Who broke the law with regards to Ukraine?

Who committed a crime with regard to Ukraine?

  • Trump

  • Biden

  • Both

  • Neither

  • I don't know

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It will be Great for America having Republicans having in charge of the House, Senate and the Presidency.

Democrats have made it perfectly clear they can no longer legislate in the best interest of the American people.
the Democrats in the House HAVE legislated FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and the Grim Reaper, Moscow Mitch has sat on all of their legislation and has not brought any of the 8 bills up for a vote in the Senate. How about an up or down vote?
What exactly have Democrats done for Americans since they took control of the House?

Having control of the House is pretty much useless. They have no power to get anything done.
They can submit Bills and if they are good make Republicans look stupid for not passing them.

But Democrats have zero to offer America except daily laughs at their spastic TDS.

There are something like 200 plus bills they passed that the Senate will not even talk about, let alone vote on.
All crap, because the DNC MSM is silent about them.
Biden did exactly what tbe US and other countries eanted him to in regards to the prosecuter who was refusing to adequately go after corruption. This well documented.

If Trump refuses to provide the whistle blower complaint to Congress he will have broken the law. There is no ambiguity about this.

Everything else, including the systemic and delibetate attempt to poison the well by smearing the whistle blower is pure speculation and attempts to redirect from the principle issue: the complaint is required by law to go to Congress. No exceptions. The transcript of the phone call is a piece of information, that is all. Without the complaint it is insufficient

We do not know the identity of the whistle blower much less his partisan affimiation, attacks that I am sure are nothing more than attempts to descredit the message.

The Republicans in Congress need to grow a backbone and do their job. If there is no validity, then we move on. If there is, then it is pretty damn serious for a sitting president to use his office to leverage a foreign leader to conduct investigations into a political opponent. Think Nixon. This is an out of control president who clearly thinks he is anove the law and Constitutional checks and balances do not apply to him.

I find it very very concerning.
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If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.
As soon as Democrats started pushing impeachment with no facts to support any crime, it’s pretty obvious it’s to deflect away from Uncle Joe. And Giuliani gets a check from the government.
The facts are right before you.... clear as day. read the transcript, it spells it out clearly....

and that was only part of the whistleblower complaint, from what is being reported and what the IG said to congress when questioned behind closed doors.

How about supporting some SUNSHINE of this administration for a CHANGE,

and have the DNI release the whistlblower IG report to congress, AS PER THE LAW, which states he SHALL turn over all whistleblower reports that are designated URGENT by the IG, to congress within 7 days.

The admin is BREAKING THE LAW.... right now, in the PRESENT.

DOJ just announced that Trump didn't break the law.
In regards to campaign financing.
From reading the transcript I believe any problem Trump will have is that he brought his private lawyer into the conversation numerous times. If he had left things with just the Attorney General there would be question that the action was a completely government matter. By including Giuliani, a stronger case can be made that it was politically based and in violation of some campaign law. Haven't heard yet what the talking heads on radio and TV are saying, in a day or two I'll look for independent sources that are familiar with the transcript and the laws of the land. I'll read what they have to say and form an opinion whether this is something congress should pursue or not.

As far as Biden goes, my only opinion is that I hope he doesn't get the nomination.
From reading the transcript I believe any problem Trump will have is that he brought his private lawyer into the conversation numerous times. If he had left things with just the Attorney General there would be question that the action was a completely government matter. By including Giuliani, a stronger case can be made that it was politically based and in violation of some campaign law. Haven't heard yet what the talking heads on radio and TV are saying, in a day or two I'll look for independent sources that are familiar with the transcript and the laws of the land. I'll read what they have to say and form an opinion whether this is something congress should pursue or not.

As far as Biden goes, my only opinion is that I hope he doesn't get the nomination.

