Who Had The Worse Presidency, Dubya or Obama?

Who had the worse presidency?

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Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

All these years later, and you're still snowed.

Look at how Bush just folded and pretty much went into hiding six months into his second term. He had his power, he didn't have to give two f*cks about the American people after doing his face-value effort. It's why he hasn't been to one RNC Convention since then. He does sh** for himself and his benefactors. It's who he is.

I am no Bush fan. He and the rest of his family are New World Order, Progressives, and Globalists. Look how he plays footsie with Michelle Obama every time they're together. However, he did not purposely try to do damage even in his second term like Obama tried for eight years.

The more you look into the Bushes and see they're at the heart of a century's worth of calamities, you'll realize they aren't unwitting dupes. It's not a coincidence that 911 took place on Dubya's watch. Poppy Bush was in the CIA when the Kennedy sh** went down. He perjured himself when he testified it wasn't so. You'll see his story changes over time when it comes to the JFK assassination.

The Bushes come off as likeable. That's why people have a hard time believing they're so deviant.
Total bullshit
I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.
I absolutely would not have. Even if the intel was right and he was attempting to obtain WMDs, so what? He recently fought a war with Iran, if he had them he would likely use them there. He was a Sunni in a majority Shiite country, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to think his replacement would be a Shiite and a natural ally of Iran.

I somewhat understand the tribal nature of the middle east. The countries are European inventions. I get that. But what if Saddam had WMD's that everyone said he DID have, and he launched them against Israel, Kuwait, Syria, etc.? Then everyone would have screamed, why didn't the U.S. coalition DO SOMETHING???

Most of the Democrats including Hillary and Kerry voted for the war. Many people conveniently forget that. It was not just Bush acting alone.
Apparently North Korea has nukes, should we do to them what we did to Iraq? What about Iran? Pakistan? Israel?

Bush didn't act alone but if not for him there would have been no invasion.
I do not believe we will invade a nuclear armed nation. As for Korea, we would need a perfect surgical strike to eliminate all threats of destruction. Especially to their neighbors. Hindsight is what it is. But we should have dealt with North Korea decades ago.
How should we have dealt with N Korea that is better than containment?
Bush 43 was the worst modern President

1. Allowed 9-11 attacks
2. Led us into two unnecessary invasions
3. Botched two wars leading to 100,000 unnecessary deaths
4. Engaged in torture
5. Allowed the worst economic collapse since the Depression

Obama is one of our ten best Presidents

Trump is a mess but nowhere close to Bush in the damage he has do e
Afghanistan wasnt necessary?....i agree he fucked that one up,what do you think should have been done?.....

In hindsight, almost 20 years later, it was not worth it
We gave up the hunt for Al Qaeda and bin laden as soon as we invaded Iraq

We should have used surgical strikes against terrorist strongholds rather than Nation Building
Bush 43 was the worst modern President

1. Allowed 9-11 attacks
2. Led us into two unnecessary invasions
3. Botched two wars leading to 100,000 unnecessary deaths
4. Engaged in torture
5. Allowed the worst economic collapse since the Depression

Obama is one of our ten best Presidents

Trump is a mess but nowhere close to Bush in the damage he has do e
Afghanistan wasnt necessary?....i agree he fucked that one up,what do you think should have been done?.....

In hindsight, almost 20 years later, it was not worth it
We gave up the hunt for Al Qaeda and bin laden as soon as we invaded Iraq

We should have used surgical strikes against terrorist strongholds rather than Nation Building
no war is worth it....surgical strikes have been done before and nothing changed.....
Bush 43 was the worst modern President

1. Allowed 9-11 attacks
2. Led us into two unnecessary invasions
3. Botched two wars leading to 100,000 unnecessary deaths
4. Engaged in torture
5. Allowed the worst economic collapse since the Depression

Obama is one of our ten best Presidents

Trump is a mess but nowhere close to Bush in the damage he has do e
Afghanistan wasnt necessary?....i agree he fucked that one up,what do you think should have been done?.....

