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Who does Cindy Sheehan really hate?

Allanon68 said:
You just dont like her cause she is calling president bush out. You go Cindy !!! Do what you gotta do. God Bless her.

See, this is just a classic example. Only a liberal can read two entire pages and say that I don't like her because she is calling President Bush (and those filthy, filthy Jews)* out. Have you actually bothered to read anything? I swear you people have a skull so thick nothing less than a nail pelted from a suicide bomber's vest is capable of penetrating it.

*Because its hard to tell in print, as I have learned, this is sarcasm.
Allanon68 said:
You just dont like her cause she is calling president bush out. You go Cindy !!! Do what you gotta do. God Bless her.

Calling Bush out?

Dude, she's blaming a freakin' hurricane on him. She's an idiot. Obviously God did NOT bless her with a mind ..... nor you for that matter.
Allanon68 said:
You just dont like her cause she is calling president bush out. You go Cindy !!! Do what you gotta do. God Bless her.

Your support of someone who would have run her son over with a car, is upset about the hurricane because it takes her off the front page, and throws in the whole fighting for Israel B.S. speaks volumes about you.
Allanon68 said:
You just dont like her cause she is calling president bush out. You go Cindy !!! Do what you gotta do. God Bless her.

Actually I don't like her because she is twisting the natural sympathy you feel for a parent who lost her child. Actually I don't like her because while her son reenlisted to continue what he believed was right, she will continue to disrespect him. Actually I don't like her because she appears to believe she is more entitled to an opinion and access to the president than any other American. Oh yeah bright one, I don't like her apologists either.
USMCDevilDog said:
Why hasn't anyone kicked her in the face yet? I'll volunteer to do so. :firing:

1. That is assault and battery.

2. We do not sink to level of our adversaries. THEY are the ones that demonstrate for peace by destroying a bunch of stuff and attacking people.
GunnyL said:
1. That is assault and battery.

2. We do not sink to level of our adversaries. THEY are the ones that demonstrate for peace by destroying a bunch of stuff and attacking people.

So You also had to tell your troops not to pound on the protesters before deployment? I always felt silly telling them "do not, do not, do not, do line training or mcmap on idiots carrying signs."

Then, while toolin about san diego, a protestor waved a sign in front of my pickup truck and yelled something about "no war" or somesuch nonsense. We bout ran the dude over.
pegwinn said:
So You also had to tell your troops not to pound on the protesters before deployment? I always felt silly telling them "do not, do not, do not, do line training or mcmap on idiots carrying signs."

Then, while toolin about san diego, a protestor waved a sign in front of my pickup truck and yelled something about "no war" or somesuch nonsense. We bout ran the dude over.

I didn't say I like it. Frankly, I'd like to see some retaliation. Just once I'd like to see Bush respond to one of the left-wingnutjob accusations with:

"You stupid moron, how can I be dumb as brick one minute and smart enough to mastermind 9/11 and omnipotent enough to have a hurricane strike NO the next?"

Hitting protestors who put signs in your face is perfectly legit to me. But I had to tell my Marines the same thing. Funny how the higher up in rank you get, the more you are curtailed from doing what you'd like to when having to set the example.
GunnyL said:
I didn't say I like it. Frankly, I'd like to see some retaliation. Just once I'd like to see Bush respond to one of the left-wingnutjob accusations with:

"You stupid moron, how can I be dumb as brick one minute and smart enough to mastermind 9/11 and omnipotent enough to have a hurricane strike NO the next?"

Hitting protestors who put signs in your face is perfectly legit to me. But I had to tell my Marines the same thing. Funny how the higher up in rank you get, the more you are curtailed from doing what you'd like to when having to set the example.

Thats why the Staff Club is co-located by whatever passes for SNCO quarters :beer:
Mally said:
Support our troops…bring them home!

Let them protect America and not die for Israel.

Am I the only one OK with the war being fought somewhere else?

The terrorists have declared war on the United States and all Americans; I would rather wage this war in their area of the world than here on American soil. If our troops pull out and come home, the terrorists will just bring the fight here.

People need to quit deluding themselves with whether the war is noble or not. It's about survival. We will be fighting a war ......... somewhere!!! Better there than here is all I have to say.
Cindy Sheehan's basic question is why is her sons' dying classifiesd as a heroic death? What did he die for? A lot of people just assume that the soldiers in Iraq are heroes because they fought to protect the American people, but knowing now that there were no weapons of mass destruction is this still true? Who did they protect and from what? This question deserves to be thought about.
Oceanic said:
Cindy Sheehan's basic question is why is her sons' dying classifiesd as a heroic death? What did he die for? A lot of people just assume that the soldiers in Iraq are heroes because they fought to protect the American people, but knowing now that there were no weapons of mass destruction is this still true? Who did they protect and from what? This question deserves to be thought about.

Oh tell me about it. I mean, just the other day I was talking to my buddy about this same thing and the Government G-men came and bludgeoned him into unconsciousness, stuffed him into a black van and sped off.

