Who Are The Palestinians?

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P F Tinmore, et al,

Wrong. The document called the "Mandate for Palestine" is an official commission to perform. It is a legal instrument.

The bottom line, Rocco, is that the Mandate was to assist Palestine to independence and "there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation."

It draws a very distinct difference between the issue of "Jewish National Home" --- and --- "civil and religious rights" (alla 1922) of existing non-Jewish communities. It should be interesting to note that the Mandate for Palestine, as the principle legal directive for that formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, --- within such boundaries as may be fixed the Allied Powers, --- does not use the word "independence" even once in the entire 28 Articles Mandate and the Preamble; let alone stipulate that it requires the Mandatory to "assist Palestine to independence."

The intent of Article 22 of the Covenant, is to render administrative advice and assistance to "certain communities" (NOTE: not all communities --- nor is it singling out the existing non-Jewish communities) to the extent and until such time as --- they are able to stand alone. It is clear that Trans-Jordan, a portion of the territory to which the Mandate is applied, was provisionally recognized in the Mandate as a

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone.

BTW, the Jewish Agency was an adviser to the mandate and served at its pleasure subject always to the control of the Administration. It had no legitimate function after the termination of the Mandate.

You, of all people, do not have the right to determine the scope and nature of the mission, function and duties of the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency, as a "public body" (an organization whose work is part of the process of government, but is not a government agency) is beyond the reach of the Arab Palestinian in either criticism or critique. The Administration of Palestine by the Mandatory had within its authority the ability to contract with the Article 4 Jewish Agency arrangements to construct or operate, any public works, services and utilities, and to develop any of the natural resources of the country. On termination of the Mandate, pursuant to Part I -- Section B Steps Preparatory to Independence --- Paragraph 4, General Assembly Resolution 181(II), --- the UN Palestine Commission shall

4. The Commission, after consultation with the democratic parties and other public organizations of The Arab and Jewish States, shall select and establish in each State as rapidly as possible a Provisional Council of Government. The activities of both the Arab and Jewish Provisional Councils of Government shall be carried out under the general direction of the Commission.​

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country. (Article 4 - Mandate for Palestine)

While it is true that the Jewish Agency would no longer have a responsibility to the Mandatory once the Mandate terminated, it is the case that the scope and nature of the mission, function and duties of the Jewish Agency would be an assumed responsibility of the Provisional Government of the State of Israel. It is the for the Israeli Government to determine the future of the agency; not an external influences associated with the Hostile Arab Palestinians and Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, which are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein.

Most Respectfully,
Wrong. The document called the "Mandate for Palestine" is an official commission to perform. It is a legal instrument.​

Not wrong. The Mandate flopped so Britain kicked the can down the road to the UN.

"We have tried for years to solve the problem of Palestine. Having failed so far, we now bring it to the United Nations, in the hope that it can succeed where we have not. If the United Nations can find a just solution which will be accepted by both parties, it could hardly be expected that we should not welcome such a solution. All we say—and I made this reservation the other day—is that we should not have the sole responsibility for enforcing a solution which is not accepted by both parties and which we cannot reconcile with our conscience."11/

Of course Britain could not solve the problem. Britain was the problem.

The UN had two proposals:
1) The termination of the Mandate over Palestine and the declaration of its independence.
2) The partition of Palestine.

One would conform to international law, the LoN Covenant, and the rights of the people.

Two had no legal basis and partition was suggested 10 years earlier and was rejected.

Hmmm, what to do - what to do???
fanger, et al,

Yes, I believe our friend "Phoenall" is seemingly correct.

First --- the 1939 White Paper was not accepted by the League of Nations (LoN) "Permanent Mandates Commission (PMC) at their thirty-sixth session in June, 1939. The commission reported that: the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate.” The RESTRICTIONS were invalid --- and outside the intentions of the LoN and the PMC.

Whereas by the aforementioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations; Preamble Para 7, Mandate for Palestine.​

The interpretation to which you suggest has placed restrictions and limitations on immigration --- was never approved or explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations. What implementation that was carried out --- was done so without authority.

Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

The 1939 White Papers, while written and approved by the Mandatory, --- was not approved or adopted by PMC of the LoN. There were several reasons for this:

  • The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted in 1939 to violate the customary laws pertaining to the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. (Articles 2, 4, and 6)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the 1915 British High Commissioner in Egypt (Sir Henry McMahon), DID NOT offered the Arab Palestinians (soon to be under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) any independent Arab state; but rather offered Sherif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state (Trans-Jordan, Syria /Iraq) if the Hashemite Bedouins would help the British fight against the Ottoman Turks.
  • The Nazification of Germany, beginning in 1933 was in full swing by 1939. The European Leaders and Allied Powers were already aware open antisemitism became the order of the day, and on 9 November 1939 "Kristallnacht" was the effect of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels persecution against the Jews. This demonstrated just how correct the Principle Allied Powers had been in trying to establish a Jewish National Home to protect and preserve the Jewish culture. During "Kristallnacht", nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire.
  • During World War II Hajj Amin al-Husseini (a former WWI enemy officer in the Ottoman Army and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the German's to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem opposed the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and favored the Axis Powers. On the conclusion of WWII, Hajj Amin al-Husseini came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution by the tribunal. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was later to become the first President of the All Palestine Government, was a principle in developing anti-Jewish activities in the Middle East (until about 1959).
The true nature and character of the Arab Palestinians, especially key members of the All Palestine Government, became clear in the latter part of 1938 and into 1939. By the 1941 meeting with Hitler, the reputation of the Arab Palestinian had been firmly established by this early Enemy Officer of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic Resistance leader and ally of the Palestinian Black Hand, cohort and Islamic Face for the Nazi Party in Eastern Europe, and the primary leader of the All Palestine Government .

Most Respectfully,
The bottom line, Rocco, is that the Mandate was to assist Palestine to independence and "there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation."

BTW, the Jewish Agency was an adviser to the mandate and served at its pleasure subject always to the control of the Administration. It had no legitimate function after the termination of the Mandate.

"It had no legitimate function after the termination of the Mandate"

Link ?
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 12 August 1922

When the Administration folds it is out of a job.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you are sadly mistaken. You have to read the complete thought!!!

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 12 August 1922

When the Administration folds it is out of a job.

You be correct to say that, when the Government Administration of Palestine (in this case the Mandatory) terminates its affiliation and relinquishes control to the successor government (in this case the Israeli Government that declared Independence) then the Article 4 authority becomes the authority of the new Independent Government (that being Israel). Then the "public body" known as the Jewish Agency comes under the authority and responsibility of the new government. Just because the old government terminates, does not mean that the function of government stops. The bills must be paid, the electric must be generated, the post office must still deliver, the water must still pump and flow, and emergency services must still operate (as examples). With "rare exceptions," all the arrangements to construct or operate, any public works, services and utilities, and to develop any of the natural resources of the country that the Mandatory leveraged through the Jewish Agency (to include some immigration arrangements) must continue seamlessly through the transition. Again, while the Jewish Agency no longer reported to the Mandatory after the termination, does not mean that the successor government (the Independent State of Israel) did not have the need to continue providing services to the citizenry. "The Jewish Agency continues to be the Jewish world’s first responder, prepared to address emergencies in Israel, and to rescue Jews from countries where they are at risk."

For the life of me, I cannot quite figure-out where you get these odd notions about the Jewish Agency; or its transition from Mandate management to Israeli management.

Most Respectfully,
Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Now were did I say I was banning anyone for presenting the facts, I said the TROLL would be banned by the mods for trolling. You could be next so be careful about your racist lies
Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

More RACIST LIES as the land deeds have nothing to do with Israel. They come from the Ottomans who sold the land to the Jews, not stolen as the arab muslims do. The Christians were of such small numbers that they did not matter, which is why the arab muslims are ethnically cleansing them from Palestine. The Palestinian deeds churned out in their millions are like monopoly money and not worth anything, Arafat conned his own people selling them those worthless pieces of paper.
As long as they are Ottoman or British Mandatory titles I am fine with it.

And not Arafat fakes that he flooded the refugee camps with. I wonder where the arab muslims will go when the land titles are subjected to scrutiny, will you take them in ?
Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

Mae ou
Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

How about this for a just solution? All Israeli's & all Palestiniaans without titles or deeds to the land they live on must leave. Fair enough?
Cool, 93% of Israel is leased. The Israelis don't own anything.

Leased from the Israeli government so the people are still living on land with a title deed. The arab muslims never bothered to put this in place because they have not taken the last step, so goodbye all the arab muslims without valid land registry titles
fanger, et al,

Yes, I believe our friend "Phoenall" is seemingly correct.

First --- the 1939 White Paper was not accepted by the League of Nations (LoN) "Permanent Mandates Commission (PMC) at their thirty-sixth session in June, 1939. The commission reported that: the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate.” The RESTRICTIONS were invalid --- and outside the intentions of the LoN and the PMC.

Whereas by the aforementioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations; Preamble Para 7, Mandate for Palestine.​

The interpretation to which you suggest has placed restrictions and limitations on immigration --- was never approved or explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations. What implementation that was carried out --- was done so without authority.

Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

The 1939 White Papers, while written and approved by the Mandatory, --- was not approved or adopted by PMC of the LoN. There were several reasons for this:

  • The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted in 1939 to violate the customary laws pertaining to the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. (Articles 2, 4, and 6)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the 1915 British High Commissioner in Egypt (Sir Henry McMahon), DID NOT offered the Arab Palestinians (soon to be under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) any independent Arab state; but rather offered Sherif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state (Trans-Jordan, Syria /Iraq) if the Hashemite Bedouins would help the British fight against the Ottoman Turks.
  • The Nazification of Germany, beginning in 1933 was in full swing by 1939. The European Leaders and Allied Powers were already aware open antisemitism became the order of the day, and on 9 November 1939 "Kristallnacht" was the effect of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels persecution against the Jews. This demonstrated just how correct the Principle Allied Powers had been in trying to establish a Jewish National Home to protect and preserve the Jewish culture. During "Kristallnacht", nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire.
  • During World War II Hajj Amin al-Husseini (a former WWI enemy officer in the Ottoman Army and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the German's to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem opposed the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and favored the Axis Powers. On the conclusion of WWII, Hajj Amin al-Husseini came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution by the tribunal. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was later to become the first President of the All Palestine Government, was a principle in developing anti-Jewish activities in the Middle East (until about 1959).
The true nature and character of the Arab Palestinians, especially key members of the All Palestine Government, became clear in the latter part of 1938 and into 1939. By the 1941 meeting with Hitler, the reputation of the Arab Palestinian had been firmly established by this early Enemy Officer of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic Resistance leader and ally of the Palestinian Black Hand, cohort and Islamic Face for the Nazi Party in Eastern Europe, and the primary leader of the All Palestine Government .

Most Respectfully,
Nothing Ratified by the UN Security Council ....Nothing in Law.......makes your post irrelevant

You saying so does not make it true, Roccor producing a link to the UNSC ratification of Israel's acceptance proving conclusively that you are a bald faced LIAR and a bad loser
The Palestinians are squatters. They blew in with the desert sands when the Jews were expelled after the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132 - 136. They should have been thrown back into the desert after Israel's glorious victory in the Six Day's War of 1967.

The Palestinians have no history, no achievements, and they merit no future.

How many more generations will Israel allow this Palestinian squatting to continue? The Zionists need to change their failed agenda with the Palestinians & start treating them with the surrounding Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to. And so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
fanger, et al,

Yes, I believe our friend "Phoenall" is seemingly correct.

First --- the 1939 White Paper was not accepted by the League of Nations (LoN) "Permanent Mandates Commission (PMC) at their thirty-sixth session in June, 1939. The commission reported that: the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate.” The RESTRICTIONS were invalid --- and outside the intentions of the LoN and the PMC.

Whereas by the aforementioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations; Preamble Para 7, Mandate for Palestine.​

The interpretation to which you suggest has placed restrictions and limitations on immigration --- was never approved or explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations. What implementation that was carried out --- was done so without authority.

Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

The 1939 White Papers, while written and approved by the Mandatory, --- was not approved or adopted by PMC of the LoN. There were several reasons for this:

  • The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted in 1939 to violate the customary laws pertaining to the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. (Articles 2, 4, and 6)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the 1915 British High Commissioner in Egypt (Sir Henry McMahon), DID NOT offered the Arab Palestinians (soon to be under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) any independent Arab state; but rather offered Sherif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state (Trans-Jordan, Syria /Iraq) if the Hashemite Bedouins would help the British fight against the Ottoman Turks.
  • The Nazification of Germany, beginning in 1933 was in full swing by 1939. The European Leaders and Allied Powers were already aware open antisemitism became the order of the day, and on 9 November 1939 "Kristallnacht" was the effect of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels persecution against the Jews. This demonstrated just how correct the Principle Allied Powers had been in trying to establish a Jewish National Home to protect and preserve the Jewish culture. During "Kristallnacht", nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire.
  • During World War II Hajj Amin al-Husseini (a former WWI enemy officer in the Ottoman Army and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the German's to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem opposed the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and favored the Axis Powers. On the conclusion of WWII, Hajj Amin al-Husseini came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution by the tribunal. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was later to become the first President of the All Palestine Government, was a principle in developing anti-Jewish activities in the Middle East (until about 1959).
The true nature and character of the Arab Palestinians, especially key members of the All Palestine Government, became clear in the latter part of 1938 and into 1939. By the 1941 meeting with Hitler, the reputation of the Arab Palestinian had been firmly established by this early Enemy Officer of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic Resistance leader and ally of the Palestinian Black Hand, cohort and Islamic Face for the Nazi Party in Eastern Europe, and the primary leader of the All Palestine Government .

Most Respectfully,
The bottom line, Rocco, is that the Mandate was to assist Palestine to independence and "there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation."

BTW, the Jewish Agency was an adviser to the mandate and served at its pleasure subject always to the control of the Administration. It had no legitimate function after the termination of the Mandate.

"It had no legitimate function after the termination of the Mandate"

Link ?
An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 12 August 1922

When the Administration folds it is out of a job.

When did it fold, as the Mandate for Palestine is still extant until the rest of Palestine is claimed land.
fanger, et al,

Yes, I believe our friend "Phoenall" is seemingly correct.