In hindsight, almost 20 years later, it was not worth it
We gave up the hunt for Al Qaeda and bin laden as soon as we invaded Iraq

We should have used surgical strikes against terrorist strongholds rather than Nation Building
no war is worth it....surgical strikes have been done before and nothing changed.....
We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
Bush 43 was the worst modern President

1. Allowed 9-11 attacks
2. Led us into two unnecessary invasions
3. Botched two wars leading to 100,000 unnecessary deaths
4. Engaged in torture
5. Allowed the worst economic collapse since the Depression

Obama is one of our ten best Presidents

Trump is a mess but nowhere close to Bush in the damage he has do e
Afghanistan wasnt necessary?....i agree he fucked that one up,what do you think should have been done?.....

In hindsight, almost 20 years later, it was not worth it
We gave up the hunt for Al Qaeda and bin laden as soon as we invaded Iraq

We should have used surgical strikes against terrorist strongholds rather than Nation Building
no war is worth it....surgical strikes have been done before and nothing changed.....
We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
and nothing would have changed....
Bush 43 was the worst modern President

1. Allowed 9-11 attacks
2. Led us into two unnecessary invasions
3. Botched two wars leading to 100,000 unnecessary deaths
4. Engaged in torture
5. Allowed the worst economic collapse since the Depression

Obama is one of our ten best Presidents

Trump is a mess but nowhere close to Bush in the damage he has do e
Afghanistan wasnt necessary?....i agree he fucked that one up,what do you think should have been done?.....

In hindsight, almost 20 years later, it was not worth it
We gave up the hunt for Al Qaeda and bin laden as soon as we invaded Iraq

We should have used surgical strikes against terrorist strongholds rather than Nation Building
no war is worth it....surgical strikes have been done before and nothing changed.....
We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
Bush was in office for about 7 months when 9-11 happened. If he made any mistakes it was not firing every incompetent SOB in the intelligence services after he was inaugurated. Bill Clinton was under his freaking desk with Monica while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in Florida and nobody in the "intelligence" service at the time thought it was strange when Middle Eastern men (some of whom were illegally in the U.S. with expired visas) told the flight school instructor that they didn't need to learn how to land.
The poll for worst should be between Bush II and the Trump. It would be a tie.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Tramp is infinitely worse than Bush.

In what way, you 2 nincompoops? Be specific, now.

So, okay so Obama hated the country, but he was kinda lazy so he didn't as much harm as he could have. He still did plenty, though.

Monetarily and infrastructurally, Bush II did way more damage than Obama.

Okay, so the 3-9 Federal agencies we pay (were paying) to spy abroad and keep us safe from foreigners failed and failed miserably.

What does Bush II do? "Herp de Derp de Derp! Let's make another government agency to suck money from the taxpayers."

Not to mention crashing the economy, using our good military boys for his personal differences with Saddam Hussein under false pretenses, setting up the bailing out of the big banks whose assets grew exponentially as a result.

I don't like either one of them.

I voted for Bushbama.
The 3 worst Presidents of the United States of all time.
1. Donald John Trump
2. Donald John Trump
3. Donald John Trump
Presidents aren't evaluated until they are out of office. You got until early 2025 then post away, loser.

Do you honestly believe that Tramp will change his behavior the way he terrorize this country right now?

In last 2 years he has done so much damages to this country that cannot be repaired.
Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

All these years later, and you're still snowed.

Look at how Bush just folded and pretty much went into hiding six months into his second term. He had his power, he didn't have to give two f*cks about the American people after doing his face-value effort. It's why he hasn't been to one RNC Convention since then. He does sh** for himself and his benefactors. It's who he is.

I am no Bush fan. He and the rest of his family are New World Order, Progressives, and Globalists. Look how he plays footsie with Michelle Obama every time they're together. However, he did not purposely try to do damage even in his second term like Obama tried for eight years.

