I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

As far as my knowledge, they are counter protestors to white supremacists. Not any sort of majority, but likely a fringe of super lefty activists. Yes, this is the political boogeyman the right is trotting out to make you believe they are taking over the world and will kill you. Confused college kids will be the end of us. Lol.

Politics has rendered us functionally retarded. Rejoice!

They aren't organized enough to take over an empty field, let alone anything else. They seem to be violent and some are just guys on a power trip.
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

The only good rich white kid antifa terrorist is a dead rich white kid antifa terrorist! :fu:
In before the inevitable clash between them and BLM. :auiqs.jpg:
As long as they stay in their place there will be no clash fool. :)
Wow, what a fucking racist thing to say....

That is like LBJ, talking about the "blacks better not get uppity"..
I've never heard Lebron say that. You got a link?

Dont see how its racist. I'm Black.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa......Man, you just proved how well the public education has dumbed your sorry ass down. LBJ, the new society, the man who created the projects where he could put all the weeds of society in a 1 sq mile area.

Where is the part where he said Blacks better not get uppity?
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

In before the inevitable clash between them and BLM. :auiqs.jpg:
As long as they stay in their place there will be no clash fool. :)
Wow, what a fucking racist thing to say....

That is like LBJ, talking about the "blacks better not get uppity"..
I've never heard Lebron say that. You got a link?

Dont see how its racist. I'm Black.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa......Man, you just proved how well the public education has dumbed your sorry ass down. LBJ, the new society, the man who created the projects where he could put all the weeds of society in a 1 sq mile area.

Where is the part where he said Blacks better not get uppity?

Where is the part where he said Blacks better not get uppity?
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

"This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page "
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

"This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page "

on friday???
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

"This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page "

I did improve it by giving you information you obviously didnt already know,,,
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

"This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page "

I did improve it by giving you information you obviously didnt already know,,,

No dummy. Thats what the page says.
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

"This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page "

I did improve it by giving you information you obviously didnt already know,,,

No dummy. Thats what the page says.

waiting for your point,,,
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

Lose the leftwing bullshit. Here they are.

The Lost History of Antifa

he origins of the word “antifa” — shorthand for decentralized, militant street activism associated with its own aesthetic and subculture — might be murky to most readers. Even in Germany, few know much about the popular forms of antifascist resistance that coined the term.

The movement’s short but inspiring political legacy proved too uncomfortable for both Cold War-era German states, and was ignored in schools and mainstream history. Today its legacy is almost entirely lost to the Left.

Out of the Ruins
By 1945, Hitler’s Third Reich lay physically destroyed and politically exhausted. Basic civil society ceased to function in many areas, as the Nazi grip on power faltered and regime supporters, particularly in the middle- and upper classes, realized that Hitler’s “final victory” was a fantasy.

On the Left, many Communists and Social Democrats had either been outright murdered by the Nazis, or died in the ensuing war. The unimaginable human and material destruction wrought by Nazi rule killed millions and turned German society upside down, decimating the labor movement and murdering most of the country’s Jewish population. Millions who had supported or at least acquiesced to the regime — including many workers and even some former socialists — now faced a new beginning in unknown political terrain.

Yet despite its failure to stop Hitler in 1933 and veritable dismantling in subsequent years, Germany’s socialist labor movement and its decidedly progressive traditions outlived Hitler in the factories of its industrial cities, and began gathering up the fragments as soon as open political activity became possible. As historian Gareth Dale describes:

View attachment 351183

Nig you aren't american.
Did you say I could post the messages?

Thanks for the article.
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

Antifa political activists engage in protest tactics such as digital activism and militancy, sometimes involving property damage, physical violence and harassment, against fascists, racists and those on the far-right.
Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian[18] and anti-capitalist views, subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism. Both the name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German Antifa movement.

I don't care for their tactics or their anarchist or Marxist politics. They wear masks to hide their faces, they start destruction--throwing incendiaries, lighting fires, breaking windows--that has nothing to do with fighting the alt-right. They showed up at the Labor Day demonstration in Washington and turned it into a riot. They're uniformly anti-cop. People may think they're good guys by fighting white supremacists, but that's only one of their missions. They were involved in the riots to cause mayhem--they're almost entirely white and they were there to burn the fucker down, not out of anger at racism.

There are a lot of organizations under the Antifa umbrella, they say, loosely organized and I'm sure they don't all view all problems the same way. But as an organization, they deserve to be labeled domestic terrorists just as much as the white supremacist organizations do. BLM ought to boot them out. With friends like them, who needs enemies?
ANTIFA walking to their next riot.

In before the inevitable clash between them and BLM. :auiqs.jpg:
As long as they stay in their place there will be no clash fool. :)
Wow, what a fucking racist thing to say....

That is like LBJ, talking about the "blacks better not get uppity"..
I've never heard Lebron say that. You got a link?

Dont see how its racist. I'm Black.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa......Man, you just proved how well the public education has dumbed your sorry ass down. LBJ, the new society, the man who created the projects where he could put all the weeds of society in a 1 sq mile area.

Where is the part where he said Blacks better not get uppity?

Where is the part where he said Blacks better not get uppity?

Quote by Lyndon B. Johnson: “These Negroes, they're getting ...
www.goodreads.com › quotes › 7107768-these-negroe...

Lyndon B. Johnson — 'These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had b...
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

Two uncles I never had the chance to meet were Antifa. One was killed by the Japanese in the Bataan death march in the Philippines. The other one was killed by the nazis in Europe.

I'm proud of my Antifa uncles. They gave their lives for all of us to be free.
In before the inevitable clash between them and BLM. :auiqs.jpg:
As long as they stay in their place there will be no clash fool. :)
Wow, what a fucking racist thing to say....

That is like LBJ, talking about the "blacks better not get uppity"..
I've never heard Lebron say that. You got a link?

Dont see how its racist. I'm Black.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaaaaa......Man, you just proved how well the public education has dumbed your sorry ass down. LBJ, the new society, the man who created the projects where he could put all the weeds of society in a 1 sq mile area.

Where is the part where he said Blacks better not get uppity?

Where is the part where he said Blacks better not get uppity?

That was not caught on camera, but he sure did think of you guys as *******...And many of you , sure do act the part. If you didnt act like one, you would be treated like any other law abiding citizen, but then you would call them oreos, uncle toms, or tokens....I just realized what all the blacks who died at the hands of police all had in common. Trayvon Martin, Freddie Grey, Michael, Brown, Georg Floyd, and the latest from Atlanta Rayshard Brooks, all were criminals, did a criminal act and were shot for being the criminals they were. Want to have black people not be shot, then stop being fucking *******...Lyndon Baines Johnson sure was right in putting all them weeds into the projects, for then only the projects would burn, not some law abiding black persons Wendy's ...
I noticed the ANTIFA name has been tossed around quite a bit but I didnt know anyone in the group. I heard Drumpf wanted to define them as a terrorist group so I immediately begin to like them and my interest in them grew even more. Well I met one today at work. Hes a white guy and he filled me in. Drumpf doesnt have a fucking clue who and what they are. I saw this posted online and felt that it was pretty close to what I learned today. I thought it may help clear up some of the confusion created by the lies of the right wing.

ANTIFA = communist front group. BLM= communist front and DNC fund raising apparatus.

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