Who are you voting for?

Who you voting for president?

  • Jill Stein-Green party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Virgil Goode-Constitution party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Merlin Miller-Americas 3rd Position party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rocky Anderson-Justice party

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Mr Nick is right that in THIS election a vote for anyone but Romney is, in effect, one less vote against Obama.

But they say that in every single election. That was the tune in 2008. We can't let Obama get in there. Just vote for McCain. Same shit in 2004. John Kerry would be too dangerous in a time of war. We need to keep Bush even if he isn't really what we want.

Same song and dance every time. At some point you gotta dig your heels in and say "No more!"

Says the guy pulling the lever for Obama.:lol:

:confused: I'm voting for Johnson.
Paul as a write in but I would vote Gary if he had any % during the GE and I would like to see Paul be his VP.

I’d also like to see Paul endorse Gary, while not perfect I see him as the best after Paul and to be honest I’m not looking for a perfect candidate, just one I can trust to uphold the constitution and not lie to me and everyone else every time they open their mouth.

I hope Ron endorses Gary because Ron running as independent is just going to split the Libertarian/Liberty supporters in half...better to get behind Johnson if Paul isn't the nominee.

There is no chance that Ron Paul will run as an independent because it will cause serious retaliation against his son by the Republican Party. Same reason why we're unlikely to see him endorse Johnson, even though I bet he's the one he'll be voting on Election Day.
I'm doing a write in for Arturo Murillo. He's a great glass man and aluminum worker.
I figure if he were to win you'd get the exact same thing you will with Rick Perry,InaSanitarium, Mittens, Ron Paul, Hitlery, Obama, Ahhhhhnold or anyone else they put in your path and force you to choose from.
Same Satanic Empire, different mouthpiece.
Paul as a write in but I would vote Gary if he had any % during the GE and I would like to see Paul be his VP.

I’d also like to see Paul endorse Gary, while not perfect I see him as the best after Paul and to be honest I’m not looking for a perfect candidate, just one I can trust to uphold the constitution and not lie to me and everyone else every time they open their mouth.

I hope Ron endorses Gary because Ron running as independent is just going to split the Libertarian/Liberty supporters in half...better to get behind Johnson if Paul isn't the nominee.

There is no chance that Ron Paul will run as an independent because it will cause serious retaliation against his son by the Republican Party. Same reason why we're unlikely to see him endorse Johnson, even though I bet he's the one he'll be voting on Election Day.

Ron Paul will not endorse Gary Johnson because Ron Paul has been most emphatic that he would never endorse anyone. Paul possesses the stubbornness that only two year olds and the very elderly have. I won't, and you can't make me.
But they say that in every single election. That was the tune in 2008. We can't let Obama get in there. Just vote for McCain. Same shit in 2004. John Kerry would be too dangerous in a time of war. We need to keep Bush even if he isn't really what we want.

Same song and dance every time. At some point you gotta dig your heels in and say "No more!"

Says the guy pulling the lever for Obama.:lol:

:confused: I'm voting for Johnson.

I'm generalizing.
In that voting booth...... every Libertarian needs to think of what Obama SCOTUS picks will do for the freedom enjoyed under Libertarianism.

I know they will just by virtue of their displayed understanding in being a Libertarian.

I understand what it will do,I also understand we are never going to get true freedom until we stop trying to use the voting booth and start using our 2nd amendment and following what the declaration of independence says to do when you have a tyrannical government.
Paul as a write in but I would vote Gary if he had any % during the GE and I would like to see Paul be his VP.

I’d also like to see Paul endorse Gary, while not perfect I see him as the best after Paul and to be honest I’m not looking for a perfect candidate, just one I can trust to uphold the constitution and not lie to me and everyone else every time they open their mouth.

I hope Ron endorses Gary because Ron running as independent is just going to split the Libertarian/Liberty supporters in half...better to get behind Johnson if Paul isn't the nominee.

There is no chance that Ron Paul will run as an independent because it will cause serious retaliation against his son by the Republican Party. Same reason why we're unlikely to see him endorse Johnson, even though I bet he's the one he'll be voting on Election Day.
He didn't endorse McCain in 2008 he endorsed the constitution party candidate. Rand has paved his own path of neoconism since he was elected what his father does will do nothing for him or be used against him...
I hope Ron endorses Gary because Ron running as independent is just going to split the Libertarian/Liberty supporters in half...better to get behind Johnson if Paul isn't the nominee.

