Who could replace Biden as the Dem candidate?

Now that we see that even Obama is engaged in “seditious” behavior against his own former running mate, and in light of the recent way the media has been covering Biden (ie, with a long overdue touch of honesty and a bit more critically), a question is raised:

What if the powers that be in the DNC and behind the scenes of the Biden White House ARE now planning some grand strategy to jettison him from the 2024 campaign? Who is the most likely to get the imprimatur of the DNC and team Obama to serve as the Democrat Party frontman?

I doubt it could even possibly be Harris.
If he was still alive I'd say Alfonzo Capone?
Please stay in your Midwest shithole. Thank you.
It is always amazing to think how people from different areas believe that their shit does not stink. We all can believe that. At some point when nations get too rich, they self-destruct. California and other Prog states are in that phase now. Their debts are growing and are massive. Include cities into that and it gets worse. I understand views from red areas. They have their ways. Just look at yours.
Michele Obama will not be a good choice BECAUSE the racist
fake republican party will not be respectful because she is a woman and she is a black skinned person. Is she smart enough? Of course she is ............

Sec of State or Sec of Agriculture please...........
Oh please, you are already throwing around the racist card, and of course she isn't qualified!
It is always amazing to think how people from different areas believe that their shit does not stink. We all can believe that. At some point when nations get too rich, they self-destruct. California and other Prog states are in that phase now. Their debts are growing and are massive. Include cities into that and it gets worse. I understand views from red areas. They have their ways. Just look at yours.
What I'm trying to say is I dont want to be anywhere near you animals. You're filth. So stay in your midwest rural shitholes.
Gov. Whitmer? Gov. Newsom? Cory Booker? Gov. Cooper? Michelle ma belle?

Biden is the surest bet.....
I'm thinking greaseball Newsome will try to weasel in there. It's possible that he could be even worse than Biden. That's why Democrats will probably rally behind him.
Doesn't it have to be Harris? How bad would the DNC look if they had to admit both Biden and Harris were trash? Why would anyone believe some other loser would be better? They would have no credibility.

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