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Who are the real Nazis?

Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
As defined by communist leaning leftists.

Nazis are NOT right-wing. National Socialism is another form of SOCIALISM. Spin all you want but that's what it is.

Nazis are extreme social Conservatives, extreme racists, extreme Nationalists, extremely for hierarchy (Social Darwinism) extremely authoritarian.

This is all the Right-Wing by classical definitions.
No, it is not.

The Founding Fathers exemplify TRUE CONSERVATISM -- minimal government. Capitalism. Individual over the State.

Everything else moves in the direction of SOCIALISM, either global, or National

I just made a thread on the topic below.

Founding Fathers like Arabs, Fascists rather than modern Republicans / Democrats.

The fact is no the Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists, nor were the Founder's for Individualist freedoms, they also had pretty poor Democracy, but they were for a White nation.
Fascism =//= white nationalism.
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Well, if you throw in massive debt -- currently both sides of aisle are okay with that.

I would encourage you to read up on the sociol-economic history of Nazi Germany-- your limited understanding lacks important context, i.e. they were coming out of a devastating economic depression.

Over time the Nazi party moved the country toward a centrally-coordinated capitalist economy.

They defined socialism as taking all the Jewish wealth by force and redistributing it to the Germans - mostly the wealthy ones.

They didn't see the social programs implemented as emergency measures during a depression are not the same as a Nanny State.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



You seriously have the intellectual capacity of a 10 year old.
Makes sense to me, explain why there should be benefits to Capitalists, or Communists who tend to f*ck up the state?

We don't want Communists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

We don't want Capitalists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

You do realize that saying that communists do things for their own wealth is a contradiction of terms, right?

If they're doing it for their own wealth, then they are not really communists.

It seems strange that you say that everyone existing for the benefit of the state make sense to you.

Apparently, you are not American if you believe that. America is founded on respect for the individual.

The Communist authorities often ended up wealthy, the masses not so much.

This is news to you?

I don't really consider myself American, I consider myself more Polish.

But, I do openly critique the traitorous, or disgusting behavior of many Individualists.

With that said, the Founding Fathers were actually White Supremacists for a White country, who were for Corporation regulations.

In this sense, I'm far more American than most.

I don't think the Founder's who owned slaves were for Individual Liberty of slaves, now do you?

In fact, come to think about it, only educated, and free White men were even allowed to vote for the longest time here.

Yeah, that's so for Individual freedom.

Hypocrites and liars may have become wealthy pretending to be communists, but true communists (and I doubt there have been many), wouldn't make personal gain. I guess that's why communism was such a failure - very few actually believed in it.

There was always a fight over slavery in America, but the economy was too dependent on it. Many knew it was wrong and were trying to change it. In the end the U.S. government went to war with it's own people to stop it.

The fact is that the early America society was born out of the British colonial society. The laws were set by the King. They could not change every aspect of the society the instant we became independent. Trying some form of democracy - a government without a monarchy was risky enough. Many thought it would fail.

So even if the founding fathers did not set up a Utopian democracy from day one, they did set the principals that would eventually transform the country towards a more Utopian democracy. We are still undergoing that process - it's just a shame that so many 'Americans' are constantly fighting to stop that process!

The nation of the Founding Fathers, would be more, or less akin to many Arab nations of yesterday, and sometimes today, in the sense that Women couldn't vote, and were treated as second class citizens, as would non-Anglos be treated poorly in the early U.S, kind of like non-Muslims are treated poorly in many Arab nations, and Blacks were kept as slaves which is sometimes true in some Arab nations in modern times such as Mauritania in recent years, or Darfur, and yes not long ago many others.

Then there's the fact that the Founding Fathers were for Corporate regulations, in the sense that the Corporations were issued Corporate charters every 25 - 30 years roughly, and they could revoke them, and Corporations couldn't buy stock in other corporations, or Corporations couldn't give campaign contributions to politicians, and the Corporate charter could only deal in one commodity, etc, etc.

The Founding Fathers weren't Capitalists.

The Founding Fathers were also Isolationists, against big military, heck Jefferson was initially against a standing military even.

To say the Founding Fathers represent modern Americans well, if at all, is simply not an accurate statement.

The Founding Fathers would find more in common with the Fascists, and the Islamist's rather than with modern America which is far to the Liberal, Left, and Individualist in comparison.

In that sense, yes I'm more like the Founding Fathers than most Americans.

What you fail to realize is that the founding fathers were NOT dictators. The social malignities you describe were a fact of the society that they lives in. They did not create slavery, nor did they create sexism, nor racism.

