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Who are the real Nazis?

Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



I've already included the notion that one race is superior than the other.

If you really think this, is matters little which race you think is superior

You would then be in line with Nazi ideology regarding this one point.

Do you reject all the others? I do, how about you?

Anything else?

Racism is a core principle of the left.....they think in groups..... the communists planned on commiting mass murder against those races who had not caught up to the historical curve....... the nazis were racists, the marxists were racists..... when you see people as groups, and not individuals, racism becomes your core belief....

Every major core group of the democrat party is a racist group...

Racism can only be a Right-Wing principal, not only is it hierarchy a part of Right-Wing values, but it can only be solved with Authoritarianism, another Right-Wing value.

No... racism is based on the group, not the individual. Racism is a left wing belief, you can tell because the democrat party is made up of racists of all colors.

Collectivism is usually Right-Wing, Collectivists are far more likely to believe in Right-Wing values such as hierarchy, social conservative, or traditional values, as well as authoritarianism which is all Right-Wing.

Individualists are very, very Liberal, so much so that Individualists would believe not in the group, but treat Islamists, Blacks, Illegal Mexicans, Jewish Bankers etc. as "Individuals" rather than as Collectives.

That makes the Racist usually Collectivist.

Furthermore, the Gay collective, the Abortionist collective, the Porn viewer collective, etc. tend to be scoffed at by Collectivists, as Socially Conservative, and Traditional Values, but true Individualists say its their Individual freedom.

The fact that having loose values is Liberalism in a nutshell, Individualists are in fact Liberals, they believe in loosening regulations, and loose values as "Individual freedoms"
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



Wrong, the nazis were socialists..... fascism in socialism.

From someone who actually knew something on the topic...

Nazism is Socialism -- F A Hayek, et al

The persecution of the Marxists, and of democrats in general, tends to obscure the fundamental fact that National “Socialism” is a genuine socialist movement, whose leading ideas are the final fruit of the anti-liberal tendencies which have been steadily gaining ground in Germany since the later part of the Bismarckian era, and which led the majority of the German intelligentsia first to “socialism of the chair” and later to Marxism in its social-democratic or communist form.

One of the main reasons why the socialist character of National Socialism has been quite generally unrecognized, is, no doubt, its alliance with the nationalist groups which represent the great industries and the great landowners. But this merely proves that these groups too -as they have since learnt to their bitter disappointment -have, at least partly, been mistaken as to the nature of the movement. But only partly because -and this is the most characteristic feature of modern Germany – many capitalists are themselves strongly influenced by socialistic ideas, and have not sufficient belief in capitalism to defend it with a clear conscience. But, in spite of this, the German entrepreneur class have manifested almost incredible short-sightedness in allying themselves with a move movement of whose strong anti-capitalistic tendencies there should never have been any doubt.

By classical definitions Liberalism means to loosen up regulations (Capitalism, Tax cuts, Liberal values)

While Right-Wing by classical definitions means for Authoritarianism (Up regulations, against immigrants, against porn, against rap music, against outsourcing, against Gay values etc.)

I'm glad we could clear that up, the Republicans are in fact a Liberal Left-Wing party, as are Democrats.

There's no real Right-Wing party in the U.S.A.

Wrong..... the American Right is based on Classical Liberalism.... it is not authoritarian or totalitarian by any shape or form....

It is the left wing that supports increased government size and power and puts people into groups to achieve it's ends

You don't know what you are talking about.

Americans don't really understand politics very well.

Both parties in America are actually Liberal Individualists.

There's no real Right-Wing party in the U.S.A.
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?
In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."

Who's Adolph Hilter?

What economic theory do Capitalists, and Communists have?

Hardly anything better.

Capitalists believe the Capitalist elite shall create junk products to cut corners to maximize their profits against the masses.

Communists believe the Communist elite shall create junk products to cut corners to maximize profits against the masses.

Capitalists are elites telling you what they want, Communists are elites telling you what you should want.