Biden is toast and pragmatic Democrats will vote Trump or not at all in my hopeful opinion... :party:
Any one read it? unpolished, simplistic, 4th grade level. Is it my fault that I expect our president to sound/ be more educated than my self? is that his appeal with many, that he speaks & thinks at the same level as his followers? Is very hard to notice things he may be doing that are good when he keeps trash talking everyone with a different view point daily.
If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.

As head of our military, foreing policy, and national security, Trump has every right to know what shady deals Red China and the Ukraine Biden was offering in exchange for billions of dollars. If they do impeach, both of the Bidens should be the first witnesses, so we can laugh as they hide behind the 5th Amendment 300 times or so on the first day of questioning.

And yes, extortion is highly likely with democrats; it worked extremely well for the Clintons and their fake 'foundation'.
If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.
As soon as Democrats started pushing impeachment with no facts to support any crime, it’s pretty obvious it’s to deflect away from Uncle Joe. And Giuliani gets a check from the government.
The facts are right before you.... clear as day. read the transcript, it spells it out clearly....

and that was only part of the whistleblower complaint, from what is being reported and what the IG said to congress when questioned behind closed doors.

How about supporting some SUNSHINE of this administration for a CHANGE,

and have the DNI release the whistlblower IG report to congress, AS PER THE LAW, which states he SHALL turn over all whistleblower reports that are designated URGENT by the IG, to congress within 7 days.

The admin is BREAKING THE LAW.... right now, in the PRESENT.

DOJ just announced that Trump didn't break the law.

Wow, did not see that coming! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

You are not on the "need to know" list. Sorry 'bout that.
He's still a businessman and not a politician. What he does works.

Different rules exist in business and in the government. What he does as a businessman is for his own personal gain, what he is doing as the president is not supposed to be

Since he broke no laws nor misused his office your point is moot.

I agree with the former, not so sure about the latter. Having a foreign country investigate his chief political rival seems a misuse of his office.

So it was wrong for Biden to do this?

Biden was following the official government stance, a stance that was shared by multiple ally countries. Keep in mind that the current government in the Ukraine is in power mostly due to our interference in their elections.

We as a country blackmail, for lack of a better word, other countries all the time to get them to do our bidding.

Where Trump went wrong, in my own opinion, was using his own personal attorney.

Right, quid pro quo is a part of Diplomatic relations, what the US government wants in the best interest of our Nation and what the foreign country wants in their best interest, from us.

that is DIPLOMACY....

but Trump using his personal lawyer and his power to get a foreign government to do something that is in his own personal interest, IS NOT DIPLOMACY.... it's an abuse of his presidential power.... breaks the constitution.... the Good Faith Clause.
If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.
As soon as Democrats started pushing impeachment with no facts to support any crime, it’s pretty obvious it’s to deflect away from Uncle Joe. And Giuliani gets a check from the government.
The facts are right before you.... clear as day. read the transcript, it spells it out clearly....

and that was only part of the whistleblower complaint, from what is being reported and what the IG said to congress when questioned behind closed doors.

How about supporting some SUNSHINE of this administration for a CHANGE,

and have the DNI release the whistlblower IG report to congress, AS PER THE LAW, which states he SHALL turn over all whistleblower reports that are designated URGENT by the IG, to congress within 7 days.

The admin is BREAKING THE LAW.... right now, in the PRESENT.

DOJ just announced that Trump didn't break the law.
The DOJ is under the thumb of Trump and are WRONG....

It should go to the FEC to determine the illegality of it....

but good ole corrupt Trump has not replaced the board committe members on the FEC that have quit, so they do not have a quorum.... basically, he killed the watchdog agency for the upcoming election.... the president is CORRUPT and sadly has corrupted all of you that will follow him in to the Lake of Fire....

