White Supremacy


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
If you believe in white supremacy then you must believe in black inferiority. If you say America is nothing but white nationalism then you must acknowledge that blacks are inferior. Think about that.
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If you believe in white supremacy then you must believe in black inferiority. If you say America is nothing but white nationalism then you must acknowledge that blacks are inferior. Think about that.
Who said America is nothing but white nationalism? There are many, too many, white nationalists, but hardly the entire country. Who told you that?
There is nothing wrong with loving your country...not what the left has made it but as it was originally founded. Seems the only people who can be nationalistic is every other country on the planet.
Who said America is nothing but white nationalism? There are many, too many, white nationalists, but hardly the entire country. Who told you that?
White nationalism is not a thing of any significance in America. You leftists are delusional. The only significant racism in America today is that of leftist, America-hating lunatics.
There is nothing wrong with loving your country...not what the left has made it but as it was originally founded. Seems the only people who can be nationalistic is every other country on the planet.
The globalists are vilifying any countries' citizens who promote a national identity. They did it to Trump, Johnson and Bolsonaro, using covid stance to attack them. All of them have been nullified and now the only national leader who seems intent on promoting national identity is Putin and now he is under attack. I hope he can stand off the globalists until Nov. and hopefully we will have a government that will maintain the national identity of the US.
Who said America is nothing but white nationalism? There are many, too many, white nationalists, but hardly the entire country. Who told you that?
The same people who say every white person is a racist. People who want to divide and destroy this country. You know, the assholes you listen to.
White nationalism is not a thing of any significance in America. You leftists are delusional. The only significant racism in America today is that of leftist, America-hating lunatics.
Nationalism has absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity. A person who loves and promotes his country and its history, regardless of their foibles or successes is a nationalist--a patriot. Race and ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with it and when white or any other descriptor is attached to it, it is being done by a fucking globalist who is intent on destroying national identities.
Nationalism has absolutely nothing to do with ethnicity. A person who loves and promotes his country and its history, regardless of their foibles or successes is a nationalist--a patriot. Race and ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with it and when white or any other descriptor is attached to it, it is being done by a fucking globalist who is intent on destroying national identities.
Agree. Which is why I wrote that there is nothing wrong with nationalism in the first place: White Supremacy

White nationalism is the slogan-speak of leftist whores whose wont, as you say, is to demonize patriots and impose globalism.
If you Google 'white supremacy' you'll get tons of links pushing it's existence and how to identify it. These people must believe that blacks and non-whites are fundamentally inferior. Methinks they protest too much.
The globalists are vilifying any countries' citizens who promote a national identity. They did it to Trump, Johnson and Bolsonaro, using covid stance to attack them. All of them have been nullified and now the only national leader who seems intent on promoting national identity is Putin and now he is under attack. I hope he can stand off the globalists until Nov. and hopefully we will have a government that will maintain the national identity of the US.
You watch way too much OAN, RT, etc.

You should know those are Russian propagandist channels.
There is nothing wrong with loving your country...not what the left has made it but as it was originally founded.

Nothing wrong at all with that but it was founded and developed on slavery. You'll argue with that but the founders never ever meant it to be dominated by white supremists. You gave to admit it is very obvious in the southern stats and the existence of the KKK perpetuates it.
Seems the only people who can be nationalistic is every other country on the planet.

Not at all. The difference here it is the divided states of America. You can't deny that.
It's all over these forums every day. Racism is rife here.
Nothing wrong at all with that but it was founded and developed on slavery. You'll argue with that but the founders never ever meant it to be dominated by white supremists. You gave to admit it is very obvious in the southern stats and the existence of the KKK perpetuates it.

Not at all. The difference here it is the divided states of America. You can't deny that.
It's all over these forums every day. Racism is rife here.
America was founded on individual freedom. Specifically freedom from the Crown. The Founders' intent is that all people are created equal. At the time, everyone knew that slavery was an antitheses to that doctrine. Slavery was indeed part of the economy and was really an institution in the Democrat South. Black labor at virtually no cost was very profitable. Whites in Southern plantations had luxurious lives.

Fortunately, the many people in the North and some in the South recognized that slavery was immoral. Eventually a war was fought over slavery where hundereds of thousands of young men bleed and died fighting their brothers on battlefields. America is a country that created ideals that, at the time, were beyond reach but, Americans eventually saw the errors of their ways.

So, your statement that America was founded on slavery is a half truth at best. and seems to show a grave misunderstanding of America and American history.

And yes, America has divided States yet they are all allowed some independence per our Constitution. That's because of that individual freedom of thought thing that Marxists hate.
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America was founded on individual freedom. Specifically freedom from the Crown.
I suggest you read it again because you are wrong. I know you want it to be that way but it's not true.
The Founders' intent is that all people are created equal.
You mean like God created them equal? But the whites didn't.
At the time, everyone knew that slavery was an antitheses to that doctrine. Slavery was indeed part of the economy and was really an institution in the Democrat South. Black labor at virtually no cost was very profitable. Whites in Southern plantations had luxurious lives.

That is where slavery built the wealth of the country early in the piece. White supremacy and it still e ists today.
Fortunately, the North recognized that slavery was immoral.

You mean lincoln did.
Eventually a war was fought over slavery where hundereds of thousands of young men bleed and died fighting their brothers on battlefields.
That shows the determination of the white supremists to keep slaves. How very noble of them and then they all went to church and prayed to God.
They were prepared to die to keep slaves. Very dumb indeed.
America is a country that created ideals that, at the time, were beyond reach but, Americans eventually saw the errors of their ways.
Did it really? Can you relay that to the racist arseholes who still exist all over the country? they obviously don't know.
So, your statement that America was founded on slavery is a half truth at best.
It would not have developed anywhere near the rate it did without slavery. Don't deny it with your mealy mouthed words. I know it's nothing to be proud of but it's a fact.
And yes, America has divided States. That's because of that individual freedom of thought thing that Marxists like you hate.
Here we Go again. Its the lefts fault again.
Why would half the people who fought and died in wars for the country, paid their taxes and worked their arse off, suddenly dislike freedom. The same applies to blacks.
Then you call them unpatriotic and un American also . It makes no sense. It's like you resent their presence because they stop you installing authoritarian rule like trump wanted yet democrats are the Marxists????
You don't know the meaning of the word you idiot.
You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican
I suggest you read it again because you are wrong. I know you want it to be that way but it's not true.

You mean like God created them equal? But the whites didn't.

That is where slavery built the wealth of the country early in the piece. White supremacy and it still e ists today.

You mean lincoln did.

That shows the determination of the white supremists to keep slaves. How very noble of them and then they all went to church and prayed to God.
They were prepared to die to keep slaves. Very dumb indeed.

Did it really? Can you relay that to the racist arseholes who still exist all over the country? they obviously don't know.

It would not have developed anywhere near the rate it did without slavery. Don't deny it with your mealy mouthed words. I know it's nothing to be proud of but it's a fact.

Here we Go again. Its the lefts fault again.
Why would half the people who fought and died in wars for the country, paid their taxes and worked their arse off, suddenly dislike freedom. The same applies to blacks.
Then you call them unpatriotic and un American also . It makes no sense. It's like you resent their presence because they stop you installing authoritarian rule like trump wanted yet democrats are the Marxists????
You don't know the meaning of the word you idiot.
You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican
OK you hate America. I get it. You got a chip on your shoulder too. Then you hurl insults like a child. Good luck with that shit.
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