Who are the GOP Intellectuals, if any?

so going by this.....your not too Patriotic.....are you?......keep em Divided is your game Chauncey.....

Lol, it is funny watching people own themselves... Yet Rtard won't even grasp or agree that he JUST did something "bad." Rtard then proves daily he wants nothing to do with being a good or better person.

and all the ass does is talk divisive talk.....Dean only wants to lift up those who think like he does.....lift up ALL Americans my aching ass.....

On this board he ain't liftin' too many...
Stephanie and Mr t.(the drunk)

hey Plasma....you keep on calling T a drunk.....do you know the guy personally to keep saying this?......or did some other asshole here say this and being the good little follower you are.....you fell right in line.....you wanna explain this?....
A match made in heaven.

I'd pay money to see her run her big mouth at him, face to face, when he's drunk.:lol:

gold jerry, gold!
Those two are REALLY hyper-partisan w/o the intellect to back up their ideology. The same could be said for > a few other righties hence, this thread.

yet i notice you dont say that about Dean who just maybe the most HYPER-Partisian this board has ever seen.....fascinating.....
Charles Krauthammer, Victor Davis Hanson, Newt Gingrich, George Will, William Kristol, William Bennett, Chester Finn, Michael Ledeen, Peggy Noonan, Richard Perle, Peter Robinson, Peter Wallison, John Cogan, Murray Weidenbaum, , Doug Bandow, Peter Wehner, Michael Horowitz, Paul Wolfowitz, William Niskanen, Christopher DeMuth, Terry Eastland, Thomas Sowell, David Brooks

Very strange list. Two of the engineers of the Iraq war, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz? Both of them have faded into oblivion.

thats because both are assholes who should be shunned by humans everywhere......
In all seriousness I don't think many that consider being an intellectual is important are all that bright themselves.

They've been suckered so many times by scam-artist politicians and charlatans that they appear half-witted at best.

This fascination with inteligence by the left is getting boring, especially from people that have such a predilection for collective thinking. The very same people that hold Jon Stewart, a comedian, in such high regard when it comes to news.


Interestingly, LBJ is perhaps the most liberal as well as least intellectual modern president the USA has produced.

Could anyone imagine LBJ, Texas Drawl, picking up his dogs by their ears, as a guest on Jon Stewart?
In all seriousness I don't think many that consider being an intellectual is important are all that bright themselves.

They've been suckered so many times by scam-artist politicians and charlatans that they appear half-witted at best.

This fascination with inteligence by the left is getting boring, especially from people that have such a predilection for collective thinking. The very same people that hold Jon Stewart, a comedian, in such high regard when it comes to news.


Interestingly, LBJ is perhaps the most liberal as well as least intellectual modern president the USA has produced.

Could anyone imagine LBJ, Texas Drawl, picking up his dogs by their ears, as a guest on Jon Stewart?

They'd just say that was the old Democrat party. He'd be a Republican today.

Today's Democratic party is a bit more RED then the old Democrats were.
When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?


So, I'm supposed to worry when YOU cannot THINK of "Intellectual Heavy Hitters?"


Jeeze, I'm just getting over the fact that Beavis and Butthead don't think I'm. "Cool."

In all seriousness I don't think many that consider being an intellectual is important are all that bright themselves.

They've been suckered so many times by scam-artist politicians and charlatans that they appear half-witted at best.

This fascination with inteligence by the left is getting boring, especially from people that have such a predilection for collective thinking. The very same people that hold Jon Stewart, a comedian, in such high regard when it comes to news.


Interestingly, LBJ is perhaps the most liberal as well as least intellectual modern president the USA has produced.

Could anyone imagine LBJ, Texas Drawl, picking up his dogs by their ears, as a guest on Jon Stewart?

Like "LadyBird Hill"?

Too much government sponsored education is a bad thing.

All you have to do is look at the track record to know that.
You've been told only one side of the story because the corporate elites who own your party want subsidies & bailouts without the reciprocal tax burden of maintaining the institutional advantages of a great civilization (which advantages include world class public education, the very thing lacking in the 3rd world).

During the Cold War, the government invested heavily into the California state schools, as well Stanford & MIT and various institutions across the country. These institutions not only provided ground breaking research (handed to corporations by corrupt politicians), but they educated one of the most powerful and productive groups of people in world history: the postwar middle class. It was our great GOVERNMENT FUNDED educational institutions that Reagan bragged about to the world when he claimed moral superiority over the Soviets, whose poor citizens didn't have access to a great public education.