As for a serious answer, yes it is still true. The thing you don't get is that we are no longer operating under a "A attacked us, so we attack only A" theory. Now it is "A attacked us, so we attack A, and B looks to be supporting people like A, so we'll whack B too." If you STILL don't understand this after 2.5 years, you either haven't been paying attention to what people have been saying or you just don't want to hear it.
Oceanic said:
Cindy Sheehan's basic question is why is her sons' dying classifiesd as a heroic death? What did he die for? A lot of people just assume that the soldiers in Iraq are heroes because they fought to protect the American people, but knowing now that there were no weapons of mass destruction is this still true? Who did they protect and from what? This question deserves to be thought about.

What would you say Cindy wants her sons death classified as, if not heroic???
How about the soldiers in Iraq are heroes because they fight to protect the American people...period. WMD has nothing to do with it. I have thought about your questions and pretty much decided you are either a misguided, naive person or a troll.
Oceanic said:
Cindy Sheehan's basic question is why is her sons' dying classifiesd as a heroic death? What did he die for? A lot of people just assume that the soldiers in Iraq are heroes because they fought to protect the American people, but knowing now that there were no weapons of mass destruction is this still true? Who did they protect and from what? This question deserves to be thought about.

He is heroic. Against pressure from family and friends he stood up for what he believed to be right. He knew his duty to his country and fellow soldiers and stood strong to his commitment to both, even when his mother offered to get him to Canada, or (rather nicely in her own mind) to run him over with a car to get him out of his commitment. He died protecting his fellow soldiers in battle, this is heroic. Going against your family and others to do what you know is right.

The attempt to degrade his death because of the mission has failed, his heroism goes beyond the reason for the war and into personal heroism regardless of what you think of what was asked of him.
Funny, I didn't address anyone, people have opinions on me from my first post, and I'm a troll. About her son stepping up for what he believed in against opposition wouldn't this also make Cindy Sheehan a hero or do you have to go to war for that? And about 'protecting American' what do you mean? Anything they do by default is classified as that? How about Vietnam? They are in a place for a reason that was false, let's even say there is a new valid reason, does attacking B if they 'look to be' supporting A (which isn't proven, don't tell me it is without proof) are they heroes? Answer with your mind not your Republican handbook, I don't belong to a party by the way.
Oceanic said:
Funny, I didn't address anyone, people have opinions on me from my first post, and I'm a troll. About her son stepping up for what he believed in against opposition wouldn't this also make Cindy Sheehan a hero or do you have to go to war for that? And about 'protecting American' what do you mean? Anything they do by default is classified as that? How about Vietnam? They are in a place for a reason that was false, let's even say there is a new valid reason, does attacking B if they 'look to be' supporting A (which isn't proven, don't tell me it is without proof) are they heroes? Answer with your mind not your Republican handbook, I don't belong to a party by the way.
What about Vietnam?

Let's face it...many many new posters come onto this board and make statements much like your first post. The implication is that a soldier cannot be a hero unless he/she is fighting for a cause YOU believe in. Cindy S. has been heard...over and over again. You state that her basic question is why is her son's death classified as a heroic death (implying it is not). I would suggest her basic question is "why don't you hate Bush?" and her actions have led me to believe that is her agenda.

As for my "republican handbook"...I'll keep it thanks...it beats the hell out of the pablum dispensed by the MSM or the liberals.

You may not belong to a party (not old enough to vote?) but you sure have the mantra down for one of them.
Oceanic said:
Funny, I didn't address anyone, people have opinions on me from my first post, and I'm a troll. About her son stepping up for what he believed in against opposition wouldn't this also make Cindy Sheehan a hero or do you have to go to war for that? And about 'protecting American' what do you mean? Anything they do by default is classified as that? How about Vietnam? They are in a place for a reason that was false, let's even say there is a new valid reason, does attacking B if they 'look to be' supporting A (which isn't proven, don't tell me it is without proof) are they heroes? Answer with your mind not your Republican handbook, I don't belong to a party by the way.

Yes, even if its not proven, it still is worth it. Because even if there were no WMDs, B was still a general problem. So its a win-win.

Casey Sheehan is heroic because he voluteered several times to fight when his nation asked him to. He was not drafted, he was not in it for the college money - acting shocked and angry when the military actually asked him to do what they were paying him for, Casey was in it because he believed that somethings were worth fighting for and, unfortunately, somethings were worth dying for.

What were these things that Casey believed in?

1. That Saddam Hussein was a direct and dangerous threat to the United States of America. When we went to war, the majority of nations in the world believed that Saddam either had WMD or the capability to make them. Casey believed that a terrible dictator with an extreme dislike of the United States of America and access to or the ability to get access to dangerous weapons that could kill millions needed to be stopped. And he believed that was worth fighting for, and dying for.