Fascism is an actual working class movement, for, and by the working class masses.

It has achieved the best economic results.

We must all understand how cutting edge Hitler was when it came to economics.

Hitler was a Keynsian.

Bruce Bartlett - Hitler and Keynes

This is the type of economics that the US currently follows.
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?
In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."

Who's Adolph Hilter?

What economic theory do Capitalists, and Communists have?

Hardly anything better.

Capitalists believe the Capitalist elite shall create junk products to cut corners to maximize their profits against the masses.

Communists believe the Communist elite shall create junk products to cut corners to maximize profits against the masses.

Capitalists are elites telling you what they want, Communists are elites telling you what you should want.

Fascism is an actual working class movement, for, and by the working class masses.

It has achieved the best economic results.

We must all understand how cutting edge Hitler was when it came to economics.

Hitler was a Keynsian.

Bruce Bartlett - Hitler and Keynes

This is the type of economics that the US currently follows.

Different than the U.S.A, in the sense that Councils micro-managed the Corporations to benefit national interest.
The Alt Right Republicans are a figment of the left's imagination. Don't believe the garbage you hear..including the garbage that labels them as *alt right*.

I've met them and seen them. They exist. Fortunately there aren't very many of them. The likes of David Duke are dying. Thankfully. But to me David Duke and Corey Booker are the same guy.

This is why I have little respect for Trump supporters

Please tell me when Corey Booker has advocated for the extermination of people based on race or religion?

But for racists like yourself -- simply being black and liberal is the same as being a klan member -- and Corey Booker isn't even liberal, he is a corporatist -- but still, since he doesn't buck dance and let massa pat him on the head like this guy, he the same as the klan


What I find most distasteful is how ALL blacks who are conservative are treated abhorrently by the Left.

That smacks as abject racism.

But this is something the Left fears the most. What will happen if people stop looking at skin color and instead look at their policies.

There is a reason Democrats run on handouts. They need those plantation votes.

Regarding Booker, that dude is a fraud. Besides his sleazy side deals, he was a horrific mayor.

Having vowed to strengthen the police department, he instead cut it by 13 percent to help balance the city’s budget. Homicides and violent crime spiked dramatically. Unemployment rose and child poverty increased 32 percent. And all of this came at a price of a 20 percent tax hike for the city’s residents.

The Ugly Truth About Cory Booker, New Jersey’s Golden Boy
I asked you to tell me how Cory Booker is no different than the klan -- you couldn't

If you equate being a bad mayor or cutting "sleazy side deals" as the same as being the klan, explain how??

Unless you really don't care about intellectual honesty, then so be it
First, you didn't ask me anything. Second, I was simply giving my opinions about what a useless piece of trash Cory Booker is. He failed in Newark. Failure is always rewarded by leftists.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



I've already included the notion that one race is superior than the other.

If you really think this, is matters little which race you think is superior

You would then be in line with Nazi ideology regarding this one point.

Do you reject all the others? I do, how about you?

Anything else?

Racism is a core principle of the left.....they think in groups..... the communists planned on commiting mass murder against those races who had not caught up to the historical curve....... the nazis were racists, the marxists were racists..... when you see people as groups, and not individuals, racism becomes your core belief....

Every major core group of the democrat party is a racist group...

Racism can only be a Right-Wing principal, not only is it hierarchy a part of Right-Wing values, but it can only be solved with Authoritarianism, another Right-Wing value.

Er..then the left is right wing now.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



I've already included the notion that one race is superior than the other.

If you really think this, is matters little which race you think is superior

You would then be in line with Nazi ideology regarding this one point.

Do you reject all the others? I do, how about you?

Anything else?

Racism is a core principle of the left.....they think in groups..... the communists planned on commiting mass murder against those races who had not caught up to the historical curve....... the nazis were racists, the marxists were racists..... when you see people as groups, and not individuals, racism becomes your core belief....

Every major core group of the democrat party is a racist group...

