Who Had The Worse Presidency, Dubya or Obama?

Who had the worse presidency?

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You need to request this thread be moved to conspiracy theories because that is all you are spouting.

A term the CIA popularized to marginalize truth tellers. GFY

I would tell you to do the same, but you would need someone smart enough to develop a conspiracy theory to tell you how it is done. Believing in something so easily proven to be a lie is the sign of an extremely low intellect.

It's patently obvious that our own govt. swept the truth under the rug. Have you come to those terms yet? Or are you just a stool pigeon?
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
Interesting that you could only list Right-wing LIES about Obama.

And Bush.

Anyone buying the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit is an idiot and not worth any serious consideration. They should be nothing more than an object of ridicule.

Guaranteed the OP is on his knees at the alter of Trump...

Yea, that building just fell on its own.

What building?

You mean WTC 7, that was heavily damaged when parts of the tower fell on it? You mean that building with a particular architectural design because it was built above a ConEd substation that made it vulnerable to collapse after the damage it received and the fires weakening the structure? THAT building that every reputable engineer said did exactly what it should have done?

STFU dumbass!

WTC 7 just fell from cosmetic damage. You buy BS narratives.

They didn't even include the building in the 911 Commission report. BURIED.
You need to request this thread be moved to conspiracy theories because that is all you are spouting.

A term the CIA popularized to marginalize truth tellers. GFY

I would tell you to do the same, but you would need someone smart enough to develop a conspiracy theory to tell you how it is done. Believing in something so easily proven to be a lie is the sign of an extremely low intellect.

It's patently obvious that our own govt. swept the truth under the rug. Have you come to those terms yet? Or are you just a stool pigeon?

You are an idiot or in need of serious mental health treatment.
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
Interesting that you could only list Right-wing LIES about Obama.

And Bush.

Anyone buying the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit is an idiot and not worth any serious consideration. They should be nothing more than an object of ridicule.

Guaranteed the OP is on his knees at the alter of Trump...

Yea, that building just fell on its own.

What building?

You mean WTC 7, that was heavily damaged when parts of the tower fell on it? You mean that building with a particular architectural design because it was built above a ConEd substation that made it vulnerable to collapse after the damage it received and the fires weakening the structure? THAT building that every reputable engineer said did exactly what it should have done?

STFU dumbass!

WTC 7 just fell from cosmetic damage. You buy BS narratives.

They didn't even include the building in the 911 Commission report. BURIED.

If you believe that bullshit, you need to learn to read also.
In hindsight, almost 20 years later, it was not worth it
We gave up the hunt for Al Qaeda and bin laden as soon as we invaded Iraq

We should have used surgical strikes against terrorist strongholds rather than Nation Building
no war is worth it....surgical strikes have been done before and nothing changed.....
We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
Interesting that you could only list Right-wing LIES about Obama.

And Bush.

Anyone buying the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit is an idiot and not worth any serious consideration. They should be nothing more than an object of ridicule.

Guaranteed the OP is on his knees at the alter of Trump...

Yea, that building just fell on its own.

What building?

You mean WTC 7, that was heavily damaged when parts of the tower fell on it? You mean that building with a particular architectural design because it was built above a ConEd substation that made it vulnerable to collapse after the damage it received and the fires weakening the structure? THAT building that every reputable engineer said did exactly what it should have done?

STFU dumbass!

WTC 7 just fell from cosmetic damage. You buy BS narratives.

They didn't even include the building in the 911 Commission report. BURIED.
It did not fall from cosmetic damage
It fell because it was built with explosives and remote detonators waiting for the day when someone would fly jet aircraft into a nearby building
It is called a “Controlled Demo” you moron
Interesting that you could only list Right-wing LIES about Obama.

And Bush.

Anyone buying the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit is an idiot and not worth any serious consideration. They should be nothing more than an object of ridicule.

Guaranteed the OP is on his knees at the alter of Trump...

Yea, that building just fell on its own.

What building?

