Who are happier, liberals or conservatives?

Who are happier liberals or conservatives - CBS News

I can't see how anyone could be surprised by this. :)


Republicans may be running the show in Congress but it seems it's the Democrats who are happier.

I can't say for sure who is happier but the libs are certainly more hateful. Maybe the end of this Dem presidency will make Repubs use happier words such as "interested," "excited," "enthusiastic" and "proud."
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Poverty and being on welfare has no ideological boundaries. We have posters on USMB who are sucking off the public trough and they in many cases are very hardcore conservative.
Nice signature you have there, are you angry?
It's not even here it is on so many other sites as well, I maybe a bad speller and all but at least I am middle class, those cons who are poor as hell , justify taking welfare for them while Denouncing it for others drives me nuts
Who are happier liberals or conservatives - CBS News

I can't see how anyone could be surprised by this. :)


Republicans may be running the show in Congress but it seems it's the Democrats who are happier.

I can't say for sure who is happier but the libs are certainly more hateful. Maybe the end of this Dem presidency will make Repubs use happier words "such as interested," "excited," "enthusiastic" and "proud."

When you're reduced to blanket statements you've already hit rock bottom.

Associating with Al Sharpton, Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Hilary Rodham, John Kerry, AFL-CIO, so-called Independent dirt bags who NEVER vote Republican, Hollywood limousine liberals, who never had to work a day in their lives, Mother Jones, Media Matters, New York Times, EPA, etc. etc. automatically precludes any possibility of optimism and happiness.
Based on all the studies I posted on this thread (see post 13 and 21), I think the best way to describe the scenario, is that conservatives say they are happy but why are they always so angry?

Ignorance is bliss. You do not agree?Everyone that sees the truth are really not happy.

I guess if I was not paying my own bills, was not fully aware that my party is relying on my ignorance in order to get my automatic vote, and if my little world was all about my next high and where my next orgasm was coming from, I may be pretty happy as well.

Conservatives seem to let politics affect their day-to-day lives a lot more than Liberals.
True, news and politics, you seen It in the last election when issues were on the table and democrats didn't bother to vote,

That's why I wish I was still a liberal when I was 18, heads in the clouds ignorant about the world around.
But still glad I am not, they have way to much unhealthy envy and bitches way to much about money.I don't know how they can stand it day in and day out.

Less than 37% of eligible voters voted, are you saying that the other 63% of the voters were all democrats?
Republicans, always do better when voter turnout is low. Republicans have always been more enthused, it's their genetic make up.
I believe I read that voter apathy played into the low turnout. After all, Congresses favorability rating is under 10%, if that doesn't drive apathy, nothing does.
It seems no matter who is in power in Washington, nothing gets done, it all just a sad circus driven by dysfunction polarizing politicians.
Being apathetic and not voting guarantees the continuation of do-nothing congresses.
Based on all the studies I posted on this thread (see post 13 and 21), I think the best way to describe the scenario, is that conservatives say they are happy but why are they always so angry?

Ignorance is bliss. You do not agree?Everyone that sees the truth are really not happy.

I guess if I was not paying my own bills, was not fully aware that my party is relying on my ignorance in order to get my automatic vote, and if my little world was all about my next high and where my next orgasm was coming from, I may be pretty happy as well.

Your sentence assumes that only conservatives pays their own bills, that republicans don't rely on the ignorance of their base to get their vote, and that you people don't get high. Limbaugh, the moral leader of conservatism, put a lie to that notion. This puts you in the same i.q. range as stefanie.
Hi stupid hypocrite. You would never stereorype conservatives, would you you stupid hypocrite?

One of the best clues that stupid morons on the left tend to not pay their own bills and are big fucking bloviated hypocrites is they chant for higher taxes (fucking morons) more government hand outs to minorities (who are nothing but pawns for democrats, read my signature) and believe those hand outs and government programs are free, then what I am claiming is generally true.
Of course liberals are happier. They have a President that is systematically destroying this country.

How so?

Liberals obviously hate America.

Obviously, to those too stupid to think things out.

Another liberal trait, they don't think. They parrot what they're told. Every progressive agenda is designed to weaken America and put in on par with Europe.
A lot of cons do the same thing especially the ones who are die hard beck fans, they are the worse

They are just like Al Sharpton and Jesse worshipers, god damn both of them are idiots
Who are happier liberals or conservatives - CBS News

I can't see how anyone could be surprised by this. :)


Republicans may be running the show in Congress but it seems it's the Democrats who are happier.

