Who Do You Consider To Be The True National Leader For The Conservatives???


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
1) Mitt Romney

2) Paul Ryan

3) Chris Christie

4) John McCain

5) Sarah Palin

6) Rand Paul

7) Rush Limbaugh

8) George Will

9) Bill O'Reilly

10) Newt Gingrich

11) Someone else (please specify)
Yea, I wouldn't say that modern Republicans have leadership today. They bash on their own intellectuals nonstop with rugged individualism, and they're intimidated by liberal academia from thinking for themselves.
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Nutball leadership 3/10/13

1. Lloyd Blankfein
2. Jamie Dimon
3. Robert Benmosche
4. Eric Cantor
5. Pigboy
Scott Walker he has beaten the big unions three times first being elected Governor second getting his legislation passed and third winning the recall election.
Rand Paul.

However, Rand Paul will be the leader of a coalition of Libertarian Democrats and Libertarian Republicans. The current Republican party will collapse, its Authoritarian leadership will merge with the Democratic Party, that will only express minor differences in opinions.

The new Republican Party will become the Libertarian Party, and the Democratic Party will become the Authoritarian Party, even though they will retain their formal names.

Don't be surprised to see a battle between Rand Paul and Governor Cuomo for the Presidency within the next few election cycles. The final verdict on John Locke will be delivered.
Progressive lost Fidel and Hugo Chavez.

Who can take the place of these Progressive heavyweights?

Limbaugh is the leader of the GOP right now, and has been for a while.

Holy crap, look at this board. Threads about "low-informed liberals". Threads started based on something he says within fucking minutes of when he says them (yes, I listen) without even attempting to attribute the words to him.

And his influence is so strong now that there is even a second stage to it. He spawned dozens of copy-cats, and their words are seen here, especially Savage and Levin. The funny thing is, their sheep don't even realize how obvious it is.

And in many ways, that is precisely what has damaged to GOP so badly. The dittoheads don't realize they're being played, that Limbaugh's and Levin's and Savage's highest priority is keeping the sheep absolutist and angry so that they can remain relevant as radio hosts. So the sheep buy into everything and copy it in real life.

The question should be "aside from Rush, who's the true national leader for the conservatives?"

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Limbaugh is the leader of the GOP right now, and has been for a while.

Holy crap, look at this board. Threads about "low-informed liberals". Threads started based on something he says within fucking minutes of when he says them (yes, I listen) without even attempting to attribute the words to him.

And his influence is so strong now that there is even a second stage to it. He spawned dozens of copy-cats, and their words are seen here, especially Savage and Levin. The funny thing is, their sheep don't even realize how obvious it is.

And in many ways, that is precisely what has damaged to GOP so badly. The dittoheads don't realize they're being played, that Limbaugh's and Levin's and Savage's highest priority is keeping the sheep absolutist and angry so that they can remain relevant as radio hosts. So the sheep buy into everything and copy it in real life.

The question should be "aside from Rush, who's the true national leader for the conservatives?"


oh brother, Limbaugh is as much a leader for the Gop as Bill Maher who calls women Vice Presidential candidates, cxxts is a leader for the Democrat party..

please spare us

Limbaugh is the leader of the GOP right now, and has been for a while.

Holy crap, look at this board. Threads about "low-informed liberals". Threads started based on something he says within fucking minutes of when he says them (yes, I listen) without even attempting to attribute the words to him.

And his influence is so strong now that there is even a second stage to it. He spawned dozens of copy-cats, and their words are seen here, especially Savage and Levin. The funny thing is, their sheep don't even realize how obvious it is.

And in many ways, that is precisely what has damaged to GOP so badly. The dittoheads don't realize they're being played, that Limbaugh's and Levin's and Savage's highest priority is keeping the sheep absolutist and angry so that they can remain relevant as radio hosts. So the sheep buy into everything and copy it in real life.

The question should be "aside from Rush, who's the true national leader for the conservatives?"


oh brother, Limbaugh is as much a leader for the Gop as Bill Maher who calls women Vice Presidential candidates, cxxts is a leader for the Democrat party..

please spare us

One of these days, instead of simplistic denial and deflection, you're going to offer a reasoned, intelligent, direct response to one of my posts.

I have no doubt! I can feel it!


no real leader yet. But I think we can all see Rand Paul there in a few weeks.

What happened to Christie? You right wingers loved him like Rush loves Oxy :eusa_think:

Yeah right wingers are that way. They wanted to make Arnold president too. Did not last, they are fickle.
Christie, Crist, Arnold, Bush, Romney, and the list od their fickle dissapointments goes on and on.
no real leader yet. But I think we can all see Rand Paul there in a few weeks.

What happened to Christie? You right wingers loved him like Rush loves Oxy :eusa_think:

Yeah right wingers are that way. They wanted to make Arnold president too. Did not last, they are fickle.
Christie, Crist, Arnold, Bush, Romney, and the list od their fickle dissapointments goes on and on.

bs, no one I know wanted to make Awnold President..that was you lefties made up crap
Not another Liberal who is very concerned about fixing the GOP thread?

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