Who Do You Believe, The POPE or Barry?

Who Do You Believe, The Pope or Barry?

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Charter Member
May 8, 2004
It seems that hussein can't even bring himself to tell the truth after meeting the holiest Christian on earth. Apparently he still believes his muslim teachings from his youth, that it's ok to lie if it's to an infidel.

So the stories about their meeting and what was discussed are quite different. Who's account of what was discussed do you believe. The Pope, or the 'LIAR OF THE YEAR?'

Obama meets with Pope Francis at Vatican - Washington Times

President Obama’s first meeting with Pope Francis produced a little schism of its own.

The Vatican and White House gave starkly different versions Thursday of Mr. Obama’s meeting with Francis.

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one tell me why he is still in office?
2. If his mouth is moving he is lying.

Sorry bout that,

1. Some one tell me why he is still in office?
2. If his mouth is moving he is lying.


1. He gives free booze to his secret service agents.

2. He is a narcissist. He can lie without speaking.
even with your link, i still do not know what each other said, the fucking article just rambles without any direct words from each other.

BUT !!!!

i wouldn't trust or believe anything the liar in chief says, does or types. :up:

Barry Hussein is so full of :bsflag: plus being an :ahole-1: and as :gay: as any qweer in Faggotland
I believe President Obama. Why should I believe a word this Pope says? A man who claims to be a spokesman for God and then denies Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life? Denies that a man must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven? Denies one must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be born again? A man who is basically calling God a liar to His face? He has denied the Word of the Living God! He denied the Holy Scriptures of the Bible!

Holiest Christian on earth? HA! I think not! He's a heretic and should be bounced out of the Church on his head!

Fear God! Not man! What can mere man do to you? Fear God who has the power to cast your soul into hell! Do not worry about what man thinks of you for standing with the Truth! Expose the works of darkness and stand fast with the Word of God. Your souls depend upon it.

- Jeremiah

p.s. I notice Obama didn't wear that Illuminati pin at the recent meeting of World Leaders in Netherlands. In fact he was the only one that refused to wear the pin. He had an American flag pin on. Did anyone else notice that?
I believe President Obama

I believe President Obama. Why should I believe a word this Pope says? A man who claims to be a spokesman for God and then denies Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life? Denies that a man must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven? Denies one must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be born again? A man who is basically calling God a liar to His face? He has denied the Word of the Living God! He denied the Holy Scriptures of the Bible!

Holiest Christian on earth? HA! I think not! He's a heretic and should be bounced out of the Church on his head!

Fear God! Not man! What can mere man do to you? Fear God who has the power to cast your soul into hell! Do not worry about what man thinks of you for standing with the Truth! Expose the works of darkness and stand fast with the Word of God. Your souls depend upon it.

- Jeremiah

p.s. I notice Obama didn't wear that Illuminati pin at the recent meeting of World Leaders in Netherlands. In fact he was the only one that refused to wear the pin. He had an American flag pin on. Did anyone else notice that?

There is still a goose egg in the 'Barry' column of the poll.

I believe President Obama. Why should I believe a word this Pope says? A man who claims to be a spokesman for God and then denies Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life? Denies that a man must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven? Denies one must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be born again? A man who is basically calling God a liar to His face? He has denied the Word of the Living God! He denied the Holy Scriptures of the Bible!

Holiest Christian on earth? HA! I think not! He's a heretic and should be bounced out of the Church on his head!

Fear God! Not man! What can mere man do to you? Fear God who has the power to cast your soul into hell! Do not worry about what man thinks of you for standing with the Truth! Expose the works of darkness and stand fast with the Word of God. Your souls depend upon it.

- Jeremiah

p.s. I notice Obama didn't wear that Illuminati pin at the recent meeting of World Leaders in Netherlands. In fact he was the only one that refused to wear the pin. He had an American flag pin on. Did anyone else notice that?

Your hatred for Catholics makes one to believe that you are a Ku Klux Klan member or a Baptist. Pardon the redundancy.
I believe President Obama. Why should I believe a word this Pope says? A man who claims to be a spokesman for God and then denies Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life? Denies that a man must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven? Denies one must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be born again? A man who is basically calling God a liar to His face? He has denied the Word of the Living God! He denied the Holy Scriptures of the Bible!

Holiest Christian on earth? HA! I think not! He's a heretic and should be bounced out of the Church on his head!

Fear God! Not man! What can mere man do to you? Fear God who has the power to cast your soul into hell! Do not worry about what man thinks of you for standing with the Truth! Expose the works of darkness and stand fast with the Word of God. Your souls depend upon it.

- Jeremiah

p.s. I notice Obama didn't wear that Illuminati pin at the recent meeting of World Leaders in Netherlands. In fact he was the only one that refused to wear the pin. He had an American flag pin on. Did anyone else notice that?