Racism can only be a Right-Wing principal, not only is it hierarchy a part of Right-Wing values, but it can only be solved with Authoritarianism, another Right-Wing value.

Er..then the left is right wing now.

War is Peace.... Peace is War....
I will reiterate as many cannot read. If you are equating DJT to Hitler you are an ignoramous and do not know history.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



I've already included the notion that one race is superior than the other.

If you really think this, is matters little which race you think is superior

You would then be in line with Nazi ideology regarding this one point.

Do you reject all the others? I do, how about you?

Anything else?

Racism is a core principle of the left.....they think in groups..... the communists planned on commiting mass murder against those races who had not caught up to the historical curve....... the nazis were racists, the marxists were racists..... when you see people as groups, and not individuals, racism becomes your core belief....

Every major core group of the democrat party is a racist group...

Racism can only be a Right-Wing principal, not only is it hierarchy a part of Right-Wing values, but it can only be solved with Authoritarianism, another Right-Wing value.

Er..then the left is right wing now.

The Lefitsts not everyone on the Left.
Completely wrong! The primary philosophy of the Nazis was EXTREME nationalism and a desire for to avenge WWI. That was their only motivation.

All else was just doing whatever it took to achieve those goals. They had no ideology or economic philosophy.

In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."

Nationalism is a form of collectivism. To centralize the state, nationalism is used to consolidate power within the state.

Ironically, today Nationalism stands in the way of collectivists as they strive to create a One World Order. Now we must tear down borders now that nationalism has collectivized states around the globe. Those that focus on country today are seen as anti-collectivist.

I would even say that the Nazi regime was not really focused on nationalism. No, they wanted the entire world. Nationalism, like Socialism, were merely tools to that end.

In fact, I would even argue that Jewish hatred was rooted in the fact that the Jewish people were a minority and socioeconomically upwardly mobile. They simply arrested them, took their gold, and sent them off to die. The money was then used for the ultimate goal of conquering the entire world.

All in all, to root out evil just assess the greed and quest for power. There was really nothing special about the Nazi ideology other than the fact that at least Hitler recognized the futility of the state running industry. After all, would you hire a lawyer to operate on you medically? Just leave the professionals in place and simply manipulate them is the key. Then using corporate money you will be that much closer to your goals.

Socialism was just used to quell uprisings like they had during WW1, like I mentioned before.

Again, I don't think any dictator who is a socialist is a socialist for the good of the people. It's just for power and as Hitler has shown, people will look the other way when it comes to corruption and genocide if you just grease their wheels and fill their pockets full of money, which is why socialism to me is terrifying.

First, Hitler never stated an intention to take over the whole world. His goal was to avenge WWI, and to conquer a large part of Russia of German expansion and for the resources.

Hatred of Jews in Germany stemmed from two things: Most Germans were Lutherian. Martin Luther, who had worked as a missionary to Jews when he was young, hated Jews and made no secret about it.

Secondly, Jews were seen as part of the Liberal educated elite. These people were blamed for overthrowing the Kaiser, for the defeat of WWI, for the Versailles treaty, for the imposition of Democracy and the economic destruction of Germany.

I STRONGLY suggest that if you have Netflix, watch 'Babylon Berlin'. (You'd better have a strong stomach). It's an incredibly accurate depiction of Germany in 1929 - before the rise of the Nazis. It'll give you a much better idea of why the Nazis rose to power.

How can you say that socialism was used to quell the uprisings of WWI? The uprisings consisted of people who were anti-monarchy. They had a potpourri of political views. It was the monarchists and nationalists the quelled the uprisings.

So Hitler only wanted to take over Europe and Russia?

Why then did he declare war on the US?

I suggest that instead of watching the History channel, a channel that has stories about UFO's existing, you actually pick up a book and learn something like this one.


Try reading a historian who has done the research.

Again, Hitler was indeed concerned about uprisings during the war that happened during WW1 due to poor living standards. I don't know of any historians who have not agreed with that.

