Who are the GOP Intellectuals, if any?

We need to define "intellectual", because there are many that are educated beyond their intelligence. This goes for Democrats also.

Yea, too much "education" is a "bad" thing. Usually, this is referred to as "right wing logic".

Too much government sponsored education is a bad thing.

All you have to do is look at the track record to know that.
You use one guy that pushed it and inferred that the GOP was behind it. YOU try not to appear to be knowingly ignorant, UScitizen.

Arlen specter also spoke in favor of it and others in the republican party.
It was a pretty good little hubub at the time.

It is funny to see the right keep getting all hyped up about a wonder candidate that will change the world and then later hear them mutter. "he was not really a conservative".

who was that guy that replaced Kennedy?

Funny shit.
They just keep doing it too.

Again I ask, tell all of us about the traction it got with the GOP, UScitizen. Hatch, Specter and "other republicans"...please name those "other" republicans.
Hell, Specter was a democrat at one time, turned republican and then turned democrat again. Give me a friggin break.

Hatch and Specter make it republicans. You do understand the concept of plural don't ya?
Why is this not in the Romper Room where it belongs?

This thread is definitely:



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Patriotic Americans want to lift up all Americans.
so going by this.....your not too Patriotic.....are you?......keep em Divided is your game Chauncey.....

Lol, it is funny watching people own themselves... Yet Rtard won't even grasp or agree that he JUST did something "bad." Rtard then proves daily he wants nothing to do with being a good or better person.
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Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

They have either been chased out of the party, or chased into the background. Currently, the GOP is anti-intellectual.
Politics today is so sad. It' morons claiming they have the "smart guy" on their team. “Obama is super smart!” Sure maybe Obama is super smart; he just lacks the intelligence to run a country properly...

I wonder, I really do because Ron Paul is in a Republican but yet you never think of him when you guys bitch about no smart people on the Rep side. Maybe you're scared because you pointing out a person with honest answers would make both sides look like the sell out idiots they really are.
Who was the last ivory tower egghead we had running the nation? Wilson IIRC? President of Princeton? Totaled this nation something fierce, dragged us into WW1, had thousands of political prisoners and citizenship leagues running roughshod over political opposition.

Harding won on the "Return to Normalcy" theme.

Seems we have a theme going here with intellectuals in power. But you libs keep checking P-BO for colon polyps with your tongue.
Who was the last ivory tower egghead we had running the nation? Wilson IIRC? President of Princeton? Totaled this nation something fierce, dragged us into WW1, had thousands of political prisoners and citizenship leagues running roughshod over political opposition.

Harding won on the "Return to Normalcy" theme.

Seems we have a theme going here with intellectuals in power. But you libs keep checking P-BO for colon polyps with your tongue.

We could use a Harding in 2012... Watch as they all run as a conservative (even Obama, in fact he already started that shit).
Too much government sponsored education is a bad thing.

All you have to do is look at the track record to know that.
You've been told only one side of the story because the corporate elites who own your party want subsidies & bailouts without the reciprocal tax burden of maintaining the institutional advantages of a great civilization (which advantages include world class public education, the very thing lacking in the 3rd world).

During the Cold War, the government invested heavily into the California state schools, as well Stanford & MIT and various institutions across the country. These institutions not only provided ground breaking research (handed to corporations by corrupt politicians), but they educated one of the most powerful and productive groups of people in world history: the postwar middle class. It was our great GOVERNMENT FUNDED educational institutions that Reagan bragged about to the world when he claimed moral superiority over the Soviets, whose poor citizens didn't have access to a great public education.

How dare you scorn things like the GI Bill, which gave our brave soldiers an opportunity to become educated at some of our greatest PUBLIC universities. (public because they were the most affordable, and most GI Bill friendly)

Many of the men who died in WWII fighting for your freedom enjoyed world class high school educations that less advanced countries don't provide. Many our brave fighters were proud of their country for its ability to educate the hard working poor, many of whom could not afford private universities.

You have been so terribly drugged by movement conservatism, which is owned by corporations who don't want the tax burden of creating a thriving public sector that benefits the POOR hard workers who built the Hoover Dam or fought for this country's freedom.

Psst: Before the GOP lied to a generation of morons, the relationship between Big Government and Education created things of value far in excess of today's private sector heroes, who play hedge fund casino capitalism with the nation's future... (and they convince you it's freedom). Study the Cold War relationship between Government & Stanford or MIT, specially the technological breakthroughs. Research which great PUBLIC high schools educated Brokaw's "Greatest Generations". These great men from PUBLIC high schools built and defended this great nation.