First --- the 1939 White Paper was not accepted by the League of Nations (LoN) "Permanent Mandates Commission (PMC) at their thirty-sixth session in June, 1939. The commission reported that: the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate.” The RESTRICTIONS were invalid --- and outside the intentions of the LoN and the PMC.

Whereas by the aforementioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations; Preamble Para 7, Mandate for Palestine.​

The interpretation to which you suggest has placed restrictions and limitations on immigration --- was never approved or explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations. What implementation that was carried out --- was done so without authority.

Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

The 1939 White Papers, while written and approved by the Mandatory, --- was not approved or adopted by PMC of the LoN. There were several reasons for this:

  • The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted in 1939 to violate the customary laws pertaining to the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. (Articles 2, 4, and 6)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the 1915 British High Commissioner in Egypt (Sir Henry McMahon), DID NOT offered the Arab Palestinians (soon to be under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) any independent Arab state; but rather offered Sherif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state (Trans-Jordan, Syria /Iraq) if the Hashemite Bedouins would help the British fight against the Ottoman Turks.
  • The Nazification of Germany, beginning in 1933 was in full swing by 1939. The European Leaders and Allied Powers were already aware open antisemitism became the order of the day, and on 9 November 1939 "Kristallnacht" was the effect of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels persecution against the Jews. This demonstrated just how correct the Principle Allied Powers had been in trying to establish a Jewish National Home to protect and preserve the Jewish culture. During "Kristallnacht", nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire.
  • During World War II Hajj Amin al-Husseini (a former WWI enemy officer in the Ottoman Army and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the German's to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem opposed the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and favored the Axis Powers. On the conclusion of WWII, Hajj Amin al-Husseini came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution by the tribunal. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was later to become the first President of the All Palestine Government, was a principle in developing anti-Jewish activities in the Middle East (until about 1959).
The true nature and character of the Arab Palestinians, especially key members of the All Palestine Government, became clear in the latter part of 1938 and into 1939. By the 1941 meeting with Hitler, the reputation of the Arab Palestinian had been firmly established by this early Enemy Officer of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic Resistance leader and ally of the Palestinian Black Hand, cohort and Islamic Face for the Nazi Party in Eastern Europe, and the primary leader of the All Palestine Government .

Most Respectfully,
The RESTRICTIONS were invalid...​

What restriction?

The restrictions placed on Jewish immigration, which means that the halting of Jewish immigration was a breach of INTERNATIONAL LAW. I wonder if the UN will apologise to the Jewish people and hand the whole of Palestine to the Jews, less the belligerents and terrorists. They an always join IS and be killed.
fanger, et al,

Yes, I believe our friend "Phoenall" is seemingly correct.

First --- the 1939 White Paper was not accepted by the League of Nations (LoN) "Permanent Mandates Commission (PMC) at their thirty-sixth session in June, 1939. The commission reported that: the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate.” The RESTRICTIONS were invalid --- and outside the intentions of the LoN and the PMC.

Whereas by the aforementioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations; Preamble Para 7, Mandate for Palestine.​

The interpretation to which you suggest has placed restrictions and limitations on immigration --- was never approved or explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations. What implementation that was carried out --- was done so without authority.

Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

The 1939 White Papers, while written and approved by the Mandatory, --- was not approved or adopted by PMC of the LoN. There were several reasons for this:

  • The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted in 1939 to violate the customary laws pertaining to the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. (Articles 2, 4, and 6)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the 1915 British High Commissioner in Egypt (Sir Henry McMahon), DID NOT offered the Arab Palestinians (soon to be under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) any independent Arab state; but rather offered Sherif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state (Trans-Jordan, Syria /Iraq) if the Hashemite Bedouins would help the British fight against the Ottoman Turks.
  • The Nazification of Germany, beginning in 1933 was in full swing by 1939. The European Leaders and Allied Powers were already aware open antisemitism became the order of the day, and on 9 November 1939 "Kristallnacht" was the effect of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels persecution against the Jews. This demonstrated just how correct the Principle Allied Powers had been in trying to establish a Jewish National Home to protect and preserve the Jewish culture. During "Kristallnacht", nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire.
  • During World War II Hajj Amin al-Husseini (a former WWI enemy officer in the Ottoman Army and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the German's to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem opposed the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and favored the Axis Powers. On the conclusion of WWII, Hajj Amin al-Husseini came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution by the tribunal. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was later to become the first President of the All Palestine Government, was a principle in developing anti-Jewish activities in the Middle East (until about 1959).
The true nature and character of the Arab Palestinians, especially key members of the All Palestine Government, became clear in the latter part of 1938 and into 1939. By the 1941 meeting with Hitler, the reputation of the Arab Palestinian had been firmly established by this early Enemy Officer of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic Resistance leader and ally of the Palestinian Black Hand, cohort and Islamic Face for the Nazi Party in Eastern Europe, and the primary leader of the All Palestine Government .

Most Respectfully,
The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted, bla, bla, bla.​

Where did you get this crap. Got a link?

