Who are the Israelis?


Meet Emily and Ellen Fine. Emily is an IDF soldier (Res.) and Ellen is in the US Marines @usmc.
These are actual sisters-in-arms! #NationalSiblingsDay

Israel Defense Forces on Twitter
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The chair of Likud-Herut UK, an advocacy group which describes itself as the voice of the right-wing Israeli party in Britain, has praised the late Jewish extremist leader Rabbi Meir Kahane as a “visionary”.

Zalmi Unsdorfer was invited onto LBC’s Tom Swarbick show late on Monday evening to discuss the Israeli election and made a series of contentious statements including the suggestion that Palestinian mothers were to blame for the deaths of children during protests on the Gaza border.

He also said: “The real Palestinians are the Jews because Palestine was simply a renaming of Judea.”

Mr Unsdorfer was asked for his view on Benjamin Netanyahu's deal with the far-right grouping that includes the national-religious Jewish Home party and Otzma Yehudit, or “Jewish Power”, a small extremist party led by disciples of Rabbi Kahane.

^“Kahane was a violent person - but also a visionary in terms of saying that there would never, ever be peace in the Middle East.

“Those people who believe the Arab/Israeli conflict is a territorial conflict are completely mistaken. The Arabs don’t want a two-state solution. They want the complete elimination of a Jewish state in any borders.”

Mr Unsdorfer also said the deaths of 35 young Palestinians during the Hamas-backed March of Return demonstrations was the responsibility of their mothers.

He said: “There has been something like two-dozen weeks of riots with upwards of 50,000 people every weekend.

“Can I ask you – what do you think children are doing on a border? Which mother brings a child to the border?

“The mother who brings a child to the border is a mother who is paid by Hamas. ‘Please take your children to the Gaza border, we need them as human shields’. That’s the story, that’s the real story of Gaza.
^“Kahane was a violent person - but also a visionary in terms of saying that there would never, ever be peace in the Middle East.

“Those people who believe the Arab/Israeli conflict is a territorial conflict are completely mistaken. The Arabs don’t want a two-state solution. They want the complete elimination of a Jewish state in any borders.”

Mr Unsdorfer also said the deaths of 35 young Palestinians during the Hamas-backed March of Return demonstrations was the responsibility of their mothers.

He said: “There has been something like two-dozen weeks of riots with upwards of 50,000 people every weekend.

“Can I ask you – what do you think children are doing on a border? Which mother brings a child to the border?

“The mother who brings a child to the border is a mother who is paid by Hamas. ‘Please take your children to the Gaza border, we need them as human shields’. That’s the story, that’s the real story of Gaza.
People are allowed to protest on their own land.
^“Kahane was a violent person - but also a visionary in terms of saying that there would never, ever be peace in the Middle East.

“Those people who believe the Arab/Israeli conflict is a territorial conflict are completely mistaken. The Arabs don’t want a two-state solution. They want the complete elimination of a Jewish state in any borders.”

Mr Unsdorfer also said the deaths of 35 young Palestinians during the Hamas-backed March of Return demonstrations was the responsibility of their mothers.

He said: “There has been something like two-dozen weeks of riots with upwards of 50,000 people every weekend.

“Can I ask you – what do you think children are doing on a border? Which mother brings a child to the border?

“The mother who brings a child to the border is a mother who is paid by Hamas. ‘Please take your children to the Gaza border, we need them as human shields’. That’s the story, that’s the real story of Gaza.
People are allowed to protest on their own land.

Those aren't protests.
What's so funny, Tinmore?

The fact that you can't convince me of any of your limp wristed "arguments"?

Absolutely hilarious.
Thank G-d That Israel Exists - Mary's Story

Mary Livi and her family serve as an example of the diversity found in Israel.
Mary’s paternal grandparents fled Libya right before the Second World War. Despite the hardships her family has endured, she does not want to hold a grudge. Hear more about Mary’s uplifting story in this film by The Mizrahi Project, presented by Christians United for Israel.

Deconstructing Anti Semitism, Feminism, and Intersectionality -
Chloe Valdary Interview

Chloe Valdary (writer and political activist) joins Dave to discuss growing up “Jewish” as a person of color, how to disassemble anti semitism, her criticism of intersectionality and the Women’s March, and to deconstruct the ideas around feminism, Islam, the hatred of Israel, the importance of human connection, and more.

Deconstructing Anti Semitism, Feminism, and Intersectionality -
Chloe Valdary Interview

Chloe Valdary (writer and political activist) joins Dave to discuss growing up “Jewish” as a person of color, how to disassemble anti semitism, her criticism of intersectionality and the Women’s March, and to deconstruct the ideas around feminism, Islam, the hatred of Israel, the importance of human connection, and more.

Topic: Are cultural boycotts of Israel appropriate? Panelist: Stu Bykofsky, Chloe Valdery, Susan Abulhawa, Marc Lamont Hill.

Deconstructing Anti Semitism, Feminism, and Intersectionality -
Chloe Valdary Interview

Chloe Valdary (writer and political activist) joins Dave to discuss growing up “Jewish” as a person of color, how to disassemble anti semitism, her criticism of intersectionality and the Women’s March, and to deconstruct the ideas around feminism, Islam, the hatred of Israel, the importance of human connection, and more.

Topic: Are cultural boycotts of Israel appropriate? Panelist: Stu Bykofsky, Chloe Valdery, Susan Abulhawa, Marc Lamont Hill.

Team Palestine literally put someone who suggested "another 911 would save America" .
Chloe Valdery on the other hand is a courageous woman, a voice of sanity and truth in that swamp of hate.
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He was born in Prague.
At 16 he was sent to the death camps.
He immigrated to Israel & survived 7 wars in Israel.
Today, Rabbi Adler is in his 90’s.
He has over 300 descendants.

For all you Nazis, antisemites, haters of Israel, look carefully. You lost. We won.
Am Yisrael Chai!

He was born in the Golan Heights,
he's the 13th generation of his family in the land on his mother side,
and a descendant of a long lineage of Jewish sages who's family was entirely wiped out in Germany on the father's side.

Bezalel and Revital Smotrich have 5 kids.
For all haters of Israel who wanted to wipe the Jews out in the past and present, look carefully.
With G-d's help we win, You lost.

Am Israel Chai.

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