Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

Hahaha, the self fulfilling prophecy of the echo-chamber makes it's conclusion years before Obama completes his 2nd term.

I believe history will show the worst by far was President Bush (43). But I'll be dead and gone long before an accurate assessment can be made.

I do, too. I don't think Obama is down to 22% yet. And I don't think it will go there unless he continues to send troops and treasure to Iraq.

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent
Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent - CBS News

If the media did their job, Obama would be impeached. They reported anything bad about Bush, they don't say anything negative about Obama.
As much as Obama sucks, it's hard to say that he's worse than Bush considering what Bush left for Obama to deal with.

Also, since Obama is so terrible then does that mean that Mormney and McCain are even worse because they lost to a loser?'

your defense is to get rws to defend mccain and romney? We wont, we thought those two were horrible, although better than obama
"Did you notice who was selected as the best by far?

Take a guess. "

Yeah I know. I disagree. That's when corporations started to run the whole show and the uber wealthy were given the keys to the country and the middle class was left out to hang. So I hold that against all those who governed in the 80's. I rank them low.

RR, the napper. Obviously, those polled did not live through 1/1981-1/1989.

He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.
I'd say that's the 20% brainwashed Fox/Rush/Beck etc bots and the 13% total racists....NOT shocked.

Hard to say who's actually the worst, Nixon for wrecking American faith in gov't, Booosh for being a disastrous idiot in all possible ways, or Reagan for wrecking the nonrich and the country longterm with pander to the rich tax rates and shortsighted policy, or deregulating truth, giving us disgraceful propaganda bs like Fox, the Washington Times, talk radio, the Examiner, etc etc etc, and Reaganist hater dupe zombies...proud to be racist and hate the poor...see sig

"NOT shocked."

Well....certainly not since they used that electric therapy on you, when the lobotomy didn't take.
"Did you notice who was selected as the best by far?

Take a guess. "

Yeah I know. I disagree. That's when corporations started to run the whole show and the uber wealthy were given the keys to the country and the middle class was left out to hang. So I hold that against all those who governed in the 80's. I rank them low.

Reagan's approval rating went into the toilet with the Iran contra scandal in 1987. So once again, we're learning that things are best viewed in the rear view mirror, rather from PoliticalCluck's rear.

You imbecile....you just acknowledged that Reagan is considered the best President in seven decades......that is the rear view.

Know who went to jail as a result of Iran Contra?
"Did you notice who was selected as the best by far?

Take a guess. "

Yeah I know. I disagree. That's when corporations started to run the whole show and the uber wealthy were given the keys to the country and the middle class was left out to hang. So I hold that against all those who governed in the 80's. I rank them low.

RR, the napper. Obviously, those polled did not live through 1/1981-1/1989.

He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.
Funny how two people who were presidents in two of our happiest and most and prosperous decades - the 1920s and the 1980s - were Democrats or Democrat sympathizers early in their lives.

Reagan gets the credit that is due him, but Coolidge, I think, is underrated.
RR, the napper. Obviously, those polled did not live through 1/1981-1/1989.

He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.
Funny how two people who were presidents in two of our happiest and most and prosperous decades - the 1920s and the 1980s - were Democrats or Democrat sympathizers early in their lives.

Reagan gets the credit that is due him, but Coolidge, I think, is underrated.

Far worse than underrated, wedgie.....he is smeared and lied about, perhaps worse even than Reagan, so that Liberals can make excused for FDR's mishandling of the recession into a Depression.

In order for the FDR's 'underconsumption thesis' to be true, where he and his economists blamed Coolidge for the economic collapse, these criteria must be met:
a. During the 1920s the rich had to be getting a significantly larger proportion of the national income. "... corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous..."

b. Employees must have been receiving a smaller share of corporate income. "... Very little of it went into increased wages; the worker was forgotten,..."

c. Consumers must have been consuming less of the GNP in the late '20s than in 1920. "... there was little or no drop in the prices that the consumer had to pay... The consumer was forgotten....."

Those are FDR's quotes after each.

Time to slice and dice the Liberal propaganda.

d. In 1921, the top 5% earned 25.47% of the nation's income...in 1929, the top 5%'s share skyrocketed all the way up to ......26.09%!!!!

e. Corporate profits? They averaged 8.2% from 1900 to 1920. But what about from 1920 to 1929??? They remained at 8.2%.
For those in Rio Linda, that means that there was no upsurge in said profits during the decade.

f. But what about employee wages during the decade of the '20s?? They rose...from 55% to 60% of corporate income.

g. Wait...what about the percentage of GNP that went to consumption? Bet it fell, huh? Wrong.
It rose from 68% in 1920 to 75% in 1927, 1928, and 1929.
"Coolidge and the Historians," by Thomas B. Silver, p.124-136,
and Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.34-35

Liberalism....built on lies and the slander of better men.
Hahaha, the self fulfilling prophecy of the echo-chamber makes it's conclusion years before Obama completes his 2nd term.

