Who are the Yazidis? A look at this Iraqi minority group

and I look at Israels situation and see that most of the world is hostile to them and they are surrounded on all sides by enemies . Plus currently the Yazidis are in trouble but so is Israel as it fights for itself on its own soil .

I don't see anyone fighting Israel except Palestine. I don't see anyone coming to Palestines aid. Where are all these assumed Israel attackers and enemies, as I must say, I'm surprised that Israel has not pissed them off by now.
interesting , don't sound like Christians to me though !!

It appears that they are a small Muslim sect; and because of their small size, have always been put upon.

thanks sally-----based on the description of their beliefs ---no surprise that muslims don't
like them. THEY ARE JUST AS BAD AS ZOROASTRIAN (??????) sounds to me
like some syncresis of things going on locally over the past several thousand years I wonder
if they have ancient writings

And what is so bad about Zoroastrians', tell us know as the Jews stole a lot of their beliefs and wrote it in the OT. Is that why you don't like them.

You know the anointed King Cyrus, from Persia, and the King Darius, where would Jews be without them. so funny
I don't think that Israel has that much to give except for expertise and know how . I think that many Israelis are poor . Course the Israelis send teams to many catastrophes but even those teams or offers of help are rejected because of politics . Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that I am .

Really they send team to many catastrophes and their help is rejected, give a few examples of where their aid had been rejected. The government of Israel is not poor and the people there are like us in the US, the middle class is getting smaller and smaller, but we still give.
I stand by what I said in my 3 - 4 posts just above Penelope . What I said sounds reasonable to me and if my reasons fail to persuade I'd just say that Israel can help or deny help to whoever it likes .
I see a member of the Caliphate here in the U.S. has called me a pinhead. May I say once again that I am happy he just conducts his Jihad via the Internet and is unable to join his fellow radicals in Iraq and Syria.

By the way, I often wonder what kind of a religion Islam would be like if Mohammed had been born some place like in South America where he never met any Jews or Christians to co-opt some of their religion beliefs as his own. Would Sunni Man AKA Mr. Cuckoo then be calling for his fellow Mohammedans in the U.S. to behave like the ancient Aztecs or Incas?

A very interesting idea, Sally. Uhm-----the Aztecs has a kind of "god" which was
something like a giant turtle ( I am really hazy on this) with a name that ended in an
Aztec style ...AHTLEE sound Imagine a MUHUMMADAHTLE riding on a flying Yak
(is yak an American animal?-----I may be getting confused between Tibet and South America????
I think BEAVERS are American------a flying beaver. Muhummadahtle invented soccer----
using severed heads-------I am beginning to see a connection

Not sure which you're talking about - but none of them were very nice.

like I said , Israel makes its decisions based on their thinkin and its OK with me Penelope . Bibbi and most Jewish and Israeli people are pretty smart people . They made the desert bloom plus they make some state of the art weapons , both small arms and bigger [rumored nukes] !!
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It appears that they are a small Muslim sect; and because of their small size, have always been put upon.

thanks sally-----based on the description of their beliefs ---no surprise that muslims don't
like them. THEY ARE JUST AS BAD AS ZOROASTRIAN (??????) sounds to me
like some syncresis of things going on locally over the past several thousand years I wonder
if they have ancient writings

And what is so bad about Zoroastrians', tell us know as the Jews stole a lot of their beliefs and wrote it in the OT. Is that why you don't like them.

You know the anointed King Cyrus, from Persia, and the King Darius, where would Jews be without them. so funny

I would say that you exhibit a remarkable degree of ignorance, Penelope-----If I did not
recognize your babble as a simple parroting of the islamo Nazi propaganda I read more than
50 years ago. As to Judaism and Zoroastrianism-----there was an interesting
relationship-------not in the least SYNCRESIS-----in fact Zoroastrianism is not
actually "monotheistic"-----Whilst jews and Persians lived closely together was some
animosity towards jews because of the "ONENESS" ideology of jews----to the point
that at times jews stopped emphasizing that particular aspect of liturgy when
Zoroastrians were around in order to avoid "trouble" In general in the past----jews and Zoroastrians
got along------but that relationship actually improved with the IMPACT of islam on both communities.
In MUMBAI---(the erstwhile Bombay)-------there is a PLETHORA of different groups-----because
it is a port------EVERYONE running from here or there LANDED THERE. Thus the jews running from
the filth of shariah----ended up there as did Zoroastrians-------today-----the two groups are still
tight friends in Mumbai

The Zoroastrians are into THE STARS------one of the expressions in Hebrew which
denotes "idolatry" is "avodah kochavim"-----which means---"devotion to the stars" ---
is that factoid not fascinating------it is left over from the time jews sojourned in Persia---
and also had contact with Zoroastrians in Baghdad and Arabia Did you know that
Arabic script was derived from Persian? "farsi" There was no Arabic script until about
300 AD

where do you get your islamo Nazi propaganda ? off the net?

BTW I did not say that Zoroastrians are bad------it is MUSLIMS who hate them---
not me------and historically ----not jews. Jews and Zoroastrians----still get along quite
well---------all the Zoroastrians I have known (two) were from Mumbai---but there are
also Zoroastrians in Israel-------and I believe they have a temple there ----not sure.

One of my names is actually a ZOROASTRIAN name-------I got it from a jewish chick who
lived in Persia
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and I look at Israels situation and see that most of the world is hostile to them and they are surrounded on all sides by enemies . Plus currently the Yazidis are in trouble but so is Israel as it fights for itself on its own soil .

I don't see anyone fighting Israel except Palestine. I don't see anyone coming to Palestines aid. Where are all these assumed Israel attackers and enemies, as I must say, I'm surprised that Israel has not pissed them off by now.

where you born yesterday or the day before, Penelope? Israel is technically at WAR by
UMMAH declaration with Lebanon, Syria and even Jordan NOW---and has fought those countries and
Egypt in full fledged war . For a young person you seem to have so much TIME on your hands---
no school? no work? no kids? ------uhm -----no long walks in the park and soft ball?

your hero Sadaam even lobbed "scuds" into Israel---just for the glory of allah. The current thing
with gaza will --------peter out. It is a bit of islamo fervor (make that "fever with toxic
and another thought , Israelis [Jews] helping Yazidis on Caliphate soil is likely to make the Yazidis much more hated and hunted than they now are .

Israel didn't think about the Kurds when they made a deal with the oil with them. I bet the Pres of Iraq was not too happy about that.
Israeli help who they want to help Penelope , and its their business who they help , in my opinion .
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seems to me that you just don't like the Israelis Penelope but that's cool with me . Israelis only owe help to themselves imo . Everything else that is given by Israelis to anyone else is just the Israelis being nice .

Ok, did any deny help. Two of those was mentioned in the article I gave, and theis one and Haiti is a new one, and well the other one was to help their own. No proble.

do they give any foreign aid? money, food or supplies at all?

do you?

Lots of people were murdered in Mumbai----by YOUR own. ------then your own did a job in new dehli--
and also in Gujarat ------children were the target of your own------your own used nail bombs to murder
children --------the targets were hindu kids Your own harbor lots of hatreds

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