Who Is The Worst President Since WWII?

I wonder what president before WWII was worse than Obama.

The worst president ever was Woodrow Wilson, who gave us permanent income tax and sold us down the river with the creation of the Federal Reserve. That is the year our country went off course and it paved the way for more liberal bullshit in the future.
Obama is the worst for the following reasons.

A second 9/11, Benghazi.

The highest gas prices for the longest time in History.

Longest period of time with no economic growth.

Longest Recession in History.

Highest prices for food in History.

Highest prices for Electricity in History.

The first bolded: you are absolutely batshit crazy in the head if you think that anyone with any credibility at all can compare an ambush at an American installation in Libya, where 4 people were killed in battle, with a terror attack that murdered more than 3,000 innocents, disrupted air travel for days, crashed the stock market temporarily and left a deep scar in the American psyche.

The second bolded: that is a lie, simply a lie. The Great Depression, which started in 1929, lasted longer. In the USA, it lasted at least 12 years, if not longer. Unemployment just landed under 10% in December 1941, when we entered WWII.

Why are there so many RWNJs who lie out their asses and then wonder when they get called on the carpet for it? Wow.

You are entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts.
Hahaha, the self fulfilling prophecy of the echo-chamber makes it's conclusion years before Obama completes his 2nd term.

I believe history will show the worst by far was President Bush (43). But I'll be dead and gone long before an accurate assessment can be made.

You've got to be a real dunce if you don't recognize this truth before you.

Raise your paw.

Give him a break. Booosh is the only name that appears on his talking points.
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He only defeated the Evil Empire, while Liberals shook in their boots.....had didn't fire a shot

Then he provided the golden age of economic improvement for Americans.

And he fled the Democrat Party.

The three main reasons that the Liberal hate the man, and never miss an opportunity to fabricate lies about him.

The USSR didn't break up until 1991. Raygun left office in 1989.

He took the cheap imported oil route. By increasing our dependence on foreign sources of energy he decreased our long term national security. Times were good. Gas was cheap and cocaine was too. Good time brother, good times........

Once a corporate shill always a corporate shill. Didn't matter which coat tale he rode on.
Yes, and Ronnie ran up the debt, while decreasing spending for everything BUT Defense HARDWARE. Still, how Presidents make individuals feel is incalcuable, thus I do not challenge the results of the poll.

"...Ronnie ran up the debt,...."

Time to make Swiss cheese out of anther Reagan hater!!

1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

George Gilder: The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan - WSJ

Reaganomics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well, the thread started as kind of an informational thread (well, kinda) about a poll.

But it's kinda degenerated into a RW-circlejerk now. How quaint.

Carry on.


The far left Taliban still can not admit they backed worse than Bush.

Oh well until they grow up and can admit it then we may have made some real progress.

"The far left Taliban still can not admit they backed worse than Bush."

Kosh....I must add some detail:

...Liberals don't have the capacity to change their perspective. While they claim to support the law, these folks voted for:

a. affirmative action, creation of different classes based on skin color

b. a legislative icon who was responsible for the death of a young girl, and who plotted with the Russians against the President of the United States

c. a rapist who lost his license for perjury....

d. a radical who supports infanticide, and lived under the tutelage of an America-hater...
Hahaha, the self fulfilling prophecy of the echo-chamber makes it's conclusion years before Obama completes his 2nd term.

I believe history will show the worst by far was President Bush (43). But I'll be dead and gone long before an accurate assessment can be made.

I wonder what president before WWII was worse than Obama.

Franklin Pierce in my opinion as for worst since WW2 LBJ would be right up there for me.

You needed a period after 'worst,' and a comma after 'WW2.'

1. Let’s eat Grandma.

2. Let’s eat, Grandma.

Punctuation saves lives.

Wrong. The period goes after 'opinion', 'as' needs to be capitalized, and a comma after WW2 is optional.

I wonder what president before WWII was worse than Obama?

Franklin Pierce in my opinion. As for worst since WW2, LBJ would be right up there for me.

Or, "As for worst since WW2 LBJ would be right up there for me."
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