Mandate for Palestine of course, surely you have saved at least one of them ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you are sadly mistaken. You have to read the complete thought!!!

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 12 August 1922

When the Administration folds it is out of a job.

You be correct to say that, when the Government Administration of Palestine (in this case the Mandatory) terminates its affiliation and relinquishes control to the successor government (in this case the Israeli Government that declared Independence) then the Article 4 authority becomes the authority of the new Independent Government (that being Israel). Then the "public body" known as the Jewish Agency comes under the authority and responsibility of the new government. Just because the old government terminates, does not mean that the function of government stops. The bills must be paid, the electric must be generated, the post office must still deliver, the water must still pump and flow, and emergency services must still operate (as examples). With "rare exceptions," all the arrangements to construct or operate, any public works, services and utilities, and to develop any of the natural resources of the country that the Mandatory leveraged through the Jewish Agency (to include some immigration arrangements) must continue seamlessly through the transition. Again, while the Jewish Agency no longer reported to the Mandatory after the termination, does not mean that the successor government (the Independent State of Israel) did not have the need to continue providing services to the citizenry. "The Jewish Agency continues to be the Jewish world’s first responder, prepared to address emergencies in Israel, and to rescue Jews from countries where they are at risk."

For the life of me, I cannot quite figure-out where you get these odd notions about the Jewish Agency; or its transition from Mandate management to Israeli management.

Most Respectfully,
You be correct to say that, when the Government Administration of Palestine (in this case the Mandatory) terminates its affiliation and relinquishes control to the successor government (in this case the Israeli Government that declared Independence)

I thought you said that Britain relinquished control to the UNPC. If I remember correctly you documented that move.:confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

Mae ou
So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

How about this for a just solution? All Israeli's & all Palestiniaans without titles or deeds to the land they live on must leave. Fair enough?
Cool, 93% of Israel is leased. The Israelis don't own anything.

Leased from the Israeli government so the people are still living on land with a title deed. The arab muslims never bothered to put this in place because they have not taken the last step, so goodbye all the arab muslims without valid land registry titles

Where do the Pali supporters come up with this "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land"?
fanger, et al,

Yes, I believe our friend "Phoenall" is seemingly correct.

First --- the 1939 White Paper was not accepted by the League of Nations (LoN) "Permanent Mandates Commission (PMC) at their thirty-sixth session in June, 1939. The commission reported that: the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate.” The RESTRICTIONS were invalid --- and outside the intentions of the LoN and the PMC.

Whereas by the aforementioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations; Preamble Para 7, Mandate for Palestine.​

The interpretation to which you suggest has placed restrictions and limitations on immigration --- was never approved or explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations. What implementation that was carried out --- was done so without authority.

Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

The 1939 White Papers, while written and approved by the Mandatory, --- was not approved or adopted by PMC of the LoN. There were several reasons for this:

  • The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted in 1939 to violate the customary laws pertaining to the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. (Articles 2, 4, and 6)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the 1915 British High Commissioner in Egypt (Sir Henry McMahon), DID NOT offered the Arab Palestinians (soon to be under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) any independent Arab state; but rather offered Sherif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state (Trans-Jordan, Syria /Iraq) if the Hashemite Bedouins would help the British fight against the Ottoman Turks.
  • The Nazification of Germany, beginning in 1933 was in full swing by 1939. The European Leaders and Allied Powers were already aware open antisemitism became the order of the day, and on 9 November 1939 "Kristallnacht" was the effect of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels persecution against the Jews. This demonstrated just how correct the Principle Allied Powers had been in trying to establish a Jewish National Home to protect and preserve the Jewish culture. During "Kristallnacht", nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire.
  • During World War II Hajj Amin al-Husseini (a former WWI enemy officer in the Ottoman Army and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the German's to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem opposed the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and favored the Axis Powers. On the conclusion of WWII, Hajj Amin al-Husseini came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution by the tribunal. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was later to become the first President of the All Palestine Government, was a principle in developing anti-Jewish activities in the Middle East (until about 1959).
The true nature and character of the Arab Palestinians, especially key members of the All Palestine Government, became clear in the latter part of 1938 and into 1939. By the 1941 meeting with Hitler, the reputation of the Arab Palestinian had been firmly established by this early Enemy Officer of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic Resistance leader and ally of the Palestinian Black Hand, cohort and Islamic Face for the Nazi Party in Eastern Europe, and the primary leader of the All Palestine Government .

Most Respectfully,
The bottom line, Rocco, is that the Mandate was to assist Palestine to independence and "there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation."

BTW, the Jewish Agency was an adviser to the mandate and served at its pleasure subject always to the control of the Administration. It had no legitimate function after the termination of the Mandate.

