Who are happier, liberals or conservatives?

Angry Conservatives and Contemptuous Liberals
Conservatives are angry. They are angry about President Obama, about taxes, and about government spending. If it were legal, Tea Party conservatives would like to vaporize much of Blue America.

Liberals are not angry—they are disgusted. They are disgusted by the endless questions about President Obama's birth, by the hysteria over "death panels," over Republican candidates demanding an end to masturbation (link is external). If it were legal, liberals would move all of red America behind a large screen where its antics would be less embarrassing.

If the dominant tone of conservatives is shrill, the dominant tone of liberals is saracastic. The philosophical position of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, expressed in body language, would be a raised fist and a clenched jaw. The philosophical position of Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher would be a raised eyebrow and a wrinkled nose. Angry coverage on Fox News has become the standard bearer of the right. Irony and mockery on Comedy Central have become the standard bearer of the left.
Angry Conservatives and Contemptuous Liberals Psychology Today

Only idiots assume that politicians are happy because they smile. Do a survey on this forum and you will find that all the whining and the hate America rhetoric comes from the left.
Well they say ignorance is bliss. I believe that is true. Of course left wing ignorant morons are happier. They live in la la land and ride around in their crowded bandwagon with like minded morons.
That should be easy to judge. Just look on this board.

Liberals are in a constant state of anger over something. Take this letter to Iran. Omg they we up in arms Republicans had the NERVE, the NERVE by golly and called it a double cross against that Dictator Obama and their party. came up with labeling them all Traitors...I'm surprised they didn't call to have them hung

it's really comical but also sad to watch
That should be easy to judge. Just look on this board.

Liberals are in a constant state of anger over something. Take this letter to Iran. Omg they we up in arms Republicans had the NERVE, the NERVE by golly and called it a double cross against that Dictator Obama and their party. came up with labeling them all Traitors...I'm surprised they didn't call to have them hung

it's really comical but also sad to watch

Oh Stephanie, there's a ton of anger that comes from the right side of the aisle too, you are being just biased. I mean, look at all the "I hate liberals" signatures. Plus "Psychology Today" states the conservatives are tend to be the angrier than liberals.
Plus conservatives thrive on fear more than liberals.
Conservatives Big on Fear Brain Study Finds Psychology Today
Actually this thread really belongs in Health and Lifestyle.
Based on all the studies I posted on this thread (see post 13 and 21), I think the best way to describe the scenario, is that conservatives say they are happy but why are they always so angry?

Ignorance is bliss. You do not agree?Everyone that sees the truth are really not happy.

I guess if I was not paying my own bills, was not fully aware that my party is relying on my ignorance in order to get my automatic vote, and if my little world was all about my next high and where my next orgasm was coming from, I may be pretty happy as well.
Based on all the studies I posted on this thread (see post 13 and 21), I think the best way to describe the scenario, is that conservatives say they are happy but why are they always so angry?

Ignorance is bliss. You do not agree?Everyone that sees the truth are really not happy.

I guess if I was not paying my own bills, was not fully aware that my party is relying on my ignorance in order to get my automatic vote, and if my little world was all about my next high and where my next orgasm was coming from, I may be pretty happy as well.

Your sentence assumes that only conservatives pays their own bills, that republicans don't rely on the ignorance of their base to get their vote, and that you people don't get high. Limbaugh, the moral leader of conservatism, put a lie to that notion. This puts you in the same i.q. range as stefanie.
Conservatives seem to let politics affect their day-to-day lives a lot more than Liberals.
True, news and politics, you seen It in the last election when issues were on the table and democrats didn't bother to vote,

That's why I wish I was still a liberal when I was 18, heads in the clouds ignorant about the world around.
But still glad I am not, they have way to much unhealthy envy and bitches way to much about money.I don't know how they can stand it day in and day out.
Poverty and being on welfare has no ideological boundaries. We have posters on USMB who are sucking off the public trough and they in many cases are very hardcore conservative.
Nice signature you have there, are you angry?

You know this how?
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

If your mind was actually open, you would not divide people into two groups with one the good guys and one the bad.

That is extreme simple-mindedness and not open-mindedness.

Aye. The downfall of Dichotomy.

"The world may be divided into two types of people -- those who divide people into two types, and those who do not".

One of my favourite adages, at first for its clever turn of phrase, but it turns out to be profoundly true as any random day reading this political forum demonstrates.

IMO it's at best a languid parlor game, and at worst absurd, to try to ascribe personality types to political philosophies. Arrival at one's chosen philosophy derives more from experience.

As a reactive observation however, as opposed to intrinsic, one could certainly observe a faction in contemporary conservatism that foments a sub-philosophy of Eliminationism, a very dichotomous disease indeed, that declares itself the 'good guys' and the other side (deliberately mislabeled as "Liberals") to be the Antichrist ogre that must be, not engaged in idea exchanges, but rather exterminated -- utterly evaporated from the planet at any cost, never to be seen again. This is the Lush Rimjob carnival barker sideshow, whose sycophants we see daily here toting his banners of doom and gloom. And of course Fox Noise following in his footsteps like an obedient lapdog, yapping at the heels by night after Lush has slithered away with the setting sun.

But that's not Conservatism. That's a wolf in conservative's clothing, out to pick their pockets, both rhetorically and literally. An bottomless whine bottle, ever insisting that any kind of satisfaction, cooperation or even dialogue is unacceptable. It's designed to foment discontent and disquiet, and at some point, assuming it captures an audience who will sit and listen to it -- it does.

I suspect that's what's reflected here.

True conservatism, like Liberalism or any other genuine philosophy, isn't an emotional basket case calling for elimination of everything but itself; it's a neutral, rational, analysis of what works for human nature, and it leaves room to discuss itself.
If liberals were happier they would not be so unhappy about FOX News.
If liberals were happier they would not attack and keep on attacking going on for six years now, Sarah Palin and all members of her family.
If liberals were happier they would use less vulgar profanity from Bill Maher to Jon Stewart to the liberal dirt bags on this forum.
If liberals were happier they would have at least one show on their mouth piece, MSNBC, that would not be obsessed by FNC.
If liberals were happier they would not have any part of Media Matters, MoveOn or Gyorgy Soros, because they would not need to.
If liberals were happier they would have a sense of humor.
If liberals were happier they would have a brain.
If liberals were happier they would not follow the quisling who wants to fundamentally transfer their country.
If liberals were happier they would be patriots.
If liberals were happier they would be Americans.

Perfect example of what I just posted right there.
Of course liberals are happier. They have a President that is systematically destroying this country.

How so?

Liberals obviously hate America.

Obviously, to those too stupid to think things out.

Another liberal trait, they don't think. They parrot what they're told. Every progressive agenda is designed to weaken America and put in on par with Europe.

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