Here is a clip from an older article of enlightenment.... (that I am certain you will ignore.... ) :rolleyes:

Trump’s Ukraine call raises questions about campaign finance rules on foreign interference

Although the incident has some critics alleging a quid-pro-quo between Trump and Zelensky, campaign finance experts say there may already be evidence of a campaign finance violation. Richard Hasen, a professor at the University of California Irvine School of Law, wrote in Slate Monday that Trump may have violated campaign finance law with the call, given the value that an investigation into Biden and his son could bring the Trump campaign in the event of a 2020 clash.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election. “Certainly, the Ukrainian government spending money to investigate the family of Trump’s potential challenger would be of immense value to Trump’s reelection campaign, and requesting such a probe would bring the foreign national solicitation ban into play,” Brendan Fischer, director of federal reform at Campaign Legal Center, told OpenSecrets in an email.

“But ultimately, whether the president might face liability for campaign finance violations is separate from whether the underlying conduct is an appropriate use of power,” he added. This is not the first time the Trump campaign has come under investigation for soliciting help from a foreign government. Mueller probed the Trump campaign’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya over promised “dirt” about Hillary Clinton. Mueller declined to prosecute members of the Trump campaign, arguing in his report that he couldn’t prove the information shared at the meeting had any value, and that he couldn’t prove the Trump team acted with “general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.” Campaign finance experts are concerned that Mueller’s reasoning could embolden Trump to solicit help from foreign powers. Trump created a media firestorm in June when he said he would accept damaging information about his 2020 opponent from a foreign government. “It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,”

FEC chair Ellen Weintraub cautioned in a June statement. “This is not a novel concept. Electoral intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the beginnings of our nation.” Unlawful in-kind contributions have landed Trump associates in hot water before. Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is serving a three-year sentence in federal prison after pleading guilty to an array of charges, including one that he violated campaign finance law by paying two women to keep their stories of alleged affairs with Trump from going public.

President Donald Trump acknowledged this weekend that he discussed former Vice President Joe Biden and his son during a July phone call with Ukraine’s president, leading critics to question whether Trump is courting foreign interference ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Trump reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his potential 2020 opponent over an unsubstantiated claim that Biden blocked a Ukrainian investigation into his son’s business dealings in the former Soviet country. A whistleblower in the intelligence community reportedly said Trump urged Zelensky to work with Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Biden’s son in exchange for “promises.” The exact contents of Trump’s call with Zelensky remain hidden from the public since the White House has not released a transcript of the call, citing concerns that it could set a “bad precedent,” though Trump himself told reporters that he hopes “they release” the transcript.

Giuliani joined Trump’s personal legal team in April 2018 as special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election heated up. Last week, Giuliani admitted he had asked Ukrainian officials to investigate Biden, simply stating, “Of course I did” after initially denying the allegation. Today Giuliani couldn’t confirm whether or not Trump threatened to withhold $250 million in military aid for Ukraine during the call with Zelensky. But Trump himself alluded to the claim Monday, asking “why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?” “The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine,” Trump told reporters Sunday.
If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.
As soon as Democrats started pushing impeachment with no facts to support any crime, it’s pretty obvious it’s to deflect away from Uncle Joe. And Giuliani gets a check from the government.
The facts are right before you.... clear as day. read the transcript, it spells it out clearly....

and that was only part of the whistleblower complaint, from what is being reported and what the IG said to congress when questioned behind closed doors.

How about supporting some SUNSHINE of this administration for a CHANGE,

and have the DNI release the whistlblower IG report to congress, AS PER THE LAW, which states he SHALL turn over all whistleblower reports that are designated URGENT by the IG, to congress within 7 days.

The admin is BREAKING THE LAW.... right now, in the PRESENT.

DOJ just announced that Trump didn't break the law.
The DOJ is under the thumb of Trump and are WRONG....

It should go to the FEC to determine the illegality of it....

but good ole corrupt Trump has not replaced the board committe members on the FEC that have quit, so they do not have a quorum.... basically, he killed the watchdog agency for the upcoming election.... the president is CORRUPT and sadly has corrupted all of you that will follow him in to the Lake of Fire....