Which the mandate did by splitting the land destined for the Jewish national home and giving 78% to the arab muslim Saudi prince. The arab muslims were supposed to also take the charity handed out to relocate and get of Jewish land. That was the assistance given to the arab muslims and the Jews in 1923, the arab muslims wanted it all and went to war against the Jews to take it. They lost then and they are still losing now.
So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

Mae ou
So, you are now banning posters that present the facts. I didn't know you had such power over USMB.

Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

How about this for a just solution? All Israeli's & all Palestiniaans without titles or deeds to the land they live on must leave. Fair enough?
Cool, 93% of Israel is leased. The Israelis don't own anything.

Leased from the Israeli government so the people are still living on land with a title deed. The arab muslims never bothered to put this in place because they have not taken the last step, so goodbye all the arab muslims without valid land registry titles
Not that ownership of a piece of land is even relevant.

Somebody who rents an apartment in NYC has the same rights to country as someone who owns a farm in Kansas. Even homeless people have the right to nationality and citizenship.
theliq, P F Tinmore, et al,

In 1939, there was no UN, there was no Security Council.

BTW: I will be happy to provide the links once again.

fanger, et al,

Yes, I believe our friend "Phoenall" is seemingly correct.

First --- the 1939 White Paper was not accepted by the League of Nations (LoN) "Permanent Mandates Commission (PMC) at their thirty-sixth session in June, 1939. The commission reported that: the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate.” The RESTRICTIONS were invalid --- and outside the intentions of the LoN and the PMC.

Whereas by the aforementioned Article 22 (paragraph 8), it is provided that the degree of authority, control or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory, not having been previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, shall be explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations; Preamble Para 7, Mandate for Palestine.​

The interpretation to which you suggest has placed restrictions and limitations on immigration --- was never approved or explicitly defined by the Council of the League of Nations. What implementation that was carried out --- was done so without authority.

Aliyah Bet (Hebrew: 'עלייה ב‎, "Aliyah 'B'" – bet being the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet) was the code name given to illegal immigration by Jews to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of British White Paper of 1939 restrictions, in the years 1934-1948.
Aliyah Bet - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Firstly the Jews were invited so they cant be illegalkm immigrants

Secondly a white paper has no legal standing and can not be entered into law

Thirdly you are a complete and utter ignorant troll that will be banned from this board.

The 1939 White Papers, while written and approved by the Mandatory, --- was not approved or adopted by PMC of the LoN. There were several reasons for this:

  • The immigration effort to facilitate the establishment of the Jewish National Home was not interpreted in 1939 to violate the customary laws pertaining to the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion. (Articles 2, 4, and 6)
  • Contrary to popular belief, the 1915 British High Commissioner in Egypt (Sir Henry McMahon), DID NOT offered the Arab Palestinians (soon to be under the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration) any independent Arab state; but rather offered Sherif Hussein of Mecca an independent Arab state (Trans-Jordan, Syria /Iraq) if the Hashemite Bedouins would help the British fight against the Ottoman Turks.
  • The Nazification of Germany, beginning in 1933 was in full swing by 1939. The European Leaders and Allied Powers were already aware open antisemitism became the order of the day, and on 9 November 1939 "Kristallnacht" was the effect of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels persecution against the Jews. This demonstrated just how correct the Principle Allied Powers had been in trying to establish a Jewish National Home to protect and preserve the Jewish culture. During "Kristallnacht", nearly 1,000 synagogues were set on fire.
  • During World War II Hajj Amin al-Husseini (a former WWI enemy officer in the Ottoman Army and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) collaborated with both Italy and Germany by making propagandistic radio broadcasts and by helping the German's to recruit Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS. The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem opposed the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish National Home, and favored the Axis Powers. On the conclusion of WWII, Hajj Amin al-Husseini came under French protection, and then sought refuge in Cairo to avoid prosecution by the tribunal. Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who was later to become the first President of the All Palestine Government, was a principle in developing anti-Jewish activities in the Middle East (until about 1959).
The true nature and character of the Arab Palestinians, especially key members of the All Palestine Government, became clear in the latter part of 1938 and into 1939. By the 1941 meeting with Hitler, the reputation of the Arab Palestinian had been firmly established by this early Enemy Officer of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic Resistance leader and ally of the Palestinian Black Hand, cohort and Islamic Face for the Nazi Party in Eastern Europe, and the primary leader of the All Palestine Government .

