Who do you trust more? Iran? Or the Republican Party?

When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.

Figures you support giving Iran license to kill. Got any nitwit observations for us?

As usual another liberal supports a nation that outlaws homosexuals.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
I trust Iran more given the Repubs war on America these last 6+ yrs (more if you count the last Repub Admin). I remember the Tea party-inspired, credit downgrade that this great nation suffered at the rw'ers hands. They are despicable
Them you and Rtard are both very unique pieces of shit.
Khomeini stomps on Israel's flag and you say you trust him more than republicans.
But you and your comrades do enjoy a good flag stomping/burning.

Actually, what I said was:

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Then you said: trust him more than republicans

Seems you answered the question for me.

But it brings up another question. Why do Republicans care more about Jews than other US Citizens?
Fuck you, ya lying piece of shit.

Look at the title of your thread.

You and Dottie have went full fucking retard over this Bullshit. You're climbing over each other to see who can suck Obama's dick first because of his wonderful deal he's made, literally, with the Devil.
You both have said you trust the Iranians more than Americans.
In another thread you're lauding about how corporations(which you hate, I thought) could stand to make so much money(another taboo) by moving their businesses and banks over there(the biggest non-no in the liberal playbook).


The inks not even dry and you assclowns have all but but a fucking Ayatollah Land theme park over there

Why do Democrats take the side of a country that swears death to America? Oh right they both agree.

What didn't you go all the way with your lying subject line and say there were no centerfuges when Reagan was sworn in and now there are thousands?

There is something wrong with the liberal left, seriously wrong.

Anyway here is a timeline of Iran's nuclear program, most of which grew in the last 6 years.


May 1999

Proposal for Nuclear-Free Mideast
President Mohammad Khatami of Iran goes to Saudi Arabia, becoming the first Iranian leader since 1979 to visit the Arab world.

He issues a joint statement with King Fahd expressing concerns about Israel's nuclear weapons program and support for ridding the Middle East of nuclear weapons. In 2003, Iran supports such a proposal initiated by Syria.


Nuclear Program Is Suspended
Possibly in response to the American invasion of Iraq, which was originally justified by the Bush administration on the grounds that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, Ayatollah Khamenei orders a suspension of work on what appear to be weapons-related technologies, although he allows uranium enrichment efforts to continue.

Inspectors with the United Nations atomic agency find traces of highly enriched uranium at the Natanz plant, and Iran concedes to demands, after talks with Britain, France and Germany, to accept stricter international inspections of its nuclear sites and to suspend production of enriched uranium.

March 2012

New Centrifuges at Natanz
Iran says it is building about 3,000 advanced uranium-enrichment centrifuges at the Natanz plant.

Meanwhile, I.A.E.A. inspectors are still trying to gain access to the Parchin site, 20 miles south of Tehran, to ascertain whether tests have been carried out there on nuclear bomb triggers.

But satellites images show that the site has been extensively cleaned by the Iranians.

April 9, 2013

After Talks End, Iran Announces an Expansion of Nuclear Fuel Production
Iran’s president announces an expansion of the country’s uranium production and claims other atomic energy advances, striking a pugnacious tone in the aftermath of diplomatic talks that ended in an impasse with the big powers on April 6 in Kazakhstan.

May 22, 2013

Iran Is Seen Advancing Nuclear Bid
The I.A.E.A. says Iran has made significant progress across the board in its nuclear program, while negotiations with the West dragged on this spring. But it said that it has not gone past the "red line" that Israel’s leaders have declared could trigger military action.

In its last report before the Iranian elections next month, the agency also gives details that point to an emerging production strategy by the Iranians. One strategy involves speeding ahead with another potential route to a bomb: producing plutonium. The report indicates that Iran is making significant progress at its Arak complex, where it has built a heavy-water facility and is expected to have a reactor running by the end of next year.
I have no faith in our government so I guess I trust our government about as far as I trust Iran's
Why do Democrats take the side of a country that swears death to America? Oh right they both agree.

What didn't you go all the way with your lying subject line and say there were no centerfuges when Reagan was sworn in and now there are thousands?

There is something wrong with the liberal left, seriously wrong.

Anyway here is a timeline of Iran's nuclear program, most of which grew in the last 6 years.