At least the Pope doesn't lie about all that he stands for, doesn' t hide his agenda, doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he's been hired to be. And, he actually acts as the leader of a major force in the world should act, not like some jive-ass McDonald's burger boy who has managed to somehow take over the CEO'S office.
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The Pope is a racist

You forgot to mention MARXIST.

He's a communist Marxist. There are socialists who also believe Marx was a nice guy but they are not the same as Communists.

Communists have been infiltrating the Roman Catholic church since the 30's at least. According to Bella Dodds testimony - Bella Dodd being one of the most powerful early american communists to assist in community organizing and the communist infiltration of the unions inside America.

Bella Dodd converted to Catholicism after a long time of serving the Communist Party. She said that over 1100 communists agents infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church becoming Priests who were quickly promoted to Cardinal, Bishops, Arch Bishops, etc. (where do you think the paedophiles came from? Why do you think they were moved around for decades instead of prosecuted? ) Today these men are in positions of great power within the RCC.

There are many Catholics who believe this particular Pope was chosen because he is one of those communist agents who infiltrated many decades ago. So far he sounds like a text book communist. I have no reason to doubt Bella Dodd's testimony. May she rest in peace. She did great harm to the catholic church and to our country but she repented before she died. Thank God for ex-communists who come to Jesus Christ.

Bella died back when the Catholic Church still taught that Jesus Christ was the way to salvation. Today the communist in the Vatican says atheists will go to heaven too. So according to his pope everyone from Mother Theresa to Jack the Ripper will be in heaven because "he says so"..... Problem with this is that once people die and see hell it is too late to come back and tell everyone else what a Liar the Pope was that told him that!!!

Lesson? Do not take the word of a man over the Written Word of God! The bible is clear on this. Any man who denies the written Word of God is a Liar. That is how the bible defines a liar who lies about the Word of God! They are described as a child of the devil.

- Jeremiah
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Jeremiah and CrusaderFrank are twin brothers and soul mates separated at birth.
My own family is Catholic and their priest recognizes a very serious departure from teachings of Theresa of Avila on hell - her visions of hell - the teachings of so many of the Catholic saints on the doctrine of Christ - taught by Therese Liseaux, Bernard of Clairveax, Julian of Norwich, Thomas a Kempis. Thomas A Kempis would be on his head right now to see what is going on inside the Vatican.

As Malachi Martin wrote his book Windswept House in novel form to expose the Communists / Satanists conducting Black Mass rituals in the Vatican during the time of the preceding pope - I think I'll believe Martin. He isn't alive to speak for himself but his reputation was impeccible. He was a pure and holy servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that Father Malachi Martins book, Windswept house, opens the eyes of many people. He wrote that book to warn the Catholic people whom he loved very much. He is in heaven now. May he RIP.

- Jeremiah
I believe President Obama. Why should I believe a word this Pope says? A man who claims to be a spokesman for God and then denies Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life? Denies that a man must be born again in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven? Denies one must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be born again? A man who is basically calling God a liar to His face? He has denied the Word of the Living God! He denied the Holy Scriptures of the Bible!

Holiest Christian on earth? HA! I think not! He's a heretic and should be bounced out of the Church on his head!

Fear God! Not man! What can mere man do to you? Fear God who has the power to cast your soul into hell! Do not worry about what man thinks of you for standing with the Truth! Expose the works of darkness and stand fast with the Word of God. Your souls depend upon it.

- Jeremiah

p.s. I notice Obama didn't wear that Illuminati pin at the recent meeting of World Leaders in Netherlands. In fact he was the only one that refused to wear the pin. He had an American flag pin on. Did anyone else notice that?

At least the Pope doesn't lie about all that he stands for, doesn' t hide his agenda, doesn't pretend to be anything other than what he's been hired to be. And, he actually acts as the leader of a major force in the world should act, not like some jive-ass McDonald's burger boy who has managed to somehow take over the CEO'S office.

Sure he does! As the Pope of the RCC he claims to be a spokesman for God Almighty! Are you kidding me? He has done nothing BUT hide his agenda! You had better open your eyes.
The force ( as you call it ) is a name used by Satanists referring to their god - Lucifer - He is indeed the leader of a major force in the world - the very force that is the enemy of God and all that is holy!

- Jeremiah

note*** Ted Bundy referred to satan as "The Force".. Look it up.
I didn't vote for Obama and if I had to chance to do it over again I still wouldn't vote for Obama. This isn't about Obama. This is about a man who is in position to deceive the world and wage war against the true Christians wherever they are in the world today. Mark my words! This anti - christ Pope is a very dangerous actor! VERY!

If the Pope is telling the truth, he confronted obama about the loss of religious freedom in the United States.

If King Bones obama is telling the truth, they spoke about how better to redistribute wealth in the US.

obama cannot afford to be questioned or confronted about the internal war on Christianity he's waging in the United States. He cannot justify it. He has to lie.

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