Zone1 Who are Jesus' disciples?

You "ignored" the very clear and unambiguous text that declares that Jesus was equal with God.......was present with the Father before the worlds were created, with all things, visible and invisible (flesh and spirit) created through Jesus. You ignore the scriptures where the Father declared that He gave HIS ONLY begotten son to take on the sins of the world.

With those lies of omission, you are guilty of not hearing the truth spoken by Jesus Christ, not worshiping in Spirit and TRUTH, thus no one that follows your cult's false doctrine are actually disciples of are disciples of the original liar.....the father of lies (John 8:44) accuse the Christ of not being the Son of God and thus equal to God just as the Jewish leaders charged Jesus falsely. You are at BEST teaching an Antichrist doctrine (1 John 2:18, 22, 4:3, 2 John 7).

What would Jesus declare about your doctrine? "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do, He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him." Your cult is guilty of murdering the souls of all those you lead away from the Truth.
Jesus isnt equal with God. You twisting something makes it that way.--No one knows the day or hour but the Father= 0 equality.
You "ignored" the very clear and unambiguous text that declares that Jesus was equal with God.......was present with the Father before the worlds were created, with all things, visible and invisible (flesh and spirit) created through Jesus. You ignore the scriptures where the Father declared that He gave HIS ONLY begotten son to take on the sins of the world.

With those lies of omission, you are guilty of not hearing the truth spoken by Jesus Christ, not worshiping in Spirit and TRUTH, thus no one that follows your cult's false doctrine are actually disciples of are disciples of the original liar.....the father of lies (John 8:44) accuse the Christ of not being the Son of God and thus equal to God just as the Jewish leaders charged Jesus falsely. You are at BEST teaching an Antichrist doctrine (1 John 2:18, 22, 4:3, 2 John 7).

What would Jesus declare about your doctrine? "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do, He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him." Your cult is guilty of murdering the souls of all those you lead away from the Truth.
With those lies of omission, you are guilty of not hearing the truth ... thus no one that follows your cult's false doctrine are actually disciples ...

so say's the christian and their book of forgeries and fallacies - not one word included written by the hand of jesus or any of the others that were persecuted for the true events of the 1st century, liberation theology, self determination.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

one of the countless forgeries written in the c-bible - the exact opposite reason those people, true disciples in the 1st century gave their lives.

- the false religion of servitude - christianity.
Jesus isnt equal with God. You twisting something makes it that way.--No one knows the day or hour but the Father= 0 equality.

the heavens and believers know, the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - when the last of either perishes (noah) will be the final day of judgement.
so say's the christian and their book of forgeries and fallacies - not one word included written by the hand of jesus or any of the others that were persecuted for the true events of the 1st century, liberation theology, self determination.

one of the countless forgeries written in the c-bible - the exact opposite reason those people, true disciples in the 1st century gave their lives.

- the false religion of servitude - christianity.
Again............all hat, no cowboy. Where is your objective proof that refutes the "eyewitnesses" recorded in the Historical Book called the Holy Bible? :huh1: You just presented "ad hominem BS" once again, i.e., a logical fallacy based upon a false premise. Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence ...... you are pushing the plow with your LEFT WING mule again. Truth is not based on unproven accusations ..........Truth must be established by evidence. The Bible is filled with prima facie evidences. Yet you fascistically insist the Bible is guilty of your subjective ad hominem charges......until it proves its innocence. I Believe. Now present your case that proves that my beliefs are based upon fallacy.

"These things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you might may have life in His name." -- John 20:31 "And this is the life that was revealed; we have seen it and testified to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us (Apostles)." -- 1 John 1:2

You should at least attempt to read the Bible before you make an ass out of yourself in a display of your obvious ignorance and bigotry. Again........the Bible does not claim that it was written by Jesus Christ or His Father (God) claims that its content was Inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth (God's divine Helper--John 15:26-27, 2 Tim. 3:1617) and challenges anyone to prove that its Forty different author's have recorded one word that can be objectively proven false by Applied Science or History Actual. Thus far you are failing miserably. How many times have you made these same ad nausaem charges without proving one word of your accusations to be true? :dunno:

Facts concerning the Bible. It was written by 40 different men, all from different walks of life.......from shepherds, to kings, to physicians and tax collectors. These books found in the Bible, 39 from the canon of the O.T. and 27 from the N.T canon were written over a 1500 year period from several different continents.