How dare you scorn things like the GI Bill, which gave our brave soldiers an opportunity to become educated at some of our greatest PUBLIC universities. (public because they were the most affordable, and most GI Bill friendly)

Many of the men who died in WWII fighting for your freedom enjoyed world class high school educations that less advanced countries don't provide. Many our brave fighters were proud of their country for its ability to educate the hard working poor, many of whom could not afford private universities.

You have been so terribly drugged by movement conservatism, which is owned by corporations who don't want the tax burden of creating a thriving public sector that benefits the POOR hard workers who built the Hoover Dam or fought for this country's freedom.

Psst: Before the GOP lied to a generation of morons, the relationship between Big Government and Education created things of value far in excess of today's private sector heroes, who play hedge fund casino capitalism with the nation's future... (and they convince you it's freedom). Study the Cold War relationship between Government & Stanford or MIT, specially the technological breakthroughs. Research which great PUBLIC high schools educated Brokaw's "Greatest Generations". These great men from PUBLIC high schools built and defended this great nation.

It was the corporate captured GOP, starting in the 70's, who waged ideological warfare against the greatest public education system in the world. They defunded education so there would be more money for subsidies, tax breaks, and bailouts. And now American students are falling behind in every category. (This wasn't the case before the GOP started to undermine faith in, and funding for public education)

When was the last time the USA lead the globe in math & science? During the postwar years, when Washington taxed mega-corporations and elite wealthy dynasties in order to create the best education system in the world.

Son, this country was built upon a very basic social contract. "If you corporations want American Soldiers to die securing your oil field; and if you want us to bail you out every time your company makes a mistake; and if you want massive subsidies; and if you want the benefit of technologic advances made because of taxpayer funding, than you are going to provide for a world class public education system. You are going to repay the massive contribution made to your profit-margin by the taxpayer. (what do you think lobbying is for son. It's a system designed to get free tax payer money, and free government services)

Son, the major engines of wealth used to give back to the society which made that wealth possible. But then, those wealth engines invested money into think tanks and popular media for the purpose of molding your opinion. They have used you to gut this nation's great institutions.

Son, you've been lied to. And that lie destroyed this country.


and when you jump in your time machine and join us in the present, let me know.
Too much government sponsored education is a bad thing.

All you have to do is look at the track record to know that.
You've been told only one side of the story because the corporate elites who own your party want subsidies & bailouts without the reciprocal tax burden of maintaining the institutional advantages of a great civilization (which advantages include world class public education, the very thing lacking in the 3rd world).

During the Cold War, the government invested heavily into the California state schools, as well Stanford & MIT and various institutions across the country. These institutions not only provided ground breaking research (handed to corporations by corrupt politicians), but they educated one of the most powerful and productive groups of people in world history: the postwar middle class. It was our great GOVERNMENT FUNDED educational institutions that Reagan bragged about to the world when he claimed moral superiority over the Soviets, whose poor citizens didn't have access to a great public education.

How dare you scorn things like the GI Bill, which gave our brave soldiers an opportunity to become educated at some of our greatest PUBLIC universities. (public because they were the most affordable, and most GI Bill friendly)

Many of the men who died in WWII fighting for your freedom enjoyed world class high school educations that less advanced countries don't provide. Many our brave fighters were proud of their country for its ability to educate the hard working poor, many of whom could not afford private universities.

You have been so terribly drugged by movement conservatism, which is owned by corporations who don't want the tax burden of creating a thriving public sector that benefits the POOR hard workers who built the Hoover Dam or fought for this country's freedom.

Psst: Before the GOP lied to a generation of morons, the relationship between Big Government and Education created things of value far in excess of today's private sector heroes, who play hedge fund casino capitalism with the nation's future... (and they convince you it's freedom). Study the Cold War relationship between Government & Stanford or MIT, specially the technological breakthroughs. Research which great PUBLIC high schools educated Brokaw's "Greatest Generations". These great men from PUBLIC high schools built and defended this great nation.

It was the corporate captured GOP, starting in the 70's, who waged ideological warfare against the greatest public education system in the world. They defunded education so there would be more money for subsidies, tax breaks, and bailouts. And now American students are falling behind in every category. (This wasn't the case before the GOP started to undermine faith in, and funding for public education)

When was the last time the USA lead the globe in math & science? During the postwar years, when Washington taxed mega-corporations and elite wealthy dynasties in order to create the best education system in the world.