They were powerless to change these things. They were barely able to form a basic democracy. They were not the dictators that could force the massive social changes that you seem to think were required. They were not miracle workers. They would have been dragged into the streets an brutalized if they tried to force the changes you suggest.

Just because they could not snap their fingers and force their society to make DRASTIC changes you seem to believe that they did not want those changes - that they were hypocrites. You are WRONG!

Not a big improvement, considering that only 1.3% of Americans even voted.

Only 1.3 percent of the total population—38,818 people—cast ballots in the first presidential election.

The First Presidential Election and Other Firsts - AEI

Not surprising because only land-owning White men were allowed to vote, that excluded Women, non-land owning Whites, indentured servant Whites, excluded Black slaves, Native Americans, Asians, even sometimes Catholics, and Jews.


1776 Only people who own land can vote Declaration of Independence signed. Right to vote during the Colonial and Revolutionary periods is restricted to property owners—most of whom are white male Protestants over the age of 21. 1787 No federal voting standard—states decide who can vote U.S. Constitution adopted. Because there is no agreement on a national standard for voting rights, states are given the power to regulate their own voting laws. In most cases, voting remains in the hands of white male landowners. 1789 George Washington elected president. Only 6% of the population can vote. 1790 Citizen=White 1790 Naturalization Law passed. It explicitly states that only “free white” immigrants can become naturalized citizens.

Colonial Voting restrictions reflected eighteenth-century English notions about gender, race, prudence, and financial success, as well as vested interest. Arguments for a white, male-only electorate focused on what the men of the era conceived of as the delicate nature of women and their inability to deal with the coarse realities of politics, as well as convictions about race and religion. African Americans and Native Americans were excluded, and, at different times and places, the Protestant majority denied the vote to Catholics and Jews.

Voting in Early America
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.


Fascism is nothing more than national socialism.
You partisans and your constant bullshit bickering is getting so goddamn old...
"fascism is left wing"
"fascism is right wing you NAZI fuck!!"
Who gives a shit either way? Its fucking tyranny REGARDLESS
It is tyranny. And to fully understand the rise of European fascism one must understand the conditions that led to its rise.

Which Dr Love has no chance of understanding, unless it’s possible to teach using snarky memes only. Then he would have a better chance, but it’d still be slim.
Hitler imprisoned socialists.
Originally Dachau imprisoned German communists and socialists. . More is described here.
But more importantly, the return on capital increased under the nazis. Actually capitalism was doing better under the nazis than it was under FDR at the same time period.
The point is that Hitler was right wing, far right.

Socialism, state control is Left wing. Are you saying Hitler embraced individual right and liberties?

These idiots maintain that capitalism/prosperity = nazism.

It's stupid, and proves the point that in reality, they are nazis themselves.

When Americans say "Make America Great Again" they are referencing the reduction of government, in order that individuals may thrive.

When nazis say "We must make Germany Great!" they are calling for a larger government presence in individual lives and across the globe.

Two different things.

*Make America Great* = removal of government control
*Make Nazi Germany Great* = increased government control.

But as with everything else, they have been fed a lie and have internalized it. Like the good little nazis they are.
First off, real nazis today disagree with you.

left vs right has nothing to do with amount of government control.
left vs right has to do with whether social equality is natural or desirable, aka classes (poor, middle, upper/wealthy).

The best way to clear up this nazi thing, is to look today. Who are today's nazis supporting?
Why arent they running as democrats? Its even becoming too much for Ted Cruz.
I don't give a shit about real nazis today.

When I say leftists today are channeling nazis, I mean they're channeling Hitler's crew.

You imbeciles like to shift meanings on words, as if that will hide who you really are. It doesn't.

And you know who you really are...or you wouldn't be so consistent in changing the meanings of words used to describe you.

Your ignorance of history is unparalleled.

I wasn't talking about history, I was talking about economics, moron.

Which shows that your ignorance of economics is unparalleled ..
Economics doesn't have a history, bozo?

I don't know what that means, but then neither do you.

Hitler and Stalin were both socialists, which is far left. You can't alternative fact your way out of that

Thats just like "buffalo wings"


The right wants smaller government. The left wants bigger government. Big government is evil. A small government cannot control the populace. The left wants to disarm everyone. They don't care about rights.

Unions these days are not needed. We have laws protecting workers. The left likes unions because they collect big union dues from workers and spend millions helping liberal candidates get elected. That is all they are good for these days.

