Who Did Most to Interfere in Integrity of the US Election - Russia or the Media?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Question is: Who did more to interfere in the integrity of the U.S. election? The American news media which forwarded its own ‘fake news’ to discredit Trump or, if Russia really is behind the hacking, Putin’s regime which disclosed some emails that revealed truths about what Clinton’s team thought of her opponents?
Well, one revealed the truth...the other obscured it. You make the call...
I don't know that it was someone in leadership, but at least within the DNC. Remember when the DNC first shut out Sanders from having any access, even though they were Dems themselves? Well, they eventually caved and granted access. I figure someone used that time and access to their advantage, being pissed and all. And Podesta was not used to having 2 different mindsets with access within the DNC, and was careless...
My vote is the Democratic party leadership, but it may just be me.

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