Who are happier, liberals or conservatives?

Ideology doesn't determine happiness. Living virtuous does

You predicted that the terrorists would attack us due to Obama becoming President.

Did such a prospect make you happy or sad since it was obviously made since Obama won and your guy lost?

Does the fact that you were wrong make you happy or sad?
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

Giving away the property of others isn't giving.

Liberals pay taxes too so it isn't "the property of others".

Once upon a time, you said that insurance is a luxary (your spelling). Do you apply the same idiotic standard to public social safety nets?

Of course insurance is a luxury. People have survived without it for thousands of years.
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

Giving away the property of others isn't giving.

Liberals pay taxes too so it isn't "the property of others".

Once upon a time, you said that insurance is a luxary (your spelling). Do you apply the same idiotic standard to public social safety nets?

Of course insurance is a luxury. People have survived without it for thousands of years.

Okay...do you feel the same way about social safety nets....using the same "logic".
Liberals are much happier.We are the ones with giving hearts, open minds, and wilfulness to embrace differences. Conserve-hate-ives have none of these qualities.

Giving away the property of others isn't giving.

Liberals pay taxes too so it isn't "the property of others".

Once upon a time, you said that insurance is a luxary (your spelling). Do you apply the same idiotic standard to public social safety nets?

Of course insurance is a luxury. People have survived without it for thousands of years.

Okay...do you feel the same way about social safety nets....using the same "logic".

Why wouldn't they be luxuries? We have them because we can afford it. If we couldn't afford them we wouldn't have them.
Yeah...those welfare recipients have gotta be happy as a pig in shit.
And the Ferguson protesters...? You can just feel the joy...or maybe thats just the heat from the burning liquor store.
Regardless of the outcome of a poll, I would choose being less happy over being less intelligent and having no empathy for the suffering of others.

To be incredibly happy, there has to be something wrong with you, just as much as if you are overly sad or depressed.

Ignorance is bliss, but it doesn't make a better world for sure. If everyone was happy to an extreme it would be like drug addiction, and innovation or scientific progress would grind to a halt.

I'd think hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends have to be unhappy - hence their need for personal insults, name-calling, hyperbole, denial, distortions and lies.

Doesn't seem to be the behavior of a confident, well-adjusted person who is at peace with themselves.


Is passive aggression the behavior of a confident, well adjusted person who is at peace with themselves?
If liberals were happier they would not be so unhappy about FOX News.
If liberals were happier they would not attack and keep on attacking going on for six years now, Sarah Palin and all members of her family.
If liberals were happier they would use less vulgar profanity from Bill Maher to Jon Stewart to the liberal dirt bags on this forum.
If liberals were happier they would have at least one show on their mouth piece, MSNBC, that would not be obsessed by FNC.
If liberals were happier they would not have any part of Media Matters, MoveOn or Gyorgy Soros, because they would not need to.
If liberals were happier they would have a sense of humor.
If liberals were happier they would have a brain.
If liberals were happier they would not follow the quisling who wants to fundamentally transfer their country.
If liberals were happier they would be patriots.
If liberals were happier they would be Americans.

Read Kipling much?
Of course liberals are happier. They have a President that is systematically destroying this country.

How so?

Liberals obviously hate America.

Obviously, to those too stupid to think things out.

Another liberal trait, they don't think. They parrot what they're told. Every progressive agenda is designed to weaken America and put in on par with Europe.

Social Security and Medicare is Democrat progressivism at it's best. Try kicking a republican off of social security or medicare and listen to the sound of weapons being loaded. What's your crappy republican reactionary party ever done for you? Told you if you work harder and smarter, then you too can be a billionaire is all they will ever give you.
Of course insurance is a luxury. People have survived without it for thousands of years.

The first methods of transferring or distributing risk in a monetary economy, were practised by Chinese and Babylonian traders in the 3rd and 2ndmillennia BC, respectively.[1] Chinese merchants travelling treacherous river rapids would redistribute their wares across many vessels to limit the loss due to any single vessel's capsizing. The Babylonians developed a system which was recorded in the famous Code of Hammurabi, c. 1750 BC, and practised by early Mediterranean sailingmerchants. If a merchant received a loan to fund his shipment, he would pay the lender an additional sum in exchange for the lender's guarantee to cancel the loan should the shipment be stolen or lost at sea.

How long have people not used insurance? Let Google be your friend that keeps you from making ignorant comments as if they were fact.
ANd please don't say that merchants are not people.

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