Who does the GOP have to run against "She who must not be named"?

Anyone who would tout the Bitch of Benghazi for the presidency does not have the interest of the country at heart. All she is is Bill's wife...and that is all she will ever be. She lost in 2008 to the biggest moron in America. She did nothing as Sec of State. You should be embarrassed to bring up her name. Makes me sick.
Anyone who would tout the Bitch of Benghazi for the presidency does not have the interest of the country at heart. All she is is Bill's wife...and that is all she will ever be. She lost in 2008 to the biggest moron in America. She did nothing as Sec of State. You should be embarrassed to bring up her name. Makes me sick.

Hillary is the perfect Democrat nominee: She has accomplished exactly nothing in her life but has star power anyway. Her main qualification seems to be "First Female POTUS", i.e. another affirmative action candidate.

But she wont be the nominee. Obama didnt work hard and stuff his administration with third hacks and black people so some southern white bitch could take over. It's chocolate now, baby. Look for Cory Booker to get the nod. He can be a twofer: The first REAL Black President AND first openly gay president.
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Walker is getting my attention, I will not vote for Jeb.

It's about time you conservative buffoons stopped voting for Bush's. Too bad you didn't think that way in 2000 and 2004. We'd all be better off now if you had.
Yeah take your own advice when considering voting for another Clinton.
Ted Cruz would be a tough challenge.

Rand Paul --- if he miraculously became the nominee --- would be invincible in the General.
Much more politically tactful a speaker than his old man. No whiny voice, either.

The republicans nominate another neconservative establishment water boy, we couldn't be that much more badly off with the Hildabeast.
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Traditionally, or idealistically, the nominee needed to have been a governor before throwing his/her hat in the ring. They would have the experience of balancing a budget, which is sorely what we need.
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Say what you want about Romney. He is a man...experienced, smart, moral. The oil would be flowing in the pipeline. Nat gas would be powering the big rig fleet. Fracking would be underway on federal lands. Jobs would be available. Iraq would not be in chaos. Karzai might be dead. Iran would be still under sanctions...if not under rubble. The Chinese would be under control. What might have been.....
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Say what you want about Romney. He is a man...experienced, smart, moral. The oil would be flowing in the pipeline. Nat gas would be powering the big rig fleet. Fracking would be underway on federal lands. Jobs would be available. Iraq would not be in chaos. Karma I might be dead. Iran would be still under sanctions...if not under rubble. The Chinese would be under control. What might have been.....

All the above......:clap2:
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Crispie is toast.

Rubio is thirsty.

Walker has to explain why his state is such a disaster. He points to the billion in surplus. But the people who live there complain about the billion cut from education. Hmmm, billion surplus? Billion cut from education? Nahhh. No connection there.

Jindal - made gun ownership a "fundamental right" for felons. Oops.

john kasich's disastrous economic record

Jeb Bush - a "Bush". Need I say more?
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Traditionally, or idealistically, the nominee needed to have been a governor before throwing his/her hat in the ring. They would have the experience of balancing a budget, which is sorely what we need.

You might notice all the names I gave either are currently sitting governors or have been one.
Anyone who would tout the Bitch of Benghazi for the presidency does not have the interest of the country at heart. All she is is Bill's wife...and that is all she will ever be. She lost in 2008 to the biggest moron in America. She did nothing as Sec of State. You should be embarrassed to bring up her name. Makes me sick.

Hillary is the perfect Democrat nominee: She has accomplished exactly nothing in her life but has star power anyway. Her main qualification seems to be "First Female POTUS", i.e. another affirmative action candidate.

But she wont be the nominee. Obama didnt work hard and stuff his administration with third hacks and black people so some southern white bitch could take over. It's chocolate now, baby. Look for Cory Booker to get the nod. He can be a twofer: The first REAL Black President AND first openly gay president.

I find it amazing that the left loves her so much since her one accomplishment is marrying Bill Clinton. If she hadn't done that, no one would know her.
Say what you want about Romney. He is a man...experienced, smart, moral. The oil would be flowing in the pipeline. Nat gas would be powering the big rig fleet. Fracking would be underway on federal lands. Jobs would be available. Iraq would not be in chaos. Karzai might be dead. Iran would be still under sanctions...if not under rubble. The Chinese would be under control. What might have been.....

Ive wondered if Romney is going to run again. His comments and actions lately seem to make me think he might.
I still go Pogo.

"As Maine go o so Pogo go Key Largo,
Otsego to Frisco go to Fargo,
Okeefenokee playin' Possum on a Pogo
Stick around and see the show

Landalive a band o' Jive will blow go Pogo
I go you go who go to go Polly voo go,
From Caravan Diego, Waco and Oswego,
Tweedle de he go she go we go me go Pogo.

Atascadero Wheeler Barrow, Some place in Mexico
Delaware Ohio and you Don't need the text to go.
Wheeling, West Virginia With ev'rything that's in ya.
Down the line You'll see the shine
From Oregon to Caroline,

Oh, eenie meenie minie Kokomo go Pogo.
Tishimingo, sing those lingo, whistling go.
Shamokin to Hoboken Chenango to Chicango
It's golly, I go goo goo goin' go go Pogo.


Atascadero Wheeler Barrow, Some place in Mexico
Delaware Ohio and you Don't need the text to go.
Wheeling, West Virginia With ev'rything that's in ya.
Down the line You'll see the shine
From Oregon to Caroline,

Oh, eenie meenie minie Kokomo go Pogo.
Tishimingo, sing those lingo, whistling go.
Shamokin to Hoboken Chenango to Chicango
It's golly, I go goo goo goin' go go Pogo!"

Walt Kelley
Say what you want about Romney. He is a man...experienced, smart, moral. The oil would be flowing in the pipeline. Nat gas would be powering the big rig fleet. Fracking would be underway on federal lands. Jobs would be available. Iraq would not be in chaos. Karzai might be dead. Iran would be still under sanctions...if not under rubble. The Chinese would be under control. What might have been.....

Ive wondered if Romney is going to run again. His comments and actions lately seem to make me think he might.

I read a couple of days ago that the GOP establishment was "urging" him to.
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Crispie is toast.

Rubio is thirsty.

Walker has to explain why his state is such a disaster. He points to the billion in surplus. But the people who live there complain about the billion cut from education. Hmmm, billion surplus? Billion cut from education? Nahhh. No connection there.

Jindal - made gun ownership a "fundamental right" for felons. Oops.

john kasich's disastrous economic record

Jeb Bush - a "Bush". Need I say more?

"Walker's state is a disaster. just ignore that surplus." I find that amusing to see you try to speak badly about good numbers.
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Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Crispie is toast.

Rubio is thirsty.

Walker has to explain why his state is such a disaster. He points to the billion in surplus. But the people who live there complain about the billion cut from education. Hmmm, billion surplus? Billion cut from education? Nahhh. No connection there.

Jindal - made gun ownership a "fundamental right" for felons. Oops.

john kasich's disastrous economic record

Jeb Bush - a "Bush". Need I say more?

"Walkers state is a disaster. just ignore that surplus." I find that amusing to see you try to speak badly about good numbers.
Would you expect anything else from a partisan hack if Jesus himself appeared and said he was running for the Republican nomination Dean would manage to find fault with him.
The republicans need to run someone that supports modern America.

How about using some of those losertrian ideas? Like legalzing pot, granting amnesty to the illegals and getting away from the social issues like abortion and marriage.

Americans will be damned before we give up our public education, infrastructure, science and r@d!!! Tech and science are the best jobs you see. ;)

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