Most Respectfully,
Nothing Ratified by the UN Security Council ....Nothing in Law.......makes your post irrelevant

I think your timeline is off. The UN did not come into existence until 1945. So the claim about the UNSC and law just is not applicable; since we are talking 1939. For the most part, most Immigration occurred prior to the Charter coming into force on 24 October 1945; but is even set back farther in time since there was a UK imposed moratorium on large scale immigration during the pre-War years.
  • NOTE: In the Post-War London Conference in September 1946, the Arab Delegation propose a one-state solution (AKA: unitary solution) that included:
    • (a) Palestine would be a unitary State with a permanent Arab majority, and would attain its independence as such after a short period of transition (two or three years) under British Mandate.
    • (b) Within this unitary State, Jews who had acquired Palestinian citizenship (for which the qualification would be ten years’ residence in the country) would have full civil rights, equally with all other citizens of Palestine.
It was universally understood in that time frame, this would seriously jeopardize the entire concept of a Jewish National Home; including the safety, preservation and protection of the Jewish culture. A direct failing of the Allied Powers that contributed to the success of the trapped Jewish population in Europe --- directly related to the Arab alliance with the German Regime.​

The UK (1940-1946), as the Mandatory, afraid of an Arab backlash in the Middle East (that would threaten UK nation interests), closed immigration into Palestine during the remainder of WWII and for a short time thereafter. The UK was instrumental in stranding hundreds of thousands of Jews in Europe, allowing the Germany Regime to continue the Final Solution. In the first Post-War year (mid 1945-1946), the UK (as the Mandatory) continued to make the Jewish survivors suffer further by denying sanctuary in Palestine in order to curry favor with Arabs that might turn insurgents, having favored the Axis Powers during the War; like the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini. In mid-1946, the US urged the UK to reduce the number of of displaced persons in European Refugee Camps by allowing approximately a hundred-thousand immigrants into the territory to which the Mandate applied.

A White Paper is not law. It is a snapshot in time on the perspective held by a body. In this case, the 1939 White Paper "was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate (A/AC.14/8 2 October 1947)."

It is important to note that several documents made it absolutely clear, to include the one recently cited hear [SUPPLEMENT No. 11 UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PALESTINE REPORT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY VOLUME 1 (A/364 3 September 1947)]

89. The White Paper of 1939 was considered at length during the thirty-sixth session of the Permanent Mandates Commission in June 1939. The substance of its findings, as reported to the Council of the League were:

(a) "That the policy set out . . . was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had always placed upon the Palestine Mandate";

(b) That, regarding the possibility of a new interpretation of the Mandate, with which the White Paper would not be at variance, four members "did not feel able to state that the policy of the White Paper was in conformity with the mandate . . .", while the other three members of the Commission considered that "existing circumstances would justify the policy of the White Paper, provided that the Council did not oppose it,"​

Most Respectfully,
...continued to make the Jewish survivors suffer further by denying sanctuary in Palestine...​

Why should the Palestinians take it up the ass for what was happening in Europe?

Because they were the ones that forced the British to impose the illegal restrictions on Jewish migration. It was in Palestine were the Jews were forced into death camps, not Europe so it was the Palestinian arab muslims that were to blame for tens of thousands of Jews deaths when they forced the British into closing the doors. So why shouldn't they take it up the ass for all those deaths that they caused.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Wrong. The document called the "Mandate for Palestine" is an official commission to perform. It is a legal instrument.

The bottom line, Rocco, is that the Mandate was to assist Palestine to independence and "there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation."

It draws a very distinct difference between the issue of "Jewish National Home" --- and --- "civil and religious rights" (alla 1922) of existing non-Jewish communities. It should be interesting to note that the Mandate for Palestine, as the principle legal directive for that formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, --- within such boundaries as may be fixed the Allied Powers, --- does not use the word "independence" even once in the entire 28 Articles Mandate and the Preamble; let alone stipulate that it requires the Mandatory to "assist Palestine to independence."

The intent of Article 22 of the Covenant, is to render administrative advice and assistance to "certain communities" (NOTE: not all communities --- nor is it singling out the existing non-Jewish communities) to the extent and until such time as --- they are able to stand alone. It is clear that Trans-Jordan, a portion of the territory to which the Mandate is applied, was provisionally recognized in the Mandate as a

Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone.

BTW, the Jewish Agency was an adviser to the mandate and served at its pleasure subject always to the control of the Administration. It had no legitimate function after the termination of the Mandate.

You, of all people, do not have the right to determine the scope and nature of the mission, function and duties of the Jewish Agency. The Jewish Agency, as a "public body" (an organization whose work is part of the process of government, but is not a government agency) is beyond the reach of the Arab Palestinian in either criticism or critique. The Administration of Palestine by the Mandatory had within its authority the ability to contract with the Article 4 Jewish Agency arrangements to construct or operate, any public works, services and utilities, and to develop any of the natural resources of the country. On termination of the Mandate, pursuant to Part I -- Section B Steps Preparatory to Independence --- Paragraph 4, General Assembly Resolution 181(II), --- the UN Palestine Commission shall

4. The Commission, after consultation with the democratic parties and other public organizations of The Arab and Jewish States, shall select and establish in each State as rapidly as possible a Provisional Council of Government. The activities of both the Arab and Jewish Provisional Councils of Government shall be carried out under the general direction of the Commission.​

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country. (Article 4 - Mandate for Palestine)

While it is true that the Jewish Agency would no longer have a responsibility to the Mandatory once the Mandate terminated, it is the case that the scope and nature of the mission, function and duties of the Jewish Agency would be an assumed responsibility of the Provisional Government of the State of Israel. It is the for the Israeli Government to determine the future of the agency; not an external influences associated with the Hostile Arab Palestinians and Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, which are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein.