The more you look into the Bushes and see they're at the heart of a century's worth of calamities, you'll realize they aren't unwitting dupes. It's not a coincidence that 911 took place on Dubya's watch. Poppy Bush was in the CIA when the Kennedy sh** went down. He perjured himself when he testified it wasn't so. You'll see his story changes over time when it comes to the JFK assassination.

The Bushes come off as likeable. That's why people have a hard time believing they're so deviant.
Total bullshit

Ignored. Time for you to go get a life already.
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
Interesting that you could only list Right-wing LIES about Obama.

And Bush.

Anyone buying the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit is an idiot and not worth any serious consideration. They should be nothing more than an object of ridicule.

Guaranteed the OP is on his knees at the alter of Trump...

Yea, that building just fell on its own.
The 3 worst Presidents of the United States of all time.
1. Donald John Trump
2. Donald John Trump
3. Donald John Trump
Presidents aren't evaluated until they are out of office. You got until early 2025 then post away, loser.

Do you honestly believe that Tramp will change his behavior the way he terrorize this country right now?

In last 2 years he has done so much damages to this country that cannot be repaired.
He is repairing damage left by the traitor in chief. I just love the drama.The economy is booming. People are happy. Stop bitching.
Bush was in office for about 7 months when 9-11 happened. If he made any mistakes it was not firing every incompetent SOB in the intelligence services after he was inaugurated. Bill Clinton was under his freaking desk with Monica while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in Florida and nobody in the "intelligence" service at the time thought it was strange when Middle Eastern men (some of whom were illegally in the U.S. with expired visas) told the flight school instructor that they didn't need to learn how to land.
Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism. He was more concerned about getting Star Wars back on track

When 9-11 came, he was caught with his pants down and no idea what to do

He ended up reading My Pet Goat
Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

All these years later, and you're still snowed.

Look at how Bush just folded and pretty much went into hiding six months into his second term. He had his power, he didn't have to give two f*cks about the American people after doing his face-value effort. It's why he hasn't been to one RNC Convention since then. He does sh** for himself and his benefactors. It's who he is.

I am no Bush fan. He and the rest of his family are New World Order, Progressives, and Globalists. Look how he plays footsie with Michelle Obama every time they're together. However, he did not purposely try to do damage even in his second term like Obama tried for eight years.

The more you look into the Bushes and see they're at the heart of a century's worth of calamities, you'll realize they aren't unwitting dupes. It's not a coincidence that 911 took place on Dubya's watch. Poppy Bush was in the CIA when the Kennedy sh** went down. He perjured himself when he testified it wasn't so. You'll see his story changes over time when it comes to the JFK assassination.

The Bushes come off as likeable. That's why people have a hard time believing they're so deviant.
Total bullshit

Ignored. Time for you to go get a life already.
Still Bullshit
Afghanistan wasnt necessary?....i agree he fucked that one up,what do you think should have been done?.....

In hindsight, almost 20 years later, it was not worth it
We gave up the hunt for Al Qaeda and bin laden as soon as we invaded Iraq

We should have used surgical strikes against terrorist strongholds rather than Nation Building
no war is worth it....surgical strikes have been done before and nothing changed.....
We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
You need to request this thread be moved to conspiracy theories because that is all you are spouting.

A term the CIA popularized to marginalize truth tellers. GFY

I would tell you to do the same, but you would need someone smart enough to develop a conspiracy theory to tell you how it is done. Believing in something so easily proven to be a lie is the sign of an extremely low intellect.
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
Interesting that you could only list Right-wing LIES about Obama.

And Bush.

Anyone buying the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit is an idiot and not worth any serious consideration. They should be nothing more than an object of ridicule.

Guaranteed the OP is on his knees at the alter of Trump...

Yea, that building just fell on its own.

What building?

You mean WTC 7, that was heavily damaged when parts of the tower fell on it? You mean that building with a particular architectural design because it was built above a ConEd substation that made it vulnerable to collapse after the damage it received and the fires weakening the structure? THAT building that every reputable engineer said did exactly what it should have done?

STFU dumbass!

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