Who did 9/11??


Platinum Member
Feb 6, 2021
Who did 9/11? The official story is a lie. The so-called investigation was an utter farce.
My sources say that W Bush ordered it done along with George Bush Sr. who had moved into the White House with W to stop NESARA from being announced later that same day. NESARA would have permanently ENDED the entire New World Order as well as the Federal Reserve and its fiat money. The international bankers who OWN the Federal Reserve ARE LITERALLY the New World Order.
1) It was aliens
2) It was the Israeli MOSAD
3) It was President Bush and New York mayor Giuliani to get us into oil wars
4) It was Obama
Who did 9/11? The official story is a lie. The so-called investigation was an utter farce.
My sources say that W Bush ordered it done along with George Bush Sr. who had moved into the White House with W to stop NESARA from being announced later that same day. NESARA would have permanently ENDED the entire New World Order as well as the Federal Reserve and its fiat money. The international bankers who OWN the Federal Reserve ARE LITERALLY the New World Order.

In the parlence of our times we blame Trump for everything.

So I feel like I can't miss by saying Trump?
It wasn't Bush. It is ludicrous to think that a new president in his first year in office after a bitterly contested election ultimately decided by the Supreme Court could or would engineer an attack on the nation's leading city and the heart of the world's financial system. Rulers don't as a general rule attack themselves. Besides, in 2001, the entire DC establishment hated Bush--not Trump levels of spit-rage hatred--but hated. It is unimaginable that during the weeks that it took for the hundreds of operatives it took to bring down those three skyscrapers into their own footprints, somebody wouldn't have looked around at his colleagues and said, you know, we are wiring three skyscrapers with explosives that will kill thousands of innocent people when they detonate on behalf of this weak, unpopular, brand new president everybody hates so that that dim bulb can, you know, do--and his father wants to... well, they have reasons and stuff--you know, New World Order--do you really think we should do this?

Israel did it. Guaranteed.
It wasn't Bush. It is ludicrous to think that a new president in his first year in office after a bitterly contested election ultimately decided by the Supreme Court could or would engineer an attack on the nation's leading city and the heart of the world's financial system. Rulers don't as a general rule attack themselves. Besides, in 2001, the entire DC establishment hated Bush--not Trump levels of spit-rage hatred--but hated. It is unimaginable that during the weeks that it took for the hundreds of operatives it took to bring down those three skyscrapers into their own footprints, somebody wouldn't have looked around at his colleagues and said, you know, we are wiring three skyscrapers with explosives that will kill thousands of innocent people when they detonate on behalf of this weak, unpopular, brand new president everybody hates so that that dim bulb can, you know, do--and his father wants to... well, they have reasons and stuff--you know, New World Order--do you really think we should do this?

Israel did it. Guaranteed.
George Bush Sr. was heavily involved in the New World Order. Announcing NESARA would have ended it. Our military is right now as we speak preparing to act and defeat the insurrection that this utterly fraudulent election is. You obviously know nothing about the New World Order. They have deliberately started WARS to further their agenda ... WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam and others including getting us in a war with Iraq ... killing 3,000 innocent people to protect themselves from NESARA is something they wouldn't pause doing for a heartbeat. Educate yourself ... go buy the book "The Unseen Hand" available on Amazon. Learn all about the NWO.
Who did 9/11? The official story is a lie. The so-called investigation was an utter farce.
My sources say that W Bush ordered it done along with George Bush Sr. who had moved into the White House with W to stop NESARA from being announced later that same day. NESARA would have permanently ENDED the entire New World Order as well as the Federal Reserve and its fiat money. The international bankers who OWN the Federal Reserve ARE LITERALLY the New World Order.
9/11 was a crime within a crime within a crime, all being methodically and persistently covered up.
Yes it was Bush with others. Same day Nessara was to be implemented.

I've seen the bullshit lib investigations. A 31 page one said "the jets did not have their ELT on" Yeah, that's right ELT is "emergency location transmitter" and not on till needed. Maybe they meant IFF? "interrogation friend or foe" which every instrument rated plane has. Ping it you have ID. Off course, you correct or get shot down. "oh, norad was busy on training exercises" BULL yes train every day but 2 interceptors with pilots sleeping next to them on every base are NOT ON EXERCISE.

I was ADC, air defense command, 49th fighter interceptor squadron. I have been in the main control room at NORAD Cheyenne Mountain. I know how it works. NOTHING can stray from it's path or is radioed to correct, and you better. Don't correct you are shot down, no exemption at all, ever. You can't fly over a city or the pentagon, period, can't stray off your flight plan without radio and permission.

9/11 was an inside job, guaranteed. A stand down was issued. Leftist puppet Bush did it.

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