And yes, Martin Luther joined the anti-Jew hysteria of his day. I would argue, though, that it had nothing to do with Christianity since it contradicted everything Jesus taught and stood for. He simply assimilated to the culture.

Hitler never had any intention of invading Britain, much less the U.S.

The war with Britain started because the British declared war on Germany. He declared war on the U.S. because he knew that the U.S. was supplying Britain with weapons - and becuse he was honor bound to support his Japanese allies.

He believed that he could win the war with the U.S. by simply destroying the American merchant fleet in our own harbors (which actually came very close to working). He wanted to stop U.S. shipments to Britain.

FDR begged the U.S. press not to publish the fact that U.S. ships were being sunk in our own harbors and that thousands of U.S. merchant sailors were being killed. It took a while before the U.S. developed anti-submarine warfare tactics that stopped the Nazi submarines.

BUT, Hitler had ABSOLUTELY no intention of invading the U.S.

There is some truth in what you say, but again, I implore you to pick up a reputable history book.

Hitler assumed that the United States would be unable to field armies right away and that they wouldn't be able to enter the fray until 1942/1943, which in Hitler's mind was more than enough time to deal with both the USSR and Britain. Hitler foresaw some grand struggle between the New World, led by the USA, and the Old World led by Germany. It was imagined that Germany would force England into a peace treaty and than the two would ally against the common threat in America; with Britain's navy being key to attacking the Americans. Here is a quote from Hitler on the matter:

If America lends her help to England, it is with the secret thought of bringing the moment nearer when she will reap her inheritance. I shall no longer be there to see it, but I rejoice on behalf of the German people at the idea that one day we will see England and Germany marching together against America. Germany and England will know what each of them can expect of her partner, and then we shall have found the ally whom we need. They have an unexampled cheek, these English! It doesn't prevent me from admiring them. In this sphere, they still have a lot to teach us

Hitler viewed the English as racially pure and the US as a mixed breed of inferiors. As a result, he did not want to fight the UK, but he did and he would have taken it if given the chance.

As your own quote says:

"I shall no longer be there to see it"

That means that at most Hitler was thinking of many, many years in the future - long after his own death.

Hitler had lots of fantasies, but there was no real plan to invade the U.S.

Besides, Hitler, like your Orange god, was a total BULLSHIT artist. He'd say anything to anybody if he thought it would win them over. This quote was probably said to some particularly anti-American, but pro-British person. It's meaningless as Trump's wall.
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Completely wrong! The primary philosophy of the Nazis was EXTREME nationalism and a desire for to avenge WWI. That was their only motivation.

All else was just doing whatever it took to achieve those goals. They had no ideology or economic philosophy.

In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Completely wrong! The primary philosophy of the Nazis was EXTREME nationalism and a desire for to avenge WWI. That was their only motivation.

All else was just doing whatever it took to achieve those goals. They had no ideology or economic philosophy.

In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."

You need to read Mein Kampf and the future plans Hitler had.
His belief that everyone should exist for the benefit of the state was just a means of extreme nationalism and his desire to avenge WWI.

Makes sense to me, explain why there should be benefits to Capitalists, or Communists who tend to f*ck up the state?

We don't want Communists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

We don't want Capitalists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

You do realize that saying that communists do things for their own wealth is a contradiction of terms, right?

If they're doing it for their own wealth, then they are not really communists.

It seems strange that you say that everyone existing for the benefit of the state make sense to you.

Apparently, you are not American if you believe that. America is founded on respect for the individual.
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Completely wrong! The primary philosophy of the Nazis was EXTREME nationalism and a desire for to avenge WWI. That was their only motivation.

All else was just doing whatever it took to achieve those goals. They had no ideology or economic philosophy.

In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Completely wrong! The primary philosophy of the Nazis was EXTREME nationalism and a desire for to avenge WWI. That was their only motivation.

All else was just doing whatever it took to achieve those goals. They had no ideology or economic philosophy.

In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."

You need to read Mein Kampf and the future plans Hitler had.
His belief that everyone should exist for the benefit of the state was just a means of extreme nationalism and his desire to avenge WWI.