Most Respectfully,
Wrong. The document called the "Mandate for Palestine" is an official commission to perform. It is a legal instrument.​

Not wrong. The Mandate flopped so Britain kicked the can down the road to the UN.

"We have tried for years to solve the problem of Palestine. Having failed so far, we now bring it to the United Nations, in the hope that it can succeed where we have not. If the United Nations can find a just solution which will be accepted by both parties, it could hardly be expected that we should not welcome such a solution. All we say—and I made this reservation the other day—is that we should not have the sole responsibility for enforcing a solution which is not accepted by both parties and which we cannot reconcile with our conscience."11/

Of course Britain could not solve the problem. Britain was the problem.

The UN had two proposals:
1) The termination of the Mandate over Palestine and the declaration of its independence.
2) The partition of Palestine.

One would conform to international law, the LoN Covenant, and the rights of the people.

Two had no legal basis and partition was suggested 10 years earlier and was rejected.

Hmmm, what to do - what to do???

And again you mix up the two mandates and get it all wrong. It was the British mandate that flopped not the Mandate for Palestine. The British could not afford the mandate anymore so gave it up, and the arab muslims tried to take charge of the situation through the UN.
The UN had no choices at all as they could not alter International law that gave the 22% of Palestine to the Jews as their National home. They were now custodians of the Mandate for Palestine and were also the mandatory power in charge. If they scrapped the Mandate for Palestine they would be in breach of International law and their own charter, while at the same time handing control over to the Jews. The partition was illegal under International law and should not have even been entertained, so in reality we only have one solution.


Clear enough for you as that is what the arab muslims and their enablers have lined up for the Jews.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you are sadly mistaken. You have to read the complete thought!!!

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 12 August 1922

When the Administration folds it is out of a job.

You be correct to say that, when the Government Administration of Palestine (in this case the Mandatory) terminates its affiliation and relinquishes control to the successor government (in this case the Israeli Government that declared Independence) then the Article 4 authority becomes the authority of the new Independent Government (that being Israel). Then the "public body" known as the Jewish Agency comes under the authority and responsibility of the new government. Just because the old government terminates, does not mean that the function of government stops. The bills must be paid, the electric must be generated, the post office must still deliver, the water must still pump and flow, and emergency services must still operate (as examples). With "rare exceptions," all the arrangements to construct or operate, any public works, services and utilities, and to develop any of the natural resources of the country that the Mandatory leveraged through the Jewish Agency (to include some immigration arrangements) must continue seamlessly through the transition. Again, while the Jewish Agency no longer reported to the Mandatory after the termination, does not mean that the successor government (the Independent State of Israel) did not have the need to continue providing services to the citizenry. "The Jewish Agency continues to be the Jewish world’s first responder, prepared to address emergencies in Israel, and to rescue Jews from countries where they are at risk."

For the life of me, I cannot quite figure-out where you get these odd notions about the Jewish Agency; or its transition from Mandate management to Israeli management.

Most Respectfully,
You be correct to say that, when the Government Administration of Palestine (in this case the Mandatory) terminates its affiliation and relinquishes control to the successor government (in this case the Israeli Government that declared Independence)

I thought you said that Britain relinquished control to the UNPC. If I remember correctly you documented that move.:confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:

Two separate mandates remember, and the LoN Mandate for Palestine passed into UN hands in 1945. The British Mandate passed into UNPC hands in 1948. So in May 1948 the British mandate passed into UNPC hands to take charge of the remaining land not claimed by Israel
Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

Mae ou
Here is a fact. When stolen Palestinian land doesn't have title deed, it is not protected from Israeli settlement expansion.

90% of the the land was stolen from the Christians and Muslims of Palestine by the European invaders. Israeli deeds are like monopoly money.

How about this for a just solution? All Israeli's & all Palestiniaans without titles or deeds to the land they live on must leave. Fair enough?
Cool, 93% of Israel is leased. The Israelis don't own anything.

Leased from the Israeli government so the people are still living on land with a title deed. The arab muslims never bothered to put this in place because they have not taken the last step, so goodbye all the arab muslims without valid land registry titles
Not that ownership of a piece of land is even relevant.

Somebody who rents an apartment in NYC has the same rights to country as someone who owns a farm in Kansas. Even homeless people have the right to nationality and citizenship.

But they don't have the rights to my land or country do they, and that is what you don't or cant understand. The arab muslims migrated illegally to Palestine to steal land after the Jews had made it productive, a very common tactic of the arab muslims. Without the certificate of citizenship the people are illegal immigrants, and they need to have the land title so they can pay their taxes and other dues. The later is where the arab muslims fail as they don't want to pay taxes or be liable for conscription.
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