who do you choose in '24: Trump or DeSantis or Can't decide?

Anyone other than Trump will still be treated by the media and the dems as if he or she were Trump...so why not give them Trump again so we can watch their heads explode.....
So, in case u are busy you can just say





U for Undecided

I like Trump... but DeSantis... I think... well, I guess I am Undecided...

help me decide...

Dream Team

Trump 2022 for Speaker of the House (yes, the House rules allow for them to choose whoever they want to)
DeSantis 2024 for POTUS
Ron Paul made Sec. of the Treasury under DeSantis
First SCOTUS nomination: Ted Cruz

more to come . . .
i wouldn't say T has Zero clue about avg workers

but... well... I don't know. I emailed Trump once and got no reply except for a request for... of all things: money.
Right... I who have so little of that green stuff am going to send what little I have to a billionaire.

I may not always be smart about $$ but... hey... not a total dummy
Trump is the biggest sponge who ever lived. His Daddy set him up in business, then had to bail his ass out more then once. Anyone Trump couldn't sponge off like his old man & banks, he robbed.

Of course Trump tried to sponge off of you. He's a conman.

Anyone who votes for that louse needs to have their head examined
Dream Team

Trump 2022 for Speaker of the House (yes, the House rules allow for them to choose whoever they want to)
DeSantis 2024 for POTUS
Ron Paul made Sec. of the Treasury under DeSantis
First SCOTUS nomination: Ted Cruz

more to come . . .

Dream Team

Trump 2022 for Speaker of the House (yes, the House rules allow for them to choose whoever they want to)
DeSantis 2024 for POTUS
Ron Paul made Sec. of the Treasury under DeSantis
First SCOTUS nomination: Ted Cruz
Rudy Giuliani for AG under DeSantis

more to come . . .
Trump is the biggest sponge who ever lived. His Daddy set him up in business, then had to bail his ass out more then once. Anyone Trump couldn't sponge off like his old man & banks, he robbed.

Of course Trump tried to sponge off of you. He's a conman.

Anyone who votes for that louse needs to have their head examined

He was the establishment's response to witnessing over 50% of the fed up electorate not being affiliated with either side of the party-of-one during the 2014 mid-term when people were demonstrating that they'd had enough of two sides of the same coin.

There was no way the establishment didn't notice it and there was no way it wasn't going to do something about it.

And, so, enter Trump. The illusion of difference. The media set the stage and the cards were dealt. As a bonus, they were able to script their own drama for four years. And when he was gone and had passed the baton off to Biden for the next leg of the Fed's screw job, they scrubbed his entire existence from social media.

There's a lot to be said about how that all went down, actually. Far too much for here.

For starters, did anyone ever stop and ask themselves why dems were impeaching him in one breath and then Pelosi turns around in the middle of his impeachment and gives him everything he wanted in what was the largest spending bill in history at the time? I don't recall anyone asking questions like that. Did anyone stop and wonder why Pelosi would refer to someone like Thomas Massie, the best member of congress, btw, as a dangerous nuisance while at the same time Trump was calling for him to be thrown out of the GOP? And for what? Making them come to work and have a recorded vote on all of those trillions of so-called COVID relief they were devaluing our dollar with? Could keep going, the list is very, very long.
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Hillary. Because she's so squeezable and fuckable.
abused smiley.jpg
Dream Team

Trump 2022 for Speaker of the House (yes, the House rules allow for them to choose whoever they want to)
DeSantis 2024 for POTUS
Ron Paul made Sec. of the Treasury under DeSantis
First SCOTUS nomination: Ted Cruz
Rudy Giuliani for AG under DeSantis

more to come . . .
Joke of the Day.
Especially the Rudy part

Had me laughing Pretty good at that one.
So, in case u are busy you can just say





U for Undecided

I like Trump... but DeSantis... I think... well, I guess I am Undecided...

help me decide...

I used to say "I want the best person to be president". Now I say "I want anyone but a democrat." If hacksaw Jim Dugan ran as a republican I'd vote for him over any democrat.

Ideally though trump as president and desantis as vice president, then next election desantis runs for president and gets it twice in a row.
I used to say "I want the best person to be president". Now I say "I want anyone but a democrat." If hacksaw Jim Dugan ran as a republican I'd vote for him over any democrat.

Ideally though trump as president and desantis as vice president, then next election desantis runs for president and gets it twice in a row.

After their clusterfuck of a Biden administration, you can be damned sure it won't be a Democrat in 2024.
Trump OWNS the Republican Party…if someone else wins the GOP nomination it’s only because Trump allowed them to….period

In the 2020 elections for Senate, House, and Governor, 99% of the opposed incumbents who received an endorsement from Trump, won their elections. 96% of the opposed non-incumbents also won after receiving an endorsement from Trump.

That's quite a record.
After their clusterfuck of a Biden administration, you can be damned sure it won't be a Democrat in 2024.

I've seen the levels they will stoop to and the kind of people they buddy up with like china and Canada leaders, if Hillary throws her hat in we all know what she is capable of.

So I try to be hopeful, but at the same elections are a long way off and there is no telling what they will do to maintain their control.
In the 2020 elections for Senate, House, and Governor, 99% of the opposed incumbents who received an endorsement from Trump, won their elections. 96% of the opposed non-incumbents also won after receiving an endorsement from Trump.

That's quite a record.
His power and influence in DC is undeniable.
American’s First is a very powerful platform

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