Who here really thinks that we can go on like this for another 32 months?

nat is almost as bad as Jim52. These people have lot it.
ANY day now natty old boy, ANY day now.
And another thing, Trump and the scandals surrounding him don't even come close to the vast volumes of scandals that surrounded Bill Clinton....and then Hillary. But...gee...those are all lies and conspiracy right?


:puhleeze: ... If you don't classify them as conspiracies, you're liable to end up in an abandoned car truck at the bottom of a quarry.
Apparently after committing suicide before you duct taped your hands behind you back.


Seriously, with the ever-growing scandals surrounding this corrupt and inept administration, the constant lying by Trump and Hickabee, the ethical flaws of Trump's cabinet, the constant firings and resignations of WH staff and, most of all, the pending Mueller findings........WHO here thinks this country can put up with this crap for another 32 months?

Most likely, after the 2018 midterms, some measure of sanity will resurface among the Trump cult membership......at least among those cult members in elected positions

You tell me, Nat...can you put up with Hillary not being in the White House for the next two and a half years? An even better question for you is whether you're going to be able to handle another Democratic defeat in either the midterms...or OMG in the next Presidential election? A very astute political observer once noted "It's the economy, Stupid!" and right now the economy is doing really well! So what you're asking Americans to do is vote for the party who oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression even though the other guy's economic policies have worked. Good luck with that!
You tell me, Nat...can you put up with Hillary not being in the White House for the next two and a half years?

Why the fuck, do morons like you simply CANNOT address a topic about Trump's daily scandals without bringing up Hillary?

I do NOT care that she lost......I care about the CURRENT state of affairs in our country and the idiot that is running it and has managed to bullshit 1/3 of the voting population (you included, obviously.)
You tell me, Nat...can you put up with Hillary not being in the White House for the next two and a half years?

Why the fuck, do morons like you simply CANNOT address a topic about Trump's daily scandals without bringing up Hillary?

I do NOT care that she lost......I care about the CURRENT state of affairs in our country and the idiot that is running it and has managed to bullshit 1/3 of the voting population (you included, obviously.)

Ah yes...you mean the current state of the economy, Nat? That's what I WAS addressing! The economy is strong...unemployment is at record lows...people have more money in their pockets. But you think they're going to vote you progressives back into power? Who's the REAL moron here?
Ah yes...you mean the current state of the economy, Nat? That's what I WAS addressing! The economy is strong...unemployment is at record lows...people have more money in their pockets. But you think they're going to vote you progressives back into power? Who's the REAL moron here?

Obviously the REAL moron on here is YOU......

The economy has been doing very well since 2014....yet idiots like you could not muster up one fucking praise for Obama.
Ah yes...you mean the current state of the economy, Nat? That's what I WAS addressing! The economy is strong...unemployment is at record lows...people have more money in their pockets. But you think they're going to vote you progressives back into power? Who's the REAL moron here?

Obviously the REAL moron on here is YOU......

The economy has been doing very well since 2014....yet idiots like you could not muster up one fucking praise for Obama.
LOL...what did Barry have to do with the economy getting better? Name the Obama policy that created jobs or grew the economy! Here's a clue, Sparky...the economy is REALLY doing well when the Fed feels it can raise interest rates! They've done so 4 times since Trump was elected. They had to keep interest rates at almost zero for Obama's entire two terms to keep Wall Street from cratering!

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