I believe history will show the worst by far was President Bush (43). But I'll be dead and gone long before an accurate assessment can be made.

Accurate Assessment is code for Revisionist History.

Yeah, that's probably why Ray-Gun came out so well.

Since WW2, we have had more than a few crap Presidents. My top 3 worst are Johnson, Nixon, and Shrub. Of course, Ford, Carter, Bush1, and Obama haven't been anything to write home about either.
He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.
Funny how two people who were presidents in two of our happiest and most and prosperous decades - the 1920s and the 1980s - were Democrats or Democrat sympathizers early in their lives.

Reagan gets the credit that is due him, but Coolidge, I think, is underrated.

Far worse than underrated, wedgie.....he is smeared and lied about, perhaps worse even than Reagan, so that Liberals can make excused for FDR's mishandling of the recession into a Depression.

In order for the FDR's 'underconsumption thesis' to be true, where he and his economists blamed Coolidge for the economic collapse, these criteria must be met:
a. During the 1920s the rich had to be getting a significantly larger proportion of the national income. "... corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous..."

b. Employees must have been receiving a smaller share of corporate income. "... Very little of it went into increased wages; the worker was forgotten,..."

c. Consumers must have been consuming less of the GNP in the late '20s than in 1920. "... there was little or no drop in the prices that the consumer had to pay... The consumer was forgotten....."

Those are FDR's quotes after each.

Time to slice and dice the Liberal propaganda.

d. In 1921, the top 5% earned 25.47% of the nation's income...in 1929, the top 5%'s share skyrocketed all the way up to ......26.09%!!!!

e. Corporate profits? They averaged 8.2% from 1900 to 1920. But what about from 1920 to 1929??? They remained at 8.2%.
For those in Rio Linda, that means that there was no upsurge in said profits during the decade.

f. But what about employee wages during the decade of the '20s?? They rose...from 55% to 60% of corporate income.

g. Wait...what about the percentage of GNP that went to consumption? Bet it fell, huh? Wrong.
It rose from 68% in 1920 to 75% in 1927, 1928, and 1929.
"Coolidge and the Historians," by Thomas B. Silver, p.124-136,
and Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.34-35

Liberalism....built on lies and the slander of better men.
I'd rate Coolidge in the top three, after Jefferson and Madison.
Funny how two people who were presidents in two of our happiest and most and prosperous decades - the 1920s and the 1980s - were Democrats or Democrat sympathizers early in their lives.

Reagan gets the credit that is due him, but Coolidge, I think, is underrated.

Far worse than underrated, wedgie.....he is smeared and lied about, perhaps worse even than Reagan, so that Liberals can make excused for FDR's mishandling of the recession into a Depression.

In order for the FDR's 'underconsumption thesis' to be true, where he and his economists blamed Coolidge for the economic collapse, these criteria must be met:
a. During the 1920s the rich had to be getting a significantly larger proportion of the national income. "... corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous..."

b. Employees must have been receiving a smaller share of corporate income. "... Very little of it went into increased wages; the worker was forgotten,..."

c. Consumers must have been consuming less of the GNP in the late '20s than in 1920. "... there was little or no drop in the prices that the consumer had to pay... The consumer was forgotten....."

Those are FDR's quotes after each.

Time to slice and dice the Liberal propaganda.

d. In 1921, the top 5% earned 25.47% of the nation's income...in 1929, the top 5%'s share skyrocketed all the way up to ......26.09%!!!!

e. Corporate profits? They averaged 8.2% from 1900 to 1920. But what about from 1920 to 1929??? They remained at 8.2%.
For those in Rio Linda, that means that there was no upsurge in said profits during the decade.

f. But what about employee wages during the decade of the '20s?? They rose...from 55% to 60% of corporate income.

g. Wait...what about the percentage of GNP that went to consumption? Bet it fell, huh? Wrong.
It rose from 68% in 1920 to 75% in 1927, 1928, and 1929.
"Coolidge and the Historians," by Thomas B. Silver, p.124-136,
and Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.34-35

Liberalism....built on lies and the slander of better men.
I'd rate Coolidge in the top three, after Jefferson and Madison.

You probably know this quote:

Often misquoted as ‘The business of America is business,” he really said:
“... After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life.

… Wealth is the product of industry, ambition, character and untiring effort. In all experience, the accumulation of wealth means the multiplication of schools, the increase of knowledge, the dissemination of intelligence, the encouragement of science, the broadening of outlook, the expansion of liberties, the widening of culture.

Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement. So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it.”
January 17, 1925 Given before the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Far worse than underrated, wedgie.....he is smeared and lied about, perhaps worse even than Reagan, so that Liberals can make excused for FDR's mishandling of the recession into a Depression.

In order for the FDR's 'underconsumption thesis' to be true, where he and his economists blamed Coolidge for the economic collapse, these criteria must be met:
a. During the 1920s the rich had to be getting a significantly larger proportion of the national income. "... corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous..."

b. Employees must have been receiving a smaller share of corporate income. "... Very little of it went into increased wages; the worker was forgotten,..."

c. Consumers must have been consuming less of the GNP in the late '20s than in 1920. "... there was little or no drop in the prices that the consumer had to pay... The consumer was forgotten....."

Those are FDR's quotes after each.

Time to slice and dice the Liberal propaganda.

d. In 1921, the top 5% earned 25.47% of the nation's income...in 1929, the top 5%'s share skyrocketed all the way up to ......26.09%!!!!

e. Corporate profits? They averaged 8.2% from 1900 to 1920. But what about from 1920 to 1929??? They remained at 8.2%.
For those in Rio Linda, that means that there was no upsurge in said profits during the decade.

f. But what about employee wages during the decade of the '20s?? They rose...from 55% to 60% of corporate income.

g. Wait...what about the percentage of GNP that went to consumption? Bet it fell, huh? Wrong.
It rose from 68% in 1920 to 75% in 1927, 1928, and 1929.
"Coolidge and the Historians," by Thomas B. Silver, p.124-136,
and Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.34-35

Liberalism....built on lies and the slander of better men.
I'd rate Coolidge in the top three, after Jefferson and Madison.

You probably know this quote:

Often misquoted as ‘The business of America is business,” he really said:
“... After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life.

… Wealth is the product of industry, ambition, character and untiring effort. In all experience, the accumulation of wealth means the multiplication of schools, the increase of knowledge, the dissemination of intelligence, the encouragement of science, the broadening of outlook, the expansion of liberties, the widening of culture.

Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement. So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it.”
January 17, 1925 Given before the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Coolidge admired people who found dignity in work, whatever the work.
"Did you notice who was selected as the best by far?

Take a guess. "

Yeah I know. I disagree. That's when corporations started to run the whole show and the uber wealthy were given the keys to the country and the middle class was left out to hang. So I hold that against all those who governed in the 80's. I rank them low.

RR, the napper. Obviously, those polled did not live through 1/1981-1/1989.

He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.

The USSR didn't break up until 1991. Raygun left office in 1989.

He took the cheap imported oil route. By increasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy he decreased our long term national security. Times were good. Gas was cheap and cocaine was too. Good time brother, good times........

Once a corporate shill always a corporate shill. Didn't matter which coat tale he rode on.
RR, the napper. Obviously, those polled did not live through 1/1981-1/1989.

He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.

The USSR didn't break up until 1991. Raygun left office in 1989.

He took the cheap imported oil route. By increasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy he decreased our long term national security. Times were good. Gas was cheap and cocaine was too. Good time brother, good times........

Once a corporate shill always a corporate shill. Didn't matter which coat tale he rode on.
Yea, right. 'Cuz Gorbachev suddenly had a change of heart once Bush occupied the Oval Office.
FDR was faced with a Pub recession? LOL The hater dupes, it appears, hate no one more than Presidents who have to deal with the GOP's greatest failures.

OP- Just more evidence of Pub brainwashed "history", idiocy, hate, and racism...the world's laughingstock and horror.
Gorbachev ended the Soviet Union. We're lucky demented, covert operation Raygun didn't bring back Soviet hardliners with his confrontational bluster and subversion in Latin America, Lebanon, etc etc etc.
He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.

The USSR didn't break up until 1991. Raygun left office in 1989.

He took the cheap imported oil route. By increasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy he decreased our long term national security. Times were good. Gas was cheap and cocaine was too. Good time brother, good times........

Once a corporate shill always a corporate shill. Didn't matter which coat tale he rode on.
Yea, right. 'Cuz Gorbachev suddenly had a change of heart once Bush occupied the Oval Office.

Here's the money quote:

At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable: "There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people.

The 'Amazing and Mysterious Life' of Ronald Reagan | The National Interest

The Gorbachev story is just one more lie made up to take credit away from a conservative.
The idiots still don't see it as just part of the Liberal template.
Gorbachev ended the Soviet Union. We're lucky demented, covert operation Raygun didn't bring back Soviet hardliners with his confrontational bluster and subversion in Latin America, Lebanon, etc etc etc.

worst in 70 years s0n!!!! That's what the people say. Nobody cares about the opinions of the fringe k00ks

:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:you lOsE s0n:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

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