke mostly English.

Norwegian immigrants settled in the Northern States. The winters were familiar and mild by comparison. My own Father talked of his Grandfather who was upset that my Dad didn’t speak Norwegian.

It takes a generation to start to acclimate. It takes a couple to become fully American as you see it.

The first Generation wants to do things as they did in the Old Country. We still see this today. Honor killings because the second generation is becoming too American for the older gen of Muslim immigrants.

I have no idea where you got your history. But you should see about getting a refund.
Read my post again. I never said that everyone got along. I said that they were all proud to be Americans. Dumb ass.
I have a question. How can Christians oppose the goals of BLM? How can they not understand the incidents that created the movement?
How can a Christian oppose a Marxist, terrorist grifter organization?

Right offhand, I would say because they are Marxist terrorist grifters.

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