Who Had The Worse Presidency, Dubya or Obama?

Who had the worse presidency?

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Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

All these years later, and you're still snowed.

Look at how Bush just folded and pretty much went into hiding six months into his second term. He had his power, he didn't have to give two f*cks about the American people after doing his face-value effort. It's why he hasn't been to one RNC Convention since then. He does sh** for himself and his benefactors. It's who he is.

I am no Bush fan. He and the rest of his family are New World Order, Progressives, and Globalists. Look how he plays footsie with Michelle Obama every time they're together. However, he did not purposely try to do damage even in his second term like Obama tried for eight years.
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
I think Obama was an OK moderate/liberal President. Bush II was a mediocre conservative. In the end, Bush's neo-con attempt to nation build in Afghanistan and his invasion of Iraq has done more damage to this country than any other president, certainly any in my lifetime.
Off the top of my head, a few things come to mind:

Bush II

** Allowed 911 to happen (inside job, imo) and then went to war(s) against the wrong people as the US Senate conducted a phony report and ignored victims' medical care needs.
** VA went to sh**.
** Housing crisis (admittedly had roots in Clinton).
** Lip service on traditional marriage amendment and social security reform (his two major re-election promises).
** Allowed Osama to get away (though, he was obviously a patsy, anyhow).
** Corporate bailout culture.
** Iraq.
** FEMA.
** Patriot Act: A total assault on American rights.
** His own SC Chief Justice would uphold Obamacare.


** Formed ISIS.
** Financed 'Syrian Rebels'.
** More bailouts.
** Stimulus biggest non-war financial scam since The New Deal.
** Stoked racial tensions at every turn.
** Obamacare; a huge scam.
** Continued Patriot Act tactics even as spying exposed.
** Healthcare mandate.
** Blocked 911 families from suing Saudi Arabia, whom he bowed to quite literally.
** First president to seal his own records.
** SC Judge Appointments a total joke.
** Median income falling among middle class for his entire time (unheard of).
** Sanctioned Iran's nuclear warhead program (in essence).
** Not even a citizen, imo. Makes the state of the nation a total joke, imo. Though the above would say that, anyhow.
** Well liked on Sports Center.
I think Obama was an OK moderate/liberal President. Bush II was a mediocre conservative. In the end, Bush's neo-con attempt to nation build in Afghanistan and his invasion of Iraq has done more damage to this country than any other president, certainly any in my lifetime.

I agree that in HINDSIGHT the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were a net negative. How have the hurt the U.S. in the way you describe. Also, Obama had EIGHT YEARS to get us out, yet escalated both. Why? How about holding him accountable for keeping us there and increasing our presence. Then there is Libya and Syria. More Obama wars.

I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.
its PERSONAL to me . I figure that 'gwb' was the worse of the 2 simply because as i voted for him the first and only time i thought that he would be a good 'prezident' . Turns out though that he is scum in my opinion . He ran as a 'conservative republican' but was far from a 'conservative' and showed me what a 'rino' is . So , like i say . 'gwb' was the worse of the 2 simply because i trusted him because i ASSUMED that 'gwb' was a 'conservative' but he is a 'bush conservative' and not a REAL conservative . ------------------ as a PSA stay away from voting for his 'nephew' - jorge - who is in TEXAS currently and is TEXAS Land Commisioner [i think] .
The poll for worst should be between Bush II and the Trump. It would be a tie.

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I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.
I absolutely would not have. Even if the intel was right and he was attempting to obtain WMDs, so what? He recently fought a war with Iran, if he had them he would likely use them there. He was a Sunni in a majority Shiite country, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to think his replacement would be a Shiite and a natural ally of Iran.
I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.
I absolutely would not have. Even if the intel was right and he was attempting to obtain WMDs, so what? He recently fought a war with Iran, if he had them he would likely use them there. He was a Sunni in a majority Shiite country, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to think his replacement would be a Shiite and a natural ally of Iran.

I somewhat understand the tribal nature of the middle east. The countries are European inventions. I get that. But what if Saddam had WMD's that everyone said he DID have, and he launched them against Israel, Kuwait, Syria, etc.? Then everyone would have screamed, why didn't the U.S. coalition DO SOMETHING???

