Who are the Israelis?

B"H I'd certainly like that to be true, if we could only be sure that there's not another Oslo hovering above our heads, hope to be finally reaffirmed when Trump's Plan is introduced.

The plan is by the creator of nations.

G-d is the creator and destroyer of nations. No nation is brought about or destroyed unless G-d brings it about.

We are but travelling a binary path and choose how fitful our travel will, in the end... be., .. by our moral choices.

As always, every word a solid rock :thup:

"Rabbi Yitzhak said: A year in which King the Messiah is revealed all the kings of the nations of the world challenge one another: The king of Persia teases an Arab king and an Arab king goes to Aram to take advice from them. The King of Persia returns and destroys the entire world. All the nations of the world are rumbling and panicking and falling on their faces, holding them as labor pains. And Israel is frantic and alarmed, and says: Where will we come and go?

And I say to them: My children, do not be afraid, all I did was not for anyone but for you.
Why are you afraid?
Do not fear, it is time of your redemption, and not as the first redemption, the last redemption, for the first redemption was for you sorrow and enslavement of kings after it, but the last redemption you have no sorrow and enslavement of the successive kings." (Yalkut Shim'oni paragraph 499)

Wow, what a prophecy! It's coming true today. Persia is Iran and the Arab king is from Saudi Arabia. Who is Aram in this scenario?

Aram Damascus, Aram Naharaim - todays Syria.

We shall see.

I say Esau of the red.

Remember the stew? That he forswore his blessings for?


Thus red has a meaning.
Of course, yet, somehow red is strongly associated with one very powerful politician.
A reason for keeping guard.
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Arab Joint List party: Demands that cameras be removed from the polls

The Hadash-Ta'al list submitted an urgent complaint to the Elections Committee requesting the immediate removal of the cameras installed in the Arab communities. The party said: "The extreme right understands very well our power to topple the government and crosses every border by illegal means, in an attempt to intervene and prevent Arab citizens from voting, but we too understand our strength. We are going to vote today against their noses and their wrath."

Source - Ynet

And the hat keeps burning...
Live broadcast: A day that is all Torah on elections day

For the uplifting of the soul of Rabbi Shim'on Shmuel Alfasi ben Miriam TNTZB"H

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Arab Joint List party: Demands that cameras be removed from the polls

The Hadash-Ta'al list submitted an urgent complaint to the Elections Committee requesting the immediate removal of the cameras installed in the Arab communities. The party said: "The extreme right understands very well our power to topple the government and crosses every border by illegal means, in an attempt to intervene and prevent Arab citizens from voting, but we too understand our strength. We are going to vote today against their noses and their wrath."

Source - Ynet

And the hat keeps burning...

Meretz Party petitioned the Chairman of the Elections Committee,
to extend the voting time in the Arab communities at one hour

"In Kfar Kassem, in a last-minute effort to raise voter turnout in Arab society. Meretz petitioned the Central Elections Committee to extend the voting time after attempts by Likud and the right to suppress the vote."

Official Meretz teweeter

No, really I'm lost on words...why not straight to PM chair,
and all the friends who didn't pass should get another 24 hours, I guess? :dunno:
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Elections Committee: The final results of the 21st elections will be published in the lists until April 17, 2019

In accordance with the provisions of s. 11 of the Basic Law: the Knesset and section 84 of the Knesset Elections Law, 5729-1969, the final results of the elections to the 21st Knesset will be published in Reshumot until the 4th day of Nisan April 17, 2019. Until this day results are expected to change.

And until official numbers published, no one knows, no news outlet and no politician.

(...what is an hour of voting against an hour of praying to Hashem?)
SHOCK in Tiberias: 8 Torah scrolls went up in flames

In the fire that broke out in the synagogue's synagogue in Tiberias, a number of Torah scrolls were burned.
Fire crews were operating in the area and control of the fire was achieved.

A short time ago a fire broke out in the Mishkan Shalom synagogue on Toledano Street in Tiberias. Four firefighting teams, led by Rabbi Reshef Moshe Azulai, were dispatched to the scene. The crews are engaged in firefighting operations, with the fire's center in the vicinity of the Aron HaKodesh.

According to reports, the firefighters who rushed to the synagogue compound managed to gain control of the fire. Rami Levy, a medic at the Rescue Union, said: "When I arrived with fire crews, we encountered a shocking sight of Torah scrolls that went on fire. Miraculously, there were no casualties."

The current results of the elections for the 21st Knesset National
Official results for 10/04/2019 10:12 AM



Total eligible voters - 6,339,729

Total voters - 4,083,370
Voting rate of votes counted - 64.65%
Total valid votes - 4,054,626
The total number of invalid votes - 28,744

Updated results for 10:58 AM

Likud led by Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister ------------------------------------------------------------ 26.27%
Blue and White led by Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid --------------------------------------------------------------25.94%
Sephardic Association of Torah Observers Movement of Maran the HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZTZ"L -6.10%
The Torah and the Shabat Judaism Agudat Yisrael - The Torah flag -----------------------------------------5.91%
Hadash Ta'al led by Ayman Odeh and Ahmed Tibi ------------------------------------------------------------------4.63%
The Labor party headed by Avi Gabay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.46%
Israel Beitenu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.14%
Union of right wing parties The Jewish Home-The National Unity-Jewish Power----------------------- 3.66%
Meretz- The Left of Israel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.64%
Kulanu The Sane Right Wing headed by Moshe Kahlon ---------------------------------------------------------3.56%
The Arab List Ra'am Balad The United List National Democratic Covenant -------------------------------3.46%
The New Right headed by Shaked and Benet -----------------------------------------------------------------------3.14%
Zehut - Israel Jewish Movement headed by Moshe Feiglin -----------------------------------------------------2.51%
Gesher headed by Orly Levy Abekasis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.74%

Source: Central Elections Committee of the 21st Knesset

As of 2014, a party must obtain more than 3.25% of all eligible votes in order to enter the Knesset.
The result above are not final yet, and do not include Double Envelopes, which are 9% of the ballot boxes, for the votes of soldiers and army employees, hospitals, police, diplomatic representatives abroad, state workers, sailors and prisoners.