In the pages of the Bible you will find that men's weaknesses, sinful actions and bad decisions are recorded........the Good, along with bad and ugly history is recorded. Yet all the books are in total agreement concerning the promise of God to provide mankind a method to find eternal fellowship with the God of Creation.......all work in harmony in revealing God's plan to save mankind.....through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus the Messiah (savior) that was promised. This plan existed before the worlds were created or time itself began (1 Peter 1:20, 2 Tim. 1:9)............This plan was hidden as a "mystery" until God decided it was time to reveal it to the entire world though the Holy Spirit (Eph.3:5,6, 1 Peter 1:12)

"The Lord God says, "PRESENT YOUR CASE"........"TELL ME YOUR ARGUMENTS"........bring in your idols to tell us what is to happen in the future. Tell us what happened in the beginning (all you have are idea's....Theory) Tell us what is coming next and we will believe you are gods (superior to the creator). You that claim you are gods (human secularism) are less than nothing, you can't do anything you claim......those of you who worship you (self) should be hated. Look at your idols.......not one of them can answer........none can give sound advice, NONE OF THEM CAN ANSWER "MY" (God's) questions. They cannot do anything.........they are worthless." -- Isaiah 41
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Again............all hat, no cowboy. Where is your objective proof that refutes the "eyewitnesses" recorded in the Historical Book called the Holy Bible? :huh1: You just presented "ad hominem BS" once again, i.e., a logical fallacy based upon a false premise. Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence ...... you are pushing the plow with your LEFT WING mule again. Truth is not based on unproven accusations ..........Truth must be established by evidence. The Bible is filled with prima facie evidences. Yet you fascistically insist the Bible is guilty of your subjective ad hominem charges......until it proves its innocence. I Believe. Now present your case that proves that my beliefs are based upon fallacy.

"These things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you might may have life in His name." -- John 20:31 "And this is the life that was revealed; we have seen it and testified to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us (Apostles)." -- 1 John 1:2

You should at least attempt to read the Bible before you make an ass out of yourself in a display of your obvious ignorance and bigotry. Again........the Bible does not claim that it was written by Jesus Christ or His Father (God) claims that its content was Inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth (God's divine Helper--John 15:26-27, 2 Tim. 3:1617) and challenges anyone to prove that its Forty different author's have recorded one word that can be objectively proven false by Applied Science or History Actual. Thus far you are failing miserably. How many times have you made these same ad nausaem charges without proving one word of your accusations to be true? :dunno:

Facts concerning the Bible. It was written by 40 different men, all from different walks of life.......from shepherds, to kings, to physicians and tax collectors. These books found in the Bible, 39 from the canon of the O.T. and 27 from the N.T canon were written over a 1500 year period from several different continents.

In the pages of the Bible you will find that men's weaknesses, sinful actions and bad decisions are recorded........the Good, along with bad and ugly history is recorded. Yet all the books are in total agreement concerning the promise of God to provide mankind a method to find eternal fellowship with the God of Creation.......all work in harmony in revealing God's plan to save mankind.....through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus the Messiah (savior) that was promised. This plan existed before the worlds were created or time itself began (1 Peter 1:20, 2 Tim. 1:9)............This plan was hidden as a "mystery" until God decided it was time to reveal it to the entire world though the Holy Spirit (Eph.3:5,6, 1 Peter 1:12)

"The Lord God says, "PRESENT YOUR CASE"........"TELL ME YOUR ARGUMENTS"........bring in your idols to tell us what is to happen in the future. Tell us what happened in the beginning (all you have are idea's....Theory) Tell us what is coming next and we will believe you are gods (superior to the creator). You that claim you are gods (human secularism) are less than nothing, you can't do anything you claim......those of you who worship you (self) should be hated. Look at your idols.......not one of them can answer........none can give sound advice, NONE OF THEM CAN ANSWER "MY" (God's) questions. They cannot do anything.........they are worthless." -- Isaiah 41
-not one word included written by the hand of jesus ...

the desert religions haven't proof for any of their heavenly claims.

- nor any artifact to verify a most rudimentary association between the 4th century c-bible and the 1st century events of liberation theology, self determination those people died for.

- provide the tablets from heaven etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the murderer and liar moses or remove those from the book of forgeries and fallacies - provide the 4th century archive validating what the crucifiers used to write their book - - that does not exist.

your fallacy is the use of a persecuted persons legacy they wrote for their own purposes and contrary for the actual reason they were put to death.
the desert religions haven't proof for any of their heavenly claims.