May 1999

Proposal for Nuclear-Free Mideast
President Mohammad Khatami of Iran goes to Saudi Arabia, becoming the first Iranian leader since 1979 to visit the Arab world.

He issues a joint statement with King Fahd expressing concerns about Israel's nuclear weapons program and support for ridding the Middle East of nuclear weapons. In 2003, Iran supports such a proposal initiated by Syria.


Nuclear Program Is Suspended
Possibly in response to the American invasion of Iraq, which was originally justified by the Bush administration on the grounds that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, Ayatollah Khamenei orders a suspension of work on what appear to be weapons-related technologies, although he allows uranium enrichment efforts to continue.

Inspectors with the United Nations atomic agency find traces of highly enriched uranium at the Natanz plant, and Iran concedes to demands, after talks with Britain, France and Germany, to accept stricter international inspections of its nuclear sites and to suspend production of enriched uranium.

March 2012

New Centrifuges at Natanz
Iran says it is building about 3,000 advanced uranium-enrichment centrifuges at the Natanz plant.

Meanwhile, I.A.E.A. inspectors are still trying to gain access to the Parchin site, 20 miles south of Tehran, to ascertain whether tests have been carried out there on nuclear bomb triggers.

But satellites images show that the site has been extensively cleaned by the Iranians.

April 9, 2013

After Talks End, Iran Announces an Expansion of Nuclear Fuel Production
Iran’s president announces an expansion of the country’s uranium production and claims other atomic energy advances, striking a pugnacious tone in the aftermath of diplomatic talks that ended in an impasse with the big powers on April 6 in Kazakhstan.

May 22, 2013

Iran Is Seen Advancing Nuclear Bid
The I.A.E.A. says Iran has made significant progress across the board in its nuclear program, while negotiations with the West dragged on this spring. But it said that it has not gone past the "red line" that Israel’s leaders have declared could trigger military action.

In its last report before the Iranian elections next month, the agency also gives details that point to an emerging production strategy by the Iranians. One strategy involves speeding ahead with another potential route to a bomb: producing plutonium. The report indicates that Iran is making significant progress at its Arak complex, where it has built a heavy-water facility and is expected to have a reactor running by the end of next year.
That doesn't change the facts that in 2001, North Korea had no nuclear weapons Iran had zero centrifuges.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
I trust Iran more given the Repubs war on America these last 6+ yrs (more if you count the last Repub Admin). I remember the Tea party-inspired, credit downgrade that this great nation suffered at the rw'ers hands. They are despicable
Them you and Rtard are both very unique pieces of shit.
Khomeini stomps on Israel's flag and you say you trust him more than republicans.
But you and your comrades do enjoy a good flag stomping/burning.

Actually, what I said was:

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Then you said: trust him more than republicans

Seems you answered the question for me.

But it brings up another question. Why do Republicans care more about Jews than other US Citizens?
Fuck you, ya lying piece of shit.

Look at the title of your thread.

You and Dottie have went full fucking retard over this Bullshit. You're climbing over each other to see who can suck Obama's dick first because of his wonderful deal he's made, literally, with the Devil.
You both have said you trust the Iranians more than Americans.
In another thread you're lauding about how corporations(which you hate, I thought) could stand to make so much money(another taboo) by moving their businesses and banks over there(the biggest non-no in the liberal playbook).


The inks not even dry and you assclowns have all but but a fucking Ayatollah Land theme park over there

You have to prove the so called "lies".
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.

Figures you support giving Iran license to kill. Got any nitwit observations for us?

As usual another liberal supports a nation that outlaws homosexuals.

It's rederp.. board idiot. Just read his stuff, I've read grade-schoolers that could produce more cogent sentences.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
I trust Iran more given the Repubs war on America these last 6+ yrs (more if you count the last Repub Admin). I remember the Tea party-inspired, credit downgrade that this great nation suffered at the rw'ers hands. They are despicable
Them you and Rtard are both very unique pieces of shit.
Khomeini stomps on Israel's flag and you say you trust him more than republicans.
But you and your comrades do enjoy a good flag stomping/burning.

Actually, what I said was:

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Then you said: trust him more than republicans

Seems you answered the question for me.

