White supremacist group's robocalls target Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum

White supremacist group's robocalls target Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum

Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum
The recording, impersonating the African-American politician, was made by a group identifying itself as the Road to Power on the call.

by Alex Seitz-Wald / Aug.31.2018 / 12:32 PM ET / Updated Aug.31.2018 / 3:40 PM ET
Florida voters who receive the call, audio of which was obtained by NBC News, hear a man speaking in a minstral dialect who identifies himself as Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee who won his party's primary Tuesday.

Over a soundtrack of drums and jungle noises, the man says, "We Negroes...done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone." The impersonator says the huts would useful housing in a hurricane. He also says he'll pass a law letting black people escape arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

Voters reported receiving it Friday, according to the Tallahassee Democrat, which first reported the call.

A disclaimer at the end of the recording says it was paid for by The Road to Power, a white supremacist and anti-Semitic group based in Idaho that has made other offensive robocalls, including one in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a far-right rally there last year, and another identified Friday in Iowa.

A spokesperson for Gillum's Republican opponent, Rep. Ron DeSantis, condemned the robocall as "absolutely appalling and disgusting" and said he hoped "whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action."

"Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success,” DeSantis spokesperson Stephen Lawson added.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate, also condemned the message.​
It's a Soros funded group trying Alinsky DeSantis
Sounds like they know they are hard up. Its a regular republican thing, Al Gore won the state in 2000, but Bush Jr, got it.

How did Al Gore win the state if Bush W got it?
Gore had fewer votes after 3 recounts, therefore he wins

It’s still baffling that lefties believe Gore should had been awarded the state even though he lost every single recount. Then again it’s not surprising considering how much they hate democracy.
White supremacist group's robocalls target Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum

Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum
The recording, impersonating the African-American politician, was made by a group identifying itself as the Road to Power on the call.

by Alex Seitz-Wald / Aug.31.2018 / 12:32 PM ET / Updated Aug.31.2018 / 3:40 PM ET
Florida voters who receive the call, audio of which was obtained by NBC News, hear a man speaking in a minstral dialect who identifies himself as Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee who won his party's primary Tuesday.

Over a soundtrack of drums and jungle noises, the man says, "We Negroes...done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone." The impersonator says the huts would useful housing in a hurricane. He also says he'll pass a law letting black people escape arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

Voters reported receiving it Friday, according to the Tallahassee Democrat, which first reported the call.

A disclaimer at the end of the recording says it was paid for by The Road to Power, a white supremacist and anti-Semitic group based in Idaho that has made other offensive robocalls, including one in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a far-right rally there last year, and another identified Friday in Iowa.

A spokesperson for Gillum's Republican opponent, Rep. Ron DeSantis, condemned the robocall as "absolutely appalling and disgusting" and said he hoped "whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action."

"Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success,” DeSantis spokesperson Stephen Lawson added.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate, also condemned the message.​

White Supremacist Group....Definition...

One, lone crank in his mom's basement.

Meanwhile the black lives matter movement is a core group of the democrat party.....
Rightwing racism and hate is as much an opponent of Gillum as DeSantis; Gillum is forced to run against both.
DiSantis is the only logical choice and it would be crazy for republicans to get involved with a scam like this. The obvious conclusion is that the robocalls are part of a dirty tricks effort orchestrated by the desperate democrat party to play the race card. It's nothing new. The FBI might make a token effort to uncover the culprit but if it points to the democrat party they will drop the case. The FBI's track record in Florida isn't too good since they dropped the investigation of the son of an informant just before he went ballistic and shot up a gay bar and it seems the FBI couldn't find a kid when he was in the freaking phone book before he shot up a freaking school.
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White supremacist group's robocalls target Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum

Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum
The recording, impersonating the African-American politician, was made by a group identifying itself as the Road to Power on the call.

by Alex Seitz-Wald / Aug.31.2018 / 12:32 PM ET / Updated Aug.31.2018 / 3:40 PM ET
Florida voters who receive the call, audio of which was obtained by NBC News, hear a man speaking in a minstral dialect who identifies himself as Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee who won his party's primary Tuesday.

Over a soundtrack of drums and jungle noises, the man says, "We Negroes...done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone." The impersonator says the huts would useful housing in a hurricane. He also says he'll pass a law letting black people escape arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

Voters reported receiving it Friday, according to the Tallahassee Democrat, which first reported the call.