Here is a clip from an older article of enlightenment.... (that I am certain you will ignore.... ) :rolleyes:

Trump’s Ukraine call raises questions about campaign finance rules on foreign interference

Although the incident has some critics alleging a quid-pro-quo between Trump and Zelensky, campaign finance experts say there may already be evidence of a campaign finance violation. Richard Hasen, a professor at the University of California Irvine School of Law, wrote in Slate Monday that Trump may have violated campaign finance law with the call, given the value that an investigation into Biden and his son could bring the Trump campaign in the event of a 2020 clash.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election. “Certainly, the Ukrainian government spending money to investigate the family of Trump’s potential challenger would be of immense value to Trump’s reelection campaign, and requesting such a probe would bring the foreign national solicitation ban into play,” Brendan Fischer, director of federal reform at Campaign Legal Center, told OpenSecrets in an email.

“But ultimately, whether the president might face liability for campaign finance violations is separate from whether the underlying conduct is an appropriate use of power,” he added. This is not the first time the Trump campaign has come under investigation for soliciting help from a foreign government. Mueller probed the Trump campaign’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya over promised “dirt” about Hillary Clinton. Mueller declined to prosecute members of the Trump campaign, arguing in his report that he couldn’t prove the information shared at the meeting had any value, and that he couldn’t prove the Trump team acted with “general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.” Campaign finance experts are concerned that Mueller’s reasoning could embolden Trump to solicit help from foreign powers. Trump created a media firestorm in June when he said he would accept damaging information about his 2020 opponent from a foreign government. “It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,”

FEC chair Ellen Weintraub cautioned in a June statement. “This is not a novel concept. Electoral intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the beginnings of our nation.” Unlawful in-kind contributions have landed Trump associates in hot water before. Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is serving a three-year sentence in federal prison after pleading guilty to an array of charges, including one that he violated campaign finance law by paying two women to keep their stories of alleged affairs with Trump from going public.

President Donald Trump acknowledged this weekend that he discussed former Vice President Joe Biden and his son during a July phone call with Ukraine’s president, leading critics to question whether Trump is courting foreign interference ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Trump reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his potential 2020 opponent over an unsubstantiated claim that Biden blocked a Ukrainian investigation into his son’s business dealings in the former Soviet country. A whistleblower in the intelligence community reportedly said Trump urged Zelensky to work with Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Biden’s son in exchange for “promises.” The exact contents of Trump’s call with Zelensky remain hidden from the public since the White House has not released a transcript of the call, citing concerns that it could set a “bad precedent,” though Trump himself told reporters that he hopes “they release” the transcript.

Giuliani joined Trump’s personal legal team in April 2018 as special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election heated up. Last week, Giuliani admitted he had asked Ukrainian officials to investigate Biden, simply stating, “Of course I did” after initially denying the allegation. Today Giuliani couldn’t confirm whether or not Trump threatened to withhold $250 million in military aid for Ukraine during the call with Zelensky. But Trump himself alluded to the claim Monday, asking “why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?” “The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine,” Trump told reporters Sunday.

A national leader asking another national leader for information is a "thing of value" that violates campaign law. I didn't know that. Impeach his ass!
I've watched all the news channels all day and all I see is the Dems projecting and supposin'.
Any one read it? unpolished, simplistic, 4th grade level. Is it my fault that I expect our president to sound/ be more educated than my self? is that his appeal with many, that he speaks & thinks at the same level as his followers? Is very hard to notice things he may be doing that are good when he keeps trash talking everyone with a different view point daily.

I think that 4th grade level is a bit of a stretch.
If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.
As soon as Democrats started pushing impeachment with no facts to support any crime, it’s pretty obvious it’s to deflect away from Uncle Joe. And Giuliani gets a check from the government.
The facts are right before you.... clear as day. read the transcript, it spells it out clearly....

and that was only part of the whistleblower complaint, from what is being reported and what the IG said to congress when questioned behind closed doors.

How about supporting some SUNSHINE of this administration for a CHANGE,

and have the DNI release the whistlblower IG report to congress, AS PER THE LAW, which states he SHALL turn over all whistleblower reports that are designated URGENT by the IG, to congress within 7 days.