- nor any artifact to verify a most rudimentary association between the 4th century c-bible and the 1st century events of liberation theology, self determination those people died for.

- provide the tablets from heaven etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the murderer and liar moses or remove those from the book of forgeries and fallacies - provide the 4th century archive validating what the crucifiers used to write their book - - that does not exist.

your fallacy is the use of a persecuted persons legacy they wrote for their own purposes and contrary for the actual reason they were put to death.
Again........the Bible has to prove nothing as it is based upon eyewitness testimony. You have to prove your accusations. Clearly you cannot as you keep repeating your circular argument without providing any Historical or application of Science to refute these testimonies.
Again........PROVE the Bible is a fallacy. In its defense it has far more prima facie evidences that supports its conclusions, such as the civilized laws of morality that are based upon those 10 commandments you say never existed.

Real Slow so a 5 year old can comprehend: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence. You keep declaring a negative fallacy. Because that which you demand to be presented has not been located (Yet) does not indicate it never existed. What does exist is the prima facie evidence that is observed potential, i.e., the practicial application of these commandments are in use everywhere in the civilized world. You provide nothing but accusations and attempt to claim "nothing" is evidence.

You blindly accept theoretical evidence as physical evidence........but when the Bible presents PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE, evidence that must be accepted as it "first appears" as it based upon witness stands as evidence until proven different by Objective facts in evidence. FYI: What is "a way of thinking"? Its a philosophical based discipline.....not a factual based discipline.

Even men who are practically worshiped in the field of theoretical science (Carl Sagan for instance who wasted his entire life looking for objective proof that LITTLE GREEN MEN ARE REAL) concludes that theoretical science is not based upon objective facts in evidence because the truth found in theory is always "Evolving". News flash.........truth does not evolve, or it was never truth in the beginning.

Quote from Carl Sagan: "Science (he is confusing applied science, which works with facts in evidence....and diluting it with his theoretical science and cosmology) is a WAY OF THINKING......AN ERROR CORRECTING PROCESS BY WHICH WE FIGURE WHAT IS TRUE AND WHAT IS NOT." -- Carl Sagan. He further concludes that it takes an "imagination" and "discipline" to understand theoretical science.

Yet you accept this Pseudoscience as questions asked, and its anything but Truth beyond the reason of doubt as is demanded by even Prima Facie truth.

Another hero of the human secular world that was worshiped for his supposed wisdom....Stephen Hawking......(the wheelchair bound atheist who blamed God for his condition instead of nature) used his great mind in an attempt to prove that this reality called the universe CREATED ITSELF FROM NOTHING, he does not need God........contrary to all the laws of physics and logic. Can we spell: DEMENTIA? Stephen...FYI: Gravity is more than a LAW.......its a quantifiable effect that is easily measured by its visible POTENTIAL in a consistent manner. Another FYI Stephen: Gravity cannot exist void of MASS, where did the mass come from? :popcorn:
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Again........the Bible has to prove nothing as it is based upon eyewitness testimony. You have to prove your accusations. Clearly you cannot as you keep repeating your circular argument without providing any Historical or application of Science to refute these testimonies.
Again........PROVE the Bible is a fallacy. In its defense it has far more prima facie evidences that supports its conclusions, such as the civilized laws of morality that are based upon those 10 commandments you say never existed.

Real Slow so a 5 year old can comprehend: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence. You keep declaring a negative fallacy. Because that which you demand to be presented has not been located (Yet) does not indicate it never existed. What does exist is the prima facie evidence that is observed potential, i.e., the practicial application of these commandments are in use everywhere in the civilized world. You provide nothing but accusations and attempt to claim "nothing" is evidence.

You blindly accept theoretical evidence as physical evidence........but when the Bible presents PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE, evidence that must be accepted as it "first appears" as it based upon witness stands as evidence until proven different by Objective facts in evidence. FYI: What is "a way of thinking"? Its a philosophical based discipline.....not a factual based discipline.

Even men who are practically worshiped in the field of theoretical science (Carl Sagan for instance who wasted his entire life looking for objective proof that LITTLE GREEN MEN ARE REAL) concludes that theoretical science is not based upon objective facts in evidence because the truth found in theory is always "Evolving". News flash.........truth does not evolve, or it was never truth in the beginning.

Quote from Carl Sagan: "Science (he is confusing applied science, which works with facts in evidence....and diluting it with his theoretical science and cosmology) is a WAY OF THINKING......AN ERROR CORRECTING PROCESS BY WHICH WE FIGURE WHAT IS TRUE AND WHAT IS NOT." -- Carl Sagan. He further concludes that it takes an "imagination" and "discipline" to understand theoretical science.