Makes sense to me, explain why there should be benefits to Capitalists, or Communists who tend to f*ck up the state?

We don't want Communists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

We don't want Capitalists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

You do realize that saying that communists do things for their own wealth is a contradiction of terms, right?

If they're doing it for their own wealth, then they are not really communists.

It seems strange that you say that everyone existing for the benefit of the state make sense to you.

Apparently, you are not American if you believe that. America is founded on respect for the individual.

The Communist authorities often ended up wealthy, the masses not so much.

This is news to you?

I don't really consider myself American, I consider myself more Polish.

But, I do openly critique the traitorous, or disgusting behavior of many Individualists.

With that said, the Founding Fathers were actually White Supremacists for a White country, who were for Corporation regulations.

In this sense, I'm far more American than most.

I don't think the Founder's who owned slaves were for Individual Liberty of slaves, now do you?

In fact, come to think about it, only educated, and free White men were even allowed to vote for the longest time here.

Yeah, that's so for Individual freedom.
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



I've already included the notion that one race is superior than the other.

If you really think this, is matters little which race you think is superior

You would then be in line with Nazi ideology regarding this one point.

Do you reject all the others? I do, how about you?

Anything else?

Racism is a core principle of the left.....they think in groups..... the communists planned on commiting mass murder against those races who had not caught up to the historical curve....... the nazis were racists, the marxists were racists..... when you see people as groups, and not individuals, racism becomes your core belief....

Every major core group of the democrat party is a racist group...

Racism can only be a Right-Wing principal, not only is it hierarchy a part of Right-Wing values, but it can only be solved with Authoritarianism, another Right-Wing value.

Er..then the left is right wing now.

So, you're not a racist, even having called for the death of Muslim animals?
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?
The white race is superior.

That's all Republicans need to hear. Their next question is "Where do I sign up?"
Nazis were Fascists - Fascists are defined as "far right wing/ authoritarian".
Other than gun control, Trumptards come closest.



Nazis were socialists, they are left, not right

Stalin was more for Hierarchy, Right-Wing Authoritarian values, and even perhaps Social Conservative values than modern Republicans, or modern Democrats.

The truth is Stalin's far to the right of the modern U.S.A.

I discussed this below.

Communism more right wing than Capitalism?

Capitalism actually is what sold us out to Liberalism, Hollywood Industry, Media, Porn industry, Music industry promoting Gangster Rap Music, the Medical industry promoting Abortions, it's all Capitalism.

You're full of shit. Stalin was a classic socialist leftist
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?
Items 3 through 7 are pure unadulterated horseshit which you are obviously parroting from your propagandists. They have nothing to do with the Nazi ideology.

In fact, Nazism was diametrically opposed to "massive debt", you fucking retard. Germany's massive debt is what spawned Nazism!

You just made a total ass of yourself in public.

You clearly haven't the first clue what Nazism is all about.
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?
Items 3 through 7 are pure unadulterated horseshit which you are obviously parroting from your propagandists. They have nothing to do with the Nazi ideology.

In fact, Nazism was diametrically opposed to "massive debt", you fucking retard. Germany's massive debt is what spawned Nazism!

You just made a total ass of yourself in public.

You clearly haven't the first clue what Nazism is all about.

Complete lies

World War II -- NAZI rearmament Aufrüstung

Now it it is true that Hitler ended the outward signs of depression in Germany -- most notably unemployment. But he did not address the real problems--wealth generation. Hitler using financial genius Hjalmar Schacht borrowed huge sums to finance rearmament.

World War II -- NAZI rearmament Aufrüstung

It did put Germans back to work, but did not generate wealth. Schacht was important because he managed to hide the level of borrowing and deficits which if known would have destabilized the German financial system. Hitler dismissed him when he began demanding deficit spending on armed be limited. (He was this found not guilty at the Nuremberg IMT trials.) If Hitler had not launched the War when he did, Germany would have gone bankrupt and been in far worse condition than before Hitler seized power. Tooze's magisterial work ('The wages of Destruction') on this is a must read for those interested.

