"Whiteness" an existential threat to US--the language of genocide in US academia

Another anti-white racist professor providing the language for the coming genocide against whites has surfaced. Lisa Anderson-Levy, a professor at Beloit University, argues that "whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S."
With so much threat to her life, she should quit her job and move to Zimbabwe. Very few whites there!

She's 100% full of shit as long as she stays here.

ALL blacks complaining about racism need to move their black assess back to Africa! Ghana gives FREE citizenship to anyone of African descent! Some other African nations do that too!

Then you won't have to complain about racism EVER again in countries that are 98% black!! I'm SICK & TIRED of blacks complaining about racism in a nation founded exclusively by British Europeans!!

Don't give me Native American bullshit. I've spoken to Native Americans & even they were too busy fighting each other & weren't unified in fighting the whites. Plus natives haven been displaced ALL OVER the WORLD not just here! Even Japan, China, & Taiwan displaced Natives yet no one harasses them about it!
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Slavery was an act of kindness, that saved many millions of blacks from certain death or being sold to Muslims. White people found something useful for them to do, picking cotton, thanks to inventing the cotton gin, and saved their lives for many generations to come. Freed slaves that returned to Africa merely set themselves up as slave plantation owners, so it's clear black people didn't have any objections to slavery, and in fact practiced it themselves after being freed.

They're angry now because slavery was the best thing that ever happened to them, and they want to be Whitey's property again; they don't do well at all on their own. All the anger is a plea for help.
Another anti-white racist professor providing the language for the coming genocide against whites has surfaced. Lisa Anderson-Levy, a professor at Beloit University, argues that "whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S."
With so much threat to her life, she should quit her job and move to Zimbabwe. Very few whites there!

She's 100% full of shit as long as she stays here.

ALL blacks complaining about racism need to move their black assess back to Africa! Ghana gives FREE citizenship to anyone of African descent! Some other African nations do that too!

Then you won't have to complain about racism EVER again in countries that are 98% black!! I'm SICK & TIRED of blacks complaining about racism in a nation founded exclusively by British Europeans!!

Don't give me Native American bullshit. I've spoken to Native Americans & even they were too busy fighting each other & weren't unified in fighting the whites. Plus natives haven been displaced ALL OVER the WORLD not just here! Even Japan, China, & Taiwan displaced Natives yet no one harasses them about it!
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

What a load of hypocritical bullshit.

What did they build? Some huts for themselves? The fact is they were all dead cultures, stagnant, and didn't go anywhere for thousands and thousands of years, and that was the case over most of the non-Caucasian world, hardly any exceptions. Sucks for you also rans, but that's the facts. Despite thousands of years of a head start, if one is to believe current anthropology myths, most of you didn't make it past Stick Sharpening 101. lol

At least the Mayans invented some stuff. Africans never did, and neither did most Indian tribes, or most 'native American' tribes, either. The Asians reached a early peak, and then stagnated as well. The impetus of white colonization spread advances, medicine, advanced agriculture, legal systems, spurred native literature and education, pretty much everything is derived from white expansionism. All most cultures ever did was genocide everybody they could and steal.
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Another anti-white racist professor providing the language for the coming genocide against whites has surfaced. Lisa Anderson-Levy, a professor at Beloit University, argues that "whiteness poses an existential threat to social, political, and economic life in the U.S."
With so much threat to her life, she should quit her job and move to Zimbabwe. Very few whites there!

She's 100% full of shit as long as she stays here.

ALL blacks complaining about racism need to move their black assess back to Africa! Ghana gives FREE citizenship to anyone of African descent! Some other African nations do that too!

Then you won't have to complain about racism EVER again in countries that are 98% black!! I'm SICK & TIRED of blacks complaining about racism in a nation founded exclusively by British Europeans!!