A disclaimer at the end of the recording says it was paid for by The Road to Power, a white supremacist and anti-Semitic group based in Idaho that has made other offensive robocalls, including one in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a far-right rally there last year, and another identified Friday in Iowa.

A spokesperson for Gillum's Republican opponent, Rep. Ron DeSantis, condemned the robocall as "absolutely appalling and disgusting" and said he hoped "whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action."

"Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success,” DeSantis spokesperson Stephen Lawson added.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate, also condemned the message.​

White Supremacist Group....Definition...

One, lone crank in his mom's basement.

Meanwhile the black lives matter movement is a core group of the democrat party.....

It was likely a fraud by a Democrat just to play up the race card.
White supremacist group's robocalls target Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum

Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum
The recording, impersonating the African-American politician, was made by a group identifying itself as the Road to Power on the call.

by Alex Seitz-Wald / Aug.31.2018 / 12:32 PM ET / Updated Aug.31.2018 / 3:40 PM ET
Florida voters who receive the call, audio of which was obtained by NBC News, hear a man speaking in a minstral dialect who identifies himself as Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee who won his party's primary Tuesday.

Over a soundtrack of drums and jungle noises, the man says, "We Negroes...done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone." The impersonator says the huts would useful housing in a hurricane. He also says he'll pass a law letting black people escape arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

Voters reported receiving it Friday, according to the Tallahassee Democrat, which first reported the call.

A disclaimer at the end of the recording says it was paid for by The Road to Power, a white supremacist and anti-Semitic group based in Idaho that has made other offensive robocalls, including one in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a far-right rally there last year, and another identified Friday in Iowa.

A spokesperson for Gillum's Republican opponent, Rep. Ron DeSantis, condemned the robocall as "absolutely appalling and disgusting" and said he hoped "whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action."

"Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success,” DeSantis spokesperson Stephen Lawson added.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate, also condemned the message.​
The likelihood is was a liberal front group to make the pro capitalist candidates look bad. Typical Saul Alinsky tactic. Same tactic being used to make the word "monkey" taken out of context a racist slur.

The People are on to your cultural Marxists bullshit. There will not be a blue wave.

It COULD be an actual nazi group, trying to make republicans look bad, so as to support their lib allies in destroying the two party system and hopefully making the world such a shitty place that they could become relevant someday.
Democrats don’t need neonazi groups to do their dirty work. Dems can handle being bigots very well on their own, thank you.
White supremacist group's robocalls target Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum

Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum
The recording, impersonating the African-American politician, was made by a group identifying itself as the Road to Power on the call.

by Alex Seitz-Wald / Aug.31.2018 / 12:32 PM ET / Updated Aug.31.2018 / 3:40 PM ET
Florida voters who receive the call, audio of which was obtained by NBC News, hear a man speaking in a minstral dialect who identifies himself as Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee who won his party's primary Tuesday.

Over a soundtrack of drums and jungle noises, the man says, "We Negroes...done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone." The impersonator says the huts would useful housing in a hurricane. He also says he'll pass a law letting black people escape arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

Voters reported receiving it Friday, according to the Tallahassee Democrat, which first reported the call.

A disclaimer at the end of the recording says it was paid for by The Road to Power, a white supremacist and anti-Semitic group based in Idaho that has made other offensive robocalls, including one in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a far-right rally there last year, and another identified Friday in Iowa.

A spokesperson for Gillum's Republican opponent, Rep. Ron DeSantis, condemned the robocall as "absolutely appalling and disgusting" and said he hoped "whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action."

"Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success,” DeSantis spokesperson Stephen Lawson added.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate, also condemned the message.​
But it's perfectly alright for that kind of garbage, by a group called The Road to Power, to stay in business because our founders wanted us to be able to criticize our leaders. How is that constructive criticism of anything?

I almost wonder if a bonafide white nationalist group would even send something like this. If so, they're one of the dumber ones.

1.Yes, it is alright for the group, The Road to Power to stay in business. Freedom of Speech and all of that.

2. Though I do wonder about the legality of dishonestly claiming to be someone else.
This is truly despicable, and if it isn't illegal - It damn well SHOULD be. It's called incitement to imminent lawless action. Hope the family sues these idiots into the poorhouse. Apparently we have a group of racist assholes up in the Idaho panhandle that we'd like to sell cheap. Will throw in free shipping.. :hmpf:

August 30, 2018 02:07 PM
Updated August 31, 2018 10:33 AM

Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts’ murder is being used by an Idaho man to push anti-immigrant rhetoric via robocalls, according to Iowa officials and media.

