Whither America


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Many of us who came to the United States did so to escape the brutal hand of government or as survivors of the consequences of tyranny run amok.

It has become difficult to watch as our adopted land appears to have chosen a path that will lead to a nation we dare not imagine. A nation beginning to resemble what we left behind.

We have watched the Democrats and the Obama re-election machine, with the complicity of the media, cast aside any pretext of honor and integrity as they engaged in the most unethical and deceptive campaign in modern American history. In order to maintain their grip on power, the end justified any means. Including playing on and exacerbating the fears and foibles of the populace while promoting government, controlled by them, as the source of all salvation and survival. The same tactics used by many of the despotic governments in those countries whence we came.

We recognize that in the White House, in the office once occupied by some of the greatest men in history, the nation has as its President a person most hostile to the founding tenets of the United States since its inception. Mr. Obama appears more desirous of creating a cult of personality and a socialist utopia by any means possible than in acting in the best interest of all the people.

We see in Washington D.C. the spectacle of a Congress a majority of whose members are no longer responsive to the people or the Constitution but are captive to their personal whims and greed as well as allegiance to a president, a political party and statist ideology.

We have witnessed the arrogance of power as the Obama administration and the Democrats in Congress forced through the Health Care Reform Act, a bill whose objective is not to improve the health care of the citizens but to expand by geometric proportions the power of the state over the individual.

We now know this bill will be impossible to repeal, but more importantly it will pit the government against the individual, foment class warfare, create additional unemployment, shackle the economy, and exacerbate the national debt crisis while ultimately rationing health care to the most vulnerable in society

We notice that the mainstream media is no longer the watch-dog of the machinations of government but rather cheerleaders for the present administration. The recent election was viewed not as a vital national issue but rather as a sporting event with the requisite reporting on which team would win, while all but openly cheerleading for their favored celebrity candidate, Barack Obama.

We see an economy, the engine of wealth and security, hamstrung by regulations, taxes, government policies, lawsuits and mandates, no longer able to generate jobs and income for our citizens. American businesses can no longer compete in a new global economy and must therefore leave our shores, taking employment opportunities and wealth with them. Small businesses and entrepreneurs will no longer be able to generate jobs or even open their doors as they too will be hobbled by this same myopic and rigid socialist ideology.

We realize, as do many of our fellow citizens, that the United States is on a collision course with national bankruptcy. Yet the present government the nation has chosen appears determined by their policies to make certain there is little or no economic growth necessary to mitigate the future debt crises and make certain the standard of living for all Americans is maintained, much less continues to increase.

We watch as a nation blessed with abundant natural resources refuses to responsibly exploit them, but rather become more dependent on the unreliable whims of foreign nations for energy, while willingly enriching potential adversaries.........

Read more: Articles: Whither America?
Many of us who came to the United States did so to escape the brutal hand of government or as survivors of the consequences of tyranny run amok.

It has become difficult to watch as our adopted land appears to have chosen a path that will lead to a nation we dare not imagine. A nation beginning to resemble what we left behind.

We have watched the Democrats and the Obama re-election machine, with the complicity of the media, cast aside any pretext of honor and integrity as they engaged in the most unethical and deceptive campaign in modern American history. In order to maintain their grip on power, the end justified any means. Including playing on and exacerbating the fears and foibles of the populace while promoting government, controlled by them, as the source of all salvation and survival. The same tactics used by many of the despotic governments in those countries whence we came.

We recognize that in the White House, in the office once occupied by some of the greatest men in history, the nation has as its President a person most hostile to the founding tenets of the United States since its inception. Mr. Obama appears more desirous of creating a cult of personality and a socialist utopia by any means possible than in acting in the best interest of all the people.

We see in Washington D.C. the spectacle of a Congress a majority of whose members are no longer responsive to the people or the Constitution but are captive to their personal whims and greed as well as allegiance to a president, a political party and statist ideology.