The admin is BREAKING THE LAW.... right now, in the PRESENT.

DOJ just announced that Trump didn't break the law.
In regards to campaign financing.

That was what the banner on the FNC read-- DOJ said no law was broken re: campaign finance.
... I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.
Trump's hands were tied until the Mueller investigation was concluded. That was one of the objectives of the investigation in the first place. Barr's team is now investigating a number of items, one of which is Biden's corruption in Ukraine.
Given all the revelations of the last 2 years it is clear many were willing to risk their necks in the belief President Shrillary would protect and reward them.

Oops. :lol:
Biden did exactly what tbe US and other countries eanted him to in regards to the prosecuter who was refusing to adequately go after corruption. This well documented.

If Trump refuses to provide the whistle blower complaint to Congress he will have broken the law. There is no ambiguity about this.

Everything else, including the systemic and delibetate attempt to poison the well by smearing the whistle blower is pure speculation and attempts to redirect from the principle issue: the complaint is required by law to go to Congress. No exceptions. The transcript of the phone call is a piece of information, that is all. Without the complaint it is insufficient

We do not know the identity of the whistle blower much less his partisan affimiation, attacks that I am sure are nothing more than attempts to descredit the message.

The Republicans in Congress need to grow a backbone and do their job. If there is no validity, then we move on. If there is, then it is pretty damn serious for a sitting president to use his office to leverage a foreign leader to conduct investigations into a political opponent. Think Nixon. This is an out of control president who clearly thinks he is anove the law and Constitutional checks and balances do not apply to him.

I find it very very concerning.

Rubbish. It's already esablished that this alleged 'whistleblower never heard the conversation, and is merely a partisan hack. Biden and all the Democrats are national security risks, especially the top leadership of the DNC, a racist La Raza gang member and a terrorist cult follower. It's last Party leader donated billions in untracaeble cash from our treasury to an enemy of the U.S., along with promising to hand over advanced missle technology, and Biden is known to have taken billions from Iran's major ally Red China just weeks ago, followed by an attack on one of our allies soon after, and probably extorted another billion or so from the Ukraine.
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If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.
As soon as Democrats started pushing impeachment with no facts to support any crime, it’s pretty obvious it’s to deflect away from Uncle Joe. And Giuliani gets a check from the government.
The facts are right before you.... clear as day. read the transcript, it spells it out clearly....

and that was only part of the whistleblower complaint, from what is being reported and what the IG said to congress when questioned behind closed doors.

How about supporting some SUNSHINE of this administration for a CHANGE,

and have the DNI release the whistlblower IG report to congress, AS PER THE LAW, which states he SHALL turn over all whistleblower reports that are designated URGENT by the IG, to congress within 7 days.

The admin is BREAKING THE LAW.... right now, in the PRESENT.

DOJ just announced that Trump didn't break the law.
The DOJ is under the thumb of Trump and are WRONG....

It should go to the FEC to determine the illegality of it....

but good ole corrupt Trump has not replaced the board committe members on the FEC that have quit, so they do not have a quorum.... basically, he killed the watchdog agency for the upcoming election.... the president is CORRUPT and sadly has corrupted all of you that will follow him in to the Lake of Fire....

Here is a clip from an older article of enlightenment.... (that I am certain you will ignore.... ) :rolleyes:

Trump’s Ukraine call raises questions about campaign finance rules on foreign interference

Although the incident has some critics alleging a quid-pro-quo between Trump and Zelensky, campaign finance experts say there may already be evidence of a campaign finance violation. Richard Hasen, a professor at the University of California Irvine School of Law, wrote in Slate Monday that Trump may have violated campaign finance law with the call, given the value that an investigation into Biden and his son could bring the Trump campaign in the event of a 2020 clash.