Son, this country was built upon a very basic social contract. "If you corporations want American Soldiers to die securing your oil field; and if you want us to bail you out every time your company makes a mistake; and if you want massive subsidies; and if you want the benefit of technologic advances made because of taxpayer funding, than you are going to provide for a world class public education system. You are going to repay the massive contribution made to your profit-margin by the taxpayer. (what do you think lobbying is for son. It's a system designed to get free tax payer money, and free government services)

Son, the major engines of wealth used to give back to the society which made that wealth possible. But then, those wealth engines invested money into think tanks and popular media for the purpose of molding your opinion. They have used you to gut this nation's great institutions.

Son, you've been lied to. And that lie destroyed this country.

Find any decline in government spending on education as a percentage of GDP.

Spending for Research and Development and for Education

Good luck with your lies.
Who was the last ivory tower egghead we had running the nation? Wilson IIRC? President of Princeton? Totaled this nation something fierce, dragged us into WW1, had thousands of political prisoners and citizenship leagues running roughshod over political opposition.

Harding won on the "Return to Normalcy" theme.

Seems we have a theme going here with intellectuals in power. But you libs keep checking P-BO for colon polyps with your tongue.

The smartest, most experienced man or woman in the world would have a hard time trying to please a diverse country of 308 million people, all with special wants and critiques of how government should and should not be run. Trying to sort that all out is why government expanded so much in the last 100 years by every single president up to and including the present one. Republicans think they can do better and convince the public; when they can't, they get voted out. Democrats say AHA, see? We can do it better, but they can't either, so they get voted out. And round and round it goes.
Could we at least try to stop destroying the dollar, our credit rating and the economy all in one fell swoop though? Can we be smart enough to not do that?

The smartest leader is the one who ignores the opinion polls and blazes the trail that people follow, and never worries about re-election. If your goal is to win elections and stay in power, you can never lead. If you sacrifice your principles to win an election, you lost regardless.
lol @ Sarah Palin even being MENTIONED in a thread about intellegence/intellect.

And a RW MFer actually is defending her too....ROTFLMBAO!!!



Are you just jealous or is it because she is a white conservative female? Could it be both?

She would not be my choice, but she would out perform the moron you help elect....

And based on your views expressed here, she would make minced meat of you too....

ZOMG....! You're even dummer than I thought.


So that took you all night, you're so original, give it a couple of days, maybe you will elevate your intelligence to the level of rdean..... :shock:
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

Reagan created over 20,000,000 jobs while in office, how many has obama created?

Noone claims arnold, he is a democrat in disguise.

Sarah palin ran a state, more then Obama has done.

Obama is jealous of scott brown.

Huckabee is more alligned with mainstream america then the middle east loving obama.

Donald trump has 100 times morre balls then obama to deal with China.

Also, conservatives are judged on morals and values and sticking with the constitution, not the bought and paid for lambskin of marxist college professors. We side with the constitution, not what some dumbass in the college classroom tells us.
Going back to Ronald Reagan, he was a "B" movie actor.

Then you had A lister, Arnold, probably an even better actor than Ron, but an alien, can't be president.

Then you have bathing suit runway walker Sarah Palin.

Then there is "nude centerfold magazine model", Scott Brown.

Don't forget "talk show host" and "comic" and "strummer", Mike Huckabee.

Now there is reality TV show star Donald Trump.

When I see GOP, I think of these as the "intellectual heavy hitters". If not them, then who?

Going strictly by the definition, no intellectuals exist in this country. Politicians cant win with out appealing to the voting public's emotions, and while in Washington they rely on emotion 100% to get what they want done. Its not a party thing, just a politician thing.


   [in-tl-ek-choo-uhl] Show IPA
appealing to or engaging the intellect: intellectual pursuits.
of or pertaining to the intellect or its use: intellectual powers.
possessing or showing intellect or mental capacity, especially to a high degree: an intellectual person.
guided or developed by or relying on the intellect rather than upon emotions or feelings; rational.
characterized by or suggesting a predominance of intellect: an intellectual way of speaking.
a person of superior intellect.
a person who places a high value on or pursues things of interest to the intellect or the more complex forms and fields of knowledge, as aesthetic or philosophical matters, especially on an abstract and general level.
an extremely rational person; a person who relies on intellect rather than on emotions or feelings.
a person professionally engaged in mental labor, as a writer or teacher.
intellectuals, Archaic .
the mental faculties.
things pertaining to the intellect.

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