Who drops out and when?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Alright who drops out tomorrow night after results come in? I say Huckabee and Santorum drop out. Who after New Hampshire? I say Fiorina and Paul MAYBE Carson. After South Carolina and Nevada? I say Christie and maybe Kasich depending on where those 2 finished in NH. After Super Tuesday? I expect Bush to drop out MAYBE Cruz depending on how much Trump takes right now Cruz is leading polls in Texas and Utah but that's it. Trump is crushing people in SC,Ga,Florida etc. I say by March 20th which is 5 days AFTER North Carolina and Florida Cruz has it locked up. Rubio and Bush have dropped out because of doing so badly in Florida and Cruz has been destroyed down south where he SHOULD be doing better...coming in 2nd every time isn't going to help him win the nomination and eventually he is going to have to check out and HOPE for a cabinet position OR a SC nomination. I can see maybe Rubio staying in with the establishment backing him HOPING he can hang in there just enough to keep Trump from taking the number of delegates he needs to win the nomination without a brokered convention. What say yall?
Alright who drops out tomorrow night after results come in? I say Huckabee and Santorum drop out. Who after New Hampshire? I say Fiorina and Paul MAYBE Carson. After South Carolina and Nevada? I say Christie and maybe Kasich depending on where those 2 finished in NH. After Super Tuesday? I expect Bush to drop out MAYBE Cruz depending on how much Trump takes right now Cruz is leading polls in Texas and Utah but that's it. Trump is crushing people in SC,Ga,Florida etc. I say by March 20th which is 5 days AFTER North Carolina and Florida Cruz has it locked up. Rubio and Bush have dropped out because of doing so badly in Florida and Cruz has been destroyed down south where he SHOULD be doing better...coming in 2nd every time isn't going to help him win the nomination and eventually he is going to have to check out and HOPE for a cabinet position OR a SC nomination. I can see maybe Rubio staying in with the establishment backing him HOPING he can hang in there just enough to keep Trump from taking the number of delegates he needs to win the nomination without a brokered convention. What say yall?

Huck is in line to be a Trump VP and isn't spending any real money. Rand Paul and Carson will be the first to go. Christie and Kasich, and then Jeb!.....Trump, Rubio, and Cruz are in it to win it unless Cruz bombs in Iowa. Trump could say something so heinous he'd implode on any given day. I believe Rubio will win the marathon.
Alright who drops out tomorrow night after results come in? I say Huckabee and Santorum drop out. Who after New Hampshire? I say Fiorina and Paul MAYBE Carson. After South Carolina and Nevada? I say Christie and maybe Kasich depending on where those 2 finished in NH. After Super Tuesday? I expect Bush to drop out MAYBE Cruz depending on how much Trump takes right now Cruz is leading polls in Texas and Utah but that's it. Trump is crushing people in SC,Ga,Florida etc. I say by March 20th which is 5 days AFTER North Carolina and Florida Cruz has it locked up. Rubio and Bush have dropped out because of doing so badly in Florida and Cruz has been destroyed down south where he SHOULD be doing better...coming in 2nd every time isn't going to help him win the nomination and eventually he is going to have to check out and HOPE for a cabinet position OR a SC nomination. I can see maybe Rubio staying in with the establishment backing him HOPING he can hang in there just enough to keep Trump from taking the number of delegates he needs to win the nomination without a brokered convention. What say yall?

Huck is in line to be a Trump VP and isn't spending any real money. Rand Paul and Carson will be the first to go. Christie and Kasich, and then Jeb!.....Trump, Rubio, and Cruz are in it to win it unless Cruz bombs in Iowa. Trump could say something so heinous he'd implode on any given day. I believe Rubio will win the marathon.
Interesting. Think Huckabee would be picked as Trumps VP? I figured Trump would pick a female maybe Joni Ernst from Iowa. I just don't see Rubio winning simply because he is only going to win MAYBE more moderate places like Minnesota and New England states possibly....maybe Oregon,Washington etc. Trump is CRUSHING people in the south hell his biggest lead is in Florida! That's just sad! I think its going to be Rubio/Trump in the end Rubio of course being the establishment candidate they will eventually get behind to crush Trump I just don't think it will work simply because I think by the time the rest drop out Trump will have damn near already have it wrapped up.
Alright who drops out tomorrow night after results come in? I say Huckabee and Santorum drop out. Who after New Hampshire? I say Fiorina and Paul MAYBE Carson. After South Carolina and Nevada? I say Christie and maybe Kasich depending on where those 2 finished in NH. After Super Tuesday? I expect Bush to drop out MAYBE Cruz depending on how much Trump takes right now Cruz is leading polls in Texas and Utah but that's it. Trump is crushing people in SC,Ga,Florida etc. I say by March 20th which is 5 days AFTER North Carolina and Florida Cruz has it locked up. Rubio and Bush have dropped out because of doing so badly in Florida and Cruz has been destroyed down south where he SHOULD be doing better...coming in 2nd every time isn't going to help him win the nomination and eventually he is going to have to check out and HOPE for a cabinet position OR a SC nomination. I can see maybe Rubio staying in with the establishment backing him HOPING he can hang in there just enough to keep Trump from taking the number of delegates he needs to win the nomination without a brokered convention. What say yall?