There is no chance that Ron Paul will run as an independent because it will cause serious retaliation against his son by the Republican Party. Same reason why we're unlikely to see him endorse Johnson, even though I bet he's the one he'll be voting on Election Day.

Ron Paul will not endorse Gary Johnson because Ron Paul has been most emphatic that he would never endorse anyone. Paul possesses the stubbornness that only two year olds and the very elderly have. I won't, and you can't make me.

Ron has endorsed several people running for office and in 2008 he endorsed Chuck Baldwin for president. Oh and that stubborness is called Principles and he lives by them.Others should try it sometime.You don't compromise your principles for ANYTHING or ANYONE. EVER
Same here. Romney could pick Ron Paul and it wouldn't have changed my vote nothing is going to change it.
I would have started thinking pretty hard about changing. I would have had to have seen progress of the platform as well... I personally think that was going to be Willard's best chance at winning.
Paul as a write in but I would vote Gary if he had any % during the GE and I would like to see Paul be his VP.

I’d also like to see Paul endorse Gary, while not perfect I see him as the best after Paul and to be honest I’m not looking for a perfect candidate, just one I can trust to uphold the constitution and not lie to me and everyone else every time they open their mouth.

I hope Ron endorses Gary because Ron running as independent is just going to split the Libertarian/Liberty supporters in half...better to get behind Johnson if Paul isn't the nominee.

There is no chance that Ron Paul will run as an independent because it will cause serious retaliation against his son by the Republican Party. Same reason why we're unlikely to see him endorse Johnson, even though I bet he's the one he'll be voting on Election Day.
True. However... I think Gary will happily offer him any position he wants. And if he times it right and Ron accepts... That'll absolutely kill the Republicans chance at winning.
In that voting booth...... every Libertarian needs to think of what Obama SCOTUS picks will do for the freedom enjoyed under Libertarianism.

Already thought about that. Also thought about what sort of appointments Romney would likely make. Splitting hairs between two lesser evils doesn't seem like a good long term plan to me. If we keep endorsing authoritarian corporatists - even if we can convince ourselves they're slight better authoritiarian corporatists than the previous iteration - then we're just going to get more of the same.

Even if it's true that a third party will never be viable, the only way we'll change the entrenched parties is to deprive them of our votes. As long as they can count on our support they have exactly no reason to change.
In that voting booth...... every Libertarian needs to think of what Obama SCOTUS picks will do for the freedom enjoyed under Libertarianism.

I know they will just by virtue of their displayed understanding in being a Libertarian.

There is no reason to believe that Willard's appointments would be any better, nor any GOPer's, at protecting property rights or personal liberties given the abominable results from the appointees of either Bush.

If it's not already obvious, the Court no longer has our backs when it comes to protecting liberty. Roberts (a Republican appointed Justice, fwiw) made that call loud and clear.
Even if it's true that a third party will never be viable, the only way we'll change the entrenched parties is to deprive them of our votes. As long as they can count on our support they have exactly no reason to change.
Say it again... Bigger.
Even if it's true that a third party will never be viable, the only way we'll change the entrenched parties is to deprive them of our votes. As long as they can count on our support they have exactly no reason to change.
Say it again... Bigger.

Romney / Ryan won't demonize and fight the will of those elected as the only viable party to come along and fill seats in long time with their wins since 2010. This lets thier legislative will and leaderhsip materialize and the third party stronger in 2016.

We can't win the immediate ideaological battle, yet loose the war.
For president...I will be voting for Johnson

Have to vote for Barack. He's the guy I want filling the court. I value a woman's right to reproductive choice, oppose Citizens United, am for restraining what data can be mined by businesses and other measures the constitute a right to privacy.

He's the man.
For president...I will be voting for Johnson

Have to vote for Barack. He's the guy I want filling the court. I value a woman's right to reproductive choice, oppose Citizens United, am for restraining what data can be mined by businesses and other measures the constitute a right to privacy.

He's the man.

Plus you want ban firearms.
For president...I will be voting for Johnson

Have to vote for Barack. He's the guy I want filling the court. I value a woman's right to reproductive choice, oppose Citizens United, am for restraining what data can be mined by businesses and other measures the constitute a right to privacy.

He's the man.

Plus you want ban firearms.

Magazine and clip sizes yes. It's a common sense solution that doesn't infringe on the unsound relationships some have with their instruments of death. I'd also like to get rid of the armor-piercing, cyanide-laced, nuclear tipped shells as well but one battle at a time.

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