We have witnessed the arrogance of power as the Obama administration and the Democrats in Congress forced through the Health Care Reform Act, a bill whose objective is not to improve the health care of the citizens but to expand by geometric proportions the power of the state over the individual.

We now know this bill will be impossible to repeal, but more importantly it will pit the government against the individual, foment class warfare, create additional unemployment, shackle the economy, and exacerbate the national debt crisis while ultimately rationing health care to the most vulnerable in society

We notice that the mainstream media is no longer the watch-dog of the machinations of government but rather cheerleaders for the present administration. The recent election was viewed not as a vital national issue but rather as a sporting event with the requisite reporting on which team would win, while all but openly cheerleading for their favored celebrity candidate, Barack Obama.

We see an economy, the engine of wealth and security, hamstrung by regulations, taxes, government policies, lawsuits and mandates, no longer able to generate jobs and income for our citizens. American businesses can no longer compete in a new global economy and must therefore leave our shores, taking employment opportunities and wealth with them. Small businesses and entrepreneurs will no longer be able to generate jobs or even open their doors as they too will be hobbled by this same myopic and rigid socialist ideology.

We realize, as do many of our fellow citizens, that the United States is on a collision course with national bankruptcy. Yet the present government the nation has chosen appears determined by their policies to make certain there is little or no economic growth necessary to mitigate the future debt crises and make certain the standard of living for all Americans is maintained, much less continues to increase.

We watch as a nation blessed with abundant natural resources refuses to responsibly exploit them, but rather become more dependent on the unreliable whims of foreign nations for energy, while willingly enriching potential adversaries.........

Read more: Articles: Whither America?

The author can always go back where he came from.
[CBS reports that it was Director Of National Intelligence James Clapper's office that made the changes to David Petraeus intel report that Benghazi was an al Qaeda planned and orchestrated attack to one that said some always irate Muslims got carried away about an anti Muslim movie trailer, rioted at the Benghazi outpost and managed to kill the American Ambassador and three other Americans in the process. That was the report that UN Ambassador Susan Rice took with her to the five Sunday talk shows and bathed and washed herself in fecal material with on air. It was also the same report that Barack Obama used to read lullabies to the United Nations General Assembly with two weeks after the four men were slaughtered. DNI Clapper was also the same man who stood up before Congress during the so called Arab Spring and told Congress and the American people with a straight face that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular progressive movement. With a straight face, mind you.

Do you remember British MP George Galloway? You have to remember him, he was the guy who would jump up in the House Of Commons, start screaming and yelling hysterically, then roll around on the aisle floors pounding his fists and stamping his feet while still yelling, screaming and shouting everytime George W Bush would call British Prime Minister Tony Blair to discuss Iraq. Tactics that were straight out of the textbook for the Hysteria 101 course. You also remember that everytime MP Galloway made a speech on the floor of the House Of Commons denouncing George W Bush or praising Saddam Hussein, Saddam Hussein would deposit five or ten million dollars into MP Galloway's personal "Oil For Food" account. Ka Ching! By his balls!

It was shortly after the Jersey Turnpike opened and all those 'hoighty toighty' New Yorkers and New Englanders, particularly from the area around Hyannis, Mass where the Kennedys held court, were forced to drive by the Bayonne tank farms where the North East's oil was stored while on their way to their Florida winter vacations when they got their first scents and sense of and from the oil industry. Awwww! Stinky poo!
Then somebody got the bright idea "Hey! Yano those Arab fellas, the ones with the unibrows, the ones with the continuous eyebrows all the way across their foreheads, they got oil too! And I betcha they'll sell it to us real cheap and then we won't have to smell those awful smells when we go by on our way to our Florida vacation homes for the winter."