Most of the Democrats including Hillary and Kerry voted for the war. Many people conveniently forget that. It was not just Bush acting alone.
I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.
I absolutely would not have. Even if the intel was right and he was attempting to obtain WMDs, so what? He recently fought a war with Iran, if he had them he would likely use them there. He was a Sunni in a majority Shiite country, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to think his replacement would be a Shiite and a natural ally of Iran.

I somewhat understand the tribal nature of the middle east. The countries are European inventions. I get that. But what if Saddam had WMD's that everyone said he DID have, and he launched them against Israel, Kuwait, Syria, etc.? Then everyone would have screamed, why didn't the U.S. coalition DO SOMETHING???

Most of the Democrats including Hillary and Kerry voted for the war. Many people conveniently forget that. It was not just Bush acting alone.
Apparently North Korea has nukes, should we do to them what we did to Iraq? What about Iran? Pakistan? Israel?

Bush didn't act alone but if not for him there would have been no invasion.
I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.
I absolutely would not have. Even if the intel was right and he was attempting to obtain WMDs, so what? He recently fought a war with Iran, if he had them he would likely use them there. He was a Sunni in a majority Shiite country, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to think his replacement would be a Shiite and a natural ally of Iran.

I somewhat understand the tribal nature of the middle east. The countries are European inventions. I get that. But what if Saddam had WMD's that everyone said he DID have, and he launched them against Israel, Kuwait, Syria, etc.? Then everyone would have screamed, why didn't the U.S. coalition DO SOMETHING???

Most of the Democrats including Hillary and Kerry voted for the war. Many people conveniently forget that. It was not just Bush acting alone.
Apparently North Korea has nukes, should we do to them what we did to Iraq? What about Iran? Pakistan? Israel?

Bush didn't act alone but if not for him there would have been no invasion.
---------------------------------------- i have no use for 'gwb' but his and some 'dems' going to war in 'iraq' hasn't hurt me or anyone i know here in the USA Alang . The only problem i have with any war is when the USA fights like a wussy Alang .
I'm not Bush fan, but fair is fair. If you had his intel, you would have invaded too.
I absolutely would not have. Even if the intel was right and he was attempting to obtain WMDs, so what? He recently fought a war with Iran, if he had them he would likely use them there. He was a Sunni in a majority Shiite country, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to think his replacement would be a Shiite and a natural ally of Iran.

I somewhat understand the tribal nature of the middle east. The countries are European inventions. I get that. But what if Saddam had WMD's that everyone said he DID have, and he launched them against Israel, Kuwait, Syria, etc.? Then everyone would have screamed, why didn't the U.S. coalition DO SOMETHING???

Most of the Democrats including Hillary and Kerry voted for the war. Many people conveniently forget that. It was not just Bush acting alone.
Apparently North Korea has nukes, should we do to them what we did to Iraq? What about Iran? Pakistan? Israel?

Bush didn't act alone but if not for him there would have been no invasion.
---------------------------------------- i have no use for 'gwb' but his and some 'dems' going to war in 'iraq' hasn't hurt me or anyone i know here in the USA Alang . The only problem i have with any war is when the USA fights like a wussy Alang .
You're wrong. ISIS is a direct result of the mess in Iraq and that fight has cost American lives and boatloads of American money. The rise of Iran is another direct result of the invasion and that will have long term effects.
like i said , none of this list you have has hurt ME or those i know and care about . 'isis' has operations in the middle east and if some come to the USA its the fault of those that want to let them into the USA . [after 'vetting' of course] [chuckle] Alang . And long term effects by the 'iranians' will have to be dealt with . Same for the 'chinese ' and 'norks' Alang .
Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

All these years later, and you're still snowed.

Look at how Bush just folded and pretty much went into hiding six months into his second term. He had his power, he didn't have to give two f*cks about the American people after doing his face-value effort. It's why he hasn't been to one RNC Convention since then. He does sh** for himself and his benefactors. It's who he is.

I am no Bush fan. He and the rest of his family are New World Order, Progressives, and Globalists. Look how he plays footsie with Michelle Obama every time they're together. However, he did not purposely try to do damage even in his second term like Obama tried for eight years.

