who do you choose in '24: Trump or DeSantis or Can't decide?

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U for Undecided

I like Trump... but DeSantis... I think... well, I guess I am Undecided...

help me decide...

DeSantis----------> Trump would be the best, but DeSantis would be very, very, good.

So why DeSantis instead of Trump?

Because it is highly unlikely that Biden or Harris will run. The Democrats will find some obscure Democrat and put them up as a moderate. (Think Bill Clinton) This will give independents a great pause because of Trumps baggage, and to many could flip, as they are told Biden is the only problem, and not the whole far Leftist party.

In essence, the best way to explain it is----------> The difference between Trump and DeSantis is slight, especially when you put up the huge difference between any Democrat, and either Republican. Therefore, we should put up the Republican, that we can almost insure we can push to victory, because we can NOT end up with the Democrat!

As another poster pointed out, whomever the nominee is on the GOP side, I will vote for. A good saying being proven today to remember is------------> The GOP is NOT the solution to all your problems, but the Leftist Democrats are certainly the cause of most of them!
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DeSantis----------> Trump would be the best, but DeSantis would be very, very, good.
So why DeSantis instead of Trump?
Because it is highly unlikely that Biden or Harris will run. The Democrats will find some obscure Democrat and put them up as a moderate. (Think Bill Clinton) This will give independents a great pause because of Trumps baggage, and to many could flip, as they are told Biden is the only problem, and not the whole far Leftist party.
In essence, the best way to explain it is----------> The difference between Trump and DeSantis is slight, especially when you put up the huge difference between any Democrat, and either Republican. Therefore, we should put up the Republican, that we can almost insure we can push to victory, because we can NOT end up with the Democrat!
As another poster pointed out, whomever the nominee is on the GOP side, I will vote for. A good saying being proven today to remember is------------> The GOP is NOT the solution to all your problems, but the Leftist Democrats are certainly the cause of most of them!
I also would vote for Desantis over Trump, however, if Trump is the GOP nominee I'm all in. That said, here are the 2024 voting odds, Hillary is not on the list...but Biden is????
After their clusterfuck of a Biden administration, you can be damned sure it won't be a Democrat in 2024.
Have you met the corrupt scheming lying Dems?? First, Desantis is FRESH MEAT. Dems are already digging up and fabricating dirt on him, running against Desantis is the Dem's dream scenario. Trump on the other hand, Dems already threw everything and the kitchen sink at the guy and he's still standing and still punching Dems in the face.
How about another option… NONE OF THE ABOVE.

I, personally, will not vote for either of the individuals you mentioned. Neither of them is anywhere near Conservative enough for my tastes or to earn my vote.
Have you met the corrupt scheming lying Dems?? First, Desantis is FRESH MEAT. Dems are already digging up and fabricating dirt on him, running against Desantis is the Dem's dream scenario. Trump on the other hand, Dems already threw everything and the kitchen sink at the guy and he's still standing and still punching Dems in the face.

No offense and with great respect Blue, but I think you have it backwards-----------> the dream scenario is for the Dems, and it is putting up a fresh faced supposed moderate with no baggage, against a bruised and battered Trump. They know that many Independents will follow the path of least resistance. That is standard politics 101.

I honestly do not understand from an OVERALL counting votes perspective, why some people believe that getting Trump re-elected over anyone not named Biden, Harris, and more than likely Hillary, would just be a slam dunk in Trumps current political condition. Against those 3, probably: but against a new Democrat claimed as moderate without a high profile, it is nowhere near as promising. Democrats know this better than I do, so making yourself a Democrat for about 30 seconds, what do you think they are going to do!

They did it with Bill Clinton, and they did it with Obama. To believe act 3 of a successful idea is not coming, is sticking your head in the sand. While we in the GOP will overlook Trumps foibles, Independents on a large scale won't unless he is perceived as the best choice. And that is where the election will be won or lost, not on the GOP just showing up to vote.
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Desantis but happy either way. I just think the loopy left might take a breath from the ridiculous relentless attacks on the presidency but perhaps they would be equally deranged by Desantis.
No offense and with great respect Blue, but I think you have it backwards-----------> the dream scenario is for the Dems, and it is putting up a fresh faced supposed moderate with no baggage, against a bruised and battered Trump. They know that many Independents will follow the path of least resistance. That is standard politics 101.

I honestly do not understand from an OVERALL counting votes perspective, why some people believe that getting Trump re-elected over anyone not named Biden, Harris, and more than likely Hillary, would just be a slam dunk in Trumps current political condition. Against those 3, probably: but against a new Democrat claimed as moderate without a high profile, it is nowhere near as promising. Democrats know this better than I do, so making yourself a Democrat for about 30 seconds, what do you think they are going to do!

They did it with Bill Clinton, and they did it with Obama. To believe act 3 of a successful idea is not coming, is sticking your head in the sand. While we in the GOP will overlook Trumps foibles, Independents on a large scale won't unless he is perceived as the best choice. And that is where the election will be won or lost, not on the GOP just showing up to vote.
With respect, we will agree to disagree. Dems and the corrupt fake news will chew Desantis up and spit him out, just like Romney and McCain. WARNING: After getting their ass whooped twice by George Bush Dems and the corrupt fake news took the gloves off. Blatant lies, fabrication, rigging debates, dishonest spin, they now use every dirty trick in the book to win KNOW YOUR ENEMY!
With respect, we will agree to disagree. Dems and the corrupt fake news will chew Desantis up and spit him out, just like Romney and McCain. WARNING: After getting their ass whooped twice by George Bush Dems and the corrupt fake news took the gloves off. Blatant lies, fabrication, rigging debates, dishonest spin, they now use every dirty trick in the book to win KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

Well, you do have a point there for sure.
AND all you folks who find Trump's street fighting tactics distasteful please wake up. Dems have pulled POTUS elections into the gutter where no holds are barred and every dirty gutter politics tactic is used. You show up with a goodie two shoes Mr. nice guy candidate and you will get obliterated.
AND do NOT discount the 4 years experience as POTUS that Trump gained. That's worth quite a lot of weight vs a candidate who has none. Or his track record of actually getting a lot of stuff done, stuff even some RINO's said was impossible. While enduring a horrendous assault by the filth Democrats. Some noob candidate without the courage Trump had to not back down even if they win is likely to get bullied by the Dems and RINO's.

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