In the elections to the 20th Knesset, the valid votes that originated in the Double Envelops summed up at 681,232 votes, that are 5.53% of the 4,210,884 of the valid votes in those elections

"Waiting for the votes of the soldiers"
All the Double Envelopes reach to the Central Elections Committee in the Knesset before morning on the day after the elections, however because of the complicated way of the verification, the counting of the votes takes additional 3 days.
Though the portion of the voters in Double Envelopes of the overall votes is not large, it happens that in times they're enough to change the picture before their count. So, for example , after those votes were added to the rest of the votes in the elections to the 19th Knesset (2013), 1 mandate passed from the Ra'am-Ta'al List to the Jewish Home, what gave to the right religious wing the 61st mandate.

Double Envelope voting - Knesset.co.il
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'Beresheet' Space Capsule Enters Lunar Orbit - Your News From Israel

Did You know Israel is referenced in allegory to the moon?
"Beresheet" is encircling it now every 2 hours in preparation for the landing tomorrow.
Ironically it was initially planned to land before the elections, but for some reasons the on-board computer restarted itself, and it seems we'll get see the results of the landing and the final results of the elections on the same day.

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Summary of Suspicious Results reported to the Central Elections Committee


Bir 'Hdeij 117% votes
Kaser Asir 111% votes

Al Saiyad 147% votes
Abu Qarinat 138% votes


In another Arab village the majority of the votes included 30.3% votes for the Sephardic Jewish Movement.
And in the Judean settlement of Itamar there were reported more votes for the Arab List 11.58% than for the New Right of Shaked and Benet.

In Bat 'Ayin 92.46% voted, 13.38% for the Arab List.


In the results of Kasra-Smiy'a, an Arab village, 58.33% for Likud, 16.67% for Blue and White, 8.33% for Sephardic Union, 8.33% for Israel Beitenu, 5.00% New Right, 3.33% Merez the Left of Israel.


Those result above 100% could NOT be explained by the votes of police on duty who vote anywhere convenient, and deleted from their local lists because state workers vote in Double Envelopes that are not supposed to be included in the counting of the regular votes. And even if otherwise not to such extent as in these numbers,
and not reported regarding vast majority of towns or cities around the country.

28,746 of the votes have yet to be updated,
as mentioned above those numbers do not include the Double Envelope count, their counting is done in a special committee in the Knesset, which is reported to be published not earlier than tomorrow.
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The Israeli President's Role in the Country's Elections

"A king's heart is like rivulets of water in the hand of HaShem;
wherever He wishes, He turns it." (Mishlei 21)

For the fast recovery of President Rivlin's wife - her name is Nehamah bat Drorah.
May Hashem give her full recovery.

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The counting of Double Envelopes in the Knesset began.
This represents 6% of all voters

As far as I understand they're counted twice separately from all else because they have identification , first to check the total number, then actual parties.

Today, at 19:40, "Beresheet" last maneuver was performed towards the landing tomorrow

The maneuver brought her to an elliptical orbit where the nearest point, Perilone, would be 15 km above the Moon's surface before landing tomorrow. It was a complex maneuver, 32 seconds and consumed 5 kg of fuel.

It was again on the far side and because of the nature of the things totally automatic without any real-time communication.

LIVE broadcast - Beresheet lands on the Moon
Fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land.

That is, Beresheet lands on the moon! After eight years of anticipation, hard work and one big dream, the moment we all waited for has come - Beresheet performs the historic landing live broadcast!
The heart is thrilled with excitement! Join us for the big moment >>

We start the broadcast at 21:45.
The landing process will begin at 22:05 IL time


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LIVE broadcast - Beresheet lands on the Moon
Fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land.

That is, Beresheet lands on the moon! After eight years of anticipation, hard work and one big dream, the moment we all waited for has come - Beresheet performs the historic landing live broadcast!
The heart is thrilled with excitement! Join us for the big moment >>

We start the broadcast at 21:45.
The landing process will begin at 22:05 IL time


Say Tehilim :)

"A song for ascents. I shall raise my eyes to the mountains, from where will my help come?
My help is from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to falter; Your Guardian will not slumber.
Behold the Guardian of Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your Guardian; the Lord is your shadow; [He is] by your right hand.
By day, the sun will not smite you, nor will the moon at night.
The Lord will guard you from all evil; He will guard your soul.
The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from now and to eternity."

Tehilim 121
Baruch Hashem all for the better, President Rivlin says we should praise what we achieved in spite of all.
First Israeli spacecraft on the moon, not as expected, not a successful landing but what a start!
Netanyahu already jokes about the next one in 2-3 years, I wouldn't mind, it left a taste for more.

That it was a private enterprise only makes it more exciting, indeed big dreams, and indeed an inspiring historic record for the nation dwelling in Zion.

Aaaand now...to make this day even more interesting, in less than 2 hours, the final results of the elections.
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