Don't give me Native American bullshit. I've spoken to Native Americans & even they were too busy fighting each other & weren't unified in fighting the whites. Plus natives haven been displaced ALL OVER the WORLD not just here! Even Japan, China, & Taiwan displaced Natives yet no one harasses them about it!
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Did they need them? Last I heard, it didn't work out so well for the South. I suppose the negroes did do some manual labor like the other farm animals.
Cons why is it that you run around like chickens with your heads cut off screaming how you are about to die? WTF

The US is about 75% white. One then asks what percentage is comfortable for you? 85%? 90%? Your fear and batshittery is so out of scale to what a few people say like this about race and you are so triggered you can't think straight. You act as if someone is coming down the street right now to, what, do something take you away, enslave you, cause you to have a dirt nap.

Do any of you REALLY believe that crap? Holy hell relax and have a Fresca.
Cons why is it that you run around like chickens with your heads cut off screaming how you are about to die? WTF

The US is about 75% white. One then asks what percentage is comfortable for you? 85%? 90%? Your fear and batshittery is so out of scale to what a few people say like this about race and you are so triggered you can't think straight. You act as if someone is coming down the street right now to, what, do something take you away, enslave you, cause you to have a dirt nap.

Do any of you REALLY believe that crap? Holy hell relax and have a Fresca.

Whites in the US are on a fast track to becoming a minority.
Cons why is it that you run around like chickens with your heads cut off screaming how you are about to die? WTF

The US is about 75% white. One then asks what percentage is comfortable for you? 85%? 90%? Your fear and batshittery is so out of scale to what a few people say like this about race and you are so triggered you can't think straight. You act as if someone is coming down the street right now to, what, do something take you away, enslave you, cause you to have a dirt nap.

Do any of you REALLY believe that crap? Holy hell relax and have a Fresca.

Whites in the US are on a fast track to becoming a minority.

Must be karma.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Cons why is it that you run around like chickens with your heads cut off screaming how you are about to die? WTF

The US is about 75% white. One then asks what percentage is comfortable for you? 85%? 90%? Your fear and batshittery is so out of scale to what a few people say like this about race and you are so triggered you can't think straight. You act as if someone is coming down the street right now to, what, do something take you away, enslave you, cause you to have a dirt nap.

Do any of you REALLY believe that crap? Holy hell relax and have a Fresca.

Whites in the US are on a fast track to becoming a minority.

Must be karma.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only to anti-white psychopaths like yourself.
With so much threat to her life, she should quit her job and move to Zimbabwe. Very few whites there!

She's 100% full of shit as long as she stays here.

ALL blacks complaining about racism need to move their black assess back to Africa! Ghana gives FREE citizenship to anyone of African descent! Some other African nations do that too!

Then you won't have to complain about racism EVER again in countries that are 98% black!! I'm SICK & TIRED of blacks complaining about racism in a nation founded exclusively by British Europeans!!

Don't give me Native American bullshit. I've spoken to Native Americans & even they were too busy fighting each other & weren't unified in fighting the whites. Plus natives haven been displaced ALL OVER the WORLD not just here! Even Japan, China, & Taiwan displaced Natives yet no one harasses them about it!
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Did they need them? Last I heard, it didn't work out so well for the South. I suppose the negroes did do some manual labor like the other farm animals.
If they didn't need them, why did they buy them?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Cons why is it that you run around like chickens with your heads cut off screaming how you are about to die? WTF

The US is about 75% white. One then asks what percentage is comfortable for you? 85%? 90%? Your fear and batshittery is so out of scale to what a few people say like this about race and you are so triggered you can't think straight. You act as if someone is coming down the street right now to, what, do something take you away, enslave you, cause you to have a dirt nap.

Do any of you REALLY believe that crap? Holy hell relax and have a Fresca.

Ah yes, here we have the tactic of running around pretending the other side is doing what you're really doing. lol snivel about whitey all day, then pretend it's whites being all racists n stuff and being hysterical. It's a tactic for the stupid with no rebuttals, is all. Try something else. You racists have dreamed up all kinds of fantasies, after all; or have you all exhausted them here and got nowhere as usual?
ALL blacks complaining about racism need to move their black assess back to Africa! Ghana gives FREE citizenship to anyone of African descent! Some other African nations do that too!