The more you look into the Bushes and see they're at the heart of a century's worth of calamities, you'll realize they aren't unwitting dupes. It's not a coincidence that 911 took place on Dubya's watch. Poppy Bush was in the CIA when the Kennedy sh** went down. He perjured himself when he testified it wasn't so. You'll see his story changes over time when it comes to the JFK assassination.

The Bushes come off as likeable. That's why people have a hard time believing they're so deviant.
I think Obama was an OK moderate/liberal President. Bush II was a mediocre conservative. In the end, Bush's neo-con attempt to nation build in Afghanistan and his invasion of Iraq has done more damage to this country than any other president, certainly any in my lifetime.

In some ways Obama offered some stability. When it didn't come to (giant) scams he was involved in, he could be level headed. Bush was not conservative whatsoever outside of rhetoric. The closest he comes to conservative is he didn't raise everyone's taxes; and for hell's sake he had to do something like that to have the pretend veneer of conservatism. Everything else, it was all bluster; immigration, health care, middle east, wall street (main street), etc. Yea, Bush arguably did a ton of damage. Guys like Carter tried to, but an end came to that fast enough. I think a case could be made that Reagan did the most damage; he set the standard for blank check spending that puts generations in the hole.
its PERSONAL to me . I figure that 'gwb' was the worse of the 2 simply because as i voted for him the first and only time i thought that he would be a good 'prezident' . Turns out though that he is scum in my opinion . He ran as a 'conservative republican' but was far from a 'conservative' and showed me what a 'rino' is . So , like i say . 'gwb' was the worse of the 2 simply because i trusted him because i ASSUMED that 'gwb' was a 'conservative' but he is a 'bush conservative' and not a REAL conservative . ------------------ as a PSA stay away from voting for his 'nephew' - jorge - who is in TEXAS currently and is TEXAS Land Commisioner [i think] .

McCain was one of his closest allies; and he was literally called Bush III. When we see what a snake that McCain was, Bush comes into focus. My hell, the more I've come to understand McCain, the more I realize it's not even a big deal he lost to Obama. Better that the Democrats have to take ownership for their sh** than for someone like that to set GOP back even further. It paved the way for the populism of Trump that the nation had been craving since after Reagan. Now, it can be argued whether Trump is good or bad, but the essence of what he touts is spot on.
GW allowed 9/11 to happen? Really? 8 months after taking office? It is pretty widely acknowledged that we were just totally unprepared on so many levels, federal, private or otherwise, and even now to this day just begging for it again as now this new trend to simply welcome muslims with open arms and consider any caution with them so politically incorrect as to call people "bigots" and racists" for daring to give them a second look.

You know what they say about fool me once, fool me twice . . . now apparently wasted on most liberal ears until we get hit badly again.

Eight months is plenty of time. GWB may or may not have been a mastermind. But it's clear that his actions in regard to his event are a betrayal of the American people.

Tell me; did GWB shine a light on the govt. building that just happened to be blown up irrespective of the planes? Tell me that. No, he did not! Just cos you want to put your head way up your ass; I will not be joining you!

WTF are you talking about?
Bush was only bad at the end, but Obama's was PURPOSELY bad from the beginning.

All these years later, and you're still snowed.

Look at how Bush just folded and pretty much went into hiding six months into his second term. He had his power, he didn't have to give two f*cks about the American people after doing his face-value effort. It's why he hasn't been to one RNC Convention since then. He does sh** for himself and his benefactors. It's who he is.

I am no Bush fan. He and the rest of his family are New World Order, Progressives, and Globalists. Look how he plays footsie with Michelle Obama every time they're together. However, he did not purposely try to do damage even in his second term like Obama tried for eight years.

The more you look into the Bushes and see they're at the heart of a century's worth of calamities, you'll realize they aren't unwitting dupes. It's not a coincidence that 911 took place on Dubya's watch. Poppy Bush was in the CIA when the Kennedy sh** went down. He perjured himself when he testified it wasn't so. You'll see his story changes over time when it comes to the JFK assassination.

The Bushes come off as likeable. That's why people have a hard time believing they're so deviant.

You need to request this thread be moved to conspiracy theories because that is all you are spouting.

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