Who does the GOP have to run against "She who must not be named"?

Anyone who would tout the Bitch of Benghazi for the presidency does not have the interest of the country at heart. All she is is Bill's wife...and that is all she will ever be. She lost in 2008 to the biggest moron in America. She did nothing as Sec of State. You should be embarrassed to bring up her name. Makes me sick.

Hillary is the perfect Democrat nominee: She has accomplished exactly nothing in her life but has star power anyway. Her main qualification seems to be "First Female POTUS", i.e. another affirmative action candidate.

But she wont be the nominee. Obama didnt work hard and stuff his administration with third hacks and black people so some southern white bitch could take over. It's chocolate now, baby. Look for Cory Booker to get the nod. He can be a twofer: The first REAL Black President AND first openly gay president.

I find it amazing that the left loves her so much since her one accomplishment is marrying Bill Clinton. If she hadn't done that, no one would know her.

Now to be fair Hillary has two other accomplishments she voted for the Iraq war as a Senator and backed it until that became a political burden to her and she was Sect of State during Benghazi though what difference does that make now. You might be right after all about her just having one accomplishment.
Clint Eastwood is vetting their star Candidate right now:

Say what you want about Romney. He is a man...experienced, smart, moral. The oil would be flowing in the pipeline. Nat gas would be powering the big rig fleet. Fracking would be underway on federal lands. Jobs would be available. Iraq would not be in chaos. Karzai might be dead. Iran would be still under sanctions...if not under rubble. The Chinese would be under control. What might have been.....

Ive wondered if Romney is going to run again. His comments and actions lately seem to make me think he might.

I think that question was asked and answered...definitvely so...in the documentary, "MITT."

Someone doesn't subscribe to Netflix. eh?

Ted Cruz would be a tough challenge.

Rand Paul --- if he miraculously became the nominee --- would be invincible in the General.

Rand Paul would be lucky to win the states Romney won.

If he runs the way Ron did on losertrian ideas = a few points within a few states. This is a loser conservatives!
All this thread does is tell us that Deano has already signed up on the Hillary steam boat. Will be interesting to see if he stays there....
All this thread does is tell us that Deano has already signed up on the Hillary steam boat. Will be interesting to see if he stays there....

She is kind of like McCain but with socialist policies in economics.


If she comes out pro-science, infrastructure, education and [email protected] might close my eyes and put a plug in my nose and think about it.
The republicans need to run someone that supports modern America.

How about using some of those losertrian ideas? Like legalzing pot, granting amnesty to the illegals and getting away from the social issues like abortion and marriage.

Americans will be damned before we give up our public education, infrastructure, science and r@d!!! Tech and science are the best jobs you see. ;)

Someone seriously hacked this guys' account several months ago.
Chris Christie's Crisis Plunges Republican Party Deeper Into The Wilderness

But after a brutal year of setbacks, scandals, and political floundering capped this month by a controversy that threatens to sink New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s political career, the Republican establishment is warily scanning its bruised and bloodied field of potential 2016 standard-bearers — and many of the party poobahs are on the brink of panic.


Any ideas? Who does the GOP have to run against "She who must not be named"?

Obama's number crunchers are already working with the followers of "you know who".

Several intriguing match-ups are available. Obama fatigue will be on the ballot and as a member of his administration, she has some baggage from it.

But God bless them, the GOP is apparently going out of it's way to remind the American voter why she turned to the Democrats in the first place.
Ted Cruz would be a tough challenge.

Rand Paul --- if he miraculously became the nominee --- would be invincible in the General.
Much more politically tactful a speaker than his old man. No whiny voice, either.

The republicans nominate another neconservative establishment water boy, we couldn't be that much more badly off with the Hildabeast.

I like Ron Paul. His greatest flaw was that he didn't know when to pander to his base by lying to them. It seems the voting public asks to be lied to. The truth is too brutal for them to accept.
Hillary is the perfect Democrat nominee: She has accomplished exactly nothing in her life but has star power anyway. Her main qualification seems to be "First Female POTUS", i.e. another affirmative action candidate.

But she wont be the nominee. Obama didnt work hard and stuff his administration with third hacks and black people so some southern white bitch could take over. It's chocolate now, baby. Look for Cory Booker to get the nod. He can be a twofer: The first REAL Black President AND first openly gay president.

I find it amazing that the left loves her so much since her one accomplishment is marrying Bill Clinton. If she hadn't done that, no one would know her.

Now to be fair Hillary has two other accomplishments she voted for the Iraq war as a Senator and backed it until that became a political burden to her and she was Sect of State during Benghazi though what difference does that make now. You might be right after all about her just having one accomplishment.

She never would have been Senator or Sect of State if she hadn't married Bill
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Crispie is toast.

Rubio is thirsty.

Walker has to explain why his state is such a disaster. He points to the billion in surplus. But the people who live there complain about the billion cut from education. Hmmm, billion surplus? Billion cut from education? Nahhh. No connection there.

Jindal - made gun ownership a "fundamental right" for felons. Oops.

john kasich's disastrous economic record

Jeb Bush - a "Bush". Need I say more?

"Walker's state is a disaster. just ignore that surplus." I find that amusing to see you try to speak badly about good numbers.

I didn't ignore it. Let me say it again:

Walker has to explain why his state is such a disaster. He points to the billion in surplus. But the people who live there complain about the billion cut from education. Hmmm, billion surplus? Billion cut from education? Nahhh. No connection there.

I can't tell you how easy it is to cut a billion from education and then suddenly have a billion dollar surplus.

Remember, Walker ran on the promise to create 250,000 jobs. And how did he plan to do that? By using the old "go to" Republican strategies of cutting taxes, trashing environmental and consumer regulations and reducing government spending. How has it worked? Less than 100,000 jobs and thousands who simply quit looking for work.

These are the policies that led to disaster under Bush and they have worked equally well in Walker's state. Meaning they didn't work.
Chris Christie's Crisis Plunges Republican Party Deeper Into The Wilderness

But after a brutal year of setbacks, scandals, and political floundering capped this month by a controversy that threatens to sink New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s political career, the Republican establishment is warily scanning its bruised and bloodied field of potential 2016 standard-bearers — and many of the party poobahs are on the brink of panic.


Any ideas? Who does the GOP have to run against "She who must not be named"?

Obama's number crunchers are already working with the followers of "you know who".

Don't know what makes you so confident, you guys beat her with an over educated commie academic in 08, and you still think she's a good candidate? You might want to find someone else.
Chris Christie's Crisis Plunges Republican Party Deeper Into The Wilderness

But after a brutal year of setbacks, scandals, and political floundering capped this month by a controversy that threatens to sink New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s political career, the Republican establishment is warily scanning its bruised and bloodied field of potential 2016 standard-bearers — and many of the party poobahs are on the brink of panic.


Any ideas? Who does the GOP have to run against "She who must not be named"?

Obama's number crunchers are already working with the followers of "you know who".

Don't know what makes you so confident, you guys beat her with an over educated commie academic in 08, and you still think she's a good candidate? You might want to find someone else.

She was a little like Mitt. Thought she was going to win and didn't. It happens.

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