Yet you accept this Pseudoscience as questions asked, and its anything but Truth beyond the reason of doubt as is demanded by even Prima Facie truth.

Another hero of the human secular world that was worshiped for his supposed wisdom....Stephen Hawking......(the wheelchair bound atheist who blamed God for his condition instead of nature) used his great mind in an attempt to prove that this reality called the universe CREATED ITSELF FROM NOTHING, he does not need God........contrary to all the laws of physics and logic. Can we spell: DEMENTIA? Stephen...FYI: Gravity is more than a LAW.......its a quantifiable effect that is easily measured by its visible POTENTIAL in a consistent manner. Another FYI Stephen: Gravity cannot exist void of MASS, where did the mass come from? :popcorn:

the crucifiers wrote the c-bible to be self fulfilling as has become your goal as well ... without verification.

the desert religions haven't proof for any of their heavenly claims.

- nor any artifact to verify a most rudimentary association between the 4th century c-bible and the 1st century events of liberation theology, self determination those people died for.

provide the tablets from heaven etched w/ 10 commandments claimed by the murderer and liar moses or remove those from the book of forgeries and fallacies - provide the 4th century archive validating what the crucifiers used to write their book - - that does not exist.

your fallacy is the use of a persecuted persons legacy they wrote for their own purposes and contrary for the actual reason they were put to death.

your lengthy response, skimmed over at best - conveniently avoided the post it was responding to ...
the heavens and believers know, the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - when the last of either perishes (noah) will be the final day of judgement.
They do not know the day or hour. Neither does Jesus, only the Father knows.
the crucifiers wrote the c-bible to be self fulfilling as has become your goal as well ... without verification.

your lengthy response, skimmed over at best - conveniently avoided the post it was responding to ...
As expected.......-0- nothing but circular logic. So you are say''re not a disciple of Christ? To bad you are missing out on all the luv. :abgg2q.jpg: Do you at least require a "Dramamine" must be dizzy by now. But I must ask old are you sport 15 16?

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They do not know the day or hour. Neither does Jesus, only the Father knows.

when their parable ends, the heavens - the triumph of good vs evil - will be the day for the final judgment of humanity to be rendered ... peace on earth or all will perish who remain.

there will not be a selective few as to bring the heavens to vanquish would prove their own failure - what was the fate at the time of noah but rather superseded to give humanity a second chance.
when their parable ends, the heavens - the triumph of good vs evil - will be the day for the final judgment of humanity to be rendered ... peace on earth or all will perish who remain.

there will not be a selective few as to bring the heavens to vanquish would prove their own failure - what was the fate at the time of noah but rather superseded to give humanity a second chance.
Prov 2:21-22-Matt 24:22--clearly shows not all will perish on Gods day of anger--Only the wicked will perish, the righteous will be brought through.
Prov 2:21-22-Matt 24:22--clearly shows not all will perish on Gods day of anger--Only the wicked will perish, the righteous will be brought through.

no, they will have failed were they still alive as an early arrival from the heavens that will not bode well for them at all.

the spoken religion of antiquity says otherwise, where is your proverb for the triumph of good - found in the c-bible - it's not there, the crucifiers would fear that moment more than any other. they will have been brought to justice by their piers.
no, they will have failed were they still alive as an early arrival from the heavens that will not bode well for them at all.

the spoken religion of antiquity says otherwise, where is your proverb for the triumph of good - found in the c-bible - it's not there, the crucifiers would fear that moment more than any other. they will have been brought to justice by their piers.
What are you talking about? Jesus leads Gods armies to earth at Armageddon and destroys the wicked. The righteous remain.
What are you talking about? Jesus leads Gods armies to earth at Armageddon and destroys the wicked. The righteous remain.
Jesus is "Forbidden" to take part in any Physical Kingdom, as per the curse God placed on the Bloodline of Jesus.

The last king of Israel to sit on the throne of David (Jeconiah), was so wicked that God made a promise that none of his descendants would sit on David's throne in Jerusalem. (Jer. 22:24-30). The scriptures prove that Jesus' LEGAL (Son by legal adoption) ancestral lineage goes through Jeconiah (Matt.1:11-12)..........while His physical lineage goes through another son of David (Luke 1:32-33).

