Who Had The Worse Presidency, Dubya or Obama?

Who had the worse presidency?

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voted Obama the worse.

I know Obama was a Trojan Horse, but I still have to vote tie. I believe Bush is at the heart of 911 being perpetrated and its aftermath to seize control for his power brokers. He's a despicable human being if not outright evil.

I never knew in all these years you were one of the very few USMB members who wasnt a sheep and not brainwashed by the corporate controlled media that understoond the FACTS of that event,you never ONCE in all your years here ever made it over to the conspiracy section and posted on 9/11 threads so i just assumed you were one of the sheep who believed the official fairly tale the government invented on 9/11.

yeah Bush did the same thing his pal clinton did,allowed him to get away.

The more you look into the Bushes and see they're at the heart of a century's worth of calamities, you'll realize they aren't unwitting dupes. It's not a coincidence that 911 took place on Dubya's watch. Poppy Bush was in the CIA when the Kennedy sh** went down. He perjured himself when he testified it wasn't so. You'll see his story changes over time when it comes to the JFK assassination.

The Bushes come off as likeable. That's why people have a hard time believing they're so deviant.

Dude had i known you were awake on this event,i would have been MUCH nicer to you in the sports section at times when you did not believe me the Rams were coming back to LA.:D that being said,I owe you an apology for the times i was harsh on you on that not having the foresight to see the obvious on the horizon.

oh and since i got you here,check your thread in the sports section,got a question there for you i posed.:D
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and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

To a large extent, yes
Bush could have avoided many casualties in Iraq if he had left their army intact.

We could have avoided casualties in Afghanistan if Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
yes and if he would kept his war on terror going and finished the job,not many US soldiers would have died,but there would have been many Taliban and OBL and friends dead...and he would have been considered at that point, a dam good leader....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

To a large extent, yes
Bush could have avoided many casualties in Iraq if he had left their army intact.

We could have avoided casualties in Afghanistan if Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
yes and if he would kept his war on terror going and finished the job,not many US soldiers would have died,but there would have been many Taliban and OBL and friends dead...and he would have been considered at that point, a dam good leader....

The War on Terror should have been an international effort built on international cooperation

Bush’s “my way or the highway” approach alienated our allies, especially when it came to invading Iraq
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

To a large extent, yes
Bush could have avoided many casualties in Iraq if he had left their army intact.

We could have avoided casualties in Afghanistan if Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
yes and if he would kept his war on terror going and finished the job,not many US soldiers would have died,but there would have been many Taliban and OBL and friends dead...and he would have been considered at that point, a dam good leader....

The War on Terror should have been an international effort built on international cooperation

Bush’s “my way or the highway” approach alienated our allies, especially when it came to invading Iraq
and he had a hell of a lot of world leaders at side....
Both were pretty bad.....but Hussein The Traitor is a notch above in criminality and scum.

You DO realise that our government under Bush sr FUNDED him dont you? plus he is the son of a former CIA director so i dont see the difference.

Put a sock in it.

QUOTE="TheGreatGatsby, post: 22748655, member: 36327"]
You need to request this thread be moved to conspiracy theories because that is all you are spouting.

A term the CIA popularized to marginalize truth tellers. GFY[/QUOTE]

You're nothing but a sperm shield.

AND a spam shill as well same as his lover RW.


that was spoken by a CIA shill that has penetrated this thread no less.LOL
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Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
I think Obama was an OK moderate/liberal President. Bush II was a mediocre conservative. In the end, Bush's neo-con attempt to nation build in Afghanistan and his invasion of Iraq has done more damage to this country than any other president, certainly any in my lifetime.

I agree that in HINDSIGHT the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were a net negative. How have the hurt the U.S. in the way you describe. Also, Obama had EIGHT YEARS to get us out, yet escalated both. Why? How about holding him accountable for keeping us there and increasing our presence. Then there is Libya and Syria. More Obama wars.

I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.

That WHY I got to agree with GG Gipper that your argument sucks.I am usually not hard on you except for when you are stupid enough to feed the trolls like rightwinger on the JFK assassination but this is WHY GG and Pilot are right that Obama was even worse.

Obama could have held Bush accountable for his actions had he wanted to but he did not,INSTEAD war criminal Obama not only lied about getting us out of the middle east war,and reversing Bushs policys on his UNpatriot act,but he EXPANDED his policys on both AND covered up for him. the person who covered up for the person who committed such a horrible crime like that,thats committing an even WORSE crime than the person who committed such a horrible crime. PLUS like he said,he expanded the war with his fucking drone program.

Bush was transparent as a warmonger from the very get go,but Obama was a clever bastard and had the sheep fooled for a long time that he was for the people and did not share the same beliefs as Bush.
you forgot this one for bush.....had a 90% approval rating and did nothing with that and ended up in the 30's....a good leader would never let that happen...

Approval ratings / polls can get manipulated. I don't put much stock in them.
so what can you do to prove he did not hit 90% after 9/11?.....