Then you won't have to complain about racism EVER again in countries that are 98% black!! I'm SICK & TIRED of blacks complaining about racism in a nation founded exclusively by British Europeans!!

Don't give me Native American bullshit. I've spoken to Native Americans & even they were too busy fighting each other & weren't unified in fighting the whites. Plus natives haven been displaced ALL OVER the WORLD not just here! Even Japan, China, & Taiwan displaced Natives yet no one harasses them about it!
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Slavery was an act of kindness, that saved many millions of blacks from certain death or being sold to Muslims. White people found something useful for them to do, picking cotton, thanks to inventing the cotton gin, and saved their lives for many generations to come. Freed slaves that returned to Africa merely set themselves up as slave plantation owners, so it's clear black people didn't have any objections to slavery, and in fact practiced it themselves after being freed.

They're angry now because slavery was the best thing that ever happened to them, and they want to be Whitey's property again; they don't do well at all on their own. All the anger is a plea for help.

You are an idiot. How about we take your family split them apart, whip you within an inch of your life. Then we sell your kids. Then we rape your wife. Daily. Then and only then will you get it.
You are an idiot.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Hey, dummy 'native American' history is full of just that, dummy, and throw in your regressed devolved animal behavior of torturing captives for sport whenever possible, priding yourselves on how long you can drag it out. Go away moron; you fool absolutely nobody who knows the first thing about your 'cultures'. Anybody but whites would have just exterminated you like the vermin you were then and not bothered themselves with your fake 'victimhood'. You only get to lie because of the fake images Hollywood created of that 'noble savage' bullshit and those '60's dufuses who think your inane mumbling paganism is some sort of 'ancient wisdom' or something; hey, they're dope addled stoners and fashion victims, after all.
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Slavery was an act of kindness, that saved many millions of blacks from certain death or being sold to Muslims. White people found something useful for them to do, picking cotton, thanks to inventing the cotton gin, and saved their lives for many generations to come. Freed slaves that returned to Africa merely set themselves up as slave plantation owners, so it's clear black people didn't have any objections to slavery, and in fact practiced it themselves after being freed.

They're angry now because slavery was the best thing that ever happened to them, and they want to be Whitey's property again; they don't do well at all on their own. All the anger is a plea for help.

You are an idiot. How about we take your family split them apart, whip you within an inch of your life. Then we sell your kids. Then we rape your wife. Daily. Then and only then will you get it.
You are an idiot.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Hey, dummy 'native American' history is full of just that, dummy, and throw in your regressed devolved animal behavior of torturing captives for sport whenever possible, priding yourselves on how long you can drag it out. Go away moron; you fool absolutely nobody who knows the first thing about your 'cultures'. Anybody but whites would have just exterminated you like the vermin you were then and not bothered themselves with your fake 'victimhood'. You only get to lie because of the fake images Hollywood created of that 'noble savage' bullshit and those '60's dufuses who think your inane mumbling paganism is some sort of 'ancient wisdom' or something; hey, they're dope addled stoners and fashion victims, after all.
Bye racist POS. Have a miserable life.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
ALL blacks complaining about racism need to move their black assess back to Africa! Ghana gives FREE citizenship to anyone of African descent! Some other African nations do that too!

Then you won't have to complain about racism EVER again in countries that are 98% black!! I'm SICK & TIRED of blacks complaining about racism in a nation founded exclusively by British Europeans!!

Don't give me Native American bullshit. I've spoken to Native Americans & even they were too busy fighting each other & weren't unified in fighting the whites. Plus natives haven been displaced ALL OVER the WORLD not just here! Even Japan, China, & Taiwan displaced Natives yet no one harasses them about it!
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Did they need them? Last I heard, it didn't work out so well for the South. I suppose the negroes did do some manual labor like the other farm animals.
If they didn't need them, why did they buy them?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Probably thought they were getting a good deal. Instead they ended up with a second-rate economy that was defeated by the North and now they're feeding those negroes as punishment for seceding.
First you invade our country and try to eliminate us.
Then you import black people and force them to build this country.
Now you want to send black people to Africa.
How about you go back to Europe.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Did they need them? Last I heard, it didn't work out so well for the South. I suppose the negroes did do some manual labor like the other farm animals.
If they didn't need them, why did they buy them?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Probably thought they were getting a good deal. Instead they ended up with a second-rate economy that was defeated by the North and now they're feeding those negroes as punishment for seceding.
You whites should have stayed in Europe.
Feel free to return there.