You mean WTC 7, that was heavily damaged when parts of the tower fell on it? You mean that building with a particular architectural design because it was built above a ConEd substation that made it vulnerable to collapse after the damage it received and the fires weakening the structure? THAT building that every reputable engineer said did exactly what it should have done?

STFU dumbass!

WTC 7 just fell from cosmetic damage. You buy BS narratives.

They didn't even include the building in the 911 Commission report. BURIED.

If you believe that bullshit, you need to learn to read also.

You're nothing but a sperm shield.
You need to request this thread be moved to conspiracy theories because that is all you are spouting.

A term the CIA popularized to marginalize truth tellers. GFY

I would tell you to do the same, but you would need someone smart enough to develop a conspiracy theory to tell you how it is done. Believing in something so easily proven to be a lie is the sign of an extremely low intellect.

It's patently obvious that our own govt. swept the truth under the rug. Have you come to those terms yet? Or are you just a stool pigeon?

You are an idiot or in need of serious mental health treatment.

no war is worth it....surgical strikes have been done before and nothing changed.....
We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...
We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably 3.5 months.
you may be right and you may be wrong....
And Bush.

Anyone buying the 9/11 conspiracy bullshit is an idiot and not worth any serious consideration. They should be nothing more than an object of ridicule.

Guaranteed the OP is on his knees at the alter of Trump...

Yea, that building just fell on its own.

What building?

You mean WTC 7, that was heavily damaged when parts of the tower fell on it? You mean that building with a particular architectural design because it was built above a ConEd substation that made it vulnerable to collapse after the damage it received and the fires weakening the structure? THAT building that every reputable engineer said did exactly what it should have done?

STFU dumbass!

WTC 7 just fell from cosmetic damage. You buy BS narratives.

They didn't even include the building in the 911 Commission report. BURIED.

If you believe that bullshit, you need to learn to read also.

You're nothing but a sperm shield.

Just like a conspiracy nut to call names instead of proving your point. I guess that is fair since you can't prove any of your horseshit.
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.

So, what is your intelligence/military special operations experience that led you to that conclusion, dumbass??
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
go talk to mindwars you 2 have a lot in common....

Do you really think it'd take the USA over a decade to kill Bin Laden if that's what we wanted to do?

The over/under on that sh** was probably three months.

So, what is your intelligence/military special operations experience that led you to that conclusion, dumbass??
some conspiracy theory he picked up on the internet....
Bush was not conservative whatsoever outside of rhetoric.
Except the Right were calling him the second coming of Reagan after his tax cuts, until the Great Bush Recession happened and then suddenly he was no longer a CON$ervoFascist.
I think it started a little bit before then.... it kind of started when the war in Iraq was never ending, our death toll rising, and our military got caught, with photos, torturing prisoners was exposed.... Abu Ghraib imho.
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We invaded and had 3000 soldiers killed and spent $1 trillion

I would have been satisfied with surgical strikes
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

To a large extent, yes
Bush could have avoided many casualties in Iraq if he had left their army intact.

We could have avoided casualties in Afghanistan if Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq
and nothing would have changed....
3000 soldiers would be alive and we would have a trillion dollars less debt
and everything would still be the same.....
Not to the families of 3000 dead soldiers
those soldiers were dead because of the way bush handled that war...and i think you know that...the only ones who should have been dead are bin laden and company...

Bin Laden was a CIA asset who doesn't have a damn thing to do with 911. It's why Bush told the army to stand down at Tora Bora. And Obama surely knew that when he sent the Seal team in. Think about that one.
You Goofy
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.

BushBuma,it was the same tragedy.two birds of a feather,no difference in the two,,the people that posted a smiley laughing about all this are sick pigs laughing over two mass murderers who started wars in the mid east and murdered women and children. reminds me an awful lot of stalin. for people to post a smiley over that,all you who did so are sick disgusting filth and give the human race a bad name.

one thing you left out on Big Ears Oboza is him being a kenyan citizen.

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