Huck is in line to be a Trump VP and isn't spending any real money. Rand Paul and Carson will be the first to go. Christie and Kasich, and then Jeb!.....Trump, Rubio, and Cruz are in it to win it unless Cruz bombs in Iowa. Trump could say something so heinous he'd implode on any given day. I believe Rubio will win the marathon.
Interesting. Think Huckabee would be picked as Trumps VP? I figured Trump would pick a female maybe Joni Ernst from Iowa. I just don't see Rubio winning simply because he is only going to win MAYBE more moderate places like Minnesota and New England states possibly....maybe Oregon,Washington etc. Trump is CRUSHING people in the south hell his biggest lead is in Florida! That's just sad! I think its going to be Rubio/Trump in the end Rubio of course being the establishment candidate they will eventually get behind to crush Trump I just don't think it will work simply because I think by the time the rest drop out Trump will have damn near already have it wrapped up.

The reason I'm behind Rubio is I believe he has more cross-over appeal to the Rat 45% and that's important. The country has to be somewhat unified to get anything done and he has polished political skills to deal with the opposition. And he's 44 years old....old men aren't what we need for the job now....Rubio can look Putin in the eye without being intimidated....But of course I'll vote for whomever is running against the Clinton crime syndicate.
Alright who drops out tomorrow night after results come in? I say Huckabee and Santorum drop out. Who after New Hampshire? I say Fiorina and Paul MAYBE Carson. After South Carolina and Nevada? I say Christie and maybe Kasich depending on where those 2 finished in NH. After Super Tuesday? I expect Bush to drop out MAYBE Cruz depending on how much Trump takes right now Cruz is leading polls in Texas and Utah but that's it. Trump is crushing people in SC,Ga,Florida etc. I say by March 20th which is 5 days AFTER North Carolina and Florida Cruz has it locked up. Rubio and Bush have dropped out because of doing so badly in Florida and Cruz has been destroyed down south where he SHOULD be doing better...coming in 2nd every time isn't going to help him win the nomination and eventually he is going to have to check out and HOPE for a cabinet position OR a SC nomination. I can see maybe Rubio staying in with the establishment backing him HOPING he can hang in there just enough to keep Trump from taking the number of delegates he needs to win the nomination without a brokered convention. What say yall?

Huck is in line to be a Trump VP and isn't spending any real money. Rand Paul and Carson will be the first to go. Christie and Kasich, and then Jeb!.....Trump, Rubio, and Cruz are in it to win it unless Cruz bombs in Iowa. Trump could say something so heinous he'd implode on any given day. I believe Rubio will win the marathon.
Interesting. Think Huckabee would be picked as Trumps VP? I figured Trump would pick a female maybe Joni Ernst from Iowa. I just don't see Rubio winning simply because he is only going to win MAYBE more moderate places like Minnesota and New England states possibly....maybe Oregon,Washington etc. Trump is CRUSHING people in the south hell his biggest lead is in Florida! That's just sad! I think its going to be Rubio/Trump in the end Rubio of course being the establishment candidate they will eventually get behind to crush Trump I just don't think it will work simply because I think by the time the rest drop out Trump will have damn near already have it wrapped up.

The reason I'm behind Rubio is I believe he has more cross-over appeal to the Rat 45% and that's important. The country has to be somewhat unified to get anything done and he has polished political skills to deal with the opposition. And he's 44 years old....old men aren't what we need for the job now....Rubio can look Putin in the eye without being intimidated....But of course I'll vote for whomever is running against the Clinton crime syndicate.
Ah. We shall see. I do think Rubio will be the last standing establishment candidate and they ain't got a lot to choose from....Christie has baggage,Bush is a Bush,Rubio and the gang of 8....just a lot of baggage. I am a Trump supporter 100%. I will vote for Trump or 3rd party if he isn't nominee the best we can hope for is the more establishment candidates stay in the longer its better for Trump because it splits the vote.

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