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.
Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I’m serious when I say that. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How much plainer does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 44 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?

You don't have to take the lack of black founding fathers as a personal insult. It is what it is. Why can't you just accept it? It's in the past. There's no changing it.

I'll take it as what I want to take it. It is what it is. 55 slave owning racist pieces of white trash who founded nothing.
Yet it is you who stays with all the supposed oppression and racism in this "nothing" of a country because deep down you know you don't want to live in a black-run shithole.

Africans don't give a crap about their scams for shaking down Americans. They would just shoot the whiners and go on about their business.

that's so funny from trumptards who are ok with Donald and his fellow plutocrats shaking down the country.

but thanks for proving the point of the o/p. economically marginal, angry, fearful white supremacists who think if anyone else succeeds., they fail.

history tells us that type of thinking is dangerous and shouldn't be tolerated by anyone decent.
Black people didn't build shit. lol you're full of crap. 'Natives' were a bunch of regressed savages who tortured people for sport, worked slaves to death, raped any woman they could get away with raping to death, treated their women worse than animals, and murdered each other at every possible opportunity. White people invading was the absolute best thing that ever happened to 'natives', everywhere on the planet whites invaded, bar none. That's just a fact, Jack.

Why did white people need slaves?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Did they need them? Last I heard, it didn't work out so well for the South. I suppose the negroes did do some manual labor like the other farm animals.
If they didn't need them, why did they buy them?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Probably thought they were getting a good deal. Instead they ended up with a second-rate economy that was defeated by the North and now they're feeding those negroes as punishment for seceding.
You whites should have stayed in Europe.
Feel free to return there.

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.

In that vein, should whites leave south africa en masse, i suspect the economic status of blacks living there would not change very much.
The Guptas and their ilk would assume control far more harshly than they already have.

I don't care. Were you as concerned when the harshness of apartheid was in place? If not stop whining.

No, I was not as concerned about the harshness of apartheid, because A) apartheid was not even close to genocide, B) everybody had it better under apartheid than under black rule, and C) the white farmers are my people, so of COURSE I care more when they are genocided than when the Tutsis are genocided. Everybody cares more for their own people. For everybody, that's normal, except for whites. The Jews taught us that when WE care about our own, it's racism.
Not exactly. What you were shown is that whites still benefit from apartheid. Oh but there's more.
Whites still benefit... Christ, I get sick of you stupidheads. You vicious dumb bitch, black South Africans are the richest blacks in black Africa.
Cons why is it that you run around like chickens with your heads cut off screaming how you are about to die? WTF

The US is about 75% white. One then asks what percentage is comfortable for you? 85%? 90%? Your fear and batshittery is so out of scale to what a few people say like this about race and you are so triggered you can't think straight. You act as if someone is coming down the street right now to, what, do something take you away, enslave you, cause you to have a dirt nap.

Do any of you REALLY believe that crap? Holy hell relax and have a Fresca.
Hey, Pangloss, whites are becoming a minority, thanks to the Jews. A hated minority, also thanks to the Jews.

Apparently, the Kulaks, too, were told not to worry when the Jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia.
Cons why is it that you run around like chickens with your heads cut off screaming how you are about to die? WTF

The US is about 75% white. One then asks what percentage is comfortable for you? 85%? 90%? Your fear and batshittery is so out of scale to what a few people say like this about race and you are so triggered you can't think straight. You act as if someone is coming down the street right now to, what, do something take you away, enslave you, cause you to have a dirt nap.

Do any of you REALLY believe that crap? Holy hell relax and have a Fresca.

Whites in the US are on a fast track to becoming a minority.

Must be karma.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No, it's Jews.

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