And you might have heard this story about Attila The Hun, maybe. Rome took Attila on, sort of like you'd hire a gardener to tend to the cities around the Empire's perimeter and sort of keep those cities in line. None of Rome's citizens wanted to go and put on those heavy helmets and breast plates themselves and spend days marching down all those dusty roads carrying those heavy sword, shield and spear just to keep order in the empire, so why not hire this guy, Attila. He likes being covered in blood anyway. Just like Americans hire Mexicans today to do the jobs they don't want to do. Attila was kindof a smart guy, though, and it didn't take him long to figure out there was more in it for him looting Roman Cities than the few measly coins the Empire tossed his way for tending to those pesky little outlying hamlets and burbs the Empire wanted tended to.

Do you remember when the Dems left God and Jerusalem out of their platform this year at the Charlotte Covention? Remember when Tony Villaraigosa shoved God and Jerusalem back onto the platform and down the Democrat conventioneer's throats over their objections, the boos, the hissing, the shouting, the jeers, the catcalls that ensued. The Dems probably would have brought the building's roof supports down with their cheers if Villaraigosa had shouted "Allahu akhbar" into the mike instead.

The Democratic Party ceased being a traditional pro American party when the Communist Party seized de facto control of it at the time of the nomination of George McGovern. At the same time the Arab states were amassing huge amounts of money from their oil revenues, but like Attila, they realized there was even more in it for them if they played their cards right. They used their monies to finagle a seat at the table alongside the Commies in the control room of the Democratic Party. Recall how easily after CAIR objects to some aspect of our military's training, the objectionable detail or even the detail's teacher is scrubbed. Remember the first hearings immediately after Benghazi when one of the CIA operatives tetstified that the "Taliban was already in the building". He was not only making a statement about events on the ground that had occurred in Benghazi but he was also giving those of us here at home a warning. The Taliban is in the buildings here, in DOD and in DNI, the CIA and the NSA.

Barack Obama is Islams Trojan Horse. He has been bought and paid for by Islamic interests at least since they began funding his college educations. James Clapper was likely vetted and approved by Cair and other Islamic interests. He is as bought and paid for by Islamic interests as George Galloway was by Saddam Hussein as well as is probably every other member of Barack Obama's government. Clapper's words and behavior should be proof enough of his treachery and betrayal on their own. The Obama government is dedicated to the destruction of the United States, Christianity, and Western Civilization as we knew it and the ascendancy of Islam. Traitors all.

Whadyano. American thinker has the same idee, too. Only they're more polite and better at stating their case.]

"Some brave thinkers recognize that beneath the intrigue surrounding the Benghazi tragedy lie the traces of something much larger and far more dangerous.

Frank Gaffney and the Center for Security Policy hosted a panel on November 13, 2012 to discuss "Benghazi: US Foreign Policy and the Threat of Sharia Doctrine." Guest panelists included Dr. Andrew Bostom, Diana West, and Stephen Coughlin. The event was taped in its entirety and is available here.

The information offered by the experts suggests, to put it very simply, that the Middle East is rapidly unifying and heading toward a strict application of sharia; that sharia is a totalitarian form of government utterly incompatible with American ideas of freedom and liberty; and, as Diana West noted, U.S. policy is "making the world safe for sharia," as opposed to keeping the world, and specifically America, safe. In Benghazi, that policy proved fatal.

The Center for Security Policy panelists aren't the only thinkers to question whether this administration has an affinity for sharia. In his article "Obama knew: Did ideological soft spot for Sharia keep US government from protecting Benghazi consulate?," American Spectator's Jeffrey Lord suggests that the highest levels of the Obama administration are "in some fashion simpatico with a totalitarian ideology."

That "ideological soft spot" may explain why President Obama "can't," as Rep. Dana Rohrabacher declared, "utter the words 'Muslim terror attack.'" And far worse than words, as Frank Gaffney noted: "The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists ... [it] has been arming them[.]"

Of course, the identification of the parties responsible for orchestrating the tone and content of the misleading information relayed to the American people in the aftermath of the attack is a serious issue that must be pursued. In addition, the Petraeus-Broadwell affair revealed other important security concerns.

