White Supremacists Are Taking Hate Offline and Onto the Streets

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There is no White Albanian Caucus.
How many blacks in the Albanian caucus?
The Albanian White Caucus you mentioned? There is no such thing.

I have my doubts as to there being an Albanian negro caucus. :dunno:
The Negro Caucus already covers them.

why do white supremacists like using the term "negro"? is it intended to demean people of color? if it is, I'm pretty sure that you don't matter enough to concern them.

It's all about the oppression, snowflake princess fake lawyer. Yeah, that's the ticket.
There is no White Albanian Caucus.
How many blacks in the Albanian caucus?
The Albanian White Caucus you mentioned? There is no such thing.

I have my doubts as to there being an Albanian negro caucus. :dunno:
The Negro Caucus already covers them.

why do white supremacists like using the term "negro"? is it intended to demean people of color? if it is, I'm pretty sure that you don't matter enough to concern them.
We use it every day. It's pronounced nay-grow or nay-grah and means black. Do black people offend you, or just saying the color makes you so itchy.
why do white supremacists like using the term "negro"? is it intended to demean people of color? if it is, I'm pretty sure that you don't matter enough to concern them.

“Negro” is the correct scientific term for that race just as “Caucasian” is the correct term for the “white” race. There is nothing the least bit racist about the proper use of that term.
I have to say that so-called far right speakers have a point in their remarks about the hypocrisy of the Left and groups like Black Lives Matter. White males are being openly discriminated against and vilified for no reason. Hard work and values are deemed racist because they are the values of white men. This country is being turned upside down in order for the globalist to take over and end our democracy.

And it looks like some on the right are not going to let that happen. I support the cause.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

The right only do well when times are tough. Its essentially a negative philosophy in search of losers and malcontents.
The values of the Right is what made this country great. We allowed people of all colors and races to come here. It's starting to look like it's been a mistake in the last 20 years.
What? The Right is finally getting vocal ?

About time.
We've been vocal since Nov 8, 2016...and we're still not done.

WTF are you talking about? You’ve lost almost every election since then, with Democrats flipping 40 Republican seats so far while Republicans haven’t taken a single Democrat seat.
What calls for violence has ThinkProgress dished up?


“If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.” - Think Progress
what on earth are you babbling about? stormfront, daily stormer, infowars, breitbart.... all online. what white supremacist lying sites have been removed? the bots coming from Russia?

Say Comrade, leaving aside that you tossed Jewish owned and operated Breitbart in their (Hey, you're a fucking Nazi, demagoguery is your way), and leaving aside the fact that ThinkProgress, DailyKOS, and Alternet serve up FAR more hatred with calls for violence than any of those other sites - did you forget that dailystormer was CENSORED and outlawed as hate speech by our Oligarch elites?

I never went there and never would, but the FACT that you Maoist pigs crushed speech you don't like tells us all we need to know about you Jihadi loving scum..
What calls for violence has ThinkProgress dished up?

Do you realllllly wanna go there?

the calls for violence he hears were the voices in his head

One thing about you Nazi Jill, you're a fucking liar - always.

“I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editor Alan Pyke

You Nazis are some evil fucks, you just are.
This should be of great concern to all of us, as well as to our national security apparatus, but it is under-reported in the MSM and all but ignored by the Justice Department in favor of a focus on foreign threats- particularly Islam

National News

The rise of far-right extremism on the shadowy corners of the internet is a legitimate concern for those who value tolerance, peace and progress. Now a new study from the ADL’s Center for Extremism reports that radical white nationalist organizations are not content simply to congregate online; increasingly, they are spewing their hatred in traditional, highly visible public banners.

Over the last 10 months, anti-black, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic banners have surfaced on highway overpasses and college campus rooftops across the country. The ADL counts at least 72 such banners since May 2017, an alarming rate of seven per month. Their messaging is decidedly political in nature, suggesting that the Trump administration’s backward policies, as well as the president’s constant stream of invective, have emboldened the most noxious segment of American society. “Groups associated with the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement are responsible for the bulk of this activism, and accounted for 73 percent of the incidents,” the ADL reveals.

The right only do well when times are tough. Its essentially a negative philosophy in search of losers and malcontents.
The values of the Right is what made this country great. We allowed people of all colors and races to come here. It's starting to look like it's been a mistake in the last 20 years.

Things have not been going the right way for 20 years+

People, it's time to ask yourself: Do you want to keep the America your forefathers fought for?

Get the fuck off the phone! :mad:
Things have not been going the right way for 20 years+

People, it's time to ask yourself: Do you want to keep the America your forefathers fought for?

Get the fuck off the phone! :mad:

We have to accept that democrats are not the opposition, they are the enemy. They don't have a different view of how to govern, they seek to destroy us. They don't disagree with our ideas, they hate us and want us dead.

We cannot afford to continue playing make believe.
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