According to WeAreIowa.com, the recording calls suspect Cristhian Bahena Rivera “an invader from Mexico.” Rivera was living in Iowa after migrating to the U.S. illegally.

The call goes on to call immigrants “savages” and asserts that, were she still alive, Tibbetts would advocate for violence against immigrants. The Des Moines Register reports:

“If after her life has now been brutally stolen from her, she could be brought back to life for just one moment and asked, ‘What do you think now?,’ Mollie Tibbetts would say, ‘Kill them all,’” the message said.

The calls, linked to a group called The Road to Power, go on to advocate for mass deportation. Scott Rhodes, of Sandpoint, is affiliated with The Road to Power’s white nationalist podcast. Rhodes has also earned attention in Idaho for robocalls attacking minorities, according to the Spokesman-Review. The Iowa calls have a local area code.

A spokesman for the Iowa Attorney General’s Office told the Register the robocalls may not be illegal, calling them “repulsive.” He urged Iowans to add their phone numbers to “do not call” lists or download apps that block spam calls.​

Robocall claims Mollie Tibbetts would want to ‘kill all’ immigrants. It came from Idaho
Likely a Democrat behind the calls. Hoping to stir up some sympathy for the Dem. candidate. Its a move right out of their playbook...
Sounds like they know they are hard up. Its a regular republican thing, Al Gore won the state in 2000, but Bush Jr, got it.

You are a filthy liar.

"A spokesperson for Gillum's Republican opponent, Rep. Ron DeSantis, condemned the robocall as "absolutely appalling and disgusting" and said he hoped "whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action."

"Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success,” DeSantis spokesperson Stephen Lawson added.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate, also condemned the message."

Nice to see Ron the Racist defend his opponent ... the Monkey :rolleyes-41:
The likelihood is was a liberal front group to make the pro capitalist candidates look bad. Typical Saul Alinsky tactic. Same tactic being used to make the word "monkey" taken out of context a racist slur.

The People are on to your cultural Marxists bullshit. There will not be a blue wave.

Poll: Congressional Democrats up 14 points over GOP on generic ballot
Better head for high ground or grab your surfboard Spicoli :)

White supremacist group's robocalls target Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum

Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum
The recording, impersonating the African-American politician, was made by a group identifying itself as the Road to Power on the call.

by Alex Seitz-Wald / Aug.31.2018 / 12:32 PM ET / Updated Aug.31.2018 / 3:40 PM ET
Florida voters who receive the call, audio of which was obtained by NBC News, hear a man speaking in a minstral dialect who identifies himself as Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee who won his party's primary Tuesday.

Over a soundtrack of drums and jungle noises, the man says, "We Negroes...done made mud huts while white folk waste a bunch of time making their home out of wood an stone." The impersonator says the huts would useful housing in a hurricane. He also says he'll pass a law letting black people escape arrest "if the Negro know fo' sho he didn't do nothin.'"

Voters reported receiving it Friday, according to the Tallahassee Democrat, which first reported the call.

A disclaimer at the end of the recording says it was paid for by The Road to Power, a white supremacist and anti-Semitic group based in Idaho that has made other offensive robocalls, including one in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a far-right rally there last year, and another identified Friday in Iowa.

A spokesperson for Gillum's Republican opponent, Rep. Ron DeSantis, condemned the robocall as "absolutely appalling and disgusting" and said he hoped "whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action."

"Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success,” DeSantis spokesperson Stephen Lawson added.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who is running for Senate, also condemned the message.​

This is the kind of thing most people hang the phone up on. It's crap. Do you really believe this is going to cause people to vote against Gillum? It was probably created by someone still living in his mom's basement.
Hard to say what Mollie would say now, she's dead, an illegal killed her

funny how you don't like it when you think people mention 'family' to score political points- but you will when it's to your advantage 'eh? her family is really not liking their mollie be used like that & has asked she not be....

what a hypocrite you are.
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so the CONsensus here from rwingers, is that FLA couldn't possibly have white supremacists targeting a black man because he got all uppity & refused to stay in his place?

huh... imagine that.
Sounds like they know they are hard up. Its a regular republican thing, Al Gore won the state in 2000, but Bush Jr, got it.

How did Al Gore win the state if Bush W got it?

"How" indeed. To paraphrase a quote I can't be bothered to look up, it ain't about who gets the votes, it's about who counts the votes. Joe Stalin said that.

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