It is only through adoption that both the prophecy for Jesus to rule on David's throne..........and the curse/promise by God concerning Jeconiah be TRUE.

Jesus made it clear that His Kingdom was never given to Him by God to become a physical kingdom.(Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 16) Jesus declared that His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36). The kingdom of God as prophesied by Jer.was to be a spiritual not a physcial kingdom as was the kingdom of the Jews whom God had husbanded, yet they continued to ignore in lawlessness........the New Kingdom would not be like the kingdom that existed when God lead Israel out Egypt.........the coming kingdom of God would be located in the Hearts of its disciples. (Jer. 31:31-34)......Jesus proves the Kingdom of God (synonymously used with church/kingdom of God, kingdom of Jesus....all mean the same thing, its the kingdom of God ruled by Jesus Christ) The kingdom of God is not visible, it exists within the disciples of Christ...i.e., the church laity and clergy (Luke 17:20-22).

The Kingdom you are attempting to have come in the future with Jesus as its king.........has existed since the 1st century. (Acts 2:1-42). "Jesus is both Lord and Christ of His kingdom" -- Acts 2:36

When Jesus comes back it will not to be to sit on any earthly will be to judge the quick and the dead (2 Tim. 4:1-8) and He will not sit foot on He meets His kingdom/church in the sky. (1 Thess.4:17) Spiritual Israel exists in Heaven not on earth, with Jesus as its king, until death is defeated 1 Cor.15:26)...then the kingdom returns to the Father.

The Apostle makes it clear.........flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:50) Question? If flesh cannot inherit the Kingdom......just who is Jesus going to rule over when He returns to sit on a physical throne?
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Its you who fail to understand--Jesus is head of the congregation-Coll 1:18-- So its just like the bible shows--those who reject the teachers Jesus is with are rejecting him and vica versa-Luke 10:16
like Davd KOresh and JIm JOnes
Jesus is "Forbidden" to take part in any Physical Kingdom, as per the curse God placed on the Bloodline of Jesus.

The last king of Israel to sit on the throne of David (Jeconiah), was so wicked that God made a promise that none of his descendants would sit on David's throne in Jerusalem. (Jer. 22:24-30). The scriptures prove that Jesus' LEGAL (Son by legal adoption) ancestral lineage goes through Jeconiah (Matt.1:11-12)..........while His physical lineage goes through another son of David (Luke 1:32-33).

It is only through adoption that both the prophecy for Jesus to rule on David's throne..........and the curse/promise by God concerning Jeconiah be TRUE.

Jesus made it clear that His Kingdom was never given to Him by God to become a physical kingdom.(Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 16) Jesus declared that His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36). The kingdom of God as prophesied by Jer.was to be a spiritual not a physcial kingdom as was the kingdom of the Jews whom God had husbanded, yet they continued to ignore in lawlessness........the New Kingdom would not be like the kingdom that existed when God lead Israel out Egypt.........the coming kingdom of God would be located in the Hearts of its disciples. (Jer. 31:31-34)......Jesus proves the Kingdom of God (synonymously used with church/kingdom of God, kingdom of Jesus....all mean the same thing, its the kingdom of God ruled by Jesus Christ) The kingdom of God is not visible, it exists within the disciples of Christ...i.e., the church laity and clergy (Luke 17:20-22).

The Kingdom you are attempting to have come in the future with Jesus as its king.........has existed since the 1st century. (Acts 2:1-42). "Jesus is both Lord and Christ of His kingdom" -- Acts 2:36

When Jesus comes back it will not to be to sit on any earthly will be to judge the quick and the dead (2 Tim. 4:1-8) and He will not sit foot on He meets His kingdom/church in the sky. (1 Thess.4:17) Spiritual Israel exists in Heaven not on earth, with Jesus as its king, until death is defeated 1 Cor.15:26)...then the kingdom returns to the Father.

The Apostle makes it clear.........flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:50) Question? If flesh cannot inherit the Kingdom......just who is Jesus going to rule over when He returns to sit on a physical throne?
Dogma yourself a favor and blow it off
Matt 7:21
That's a good scripture, but not the answer to my question. Here's the correct answer from your own Bible. Acts 4:10-12.

10 let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Jesus Christ the Naz·a·reneʹ,+ whom you executed on a stake+ but whom God raised up from the dead,+ by means of him this man stands here healthy in front of you. 11 This is ‘the stone that was treated by you builders as of no account that has become the chief cornerstone.’*+ 12 Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name+ under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.”+
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