But it brings up another question. Why do Republicans care more about Jews than other US Citizens?
Fuck you, ya lying piece of shit.

Look at the title of your thread.

You and Dottie have went full fucking retard over this Bullshit. You're climbing over each other to see who can suck Obama's dick first because of his wonderful deal he's made, literally, with the Devil.
You both have said you trust the Iranians more than Americans.
In another thread you're lauding about how corporations(which you hate, I thought) could stand to make so much money(another taboo) by moving their businesses and banks over there(the biggest non-no in the liberal playbook).


The inks not even dry and you assclowns have all but but a fucking Ayatollah Land theme park over there

You have to prove the so called "lies".
You name only one bad thing about Iran, then go on a ranting list about Republicans.

And "lying piece of shit" is the only thing you find in my post to challenge?
Point made

I trust Iran more given the Repubs war on America these last 6+ yrs (more if you count the last Repub Admin). I remember the Tea party-inspired, credit downgrade that this great nation suffered at the rw'ers hands. They are despicable
Them you and Rtard are both very unique pieces of shit.
Khomeini stomps on Israel's flag and you say you trust him more than republicans.
But you and your comrades do enjoy a good flag stomping/burning.

Actually, what I said was:

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Then you said: trust him more than republicans

Seems you answered the question for me.

But it brings up another question. Why do Republicans care more about Jews than other US Citizens?
Fuck you, ya lying piece of shit.

Look at the title of your thread.

You and Dottie have went full fucking retard over this Bullshit. You're climbing over each other to see who can suck Obama's dick first because of his wonderful deal he's made, literally, with the Devil.
You both have said you trust the Iranians more than Americans.
In another thread you're lauding about how corporations(which you hate, I thought) could stand to make so much money(another taboo) by moving their businesses and banks over there(the biggest non-no in the liberal playbook).


The inks not even dry and you assclowns have all but but a fucking Ayatollah Land theme park over there

You have to prove the so called "lies".
You name only one bad thing about Iran, then go on a ranting list about Republicans.

And "lying piece of shit" is the only thing you find in my post to challenge?
Point made

But you didn't give us anything to challenge except name calling. Let's try it again.

Which one of these is wrong:

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.
But you didn't give us anything to challenge except name calling. Let's try it again.

Which one of these is wrong:

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
You're an idiot.
Which one of these is wrong:
Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.
All of these are lies.
The Iranian Supreme leader has said they don't want a Nuke,
Hitler said he did not want war. Your point?
Hitler lied ALL THE TIME- including saying he was a socialist duh. The Iranian doesn't. It's way past time to keep demonizing him- see idiot W. They have the youngest and best educated population in the ME and are dying to be modern.
Which one of these is wrong:
Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.
All of these are lies.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
You seem obsessed with Republicans.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US. All they have now
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
You seem obsessed with Republicans.
They totally suq, domestic and foreign policy, the world's laughingstock and horror. Duh. All they have now is bs propaganda and hate and ignorant fools.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US. All they have now
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
You seem obsessed with Republicans.
They totally suq, domestic and foreign policy, the world's laughingstock and horror. Duh. All they have now is bs propaganda and hate and ignorant fools.
That doesn't seem like something an intelligent person would post.
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
you would not question Obama even if you overheard him saying he was going to subvert the Govt.....
When Iran rounded up our diplomats, they broke diplomatic conventions followed by every nation in the world.

Republicans blackmailed the President into extending the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

Unemployment benefits not until Bush tax cuts pass Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

So when you ask the question, "Who has damaged this country more and who is the greater threat, the Republicans or Iran?", the question pretty much answers itself.

Iran nuclear deal What each side won and lost

Republicans should at least study the deal before having such strong opinions. Especially after their never ending massive failures.
you would not question Obama even if you overheard him saying he was going to subvert the Govt.....
Yea, but these things Republicans did:
Republicans blocked millions of Americans from health care.
Republicans cut school lunches for children.
Republicans protected BP from investigation.
Republicans took us into Iraq.
Republicans let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him allowing Bin Laden to continue plotting against the US.
Republicans did nothing to prevent crazy North Korea from developing nuclear weapons.

What you want to imagine Obama did is what you start off with "if".


iou would not question Obama even if you overheard him saying he was going to subvert the Govt....

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