Under federal law, campaigns are barred from accepting or soliciting a “thing of value” from foreign nationals or governments in connection with an election. “Certainly, the Ukrainian government spending money to investigate the family of Trump’s potential challenger would be of immense value to Trump’s reelection campaign, and requesting such a probe would bring the foreign national solicitation ban into play,” Brendan Fischer, director of federal reform at Campaign Legal Center, told OpenSecrets in an email.

“But ultimately, whether the president might face liability for campaign finance violations is separate from whether the underlying conduct is an appropriate use of power,” he added. This is not the first time the Trump campaign has come under investigation for soliciting help from a foreign government. Mueller probed the Trump campaign’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya over promised “dirt” about Hillary Clinton. Mueller declined to prosecute members of the Trump campaign, arguing in his report that he couldn’t prove the information shared at the meeting had any value, and that he couldn’t prove the Trump team acted with “general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.” Campaign finance experts are concerned that Mueller’s reasoning could embolden Trump to solicit help from foreign powers. Trump created a media firestorm in June when he said he would accept damaging information about his 2020 opponent from a foreign government. “It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,”

FEC chair Ellen Weintraub cautioned in a June statement. “This is not a novel concept. Electoral intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the beginnings of our nation.” Unlawful in-kind contributions have landed Trump associates in hot water before. Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is serving a three-year sentence in federal prison after pleading guilty to an array of charges, including one that he violated campaign finance law by paying two women to keep their stories of alleged affairs with Trump from going public.

President Donald Trump acknowledged this weekend that he discussed former Vice President Joe Biden and his son during a July phone call with Ukraine’s president, leading critics to question whether Trump is courting foreign interference ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Trump reportedly urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate his potential 2020 opponent over an unsubstantiated claim that Biden blocked a Ukrainian investigation into his son’s business dealings in the former Soviet country. A whistleblower in the intelligence community reportedly said Trump urged Zelensky to work with Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Biden’s son in exchange for “promises.” The exact contents of Trump’s call with Zelensky remain hidden from the public since the White House has not released a transcript of the call, citing concerns that it could set a “bad precedent,” though Trump himself told reporters that he hopes “they release” the transcript.

Giuliani joined Trump’s personal legal team in April 2018 as special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election heated up. Last week, Giuliani admitted he had asked Ukrainian officials to investigate Biden, simply stating, “Of course I did” after initially denying the allegation. Today Giuliani couldn’t confirm whether or not Trump threatened to withhold $250 million in military aid for Ukraine during the call with Zelensky. But Trump himself alluded to the claim Monday, asking “why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?” “The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine,” Trump told reporters Sunday.

lol you think anybody believes Biden's son got billions from Red China and the Ukraine because of his brilliance and experience? lol lol lol why was he even along on that trip if not as a bag man?
If you have a perspective share it.

Personally I think Biden may have crossed some extortion line but I admittedly dont know the law so I can not definitively make that claim.
As far as Trump I see what he is doing as political but illegal? I don't see that. He had 2 years to persue this situation and waited till just before elections to do it. That makes it political imo not about justice.

I will go with neither.

Biden was following the official government position, along with the position of many of our allies. A lot of people wanted the man gone. While it is true that his son might have benefited, that does not remove the rest.

For me, the biggest thing about Trump is the use of his personal attorney who has no role or position in the government. This moves it from an official governmental act to him asking the president of the Ukraine for a personal favor. A favor that was purely political in nature. While not illegal, it is problematic in my opinion.


There was impropriety alright. Biden should have in the very least recused himself as the point man in dealing with Ukraine because of his son’s business dealings. He didn’t. He may have used his position to enrich his son. There needs to be a formal investigation conducted.
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There was impropriety alright. Biden should have in the very least recused himself as the point man in dealing with Ukraine because his son’s business dealings. He didn’t. He may have used his position to enrich his son. There needs to be a formal investigation conducted.

Yes, he probably should have due to the conflict of interest.

I am good with an formal investigation, as long as you are good with the same for Trump for using his own personal attorney instead of the DOJ

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