No wonder you are a Prog. You a historical retard.
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?
Items 3 through 7 are pure unadulterated horseshit which you are obviously parroting from your propagandists. They have nothing to do with the Nazi ideology.

In fact, Nazism was diametrically opposed to "massive debt", you fucking retard. Germany's massive debt is what spawned Nazism!

You just made a total ass of yourself in public.

You clearly haven't the first clue what Nazism is all about.

Complete lies

World War II -- NAZI rearmament Aufrüstung

Now it it is true that Hitler ended the outward signs of depression in Germany -- most notably unemployment. But he did not address the real problems--wealth generation. Hitler using financial genius Hjalmar Schacht borrowed huge sums to finance rearmament.

World War II -- NAZI rearmament Aufrüstung

It did put Germans back to work, but did not generate wealth. Schacht was important because he managed to hide the level of borrowing and deficits which if known would have destabilized the German financial system. Hitler dismissed him when he began demanding deficit spending on armed be limited. (He was this found not guilty at the Nuremberg IMT trials.) If Hitler had not launched the War when he did, Germany would have gone bankrupt and been in far worse condition than before Hitler seized power. Tooze's magisterial work ('The wages of Destruction') on this is a must read for those interested.

No wonder you are a Prog. You a historical retard.
You linked to some amateurish web page, and even it does not confirm your total unadulterated horseshit.

Here, read this: https://nnsfront.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/hitler-meinkampf-fordtrans.pdf
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Completely wrong! The primary philosophy of the Nazis was EXTREME nationalism and a desire for to avenge WWI. That was their only motivation.

All else was just doing whatever it took to achieve those goals. They had no ideology or economic philosophy.

In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."
We here both sides of the political isle call the other a Nazi.

As a result, the terms has been bastardized.

Much like the term racist, the term Nazi seems to be applied ONLY because someone opposes you politically.

However, to cut through the BS, let's study why each side calls the other a Nazi.

What did the Nazi ideology believe?

1. The white race is superior. Dark colored skin, not so much. Or perhaps you switch the colors around.
2. Genocide is an acceptable alternative to what we perceive as a human problem. It's just a matter of who is not considered your equal as a human being.
3. A massive nanny state is needed. Free medical, retirement, education, etc. Capitalism is a Jewish conspiracy that needs to be destroyed.
4. Society must have strong environmental and animal rights laws.
5. Society must have gun control. Society does not want the wrong kinds of people owning guns.
6. Society must have a strong centralized authoritarian government to implement a nanny state and a large military
7. Massive debt is needed to maintain the nanny state and massive military. It matters little how much debt it takes.

So who does the Nazi ideology mirror more closely? Do they mirror you or those you oppose politically?

Completely wrong! The primary philosophy of the Nazis was EXTREME nationalism and a desire for to avenge WWI. That was their only motivation.

All else was just doing whatever it took to achieve those goals. They had no ideology or economic philosophy.

In the words of Adolph Hilter:

"The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."

You need to read Mein Kampf and the future plans Hitler had.
His belief that everyone should exist for the benefit of the state was just a means of extreme nationalism and his desire to avenge WWI.

Makes sense to me, explain why there should be benefits to Capitalists, or Communists who tend to f*ck up the state?

We don't want Communists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

We don't want Capitalists producing junk products they cut corners on to benefit their own wealth.

You do realize that saying that communists do things for their own wealth is a contradiction of terms, right?

If they're doing it for their own wealth, then they are not really communists.

It seems strange that you say that everyone existing for the benefit of the state make sense to you.

Apparently, you are not American if you believe that. America is founded on respect for the individual.

Dude, Fidel Castro's net worth was estimated to be $900,000,000... ten years ago.
That is the point when I saw two dangers approaching. Previously, I did not truly understand their names or their importance to the German people’s existence. Their names were Marxism and Jewry. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

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