I can't say for sure who is happier but the libs are certainly more hateful. Maybe the end of this Dem presidency will make Repubs use happier words "such as interested," "excited," "enthusiastic" and "proud."

When you're reduced to blanket statements you've already hit rock bottom.


When a thread starts with a blanket statement (may be in form of a question) don't be surprised to find blanket statements in response.
Based on all the studies I posted on this thread (see post 13 and 21), I think the best way to describe the scenario, is that conservatives say they are happy but why are they always so angry?

Ignorance is bliss. You do not agree?Everyone that sees the truth are really not happy.

I guess if I was not paying my own bills, was not fully aware that my party is relying on my ignorance in order to get my automatic vote, and if my little world was all about my next high and where my next orgasm was coming from, I may be pretty happy as well.

Your sentence assumes that only conservatives pays their own bills, that republicans don't rely on the ignorance of their base to get their vote, and that you people don't get high. Limbaugh, the moral leader of conservatism, put a lie to that notion. This puts you in the same i.q. range as stefanie.
Hi stupid hypocrite. You would never stereorype conservatives, would you you stupid hypocrite?

One of the best clues that stupid morons on the left tend to not pay their own bills and are big fucking bloviated hypocrites is they chant for higher taxes (fucking morons) more government hand outs to minorities (who are nothing but pawns for democrats, read my signature) and believe those hand outs and government programs are free, then what I am claiming is generally true.

That's a seriously happy post right there!

Of course liberals are happier. They have a President that is systematically destroying this country.

How so?

Liberals obviously hate America.

Obviously, to those too stupid to think things out.

Another liberal trait, they don't think. They parrot what they're told. Every progressive agenda is designed to weaken America and put in on par with Europe.
A lot of cons do the same thing especially the ones who are die hard beck fans, they are the worse

They are just like Al Sharpton and Jesse worshipers, god damn both of them are idiots

I've never listened to Beck.
Who are happier liberals or conservatives - CBS News

I can't see how anyone could be surprised by this. :)


Republicans may be running the show in Congress but it seems it's the Democrats who are happier.

That's the finding from a wide-ranging study published in Science Thursday examining the happiness of conservatives and liberals. As part of the study, the researchers examined 432 million words in the Congressional Record over the past 18 years as well the "smiling behavior" of politicians in their publicly available photographs from 2013.

Liberal members of Congress used a higher ratio of positive words, such as "interested," "excited," "enthusiastic" and "proud" to negative words, such as "afraid," "upset," "distressed" and "irritable." Those with more conservative beliefs, meanwhile, were less likely to be found beaming in their portraits.

"Conservatism predicted significantly less intense facial action in the muscles around the eyes that indicates genuine happiness," the study found, adding that liberal politicians "smile more intensely and smile more genuinely."

More at the link.

Not surprising, because.......

I tried to watch beck a couple of times on the blaze, It is to damn creepy

But my mom Watches it every day and she is always texting me stupid shit he says and I always have to argue with her.
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences.

what a huge load of fucking :bsflag: libertards are just the fucking opposite.., proof is right here on USMB :up:

i could name at least a dozen.., you are one of them :up:

You are the one that uses profanity in nearly every post....not a sign of happiness or maturity.

Then again, I have heard that ignorance is bliss so perhaps you may be on to something.
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

Ok everything you said is wrong but giving hearts??? It's been proven time after time that conservatives give more to charity than liberals.

Well, lets see:

The Democrats (the more liberal of the two parties) have won the votes of nearly every racial minority, every social minority, and the women's vote in the last election and routinely wins those demographics in every election.

When it comes to cutting a check for charity, you may be right. I've seen data that supports both arguments. In this political realm however, seldom do you see/hear a liberal talk about cutting spending to the bone. Which of course results in less of a social safety net, less services for not only the impoverished but the population on the whole. Wanna know why it takes 45 minutes at the DMV? Wanna know why visitation to your kid in Juvee is only on Saturday for 15 mins? Wanna know why dead people are not purged from the voting rolls? These are the stakes for those cuts.

Liberals (on the whole) do not have issues paying taxes for improved services. Only conservatives do.
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

Giving away the property of others isn't giving.

Liberals pay taxes too so it isn't "the property of others".

Once upon a time, you said that insurance is a luxary (your spelling). Do you apply the same idiotic standard to public social safety nets?

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