I doubt he did; it was a great sell for the media. Sells mean dollars. Also, the media is controlled by the war machine in large part, so it means dollars there too.
oh you doubt that....ok i guess that proves that.....geezus....

What do you expect from a guy who doesn't put any stock in polls but believes 9/11 was an inside job?

Thanks for proving you are a brainwashed sheep who only listens to what the our corporate controlled media and our corrupt government institutions tell you and our corrupt school system INSTEAD of the looking at the EVIDENCE and FACTS. oh and arent you the one of the sheep here that thinks war criminal traiter Reagan was a a great president as well?
The poll for worst should be between Bush II and the Trump. It would be a tie.

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Tramp is infinitely worse than Bush.

In what way, you 2 nincompoops? Be specific, now.

So, okay so Obama hated the country, but he was kinda lazy so he didn't as much harm as he could have. He still did plenty, though.

Monetarily and infrastructurally, Bush II did way more damage than Obama.

Okay, so the 3-9 Federal agencies we pay (were paying) to spy abroad and keep us safe from foreigners failed and failed miserably.

What does Bush II do? "Herp de Derp de Derp! Let's make another government agency to suck money from the taxpayers."

Not to mention crashing the economy, using our good military boys for his personal differences with Saddam Hussein under false pretenses, setting up the bailing out of the big banks whose assets grew exponentially as a result.

I don't like either one of them.

I voted for Bushbama.

their obviously trolls who worship the democrat party unable to accept facts that BOTH parties are corrupt and neither represent the people so they wont look at the facts that Obama lied about not only reversing Bushs policys but expanding on them.:rolleyes:
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.

So, what is your intelligence/military special operations experience that led you to that conclusion, dumbass??
some conspiracy theory he picked up on the internet....

You're a willful moron.
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.

So, what is your intelligence/military special operations experience that led you to that conclusion, dumbass??

I will not take questions from a disrespectful c*nt like you.
Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.

So, what is your intelligence/military special operations experience that led you to that conclusion, dumbass??
some conspiracy theory he picked up on the internet....

You're a willful moron.
look in the mirror...you will see what you just mentioned....
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.

So, what is your intelligence/military special operations experience that led you to that conclusion, dumbass??
some conspiracy theory he picked up on the internet....

You're a willful moron.
look in the mirror...you will see what you just mentioned....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.

So, what is your intelligence/military special operations experience that led you to that conclusion, dumbass??
some conspiracy theory he picked up on the internet....

You're a willful moron.
look in the mirror...you will see what you just mentioned....

The 3 worst Presidents of the United States of all time.
1. Donald John Trump
2. Donald John Trump
3. Donald John Trump
Presidents aren't evaluated until they are out of office. You got until early 2025 then post away, loser.

Do you honestly believe that Tramp will change his behavior the way he terrorize this country right now?

In last 2 years he has done so much damages to this country that cannot be repaired.
He is repairing damage left by the traitor in chief. I just love the drama.The economy is booming. People are happy. Stop bitching.
If you want to destroy the fabric of American society, insult and break off all alliances and ally the US with Russia, then yes, he is doing a job you like.
The 3 worst Presidents of the United States of all time.
1. Donald John Trump
2. Donald John Trump
3. Donald John Trump
Presidents aren't evaluated until they are out of office. You got until early 2025 then post away, loser.

Do you honestly believe that Tramp will change his behavior the way he terrorize this country right now?

In last 2 years he has done so much damages to this country that cannot be repaired.
He is repairing damage left by the traitor in chief. I just love the drama.The economy is booming. People are happy. Stop bitching.
If you want to destroy the fabric of American society, insult and break off all alliances and ally the US with Russia, then yes, he is doing a job you like.
You are still stuck on Russia? I am not going to waste my time with you.
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

To a large extent, yes
Bush could have avoided many casualties in Iraq if he had left their army intact.

We could have avoided casualties in Afghanistan if Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
yes and if he would kept his war on terror going and finished the job,not many US soldiers would have died,but there would have been many Taliban and OBL and friends dead...and he would have been considered at that point, a dam good leader....

The War on Terror should have been an international effort built on international cooperation

Bush’s “my way or the highway” approach alienated our allies, especially when it came to invading Iraq
and he had a hell of a lot of world leaders at side....
Initially, Bush had unprecedented global support

He quickly pissed it all away
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

To a large extent, yes
Bush could have avoided many casualties in Iraq if he had left their army intact.

We could have avoided casualties in Afghanistan if Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
yes and if he would kept his war on terror going and finished the job,not many US soldiers would have died,but there would have been many Taliban and OBL and friends dead...and he would have been considered at that point, a dam good leader....

The War on Terror should have been an international effort built on international cooperation

Bush’s “my way or the highway” approach alienated our allies, especially when it came to invading Iraq
and he had a hell of a lot of world leaders at side....
Initially, Bush had unprecedented global support

He quickly pissed it all away
yes he did....he was in a position were he could have been considered one of the better Presidents......but he went in the direction chaney and wolfowitz and those other jerks told him to go....half-assed leader....

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