But those very valid points still cloud the most foundational questions -- what were our ambassador and the CIA doing in Benghazi, and what was the underlying policy that guided their actions? And further, we must ascertain whether or not our government's "See No Sharia failure of imagination" renders it unable to competently assess the threat to our security.

Decades earlier, another courageous thinker, Whittaker Chambers, discovered a similar phenomenon to Benghazigate when he dared to reveal the identity of a prominent member of the Communist spy network, Alger Hiss, an official in FDR's State Department. In his famous autobiography, Witness, Chambers wrote:

When I took up my little sling and aimed at Communism, I also hit something else...the forces of that great socialist revolution, which, in the name of liberalism, spasmodically, incompletely, somewhat formlessly, but always in the same direction, has been inching its ice cap over the nation for two decades.

Chambers was relentlessly attacked by the mainstream media as he testified before Congress, indeed exposing the underbelly of that much larger target and the media's leftist sympathies.

The facts uncovered in the Benghazi incident may also point to something else much more ominous. As Diana West bravely put it, we are discovering that "Uncle Sam joined the jihad."

Most Americans would not consider that enlistment a winning move.

In Witness, Chambers feared that when he broke from Communism, he left the "winning world" to join the losing, although he still clung firmly to his faith. In truth, instead of Chambers's slingshot dealing a major blow to the socialist revolution, the movement flourishes within today's Democrat party, aided by a like-minded mainstream media.

Even though Chambers's allegations were proven true time and again in the years that followed, the media, as documented by Dr. Paul Kengor, assisted in a concerted "anti-anti-Communist" campaign. The result: in the American conscience, the name of the investigation from the House Un-American Activities Committee is recalled as the politically incorrect "House Un-American Committee." The parallels with today's "Islamophobia" are unmistakable.

The American people deserve to know, as the main focus of the Benghazi investigation, whether our government's political correctness and ideology have gone beyond negatively affecting the conduct of our diplomacy and defense to the point of actually sympathizing with our enemies. PJ Media's Roger L. Simon dared mention the "t-word," leaving us to contemplate where the fuzzy line between treason and sympathy begins and ends -- and when that question will be officially raised.

This president has not led us to believe that he has a misunderstanding of Islamic ideology. Recall Obama's boast during the 2008 primaries: "I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee." In Cairo, Obama told the world it was his job as president to "fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." Obama also recently told the U.N.: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Those U.N. remarks, censored for the most part by the mainstream media, left many wondering whether such a sentiment trumps truth-telling and freedom-of-speech protection.

In her latest column, Diana West wrote: "If there is a lesson here, it is simple: A leader who will betray the First Amendment will betray anything." Although she was referring to Petraeus, that lesson can aptly be expanded to encompass the rest of the government hierarchy.

Betrayal can also be disguised as "flexibility." When "leaning forward" dangerously weakens the knees of our economy and foreign policy bends the back of our security and respect around the world, the resulting posture may be a bow before sharia."

Articles: The Benghazi Slingshot
[Willful blindness, stupidity, or deception? Is there any question that Clapper was Obama's point man on Obama's road to Sharia?]

"I’m paraphrasing Andrew McCarthy’s excellent headline from 2/10/11 at the Corner: There’s Willful Blindness, and Then There’s Willful Stupidity:

James Clapper, the head of intelligence for the United States of America, has explainedto Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular.” It further has “eschewed violence,” decries al-Qaeda as a “perversion of Islam,” and really just wants “social ends” and “a betterment of the political order in Egypt.”

I kid you not.

This is the Muslim Brotherhood whose motto brays that the Koran is its law and jihad is its way. The MB whose Palestinian branch, the terrorist organization Hamas, was created for the specific purpose of destroying Israel — the goal its charter says is a religious obligation. It is the organization dedicated to the establishment of Islamicized societies and, ultimately, a global caliphate.

It’s this genius who has been designated the Regime’s fallguy in the BenghaziGate scandal (he in fact, took credit back on Sept 28: DNI James Clapper on Libya: I Got It Wrong – Not the White House. )"


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