2. That even though we did not find stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction we did find thousands of pounds of yellowcake uranium, much of which was enriched, thousands of weapons provided to Iraq by France and Russia (during the supposed UN embargos - one more piece of evidence that these nations were not/are not our friends), we found millions of gallons of chemical weapons being smuggled in from Syria by terrorists heading towards the US Embassy in Lebanon...chemicals that Syria does not have the capability of making...Casey and thousands of others like him were and are fighting because of the report of the US Weapons Inspectors who published their reports that stated even though no WMD were found...it was obvious and apparent that Saddam maintained the capability to build them and the desire to do so. It was obvious that his intention was to placate the UN until the corupt organization looked the other way...and then to begin his weapons program anew. The head of the inspection team stated in his report that it was all the more obvious now that Saddam was a threat that needed to be removed.

3. Casey was fighting for the people of Iraq, for the majority of a nation that was being led by an oppresive minority who did not give them a say, who put their children into prisons because of their parents political beliefs, who fed political dissedents to doberman pincers, who put people feet first into plastic shreaders, who cut off peoples hands while singing "Happy Birthday, Saddam." He and others like him felt that fighting for people to have the right to choose a government that best represented them was worth it, even if it turned out that the government they chose didn't look just like ours.

4. He was fighting for an ideal. For the idea that in order to defeat terrorism forever it isn't enough to capture Osama bin Laden or al Zarquawi...they are simply the most prominent figures of a huge, longstanding problem. He was fighting for the idea that if we help people defeat the terroristic rulers that are oppressing them, help them establish a nation that will help them grow and thrive...that they will have a better choice for their lives other than to blow themselves up on a bus in Israel or London...or in a plane in New York. An he was fighting for the hope that with a stable government of the people thriving in Iraq, a very central nation in the middle east the idea of freedom and self-agency would spread to the more dangerous nations around it like Syria and Iran (and as we are already seeing in Libya, Egypt, and Lebanon) WITHOUT the United States having to invade those nations.

He was fighting so that you don't have to, Oceana, so that you and I can sit here and type away about freedom and war and dying soldiers expressing whatever crazy opinions we may have...without fear of reprisal from our government, without fear of our loved ones disappearing in the middle of the night...without the fear of our feet being caned when we say that we hate George W. Bush...

No, fighting for our freedoms and way of life were not direct reasons to go to Iraq...but EVERY TIME an American chooses to join the military and fight for our nation that is what they are doing. They are saying:

"I accept the responsibility to pick up arms and answer the call of our President. I accept that I might be sent to a nation far away from my loved ones, for a cause that hopefully, I believe in. But even if I don't, I will go and fight with all my heart. Helping good and innocent people when I can, defeating evil and dangerous people whenever possible. I will do this so you don't have to, so you can stay at home and enjoy the freedoms that I am willing to risk giving up by putting my life on the line. I will do this so that America knows that there will always be men and women who will be willing to fight for people all over the world who need us and to protect the freedoms of the people we love at home."

Is that melodramatic? Maybe. Overthetop? Perhaps. But when you decide that you will answer the call of a President and a Congress you have never met, putting your life on the line, leaving your family and friends behind you have to believe in something. And these men and women, and most definetly Casey was one of them, believe in what they were fighting for: The people of Iraq, the safety and security of the American people, the dream that one day the thought of someone blowing up a bus full of children, a building full of husbands and wives, sons, daughters, a subway full of moms and dads...will all be unbelievable...like a terrible dream.

This is what Casey fought and died for. And if that isn't heroic...than I don't know what is.
Oceanic said:
Cindy Sheehan's basic question is why is her sons' dying classifiesd as a heroic death? What did he die for? A lot of people just assume that the soldiers in Iraq are heroes because they fought to protect the American people, but knowing now that there were no weapons of mass destruction is this still true? Who did they protect and from what? This question deserves to be thought about.

He died to save his fellow soldiers. That is enough for me to call him a hero. Now, you many deny that we have any reason to be in Iraq, hell you may feel that the US has no business being anywhere, since some of US people's ancestors took over 'Native American lands' and should perish by whomever's hand. Some of us think different.
Oceanic said:
Funny, I didn't address anyone, people have opinions on me from my first post, and I'm a troll. About her son stepping up for what he believed in against opposition wouldn't this also make Cindy Sheehan a hero or do you have to go to war for that? And about 'protecting American' what do you mean? Anything they do by default is classified as that? How about Vietnam? They are in a place for a reason that was false, let's even say there is a new valid reason, does attacking B if they 'look to be' supporting A (which isn't proven, don't tell me it is without proof) are they heroes? Answer with your mind not your Republican handbook, I don't belong to a party by the way.

How about Vietnam? Obviously, by your slinging the Vietnam theory into the fray, you know little about it.

We were the leaders of the free world in a global war against Communism. The US military waxed the NVA/VC in every confrontation.

You naysayers back home forced us to leave right when we could have won the easiest. But don't take MY word for that ..... go read some of Giap's stuff. He was only 2nd HMFIC in N Vietnam, and he clearly gives the leftists in this country the credit they deserve for the N Vietnamese keeping their hopes alive.

Good job.

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