It was the corporate captured GOP, starting in the 70's, who waged ideological warfare against the greatest public education system in the world. They defunded education so there would be more money for subsidies, tax breaks, and bailouts. And now American students are falling behind in every category. (This wasn't the case before the GOP started to undermine faith in, and funding for public education)

When was the last time the USA lead the globe in math & science? During the postwar years, when Washington taxed mega-corporations and elite wealthy dynasties in order to create the best education system in the world.

Son, this country was built upon a very basic social contract. "If you corporations want American Soldiers to die securing your oil field; and if you want us to bail you out every time your company makes a mistake; and if you want massive subsidies; and if you want the benefit of technologic advances made because of taxpayer funding, than you are going to provide for a world class public education system. You are going to repay the massive contribution made to your profit-margin by the taxpayer. (what do you think lobbying is for son. It's a system designed to get free tax payer money, and free government services)

Son, the major engines of wealth used to give back to the society which made that wealth possible. But then, those wealth engines invested money into think tanks and popular media for the purpose of molding your opinion. They have used you to gut this nation's great institutions.

Son, you've been lied to. And that lie destroyed this country.
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Who was the last ivory tower egghead we had running the nation? Wilson IIRC? President of Princeton? Totaled this nation something fierce, dragged us into WW1, had thousands of political prisoners and citizenship leagues running roughshod over political opposition.

Harding won on the "Return to Normalcy" theme.

Seems we have a theme going here with intellectuals in power. But you libs keep checking P-BO for colon polyps with your tongue.

I would argue that Wilson dragged us into WW2 as well by butchering the WW1 treaty proceedings for his stupid League of Nations instead of providing a framework for real peace.
Who was the last ivory tower egghead we had running the nation? Wilson IIRC? President of Princeton? Totaled this nation something fierce, dragged us into WW1, had thousands of political prisoners and citizenship leagues running roughshod over political opposition.

Harding won on the "Return to Normalcy" theme.

Seems we have a theme going here with intellectuals in power. But you libs keep checking P-BO for colon polyps with your tongue.

We could use a Harding in 2012... Watch as they all run as a conservative (even Obama, in fact he already started that shit).

The best parts of Harding was both his VP choice and his efforts to reduce spending and taxes on everyone.
We need to define "intellectual", because there are many that are educated beyond their intelligence. This goes for Democrats also.

Yea, too much "education" is a "bad" thing. Usually, this is referred to as "right wing logic".

Too much government sponsored education is a bad thing.

All you have to do is look at the track record to know that.

Yeah because all the countries who are beating us educationally have privatized their educational systems...:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Who was the last ivory tower egghead we had running the nation? Wilson IIRC? President of Princeton? Totaled this nation something fierce, dragged us into WW1, had thousands of political prisoners and citizenship leagues running roughshod over political opposition.

Harding won on the "Return to Normalcy" theme.

Seems we have a theme going here with intellectuals in power. But you libs keep checking P-BO for colon polyps with your tongue.

We could use a Harding in 2012... Watch as they all run as a conservative (even Obama, in fact he already started that shit).

The best parts of Harding was both his VP choice and his efforts to reduce spending and taxes on everyone.

Yes, I'm a Coolidge fan over harding but either would do.
I have to say, when I told my Liberal friends about Harding and Coolidge the first thing they said was "LOL." They thought I made them up because "Warren G Harding" and "Coolidge" sound like gangster names and they had no idea these people were ever president. Yet "Smaller Government" does not work in their eyes (that is changing without my help funny enough) despite "BushII" being their only knowledge of a "Small Government guy." Funny how Obama's policies match Bush's and Obama is known for being almost on par with FDR with Government growth.
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teapartysamurai, bucs90, and CaliforniaGirl.

The USMB conservative braintrust.

Together, they make up an entire "half-wit".

Seriously, it's a good question. I guess David Brooks, George Will, Thomas Sowell, for starters might qualify as 'intellectual' conservatives, in some sense.

David Frum, Peggy Noonan, and Robert Samuelson added to journalists; Senators Tom Coburn, Dick Lugar, Rob Portman, Lindsey Graham. In the House, the only intellectual I can think of is Ron Paul.
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

Getting desperate, are you?

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