Hitler gathered up the Jews and slaughtered them by the millions. To compare that to Trump's efforts to stop illegal immigration shows the depth of ignorance on the left. I am sure the Jews would have been thrilled if they had been sent to another country rather than tortured and murdered.

The left has shown more tendencies toward violence when they don't get their way. People are being attacked in the streets for being Republican or having t-shirts, hats, or bumper stickers supporting Republicans. The left has dehumanized people they disagree with and it makes them feel justified using violence against them. Antifa, BLM, BP and psycho libs are everywhere these days. If they aren't shouting down Republicans trying to stop them from speaking, they are physically attacking them.

Trump's Hollywood star has been destroyed twice and that piece of shit "comedian" pissed on it. Real class acts. Now the libs want it removed permanently, citing accusations that he mistreated women. Meanwhile, Weinstein, Bill Cosby and other scum still have their stars. This is just another example of childish libs throwing tantrums because they aren't mature enough to handle it when they don't get their way.

It's the left that is in our faces showing complete intolerance. It's the left that wants to disarm us and tell us how to live our lives. The leftists are downright insane.

It's the leftists who subscribe to the same beliefs as Hitler. They want population control. Obama's science czar wanted to put sterilization agents in our drinking water. More black babies have been aborted than were born in the last few years. Yea, the left loves minorities so much that they want to stop them from reproducing.

The left, like Hitler, doesn't believe babies with Down's syndrome or other defects should live. The left supports late term abortion for that reason.

The left, like Hitler, preaches about wealth redistribution. Hillary has said things eerily similar to Hitler. She seems to agree that it should be from each, according to ability. To each, according to need. And the left is creating more needy every day in order to overload the tax payers and bring the economy crashing down.

It's the left who believes that government should have the primary role in raising our children and that parents should have a secondary role. They want kids starting preschool at age 3, likely to stop parents from influencing them before the liberal teachers can start the indoctrination process.

The left isn't even hiding the fact that they want to control everyone and everything. They think they should take all the money and redistribute it. They talk about eliminating cars. They want to make everything more expensive, such as energy. They are trying to push a U.N. policy that would make it incredibly expensive to buy or repair air conditioning units. It would mean a lot of elderly people dying from heat, but they probably see that as a bonus.

I am sick of liberals getting in our faces. I am sick of hearing them whine and scream. I am sick of them demanding I surrender my guns. I am sick of them beating people up because they can't handle opposition.

If leftists had the big powerful government they desire, we would lose our rights and we would be at the mercy of government. That is what they want. Doing away with our borders, our constitution and obeying a massive world government. That is what Hillary dreamed of and talked about.

I am so glad she lost.

What would the left do if the right did everything they've done in the last two years to a Dem president. They would declare everyone terrorists. The first time someone threw a drink at someone wearing a Hillary hat, they'd declare a national emergency. They would really lose it if some group that wore black and covered their faces started attacking people in public. Now, they pretend these things aren't so bad. If it were the other way around, they would point to all of those instances as evidence that the right were NAZIs. They need to look at what their own party is doing and stop pointing fingers. No wonder the #WalkAway movement gains more ground each day. Tons of ex-Dems are sharing stories about why they left the party.

The left these days is batshit crazy. Represented mainly by Pelosi, Hillary, Schumer, and the nutty socialist, Cortez. How can anyone take them seriously?
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Well, if you throw in massive debt -- currently both sides of aisle are okay with that.

I would encourage you to read up on the sociol-economic history of Nazi Germany-- your limited understanding lacks important context, i.e. they were coming out of a devastating economic depression.

Over time the Nazi party moved the country toward a centrally-coordinated capitalist economy.

They defined socialism as taking all the Jewish wealth by force and redistributing it to the Germans - mostly the wealthy ones.

They didn't see the social programs implemented as emergency measures during a depression are not the same as a Nanny State.

You think the Nazis moved the country towards a distributed economic system where market participants made their own decisions? Wow, you're full of shit.

Pick up a history book. The Nazis built their industry into a war machine by directing their policies and companies had to go to government to approve any material decision.

They even called themselves the socialist party. Here's a dollar, buy a clue
The Nazis were left-wing socialists.
The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany,the Nazi Party, was socialist and it had a lot in common with the modern left today.
Hitler preached class warfare, agitating the working class to resist “exploitation” by capitalists , particularly Jewish capitalists.
Their programs called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion, and they denounced Christians as right-wing fanatics.
Yet a popular myth persists that the Nazis themselves were right-wing extremists.
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